The Wandering Inn

Book 3: Chapter 41

Book 3: Chapter 41

Two days before Christmas, Ryoka stared up at a Frost Faerie and wondered how it had come to this.

Come on, Ivolethe. Please?

Nae. I wont do it!

Ivolethe folded her arms and glared at Ryoka and Laken. The Frost Faerie hovered outside of the Runners Guild as Laken and Ryoka stood and argued with her. Durene and Gamel and Reynold were all standing a bit back, watching the young man and woman argue with what was, to them, a fuzzy patch of air.

Ill make you the Archduchess of Presents. How about that?

Not if ye made me a Grofrstin! I wont act like an Ellylldanlike some common pixie! I refuse to guide Ryoka to your worthless little village!

Ivolethe sneered at Laken and flicked snow at his face. He recoiled as Ryoka tried another tact. Theyd been arguing with Ivolethe for fifteen minutes, but the Frost Faerie hadnt budged.

Come on, Ivolethe. We need your help. Youre the only one who could navigate through this snow.

She gestured at the thick, falling snow around them. It was already piling up on the ground, and it made looking down the street a chore. Travelling outside would mean getting lost and freezing to deathfor everyone but Ivolethe.

Nae. Not even for friendship, Ryoka. My pride will not allow it.

Please, Ivolethe? Think of the children.

The Frost Faerie paused. It was a low blow, but Ryoka saw it connect and pressed her advantage.

Theyre all by themselves in Lakens villageprobably hungry and cold. Think about that, Ivolethe. If I dont bring food and supplies to them, they might freeze to death!

Im thinking. So what?

Youd be doing a good thing. And youd be a hero. I bet theyll put up a statue to you, right, Laken?

She nudged the blind man. He rubbed at his side and nodded.

Oh, absolutely. Ill put up a statue to you, Ivolethe. I swear it.

The faerie wavered.

Wellperhaps. But does it have to be red?

Ryoka traded a glance with Laken. He didnt trade one back.

It would uh, be easier to see.

He spread his hands and smiled up towards Ivolethe.

Red is a very traditional color for Christmas, Ivolethe. And Rudolphs nose was red. If you changed the color youerm, youd be doing the same thing as him. He was a hero, you know. Very famous.


The Frost Faerie swooped down, intrigued. Laken nodded.

Oh yes. Rudolph isa, uh, legend where we come from. A folk hero, you could say. Beloved by all. Children everywhere in our world know his story.

Ryoka held her breath. Ivolethe flew back upwards and muttered to herself. She looked down at Ryoka and sighed.

A statue, ye say?

Laken nodded.

I swear it.

Ivolethe sighed. She looked down at the two Humans and nodded slowly.

 Well then. What shade must I be? Red of blood? Red of desert sand? Red of setting suns?

Ryoka could have cheered. She smiled at Ivolethe and held her hands up towards the faerie.

Bright red. Crimson, in fact. Like a flarelike this. See?

Ryoka held up her hands and concentrated. The [Flare] spell burst into life between her hands, a brilliant searing red light that made Gamel and Durene cover their faces. Laken didnt flinch.

I see. Let me try.

Ivolethe frowned at the brilliant red light and closed her eyes. She gritted her tiny teeth and then the blue aura surrounding her began to shift. The color blue deepened, and then turned purplethen a deep red, and then the same shade of brilliant red as the light in Ryokas hand.

Dead gods!

By the Five Families

Reynold, Durene, and Gamel reacted as the nimbus of light around Ivolethe changed. The faerie, her body of blue crystal ice now lit by a red glow which turned her entire form light pink, stared at Ryoka with a sour expression on her face.

It is done. Let us be off, Ryoka Griffin. I dislike this immensely, but I will help.

Thank you, Ivolethe.

The faerie stared at Laken, and then away. The [Emperor] turned to Ryoka as she bent to make sure the laces of her shoes were tied firmly.

I cant thank you enough for this.

Thank me after Im done. Its a long run, but Ill try to be back tomorrowor failing that, the day after that. I want to get back and then have Reynold bring me to Liscor. Hopefully I can make it in time for Christmas. If I cant, well, this is more important.

Laken reached out and Ryoka offered him a palm to grip.

Youre a good person, Ryoka Griffin.

So you say. Myself, Im not convinced.

He grinned and stepped back. Ryoka was doing a second check.

You have everything you need? Stamina potions?

At my belt, courtesy of the Runners Guild. Good thing these ones dont freeze solid. Octavias are sort of crap.

And you have the second bag of holding?

Here as well.

Ryoka patted the bag hanging at her side. It felt incongruous at her waistfar too light for what she knew it contained. Food for the village, extra blankets, tools they neededand presents! And yet the bag felt like it only held five pounds of weight.


She was ready to go. Ryoka stepped towards Ivolethe.


The faerie didnt answer her. Ryoka frowned.


The Frost Faerie was gazing towards the sky. She uttered an oathit sounded like it was in Celticand sprang up into the air. Ryoka had no idea whyuntil she saw the other blue shapes flying down towards her. She groaned.

Oh no.

Laken turned.

What is it?

Company. More Frost Faeries.

And thats a bad thing?

Ryoka didnt answer. She heard the tiny, crystal voices ringing through the air as the faeries flew down, circling Ivolethes lone red glow and laughing.

Sister, sister! What is this you do?

Shes changed her color! What rot! What foolishness!

Shut up! I do this for friendship and goodwill! Mock me not, fools!

Ivolethe roared at her sisters, flying angrily at them as they laughed and flew about her. Ryoka saw the faeries hitting each other and felt a shockthe Frost Faeries played rough! They didnt just pull at hairIvolethe bit one of her sisters in the arm and was mobbed by two of the others in return.

Hey, stop, stop!

Ryokas voice stilled the fighting above her for a second. Frost Faeries abandoned their squabble for an easier target. They flew around Ryoka, pointing and jeering.

Look, the boring one speaks!

So slow, so uninteresting! But she is with the ruler! Tell us, stupid one. Why is our sister red?

Shes helping me deliver aid to a village. Shes going to bea hero.

The faeries scoffed and laughed, but Ryoka knew them. She raised her hands.

You may not believe me, but Ivolethe is fulfilling a legend. Shes going to make children happy. You see, theres a story about a reindeer called Rudolph

She got only halfway into her explanation before the faeries swirled around her, laughing with delight.

A guide? What fun! We shall go too!

Yes, let us guide the silly Human!

Laken blinked, and Ryoka hesitated. He sidled over to her and whispered as they laughed and flew up and around them.

Theyre not like Ivolethe at all.

Some of them arent. I think these ones areyounger? Ivolethes old, but some of the other faeries seem pretty gung-ho about anything that seems interesting.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Ryoka scowled.

I dont know. But its better to have them on your side than against you.

I agree with that.

A change in the light above caught Ryokas attention. All of the faeries were copying Ivolethe, changing their colors. But they werent all turning red. No, some of them were turning green, others blue or purplein no time at all, a storm of colors flew about in the air.

I cant believe it.

Reynold was gaping and Durene and Gamel were staring upwards like children seeing fireworks or stars for the first time. Ryoka stared too.

Faeries, dancing in the night sky in every color imaginable. She felt something stir in her heart, but quashed it. She had a job to do.

She cleared her throat, and the faeries stopped flying about. Ryoka felt some semblance of ceremony was needed here, so she stood straight and pointed west, towards where Riverfarm lay.

Is everyone ready? Were going to Riverfarm, Lakens village. You know the way?

Ivolethe flew down and the faeries lined up behind her. She scowled.

Aye, these fools know. We go, then?

Ryoka nodded. She took a breath, and felt just a hint of Christmas spirit in her. Maybe that was what prompted her to say what she did next.

Alright then. On Ivolethe, on Blue Faerie, on Green Faerie, and Cinnabar Faerie! On Puce Faerie, on Indigo Faerie, on Yellow Faerie andyou know what? Lets just go.

The faeries laughed and flew ahead. Ryoka ran after them, cursing as her shoes slipped a bit on the snow.

Good luck!

Laken shouted after her. He couldnt see Ryoka leave, but he heard her footfalls die away quickly in the snow.

Shes gone, right, Durene?

Yes, Laken. Did you seeI mean, those Winter Sprites! Ive never seenuh

Youll have to tell me how amazing it was.

Laken smiled as he held out a hand and Durene took it. He carefully felt around at the rucksack he was carrying.

I hope Ryoka gets to Riverfarm all right. But I wont worry about it. For now, lets get inside, have something hot to drink, and rest. But before all thatDurene, this is for you.

For me?

The half-Troll blinked as Laken pulled something out of the rucksack. Hed had to buy it when she wasnt around with Gamels help, but the indrawn breath he heard from her was worth it.

Its a present. For you. Merry Christmas, Durene. I dont know what Id do or where Id be without you.

He held out the clumsily-wrapped box, and felt two large hands take it from him.

II dont knowthis is for Christmas, right? But how did youLaken.

Its for you. Open it.

Ive never gotten a present before. Ever.

Something constricted in Lakens chest. He reached out and touched Durenes hand.

Well, today you did.

He smiled. Durene stared down at the small box. Her hands trembled. She began to cry.

In the city of Invrisil, a blind man reached out and hugged a half-Troll girl as the snow began to fall harder outside. At the same time, a young woman ran out of the gates, following a red light that flew ahead of her. A stream of bright lights of every color flew around her, the only clear light in the darkness.


So, the presents will go here. If youve got them, put them here.

Erin was busy in her inn the day before Christmas. Shed made a list, distributed it, and been happily surprised to find that most of her present-givers had already picked appropriate presents for the people shed assigned them to.

Technically, they werent supposed to show her the presents, but Erin had forgotten to mention that presents were wrapped. A quick trip to Krshia solved that, and soon piles of bulky presents were occupying one corner of the inn.

It was a complex system Erin had devised, but in theory it meant that everyone who would be attending her party tomorrow would get two Christmas gifts. Assuming everyone bought presents, that was. Erin was worried shed forgotten to include someone, but she thought shed accounted for all who would be present.

And though they had only a day to get last-minute presents, Erin didnt think that would be an issue. There was Christmas spirit in the air. Everyone she knew, from both Celum and Liscor had heard about the holiday tradition by now. And most were quite eager to try it.

There was just something about giving and receiving gifts that appealed to people. Of course, the receiving mattered to some more than others.

Twice, Erin had to pull Mrsha away from her gift. The Gnoll was sniffing it and wagging her tail, and Erin was sure Mrsha could tell what was inside. But Mrsha was a kid, so excitement was understandable.

On the other hand, when it came to people like Relc, it was a bit more objectionable. The Drake had come to the inn early to drink and eat, and hed stared at the pile of presents avidly. Now he crept about the presents, turning them over and growing increasingly frustrated.

Hey! Wheres mine?

Relc pawed through the presents, looking for ones with his name on it. He found none, to his increasing displeasure.

Your Secret Santa might not have brought it yet. Youll get two, Relc, so dont worry.


Yeah! Dont worrySanta makes sure everyone gets a gift. Good kids, and bad ones. Although, the bad ones just get coal

Right, I forgot. Santa, yeah. Wheres that guy?

Relc scratched his head. Erin hadnt talked to him as long as the others. She feared he might have gotten the wrong idea about Santa Clausin that Relc hadnt figured out yet that Santa wasnt real. Still, she had more important things to do.

Some of the Gold-rank adventurers loitering about the inn watched as Erin climbed onto a chair and hung a large sprig in one corner of the room. They werent inclined to risk their necks in the dungeon around Christmas, so they had plenty of time to spare.

Whats that?

Revi wrinkled her nose as Erin nudged the collections of leaves and berries ever so slightly to the right. Erin turned and smiled wickedly.

Mistletoe! Havent you heard about that?

Sensing something else interesting, more people drew over to look doubtfully up at the somewhat dead leaves and white berries. Erin had been surprised to see they were white. Shed always thought of them as red. But this was the mistletoe Krshia had given her.

Whats that supposed to do? Are we supposed to jump up and eat those berries? They look poisonous to me.

Ceria wrinkled her nose as she stared at the berries. Erin laughed and shook her head.

No! You kiss if youre under it! Any people who stand under mistletoe have to kiss. Its a Christmas tradition!

Not one shed practiced at home or ever in her world, actually, but Erin thought it was a fun idea.

The change that came over the people standing before was immediate, though. Ceria and Yvlon hurried out of the mistletoes radius as if they were on fire. The others stared at each other.

Well, that sounds like fun! Hey Typhenous!

The [Mage] was too slow. Jelaqua Ivirith caught him and kissed him on the lips. He shuddered.


Sorry. Dead skin and all that. But thats the tradition. Hey, Seborn, Moore. Want to try?

The other two Halfseekers shook their head. Theyd stayed away from the mistletoe and werent approaching.

Halrac and Ulrien stared up at the mistletoe. They stared at each other. Ulrien coughed.

Um, Miss Erin. Is there any hex or curse that activates if two people dont kiss under the mistletoe?

No. Its just fun.


Halrac stomped quickly out of range. Ulrien followed suit.

Well, I dont see what the problem is. Its just a kiss.

Revi strolled over to the mistletoe, not standing quite beneath it as she looked around challengingly. She smiled mockingly at Typhenous who was taking a drink after being kissed by Jelaqua.

A kissing game sounds fun. It reminds me of when I was younger. Wed swap mouths and kiss each other at parties.

She tapped the stitch marks around her lips. Erin paused.

Wow. Okay. Um, this is really just more of a tradition.

Why have a place to kiss if you wont do it? Whos good at kissing?

Ill try.

Pisces stepped forwards, to everyones great surprise. Revi looked him up and down, but then she smirked.

Why not?

Erin opened her mouth, raised her hand, and then waved it about, but she couldnt stop what happened next. Pisces and Revi stepped beneath the mistletoeand kissed.

It wasnt long. There werent any sucking sounds or visibly tongue-in-cheek moments. But when it was done, Pisces stepped away looking slightly smug. And Revi


Everyone in the room stared at her. Pisces sauntered back towards the other Horns of Hammerad and winked at Ksmvr. Erin heard the Antinium whispering to Pisces.

I do not understand what happened. Comrade Pisces, please explain kissing

Had your fun?

Halrac asked Revi in an acidic tone as she stepped away from the mistletoe. Revi fanned at her face, glancing at Pisces.

Well, that was surprising. Hesnot bad.

Not bad?

Relc stared at Pisces. He laughed.

You cant be good or bad at kissing!

That shows what you know.

Revi stared archly at him. Relc paused.

Wait, you can be good at kissing?

Revi, Typhenous, Ulrien, and Seborn nodded. Revi wandered back over to the mistletoe, and this time Jelaqua went with her. Other people from both genders drifted over.

Erin watched with part horror, part fascination. This wasnt how mistletoe was supposed to be used, surely! But it seemed like there was actual skill at kissing being measured. Some were better than others. And apparentlyPisces was one of the best.

You know, back home I was told that anyone who could tie a cherry stem into a knot with their tongue was a really good kisser.

Erin mentioned that as she brought out some dried cherries shed bought with that very fact in mind. Revi took a break from testing one of the [Actors] from Celum whod come in for breakfast, and took a stem. She and quite a few people popped the cherries into their mouths and chewed thoughtfully.

Erin glanced around the room as she circulated with testing cherries. Now that she lookedshe had a good distribution of races and genders today. People had come from both Liscor and through the door in Celum. There were Drakes, Gnolls, and a lot of Humans, male and female. She glanced at the mistletoe, where a few red-faced people and more with smiles on their faces were grouped. She had a bad feeling she knew what was coming next.


Ceria spat out a completely un-knotted cherry stem into the palm of her hand and scowled.

Not for me.


Revi had bent her stem, but not managed to tie it into a knot. Neither had most of the people in the room. Jelaqua had, but Seborn called foul because shed done it with her Selphid parts, not her actual tongue. But then Pisces pulled out a cherry stem with a knot tied right in the center.

Everyone stared at him. Jasi came over and stood beneath the mistletoe. She waved a claw at Pisces. She shrugged at Erin as the [Innkeeper] gave her a betrayed look.

This is so wrong.

She muttered as she saw Pisces become a target for kisses from the opposite gender. Ceria, standing next to her, shook her head.

You put the mistletoe up, Erin. What did you think was going to happen?

Not this! I mean, whys Pisces getting all the kisses?

The half-Elf shrugged, staring at Pisces and not looking at Erin.

Hesnot bad at kissing. Thats why. Its fun to kiss him. He certainly got enough practice back in Wistram.

Erin stared at Ceria. She opened her mouth, and then turned away.

I dont want to know! Gah! Mistletoe failure!

The entertainment for the day continued as Erin served food to her guests. Word spread fast, and within a few hours more people came from both Celum and Liscorostensibly to eat and get out of the cold, but mainly to try the kissing game, which was what the mistletoe had become.


Relc had lingered hopefully around the mistletoe for quite some time until he realized everyone was avoiding him. He stomped off, grumbling about stupid Humans, half-Elves, String People, and Drakes. He left some coins on his table and left the inn, feeling unhappy and out of sorts. No matter how long hed waited, no one had brought a gift with his name on it. But Erin had said hed get a gift! Two!

On the way back towards Liscor, Relc met Klbkch. The Antinium was hurrying up the hill and glancing over his shoulder. He seemed to be worried hed be spotted.

Yo, Klb. Whats the hurry?

I am attempting to avoid meeting my fellow Antinium from the Hive. If you are asked, you did not see me.

Relc nodded in an understanding way. He didnt understand much about Klbkchs Hive or the relationship the Antinium had with the othersthey all looked pretty much the same to Relcbut the Drake did understand not wanting to be spotted by angry people who had business with him.

Theres no point in going to the inn. Erins hung a bunch of mistletoe up.


Klbkch stared at Relc. The Drake nodded grumpily.

Yup. That means if you stand beneath it, you have to kiss. Only, no one wants to kiss me.

Is Erin participating in this ritual?

Nope. But Ive got bad news for you, Klb old buddy. Remember when Erin told us about the Secret Santa thing? With the presents?

Yes. I have obtained mine, although I have not placed them in her inn.

Well, you might want to hold off for a second. I checked and I didnt find any presents for me. Not one. And Im supposed to be getting two! Andget thisI didnt find any for you, either.

Klbkch paused.

That is odd. Perhaps the gifts have not been placed yet.


Relc shrugged moodily. He stared back at the inn, and lowered his voice as he confided in his partner.

Im worried we might not get any. Well, I know Ill get some because everyone loves me. But you might not. Since youre an Ant. Yknow?

This is a distinct possibility. The Secret Santas may object to my identity.

Yeah. SoI was thinking, why dont we do a few good deeds today? I figure, if we show how Christmas-y we are, people will probably get us gifts anyways. Plus, dont we get more presents if were good? That Santa guy brings them, right?

Klbkch hesitated. He seemed to think as he crossed his arms.

I did recall Bird mentioning something to that effect. But he wasvague. Is that what Erin said?

Yeah! Look, you werent here, but I heard her telling that thief-girl all about it. Good deeds means you get presents. So why dont we do some?

I take it you have an idea in mind?

I might.

Relc grinned as he rubbed at his chin. His dour mood had been replaced by a fun idea.

Okay, heres what I was thinkingIll run into the city and buy some stuff. You just need to find me a bag, a red suit, and uh, a beard. Make it white.

Very well. Let us proceed with your idea.

The two [Guardsmen] headed back towards Liscor. That was fortunate for Klbkch, because an irate Antinium with blue shell missed him as she strode towards the inn.

Xrn opened the door and saw Revi step away as Typhenous hopefully tried for a kiss under the mistletoe. The Antinium watched with fascination, her ire with the elusive Klbkch forgotten as she witnessed several kissesand those who didnt get to kiss at all.

Ew! Typhenous, no! Your breath smells horrible!

The old [Mage] was crestfallen. He eyed Pisces as the younger man went back for round two with Revi. When Pisces was done, Typhenous caught the younger man.

How is your breath not objectionable, young Pisces?

Pisces paused. He took something out of a pocket and handed it to Typhenous. The mage stared down at the bit of green in his wrinkled palm. Pisces winked and whispered.

Mint leaves.

The old man stared at the leaves and then popped them into his mouth and chewed determinedly. The people whod heard Pisces immediately left the inn to get some fresheners for their mouths.

Erin threw her hands up in the air.

Its not supposed to be a competition!

She stomped over to the door to Octavias shop as Wesle hurried through it. Erin was going to close it, but Octavia called out.

Erin! Erin! Get in hereI have something to show you!

Erin paused at the doorway. She looked back at the kissing games, once again featuring Pisces as a main attraction and decided Octavia beat her inn. She walked through the door. What she and the occupied people of the inn didnt notice was Mrsha, bored with the proceedings, slipping into Octavias shop as well.

What have you got, Octavia?


The [Alchemist] was waving a bundle of what looked like twigs to Mrsha in front of Erins face. The Gnoll squinted and sniffed quietly as she hid in Octavias shop. She knew she wasnt supposed to be here, but there were so many fascinating smells here! And Octavia had something strange in her hands.

They looked like small sticks, but with a bulb ofwell, something strange on the ends. Erin had recognized them, though.

Matches! No way! Thats it, exactly! Do they work?

Octavia beamed, nodding and making her dreadlocks swing as she held one up to the light so Erin could see.

Its my newest creation. Its not stableI could do more with it, but you see, Ive found a way to blend just a tiny bit of Corusdeer horn with sulfur andlook!

She swiped the match down the side of the sandpaper box. Erin and Mrsha both gasped as the head of the match suddenly burst into flame. The Gnoll stared avidly at the flame on the end of the stick. How had Octavia done that? Shes simply moved the matchand there was fire! Was it magic? The Gnoll cub desperately wanted to try to do the same.

You did it! Thats incredible! Howd you do it in one day?

Well, when youre a talented [Alchemist]I uh, might have made a few dozen prototypes. And stayed up all night. But once I realized how the general idea worked, it just came to me!

Octavias eyes were more than a bit red and she was swaying slightly on her feet. She put the box of matches on her counter as she explained more about how shed made them to Erin.

Mrsha crept towards the counter. She hesitatedErin and Octavia were right next to her. But Erin was pointing back towards the open door to her inn and loudly complaining about Pisces kissing all the girlsand them enjoying it!

Octavia looked over, and Mrsha stood up. She snatched the box of matches and scampered away, silent as a moth in the moonlight.

Ill give you a box. I can make a lot moreand if I perfect the formula, Ill be selling them for silver coins!

Not bronze?

Im not giving my product away for nothing, Erin! Butlets just say Ill be making a bundle if I get this business off the ground. And I have you to thank for it!

Cool! How much is my cut?

The [Alchemist]s eyes widened. She began to splutter, before she saw Erins teasing grin. Still, that was an important point. Octavia took a breath and then she saw the door to her shop open, and a small bundle of white fur scamper out.


Mrsha held one of the new matchsticks up in the cold morning air as she proceeded down the streets of Celum. Quite a few people were staring at herGnolls werent common at all in this city. Mrsha ignored them, and stopped by a street crossing.

How had Octavia done it? Shed just struck the matchpulled it fast against the side of the sandpaper. Like

Mrsha slowly grated the matchstick against the sandpaper. It didnt work. But then she moved her paw faster and the head flared and burst into flame!

Mrsha instantly dropped the matchstick in alarm. It went out as it landed in some snow. She peered at the stick, heart beating fast.

Fire! Shed made fire!

It was an instinctual thing, for Gnolls to love fire. Like Humans and Drakes, it was that which had helped them separate themselves from the part that was simply wild. It had brought order and light into the night, shown them that they didnt have to hide in the darkness.

And Mrsha had made it. Without a flint and rocks. Without the need for dry tinder and time. Shed made fire.

And it had gone out. Mrsha rooted around in the snow, and found the matchstick again. She tried to reignite the head, but it was burnt out.

So they only worked once. But that was okaythe box Mrsha had taken had plenty of matches. She drew another, and lit it.

The small flicker of light on the cold winter day was insignificant. Small. It was something that would have passed unnoticed in Erin and Ryokas worldwell, excluding the present. Any child doing that on a street now would probably cause a bomb scare. But in general, the match was an antiquated, ordinary thing. Who would pay attention to Mrsha and her box of matches in the cold?

Everyone, thats who. A woman passing on the street stared as Mrsha lit the second match and held it up in the wind. She blinked at the Gnoll. She suspected magic, but the way Mrsha blew out the flame and then lit another match informed her that it was not magic. She stopped and spoke to the Gnoll.

How did you do that?

Mrsha looked up in alarm. She understood the woman, but the first thing in her mind was guilt. Did she know Mrsha had taken the box without asking? Mrsha scampered away.

Hey, wait!

Mrsha ran back towards the shop. Then she saw who was striding down the street and ran back. Octavia caught sight of Mrsha and shouted.

There you are! Wait you little minx!

There was a certain tone adults could use that told children the consequences of not obeying would be far worse than if they did. Mrsha halted reluctantly. She hid the match box behind her as Octavia strode over.

I saw that! YoureMrsha, right? Well, that box belongs to me. You cant just go around taking thingseven if Erin does take care of you! Give it back!

She held her hand out. Mrsha eyed it and clutched the box tightly. She didnt want to give it back! The matches were magical in a way that magic wasnt!

Come on. Theyre mineyou cant take them! If you want them, you can get them from Erin. Now givethemhere!

Octavia was engaged in a tug-of-war with Mrsha when the woman whod seen Mrsha light the match coughed politely.

Excuse me, are you the creator of those things?

Then Octavia let go and Mrsha tumbled backwards with the box of matches. She fled a few feet away and turned to watch as Octavia stood and smiled sheepishly at the woman.

I am, Miss. Im sorry you had to see thata bit of reclamation of lost goods, Im afraid. Dont worrytheyre not dangerous.

Oh, I know. But I was wonderingdo you have any more?


Octavia blinked.

Id love to buy some of theseflame strikers? Im no [Mage] and these seem far quicker than flint and steel. What do you charge for a box?

The woman was already pulling out a purse. Octavia gaped, but then she put her best smile on her face.

I happen to have a fewtheyre very experimental and new, of course. But I think I can quote you an affordable price

Mrsha watched, eyes narrowed, as coins changed hands. The woman went away with a boxhalf filled with matchesand Octavia pocketed a few silver and bronze coins. Mrsha backed away warily as Octavia turned towards her. Only this time Octavia didnt try to take Mrshas matches.

Well now, that was interesting.

The [Alchemist] took a few steps towards Mrsha. The Gnoll tensed, ready to run rather than be scolded, but instead the [Alchemist] girl appeared thoughtful. She squatted down next to Mrsha.

Advertising, hmm? I never wanted to pay for that, but if you consider that child labor is freewhy not? Its worth a shot! Little Miss, would you like a job selling those match sticks for me?

Mrsha just stared blankly at her. She didnt quite trust Octavias smile, for all the [Alchemist] did it often. She edged away from Octavia.

Waitokay, not a job!

Octavia waved her hands frantically as Mrsha looked down the street. She sighed as the Gnoll stared at her. Then Octavia smiled again.

I dont mind you taking the box of matches, Mrsha. I really dont. In fact, you can have them! Light up all of them if you want! What if I gave you these matches as well

Mrsha found a second box of matches pressed into her paw.

And you go out there and, uh, show them off? Drum up a little business? Ill let you sell a few, and you can keep a thirdhalfokay, fine, you can keep what you earn. But you have to show people where you got them, alright?

The Gnoll child stared at the second box of matches, and then up at Octavia with narrowed eyes. This wasnt how getting in trouble was supposed to go, she knew. But Octavia appeared jolly all of a sudden.

Just bring back people to my shop, okay? Tell themokay, Ill tell them. You just come back when you need more matches! I have to make more! A lot more!

She reached out and shook Mrshas paw energetically. Then Octavia went back towards her shop. She turned back and mimed striking another match.

When she was gone, Mrsha scratched her head. Shed understood only a bit of that, but somehow, she now had another box of matches! She thought a bit more, and decided that this was good.

The Gnoll padded back to the intersection and sat down on the paving stones. The men and women of Celum stared at the Gnoll, white and beautiful, sitting in the middle of their city. And they stared as she moved something in her hands and it burst into flame.

Fire. Mrsha struck a match and stared into the small burning torchs heart. She remembered fire. Fire was important in her tribes camp. It was something that gave heat, food, life. It was the center of their existence, in a way. It kept the dark and monsters and fear of the night at bay.

For Mrsha, it was memory. She felt the heat on her claws and flicked the nearly spent match away. Then she lit another one.

People walking down the street stared and pointed at the little Gnoll lighting matches. But Mrsha was far away. She stared into the fire and remembered home. Shed dreamed of tending the fires, of being old enough to manage her own camp site. And now she had the ability to create fires at will.

Another spent match fell into the snow and smoked for a second before extinguishing itself completely. Mrsha sighed.

So brief. So short. But while it lasted

She lit another one, and the flame burned away a falling snowflake. It lit up part of the world, and a man walking down the street stopped and stared at the match held in Mrshas paw.

It was very pretty. And warm. Mrsha just had to be careful, or the stick would burn down and scorch her fur.


That was Celum, and the small miracle that stopped a street. In Liscor, a different sort of event was happening. It was localized, and went from house to house, usually terrorizing families. They would have called the Watch, but that was sort of the problem.

In the house of the Bitterscale family, the father, mother, and young boy and girl Drakes were sitting down to eat some lovely, fresh Fortress Beaver roast. It was a happy family, untroubled by thoughts of adventurers, Goblin Lords, or the new dungeon for the moment. They were about to eat when someone pounded on the door.

Whos that?

Frowning, Wress Bitterscale went to answer the door. He opened it and found a huge Drake, dressed in an ill-fitting red costumethat was to say, leather armor painted red, with a red hat on his head and a lumpy bag slung over one shoulder.

Hey! Is everyone here? Good!

Relc grinned down at Wress. He pulled the door open wider and strode into the house.

Wress? Whos there?

Vessra Bitterscale cried out in alarm as Relc strode into the room. The two children stared up at Relc as he grinned down at them, showing off all his teeth. He dropped the bag he was carrying onto the ground with a thump and waved at the kids.

Hey there! Merry Christmas! Im Santa. Santa Claus. Wheres your chimney? Have you been bad or good? Ive got coal!

The children backed away from Relc. He frowned as he rummaged around in his sack.

What? Hold onsome of these are broken. Ive got tohey, Klb! Get in here and help spread the cheer!

He turned and roared towards the doorway. Wress stared in horror as someone else entered the home. The two Bitterscale children stared up with wide eyes as an Antinium, tall and lithe, walked into the room. He had two swords sheathed at his side, and he walked like a soldier. He also had a rough beard made of goats hair glued to his face.

Klbkch clicked his mandibles as he stared down at the children. They appeared to be rooted to the spot with terror. As this was how most children acted around him, Klbkch thought hed made a good impression. He slapped his belly with a crack of chitin on carapace, making all the Drakes flinch.

Ho. Ho. Ho. Have you been good children this year? If not, you will get the coal.

The Bitterscale family stared at the two guardsmen. They stared towards the door. But there was nowhere to run. And then Relc pulled out a clumsily wrapped dagger and tried to give it to the daughter.

Point-first. In fairness though, that was an accident.


She waseight hours into her run? Ryoka had no idea, but she was cold, wet

And not feeling too bad. Ryoka had downed the second stamina potion thirty minutes ago, and that was keeping her going. As she ran through deep snow, following the shimmering lights overhead, she felt the burning energy inside her, giving her legs the strength to run.

The Runners of Invrisil knew how to prepare for long treks. The Guild had not only given Ryoka several stamina potions to allow her to run all night, but theyd given her a healing potion as well. It helped with the chafing, the sore feet, and the occasional falls onto the hard ground. It wasnt fun running in the middle of a blizzard towards a village, but, Ryoka had to admit, it wasnt bad.

The Frost Faeries made all the difference. They flew ahead of her, lighting the way. Without them, Ryoka wouldnt have known where to go. But they led her on, giving her the surety that she was going in the right direction.

The only problem was her speed. Despite her potions, Ryoka still wasnt moving that quickly in such horrible conditions. Of course, she wasnt going that slow either.

The snow was ankle-deep in the best of places and getting deeper by the hour but Ryoka had gotten used to running in such conditions. She wouldnt have called her progress fast, but when she stuck to the relatively shallower roads she made good progress. She might have to run late into the night, but shed probably get to the village on time, especially with the stamina potions.

Unfortunately, not everyone saw it that way. The trouble had started five hours into the run. Ryoka had heard grumbling from up ahead, but it had been silenced by Ivolethe. Three hours later, though, she could hear the complaints from the faeries flying around her.

Hurry up, slow slug! We dont have all day!

Yes, run faster! Snail! Worm!

They were getting bored. That was the problem. The other faeries that had joined Ivolethe had quickly lost the spirit of giving and regained the spirit of boredom.

And spitefulness.

Ryoka felt a snowball smack her on the back of the head. She gritted her teeth. Shed forgotten how objectionable most Frost Faeries were. Ivolethe was sweet as candy compared to her sisters.

Im moving as fast as I can.

Not fast enough!

Yes, we tire of this! Lets do something interesting!

A chorus of voices agreed with the second speaker. Ryoka shook her head.

If youre tired, you can leave. Im going to keep running, though.

The faeries grumbled, but made no reply. They flew away from Ryoka, letting their lights fade in the flurrying snow. Ryoka prayed theyd left as she continued onwards, following the edge of a pond of some kind. She stared at Ivolethes red light ahead, using it as a compass.

It turned left. Ryoka followed it

And found herself tumbling down a cliff. She shouted in confusion as the ground gave way beneath her and she slip and fell downwards. She hit the ground and lay there stunned for second. Then she found her voice.

Ivolethe! What the hell was that!?

It was not me!

The faerie flew towards Ryoka as the girl got up. Ryoka took a step towards Ivolethe, but then she spotted another red light floating towards her. And another. And another

Hah! We got her, sisters!

She fell! Let us do it again!

The other faeries, now all glowing the same color as Ivolethe, swooped around Ryoka, crowing with delight. Ryoka swore loudly.

You have got to be kidding me! Stop that! I need to get to Riverfarm!

Hah! This is far more fun than bringing you!

Yes, yes! She wants to go to that stinking village? Let her find the way. Only, which way is the right way? Choose, mortal!

Ivolethe, or a faerie that might have been her, swooped closer to Ryokas face.

This way. Ignore those fools!

Another faerie flew past her.

No, you idiot! This way! Im the real Ivolethe, not that faker!

No, its me!

Nae, I!

Ignore all these clods! Run, and do not look back!

Suddenly, all the faeries were flying around Ryoka, in every direction. She swore as the red lights spread out around her, each one shouting her name. Ryoka cupped her hands to her mouth.

Ivolethe! Tell me about my German!

Tis rot! A moose gargling a toad sounds far better!

One of the faeries ahead of Ryoka shouted that. Ryoka grinned and ran towards it as the other faeries made annoyed noises. Ivolethe led Ryoka onwards, but now the other faeries were flying around Ryoka, getting in her way, spraying her with snow

And trying to lead her astray. Like the will o wisps that Ivolethe had resented being compared to, the faeries tried to confuse themselves with Ivolethe, flying in her path and then breaking away. Ryoka attempted to keep her eyes on Ivolethe, but the faeries constantly mimicked her voice, claiming Ryoka had been led astray.

Soon, Ryoka had no idea if she was following the right Ivolethe again. She shouted, got a response, and set off once more. But again the faeries made her progress grind to a halt.

Fuck you!

She shouted up at the glowing red lights flying in every direction. The faeries laughed mockingly. Ryoka felt despair and fury building in her chest. She couldnt get lost out here! But there was no way to get rid of the faeries! And she couldnt tell them apart!

As Ryoka stumbled onwards through a forest with faeries shouting and flying in every direction, she heard and felt the earth rumble. The Runner turned and saw something huge moving to the left. The ground itself heaved upwards as faeries cried out in alarm and scattered.

What in the name of crap is that!?

Ryoka sprinted away as the snow erupted and something swiped at the faeries who had been shouting so loudly a second ago. They flew away as Ryoka saw the thing heave itself up even higher.

Higher. And higher. It rose, a colossus, out of the ground. Noit wasnt out of the ground. Ryoka realized to her horror that it had been the ground itself! It had been slumbering, until her noisy passage had woken it. But now it rose, and turned towards her. She saw it.

A giant face. A wall of ice. Broken shards. Melted snow. Two massive eyes formed of rock. And then the mouth opened. The Frost Golem roared, its voice the sound of crashing snow and grinding stone.

The faeries screamed back. A flurry of red lights flew up and dove at the Frost Golems face, striking it with ice and wind, castigating the massive creature for interrupting their fun.

The ice was probably no harm at all to the Golem, but it disliked the attacks. It swiped at the faeries, and they flew away, jeering at it as they effortlessly dodged the large creature. But they had been distracted, and the Golem began to chase after them, roaring in a voice that shook the entire forest.

Quickly, Ryoka! While they are distracted!

A single red light flew down. Ryoka saw Ivolethe beckoning her onwards. Ryoka took one look at the Snow Golem and froze. It was chasing the Frost Faeries away, giving them a far larger target to harass. But that wasnt what made her eyes go wide and her knees suddenly weak.

No way.

What is it, Ryoka?

Ivolethe stared at Ryokas pale face. The girl swallowed hard.

I cant believe it. I cant. Its not possible.

What, what?

Ivolethe peered at the Snow Golem, but couldnt see anything odd about it. She urged Ryoka onwards as the Golem thundered away from them, making the ground shake. Ryoka ran on, turning her head to watch the Snow Golem.

It was impossible. And yetRyoka saw it so clearly as she broke out of the forest, following Ivolethe. The Snow Golem was a distant shape in the distance, already nearly obscured by the blizzard.

It was just a Snow Golem, a natural phenomenon in this world. It didnt look like a classic snowman at all; it was a mountain of ice rather than three spheres stuck together. And yet

It had a hat.

The black mass on its head was too much like a top hat for Ryoka to call it anything else. Her brain knew it was probably some trees or boulders sticking out at odd angles. That, combined with the darkness made it look like a hat. That was all.

But still, she saw it. The Snow Golem wore a hat on its head as it roared and chased the other faeries away. Ryoka stared after it, and then began to hum under her breath. She turned and called out to the hovering faerie glowing crimson.

Ivolethe? Lets go.

The faerie led her onwards. Ryoka pumped her legs, put her force into her stride. She ran onwards, bringing gifts and relief for a village that needed it. But her head turned one last time as she ran. She spoke under her breath.

Thanks, Frosty.

A distant roar was her only response. Ryoka smiled, and kept running.


A few hours after Mrsha had lit her first matchstick, she lit the one hundred and twenty third and watched the flame slowly eat away the stick. She held it close to her face and felt the heat warm her paw. Then she looked up and around Octavias shop. It was getting quite noisy.

Ill take five boxes!

Six, here! Ill pay with silver!

A gold coin if you show me how to make them! Five!

People were quite agitated about the matchsticks Mrsha was having so much fun lighting. Mrsha understood and didnt understand at the same time. To her matches were fun, enjoyable, and magical. To the people whod followed her off the streets and into Octavias shop, they were something more.

They were crowded around Octavias shop, Humans, Drakes, and Gnolls alike. Adults shouted for the [Alchemist]s attention, demanded to know if this was her inventionif she would sell them the matches for the same price Mrsha had. Octavia was under siege at her counter. Mrsha saw her desperately waving one of her arms over her head with the other to get peoples attention, but it was no use.

There were so many bodies in the shop that the door was stuck open, letting the cold snow blow into the building. Snowflakes whirled around Mrsha. One struck her match and put it out.

Mrsha let the spent match drop to the ground and looked around. So many people. So many burnt matches. They were small things, but important. New. Bright.

Then Mrsha sneezed. It was cold, even for her. She peered at the last burnt matchstick and decided she was going home.

The Gnoll padded between the legs of the adults and opened the door back to Erins inn. She walked through, and carefully closed the door behind her.

Mrsha! Where have you been?

A voice made Mrsha spin guiltily. Lyonette strode over to her, all worry and loving concern.

Ive been looking for you all day! Youre freezing! Did you go outside? I told you to tell me when you do that!

She ushered Mrsha out of the way of a Gnoll and Drake couple who were kissing at each other.

Into the kitchen. I have something to show youoh, rats! Wait here. Ive got to clean up a spill.

Mrsha obediently padded into the kitchen. There she relaxed as the snow on her fur began to melt. Something dug into her side as Mrsha stretchedshe pulled out a small pouch, her pouch, filled to the brim.

Mrsha sat and emptied the bulging money pouch onto the ground. Coins clinked as they fell onto the ground. People had given Mrsha a lot of coins for her matches. And Octavia kept giving her more matches, so things had just sort of piled up.

A small mound of wet coins lay on the clean kitchen floor. Mrsha sniffed at the coins. They smelled like metal and sweat and dirt. She carefully picked them all up and stood up. Clumsily, she walked on two legs to the small pottery jar that Lyonette had put on the counter in the corner of the kitchen.

It took Mrsha two tries to jump and pull herself up onto the counter. But then she was right next to the jar. Mrsha opened the lid and carefully dropped the coins into the jar. They made a lovely tinkling sound as they fell. Then she put the lid back in place.


The Gnoll child jumped. Before she could move, two hands lifted her away from the jar. Lyonette scolded her as she lifted Mrsha up.

You know you cant take money from the jar! Do you want some coins? I can give you a few bronze onesbut no taking without asking, alright?

Mrsha squirmed in Lyonettes arms. The girl sighed.

Oh, you! Here. Sit there for one more second, and Ill give you a treat, alright?

Lyonette went over to one of the ovens and pulled something out. Mrshas nose made her sit up and her stomach rumbled as she saw a huge pan of golden bread appear from out of the oven.

What do you think of this?

Lyonette gleefully turned and showed it to Mrsha. She picked up a stick of butter that had been chilled next to the window and began to rub it over the top of the fresh bread as she explained.

Erin has somewhat did she call it? Baking powder, thats right! It makes the bread puff up like this! She made some and it smells delicious, dont you think?

Mrsha did think. She licked her lips and stared avidly at the freshly baked bread. The stick of cold butter that Lyonette had rubbed all over the tops had made the bread glisten. Mrsha had never seen bread so plump and full.

She greedily reached for one roll, but Lyonette smacked Mrshas paw. The Gnoll gave her an injured look, but Lyonette was unmoved.

You can have some with everyone else. Come on, lets bring this out. You can carry a pitcher of mactually, why dont you take the butter? Dont trip!

Obediently, Mrsha took a saucer of warm, soft butter out into the kitchen. Her stomach was rumbling, and she could already almost taste the wonderful bread in her mouth. She smiled as she walked unsteadily out of the kitchen and put the butter on a table. She had already forgotten about Octavia and her latest invention.

Mrsha liked matches, but she liked being here a lot better.


Breads ready! Ohfor crying out loud!

Erin turned from the freshly-cut pieces of steaming bread coated liberally with butter and nearly ran into a couple smooching hard under the mistletoe.


Selys and a Gnoll that Erin didnt know jumped apart from under the mistletoe. The Gnoll was blushinghe was a bit younger than Erin, and clearly embarrassed to have been caught out. Selys grinned and waved at the scowling innkeeper.

Hi, Erin. I uh, heard about the mistletoe. I thought Id give it a whirl.

You and everyone else! Im sick of it!

Aw, come on. Its fun!

So said Revi, although her lips were a bit puffy from repeated mouth-to-mouth contact. Erin sighed. She beckoned Selys over and whispered to her.

Kissing is fine. Just dont kiss Pisces, no matter if he offers, alright? Hes getting a fat head because he thinks hes such a good kisser!

Selys eyebrows rose as she glanced over. Pisces was looking more smug than ever as he sat at a table with Ksmvr. Ceria and Yvlon were sitting at another table, ignoring him.

Hes good?

So Im told.

Erin made a face as Selys eyed Pisces. She looked around and found a few cherries on a tray.

Its become a huge thing. People come in, kiss each other, and try to tie knots with cherries. Im making money, but I feel bad doing it!

Whats so special about cherries?

Erin explained about tying knots in the stems. Selys looked intrigued.

That sounds like fun! Give me one.

She chewed the cherry thoughtfully as Erin sighed and began to offer bread to her hungry hordes of customers.

You look tired. Why havent you gotten a few kisses? Its fun!

I dont want to. Especially not with Pisces.

Erin frowned at Selys. The Drake shrugged. She took the cherry stem out of her mouth and handed it to Erin. The [Innkeeper] took it automatically.

Suit yourself. Butand Im sorry about this, ErinIve got to see what the best kissers like. Hey, Pisces! Come over here, you!

The [Necromancer] looked up as Selys waved to him under the mistletoe. He smirked and came over. Erin shook her head.

She turned away, and then remembered Selys had given her the cherry stem. She glanced down at it. The girl blinked as she saw the cherry stem, tied into a double-knot.

She looked up as she heard the laughter and a cheer. Selys sauntered away from Pisces to a round of applause from the room. Erin had apparently missed the kiss of the day, and it must have been some kiss, because Pisces was bright red.

He turned away from Selys as she laughed and pulled at another Drake, giving him a quick kiss. Erin stared at Pisces, at Selys, and then laughed.

Hah! Take that!

Then someone kissed her. Erin felt the brush of whiskers and a wet smooch on her cheek. She yelped, and looked around. A white, furry face stared at her. Mrsha, perched on the table, held a bit of mistletoe with one claw. The girl stared at her. Mrsha licked her cheek. Erin laughed, and then reached out and kissed the Gnoll on her furry cheek.

Oh, you.

Five minutes later. Halrac was sitting by himself, sipping from his drink and not-quite-scowling around the room. For him, it was as good as a smile. He must have been drunk, or just off-guard, because he only reacted when he felt the wet kiss on his cheek. And then, simultaneously, another one on the other side.

What the

Halrac turned, a hand on the dagger at his belt. He saw two large, brown eyes. Mrsha licked Halracs stubbly cheek. The [Scout] stared at her, and then turned his head towards the other mysterious kisser.

Merry Christmas, you grumpy old man!

Revi grinned at Halrac as she held a sprig of mistletoe over his head. Halrac stared at her, and then at Mrsha, who was sniffing at his drink. He rubbed his cheek and grunted. Revi laughed and spun away. Mrsha leapt from the table and went to get more bread.

Now that the kissing was mobile, everyone was fair game. The mistletoe changed hands quite a few times and left the inn in the pockets of some of the guests. Eventually Erin called for a ban on kissingif only so that she could serve everyone hot bread.

Halrac sat at the table in the corner by himself, chewing the hot bread and remembering eating something similar back when he was youngalthough hed had warm milk back then. He stared around the busy room, at friends and people he hardly knew, having fun and celebrating. The [Scout]s face didnt change as Ulrien called him to come over and throw a hand of dice. He waved in denial and sat by himself. Alone.

When he was quite sure no one was looking, the [Scout] smiled. Just for a moment.


Relc and Klbkch sat in an alleyway, staring blankly at the brick wall ahead of them. Neither Drake nor Antinium said much.

Relc was holding the bag of banged-up presents in his claws. It was still full. Klbkchs beard was slipping off his face again. The glue had ripped free from his chitin.

What are we doing wrong here, Klb?

I do not know, Relc.

Were trying to be like Santa, right? I mean, Im dressing up like him and everything! Why are people kicking us out? They dont want our presents!

It is a quandary. I believe our efforts, while well-intentioned, have the opposite effect.

Yeah. Wanna give up?

That may be best. Let us retire to Erins inn.

Klbkch and Relc got up slowly and walked out of the alleyway. They walked down the street, ignoring the curious and horrified looks with their heads down. They only looked up when they heard the crying.

Someone was upset. Someone was weeping. And there was the sound of breaking potteryfrom one of the houses ahead of them. Relc nudged Klbkch.

They sound upset, dont they, Klb?

The Antinium stared at the houses door. It seemedunhinged, as if it had been knocked off its frame.

Indeed they do. Should we investigate?

Relc nodded.

One last time. Then were done.

The two [Guardsmen] approached the door cautiously. Relc nodded to Klbkch as the Antinium took a position on the other side of the door. The Drake counted to three, and then kicked the door in. The crash made everyone inside go silent for a moment.

Does anyone want a preshey!

Relcs eyes narrowed as he caught sight of the two Drakes wearing masks over their faces. One was standing guard over two frightened Gnoll children as the other ransacked the house.

The burglars froze at the sight of Relc and Klbkch. Oddly dressed though they might be, the Senior Guardsmen were a known duo in Liscor.

Well, well, well. It looks like Santas found someone whos been naughty.

Relc grinned and cracked his knuckles as the two thieves backed up. One whipped a knife from his belt out and stabbed at Relc. The Drake caught the blade barehanded and threw it away.

Not sharp enough! Hi, nice to meet you! Im RelcI mean, Santa Claus! Heres my fist!

He clocked the first thief in the face and then kicked him between the legs. The Drake folded up and Relc dodged back as the other one swung at him. He turned, twistedhis tail smacked the second thief in the face with a crack.

Youve been extra naughty! Youre on my list! You got that, you punks?

The fight carried out into the street as Relc threw one of the [Thieves] out of the window. The Drake landed with pieces of the broken shutters raining around him. He gasped for air and tried to get upjust in time to meet a black rock that smashed into the side of his face.

Have some coal!

Relc smacked the painted black rock into the offending [Thief]s head. Klbkch tripped up the other as the Drake [Thief] tried to race out of the building. The Antinium calmly strode over to the fallen burglar and kicked him in the stomach.

Ho. Ho. Ho. Merry Christmas.

The commotion attracted a crowd. Drakes, Gnolls, and some Humans watched as Relc and Klbkch beat the two burglars down, Klbkch with a brick, Relc with his sack of presents.

When they were done, the two [Guardsmen] straightened up, and heard the cheering. They saw the crowd applauding them, and realized everyone had a huge smile on their face. Relc turned to Klbkch. The Antinium was blinking down at one of the Gnoll children, whod given him a hug.

Its the holidays, Klbkch.

Indeed it is.

I think I feel the Chirstmas spirit! Look at all these smiling faces!

Relc grinned as the father of the Gnolls came over to thank him personally. He reached into his sack and rummaged around. After a moment, Relc handed a battered present with a bit of blood splattered on the side to one of the Gnoll children. The young Gnoll sniffed curiously at the package, and then tore apart the wrapping. He stared at the wooden buckler and sword and grinned in delight.

Klbkch slapped Relc on the back. Relc staggered, and glared at him.


I am expressing my enthusiasm as you often do.

Dont. Thats my thing.

Relc sighed. He cracked his knuckles and stared around at the other children, who were already fighting over the presents Klbkch was handing out.

That was fun. Alright. Im done. Lets get a drink, shall we?


They left the bag of presents and fake beard and Santa costumes to be claimed by the excited children and pedestrians. Klbkch and Relc marched the battered [Thieves] to the city jail, talking along the way.

Do you think that was enough good deeds?

I believe so. As we both regularly perform acts in service to the city, we should have accumulated an excess of good deeds this year.

Awesome. I wonder what Ill get from the real Santa-guy. Hell deliver the presents to Erins inn, right?

I would like a Dwarf-crafted sword.

Ooh, do you think I could get an enchanted spear? I left my old one back with the army.

We should ask Erin if Santa has any [Blacksmith] levels.

Hes gotta. I meanpresents, right? You cant just make do with [Craftsman] levels.

Klbkch was silent. He paused as he thought more concretely about Santa, and the odds of receiving a specialty-made item manufactured across the continent. For the first time, Klbkch questioned Birds scattered account of a Human man who rode a sleigh pulled by reindeer that flew.

It occurs to me Relc, that this Santa Claus that Erin has spoken of does not exist. The presents may in fact come from other people and are simply attributed to his presence.

Relc paused. His tail drooped as he suddenly put some obvious pieces together.

No. You think so?

If Santa existed, why has he not given us presents before?

Awno! I thought maybe it was a Human thing and we were included on his list since Erin knows us!

Klbkch brightened up.

That may be true. I did not consider that. Let us ask Erin whether that is the case.

Unfortunately, both Drake and Antinium found to their disappointment that Santa was a myth. Erin laughed herself off of her chair when she heard what theyd done. But she gave them a hug and hot food, and so the [Guardsmen] felt a bit better by the time the inn closed.

I guess well get our presents tomorrow. I mean, if anyones left any. Doesnt look like it.

Relc sighed as he double-checked all of the presents. There were none for him. He sagged, and then turned, pulling something out of the rucksack on his back.

Hey Klb, Im ready to go! Klb?

The Antinium turned. He had something in his hands. A carefully wrapped present, tied with a string of twine. Relc stared at it, and then remembered Klbkch hadnt brought his presents yet. He stared at the nametag, and saw his name on the tag.

Klbkch looked at Relc. The Drake had a clumsily-wrapped present in his claws, the wrapping already torn a bit. But Klbkchs name was clearly scrawled on the nametag.



The two [Guardsmen] stared at each other. Then Relc laughed, and Klbkch opened his mandibles in a smile. They put their gifts together and walked out the door, side by side.

Merry Christmas, Relc.

Yeah, Merry Christmas, Klb.

The two sauntered down the hill towards Liscor, talking and chuckling over the events of the day. After a while, Relc frowned and stared back towards the inn.

You didnt get me anything creepy or wriggly, did you, Klb?

No. Did you get me coal, Relc?

No! Youll like it. I think. Yeah. Probably.

Klbkch nodded.

Well then. I shall see you tomorrow.

Yeah. Ill open your crappy gift during the party. At least I know Ill have one, even if it is icky.

Indeed. One is better than none. I shall contain my disappointment.

You do that. Later.

The two parted ways without a second word. They didnt look back, but both walked with heads held high.

They were smiling.


Late at night, the night before Christmas, hundreds of miles away, the villagers of Riverfarm were about to go to sleep on another miserable, ordinary day that was their life now. But the people whod been posted sentry raised the alarm, shouting, as they saw something approaching their village in the dark flurrying snow.

Whowho are you? I warn you, weve nothing to take! Were under the protection of [Emperor] Laken! Begone if you mean trouble!

Farmer Prost shouted as the dark shape ran towards him. He held a sword at the ready with two shaking hands. Hed never had to actually use it to fight; it was a memento from his father. He was about to swing when he saw the red light illuminating the distinct Runners Seal held in a gloved hand over Ryokas head.

She slowed as she approached the ruined village, taking in the destroyed buildings, the men and women holding weapons, and the frightened children. The villagers of Riverfarm stared as the strange figure pulled away a scarf and hood to reveal a young womans face. They hadnt seen a Runner come all the way to their village in years. Most messages made the final journey via cart or wagon when they went to town.

Im a Runner. Ive got a delivery from Laken.

Ryoka had to speak several times to make her voice work. She had to say it again for Prost, who was staring at her uncomprehendingly.

Fromyou mean from [Emperor] Laken?

Thats right.

Ryoka groaned as she took the bag of holding from her belt. She felt like she was dead. Even with the stamina potions and healing potion, her feet ached, her body felt like it was falling apart, and she was numb. But she was here.

The villagers ushered her into their main living space, the renovated barn, and Ryoka sighed as she saw a fire had been carefully built in the center. She trudged over to it, and tried to set herself on fire to warm up.

We havent had word since he left. We were sure hed be kept by the stormbut he sent you to tell us hes alright? Has he bought provisions?

Prost hovered anxiously by Ryoka. She shook her head.

No. He sent me to bring you them. Here.

She handed the bag of holding to Prost. His face fell as he saw it, but then it changed the instant he reached inside. Ryoka, staring at the fire, heard the exclamations but didnt bother to turn around. She wanted to eat the coals and let them warm her from the inside.

Food! Dead Gods, theres so much of it!

Were saved! Praise [Emperor] Laken!

Ryoka heard the commotion and the weeping. It was a while before she could tear herself away from the fire. But when she did, she sawpeople. That was all.

She saw people. Just people, ragged, afraid. There was nothing special about them; they were just a frightened mass, suddenly relieved because good fortune had come their way. That was what Ryoka told herself.

They believed in an [Emperor], a false leader. Laken wasnttheyd put their faith in him blindly, and hed delivered. But even so

The man whod talked to her, Prost, was in tears. He was hugging his wife and what looked like his daughter, tears streaming down his cheeks. Ryoka couldnt face the raw emotion, the pure relief in his eyes. She looked away and clutched at her heart.

It wasnt growing three sizes. It just hurt. Shed run hard, that was all. That was all.

They came to her after that, full of gratitude and heartfelt thanks. Ryoka backed away from it all. She didnt want praise. Shed justwas just a Runner

There was something in the air. That was it. Ryoka certainly wasnt moved by a hug from a tearful mother, or a man taking her hand and bowing to her over and over, praising her for braving the storm. It was just a temporary bit of insanity that made her take the bag of holding she owned, the one with the presents Laken had bought, and walk over to the children.

Hello there. Have you all been good boys and girls?

They stared up at her, wide-eyed. Ryoka crouched down as she tried to explain why she was here.

Ive got presents, you see. As well as food. Lakenyour [Emperor] wanted to make sure you had something nice for the holidays.

What holidays, Miss?

Christmas. You see, its a special day where Laken comes from. On that day, everyone whos been good gets presents. Whos been good? I have a present for all of you! For you and you and youtheyre from Santa Claus!

Whos that?

One of the children asked the question, staring warily at the wrapped gift Ryoka handed him. She smiled.

Havent you heard of the story of Saint Nicholas? Father Christmas? Kris Kringle? Really? Well, he has many names, but I always knew of him as Santa Claus. You see, where I come from, each year Santa Claus gets on his magical sled pulled by flying reindeer and flies around. He flies to every village, every home, every family in every city. And he gives presents to the good kids and coal to the bad ones. He hired me to deliver these presents this year.

She winked at the adults. They caught on quickly, and smiled and shed some more tears. The children gathered around Ryoka, asking questions.

Why didnt he come last year?

How come he came this year?

Wellhe normally doesnt come out this far. But Laken knows him. Hes a friend of your [Emperor], so Laken got him to give him some presents for you all. Dont ask more questions. Merry Christmas.

She had a present for every child, but not all of them came forwards at once. One girl stood back. Ryoka turned to her, trying to give the girl her most sincere, not-scary smile.

What about you, kid?

The girl shook her head. She stared at the present in Ryokas hands, but then stepped back from it. She looked up at Ryoka with hollow eyes. And when she spoke, she broke Ryokas heart.

I dont think Ive been good, Miss. My brothers dead. He died in the snow and I couldnt find him.


Ryoka paused. The smiles on the faces of the children around her died like dead lightbulbs. The adults fell still.

It was the avalanche, Miss Runner. I woke up on top of the snow, but my brotherhe was right with me when it hit. I dug down and around, but I couldnt find him. He was right next to me. Right there. Just a few feet to the left. But I didnt find him until the Emperor dug him up.

The girl stared up at Ryoka, her eyes staring back through time. There were no tears in her eyes. Theyd all fallen long ago.

Ryoka couldnt get her throat to work at first. She hesitated, and then knelt next to the girl. When she spoke, it was very slowly, very carefully, looking the grief-stricken girl right in the eyes.

Im so sorry. It wasnt your fault. I know you triedyou couldnt have known. Im so sorry. But you know what? Idont think that means youre naughty.

You dont?

Im sure. Hey listenwhats your name?

Anabelle, Miss.

Well, Anabelle, I think Laken agrees with me. You know why?


Because he told me to make sure Anabelle got a present. He told me to make sure you and every kid here got a present, understand? So he doesnt think youre naughty. In facthe told me you might like this one especially.

Ryoka pulled a present out of the bag and handed it to Anabelle. She took it, and stared down at the neat bow on it, looking lost.

Why dont you open it?

Are you sure? Did Emperor Laken really say that?

Anabelle stared up at Ryoka, wanting to believe. And Ryoka lied. She lied straight to the girls face, and smiled because it was no lie but the truth.

Im sure. Here. Why dont you open it? Just pull there.

The girl pulled, and the wrapping fell away and she stared at the little doll, dressed up like an adventurer. Perhaps it was just coincidence that it was male, and it had blonde hair like hers. Or maybe it was magic. Faerie magic? Or just the magic of Christmas.

She began to cry. Ryoka reached out and gingerly hugged her. She whispered to the girl.

You didnt do anything wrong. Thats why Santa sent me. Thats why your [Emperor] brought all these presents. Nowwhy dont we give you something good to eat?

Anabelle sobbed into her coat and nodded. Ryoka looked back at the other children. They were teary-eyed as well, but that was fine. There was something important in those tears.

Who wants to see what else Ive brought with me?

Hands rose hesitantly. Ryoka turned, and saw the adults standing, watching her. There was something in their eyes because they kept brushing at them. Hers too. Ryoka let Anabelle cling to her as she handed presents out. And then she had another thought.

While were at itwhy dont I tell you a story? Would you like to hear a story? About Santa Claus?

Ryoka sat on the straw floor of the barn and saw faeries land on the roof of the barn. She stared at them, but they made the interior of the building shimmer and glow. In every color. The villagers and children gasped, and Ryoka smiled.

What are you staring at? Didnt I say Santa was magic? Well, maybe hes watching you. Now that I think of itIll tell you stories about Santa, too! Did you know one of his reindeer has a red nose? Let me tell you about that. Once upon a time, on a night even snowier than this


Later then. So late that it was minutes away from becoming Christmas day, or the day Erin had decided was Christmas. She sat in her inn, her guests long gone, a pile of presents in one corner, and slowly cleared the last table.

Were done. Thank you so much for helping, Lyonette.

It wasnothingErin.

Lyonette managed to get the words out between jaw-cracking yawns. She and Mrsha were dozing in a chair by the fire.

A single candle lit the room along with the fireplace. Mrsha stared at the flickering flame as it slowly wore down the wax candle. It was hypnotic, soothing. Before she knew it, Lyonettes eyes were closing.

You look tired. You should head upstairs.

I think Mrshas done. But shes sort of restless. She had too much honey.

Mrsha was indeed still awake, despite the late hour. She squirmed just a tiny bit, too hyped to sleep, but too tired to move. Erin smiled.

Well, how shall we put her to bed? Hot milk? That always worked for me, or so my mom said.

I think shes full to bursting. How about a song? Id sing, butIm no [Singer]. Do you have the class?

I do, but you dont have to have a class to sing, Lyonette. Why dont I teach you some Christmas songs?

Oh. Can you? Ive always liked music. They only sing the same songs in court back home

Lyonette sat up slightly, eyes shining. Mrsha perked her ears up too. Erin laughed and settled down in a chair across from them next to the fire.

Why not. Ill sing youa classic song about Christmas. Okay?

Silence was her only answer. Erin took a deep breath, and thought of the songs shed heard growing up, when she had to go to the Christmas service at church, and sung by carolers and played on speakers and online as the world changed.

Silent night, holy night. All is calm, all is bright

Her voice was the last thing anyone heard. The snow fell deeper, as across the world the night ended and a new day began. Nothing changed, but it was Christmas. And Erin sang.

Sleep in heavenly peace. Sleep in heavenly peace

Her voice trailed off. Erin looked around and saw Lyonette and Mrsha had already fallen asleep. Erin sighed, glancing upstairs where their beds were waiting.

And she smiled. Just a bit. Erin stood up and found a blanket for the slumbering Mrsha and Lyonette. She took down the mistletoe and burned it in the fire. She took out the presents shed wrapped for Klbkch and Relc and put them with the others. Then she stared out the window.

Merry Christmas, everyone. To all good sleep. And too allum. Wait. Oh well. Good night.

Then she blew out the candle and went to sleep.

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