The Way of The Dao

Chapter 284 Commotion At The Tournament (5)

The evidently angry shout reverberated clearly throughout the stadium, silencing it instantly as everyone's attention shifted to the central box.

The sound of a pin falling to the ground could even be heard clearly at this moment.

Ling Tian sighed as he looked into the burning eyes of the guy who had his finger pointed at him and, along with the other men's angry eyes as well, he knew what would happen next.

The young man was wearing luxurious clothes, showing that he belonged to one of the most powerful aristocratic families, only below the Great Families of Star City.

More and more young men began to gather around the young man who had shouted in anger.

"Insolent! You dare to address the Lord of the City in such a manner?!"

The middle-aged man who had acted as the umpire for the entire tournament furiously yelled at the young man who had aimed at Ling Tian.

More than 80% of the people of Star City were present in the stadium.

Long Cheng worried and took a look at Ling Tian, hoping that nothing bad would happen.

The guy who appeared to be the leader of the entire group of over 50 men realized his mistake and bowed his head as he quickly said, "I apologize, Lord of the City!"

The other people in the stadium didn't say a word, watching carefully what would happen next.

"I have lost control, forgive my bad manners..." The young man apologized once again, while trying to calm the anger inside him and say: "I would just like to know who is the distinguished friend in the box..." His face showed a stiff smile as he stared at Ling Tian.

Quickly, everyone in the stadium confirmed their assumptions.

The young man was really aiming only at the young newcomer?

People all over the stadium started to scrutinize Ling Tian completely.

Gasps and exclamations in low voices were heard when some noticed that this newcomer had his hand intimately joined with the Ice Goddess!

The women were saddened and disappointed to learn that their longed-for and desired Prince could be with the Ice Goddess.

Yun Mengxin's coldness exploded completely, causing some people to stop watching her when fear and nervousness manifested in their bodies.

She directed her attention to the guy who had started all this commotion, looking at him coldly as if she wanted to freeze him with her eyes only.

The young man felt chills when he felt a frost covering his body, he even felt that there was an oppression restricting him from moving!

Yun Mengxin had subtly released her aura to the young man. Instantly, the atmosphere began to freeze quickly, with cold winds covering the place.

Ling Tian smiled and gently squeezed Yun Mengxin's delicate hand, wanting to express her not to worry.

She took one last cold look at the guy and retracted her aura, letting the cold atmosphere disappear and return to normal.

Not only she, but all her sisters saw the guy who originated it all as annoying.

"Do you have a problem with me?" Ling Tian asked casually while looking at the man.

It seemed like there might be a good chance to make it clear that they shouldn't mess with him and make them stop bothering his women...

The young man breathed quietly again, beginning to feel an ashamed feeling when the beautiful Ice Goddess looked at him angrily, thinking that he might have missed his chance with his beloved Goddess.

When he had noticed how intimate his beloved Ice Goddess was being with another man, he became enraged and lost his temper, letting out his anger and angering the Lord of the City in his rage.

He did not want his beloved Ice Goddess to be taken away by an unknown man...

However, a sly grin began to form within him as he thought about what would happen next.

"I really have a big problem with you." He walked calmly to the center of the stage, attracting the glances of everyone in the stadium: "And not only me, but all men have a problem with you..."

As if they agreed without hesitation, several men also entered the arena, following their leader.

More men chose to stay around the stage, but that didn't mean they hesitated. Their looks also showed that they were on the side of the young man who spoke.

More than 100 young men quickly gathered, while in the center of the platform there were only about 20 men, presumably the leaders of the group.

The other people, adults, elders and more, whispered continuously, hoping to see what would happen next and what the young men would want to do. Only a few young men chose not to join the turmoil, preferring to stay in the stadium stands.

Quickly, another young man approached the leader and began to whisper several things in his ear.

"There are rumors that you are engaged to some of our Goddesses..." The young man commented clearly, gritting his teeth in rage, envying him for his good fortune.

The exclamations were not long in coming throughout the stadium.

"Is that young man really engaged to some of the famous Goddesses of Star City?

"If most young people say so, it should be true..."

"Seeing that he can freely enter the central box of the stadium, where only the high officials of the city can be, then it should really be true."

"Look at his hand! He's being so intimate with the Ice Goddess!"

"He'll be engaged to my beloved Ice Goddess?!"

"He's the handsome Prince!"

"So he really is the Prince of Star City that has been rumored of late..."

"He is truly as handsome as the longed-for and desired Princes of the legends..."

"But... a Prince and a Goddess... don't they make a very great couple?"

"I think he might actually be worthy of one of the Star City Goddesses."

"Noo, my Prince!"

The whispers quickly incited the people, beginning to raise their voices and more, when the whispers, tears and even sobs of the women began to be heard clearly.

The men clenched their fists in envy as they listened and watched the women lovingly observe the guy standing next to the Goddesses.

The leader gritted his teeth much harder, feeling the contempt of all the people.

Still, he raised his voice again.

"It seems that you are also really the rumored Great Master Alchemist who made all the spirit elixirs... but you know what? I say you are just a fake, someone who only takes advantage of someone else's benefits. A great master alchemist of your age cannot be true, so someone else should be the famous Master Alchemist... I think there should be a true Master and you should be his disciple and, in such a way, you are taking all the credit of the true Great Master Alchemist, aren't you, Ling Tian?"

The young man smiled proudly, wanting to expose the falsehood of the 'Prince' who had stolen the attention of all women so that everyone would despise him.

Indeed, all the people turned to Ling Tian, wanting to get answers about whether what he said was true.

Shan Qingwu stared at Ling Tian, with her shyness and nervousness disappearing and being replaced by a strong feeling of concern for him...

"City Lord, Patriarch Zhang." The young man addressed both parents and said: "We have confirmed that you have engaged your beautiful and distinguished daughters to this guy, but all men want this issue to be really fair and worthy, as we do not want to see our beloved Goddesses marry this false and weak individual..."

Pointing his finger directly at Ling Tian, the young man raised his voice even louder, trying to make the whole city hear him perfectly: "He is not even a martial artist, as several of my brothers have been close to him before and cannot feel a trace of power in him! And, besides, he is only an arrogant disciple of a master alchemist who takes advantage of his master's credit, posing as a true Great Master Alchemist... Is someone like that worthy of our Goddesses?! His engagements with Goddesses Zhang and Long, should not happen!" He grinned wickedly inside, hoping that Ling Tian would feel cornered and disappoint the Goddesses.

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