The Way of The Dao

Chapter 317 Recalling The Past (10)

"After finding out that not much time had passed, he took a long rest after that horrible world he had overcome.

As he had gained the necessary strength to protect himself and others, he decided to find and create a home for himself and his disciples who would one day ascend to that world.

No one bothered him and people even showed him respect because of his high level of cultivation, without anyone knowing about his former true identities...

However, some time after he established a secret place for himself and his family, he had no news about his disciples. His two best friends who had become great friends also helped him to look for news about the people who had ascended, but without being able to find any results.

Therefore, he decided to do other things while waiting for those children to ascend in some time.

But, soon afterwards he realized the bad karma he had accumulated so far.

The unimaginable number of people he had killed was too many, to the point that he somehow felt bad and pondered whether it had all been worthwhile.

Thinking in that way, he decided to travel around the world calmly, but this time with the tranquility and reassurance that nothing wrong could be done to him.

He spent many years in low-level cities, where it was even rare to see cultivators. These people were mortal, so they lived mundanely without concern for immortality.

He also learned many things from the mortal people in these places, mingling with them and living as a simple mortal for a time; always would try to help the people he could, even if his horrible and dark past will never disappear...

Just like what happened on the lower plane, he helped many suffering people, mainly children.

His trauma as a child was something he always remembered, so he did not want to see kids suffer.

Time flew by and after helping many children, he adopted several of them to care for and make them his family.

Those children had lost their families and had no one to count on, therefore they stayed with him.

They too ended up becoming his next disciples, caring for them and raising them from a very young age. Somehow, he saw in them his little self from the past, when he was a child, so he knew what they would be feeling, and with more reason he cared for those children.

They were 4 boys and 2 girls to whom he gave a lot of love.

As they grew older, they also gave him a lot of family love in any way possible, relieving the tension and discomfort in his heart due to his dark past.

He also agreed after a long time to teach a man in his 30's to teach him about the formations and arrangements. He accepted but said that he would not be his disciple and would only give him some things so that he could study what he wanted.

That man knew some people that he knew, so he asked for the favor of being recommended to him. Therefore, he ended up accepting it in the end because of a favor from someone else.

He did not trust that man, even his instincts told him not to trust him, but he dismissed that feeling for once, not knowing that this would give a fatal and definitive result in the future...

After some time and still not having any news about his first disciples of the lower plane, he was walking through a place when he met a woman.

Although he knew that almost everyone in that world would always have interests of their own and be evil or selfish, he decided to give himself a chance and 'get involved' with this woman. He wanted to experience a development on the way of love.

To this, his male disciples congratulated him and were happy about this while the two female disciples complained greatly and never accepted their 'relationship'; both girls would ignore this woman without even saying a word to her.

He never understood why these two so sweet and cute girls behaved in this way...

Most likely they both knew that this woman was not suitable or good for him, so they expressed themselves that way, wanting nothing bad to happen to their Master.

Or perhaps it was the daughters' jealousy of seeing their father with someone else, fearing that their family time would be diminished..."

Ling Tian couldn't help but laugh a little when he remembered the two girls' cold and surprisingly hate-filled attitude towards that woman when they both learned that he wanted to have a relationship with that woman.

"In spite of the fact that he was involved with that woman for a while, his instincts always alerted him when he wanted to get closer to her, so he always ended up hesitating when trying to develop their relationship, even though honestly the two of them were not really lovers, they were just people wanting to get to know each other and take the next step...

That woman reminded him of one of the two girls he had been with before in the lower plane; she had a joyful and loving personality, being a kind woman to everyone. However, he never knew that behind all this kind personality, there was a great plot against him and his two female disciples...

Time passed and he always felt alerted, until one day, he indeed discovered the malevolent plan of that woman.

This woman was in collusion with someone else, and her Master was a powerful cultivator who was known throughout the world.

Apparently, this woman's Master desired and coveted his two female disciples, for they had become so beautiful and perfect girls.

Quickly and without hesitation, he personally killed that woman and her Master, as well as all the other accomplices who planned against him.

His family was the most important thing and he would not let anything happen to them, even if he had to sacrifice everything for them.

One day, the seemingly 30-year-old man who was learning everything about the arrangements and matrices that he was teaching, brought him a message from one of the great Immortals of the world.

In that message he explained that he and other experts had found a way to increase their cultivations and even be able to ascend to divinity, becoming true Gods. But he would have to decide quickly because they would soon leave the place near where he was.

He thought about it and nodded, but he would only go and see and not get too involved. That apparently 30-year-old man also went with him because he apparently knew those important Immortals.

He said goodbye and warned his disciples that he would be away for a while and then return, as well as reminding them what they would have to do if he were not there.

On the way, he surprisingly met one of his two female disciples who had left several days earlier without saying what she would do.

When she found out where he would go, she became as stubborn as a little girl wanting to go with him, saying they were far from home, which in the end he accepted and they joined the others who were waiting for them.

Before arriving at the specific place, he was having a completely alarming premonition, so he decided to stay out of it and just see what they would do inside.

The destined place was a Mysterious Bridge in the center of that world, and under it there was an immense abyss that had no end...

Once they got there, the dark side of life came out and trouble began.

All of them had set a trap for him, wanting to kill him and obtain some important objects that he had.

The apparently 30-year-old man who was teaching him was also an accomplice of theirs and even sealed the whole place up so that he could not escape.

His negligence in not listening to his own intuitions ended up in that definitive result. His own stupid arrogance and pride in not paying attention to his instincts and believing himself stronger than everyone else left him between a rock and a hard place...

If he were alone, he could kill all of them on the spot even if he were still in their trap, but now at that moment there was his little girl, so he could not do much if he wanted to protect her from them.

Just as the battle was about to explode, the place became unstable and began to collapse.

An incredibly powerful unknown force trapped him and his female disciple, while the others barely escaped because he was in a better position.

He may have been able to escape alone, but all his power and strength was used to protect the girl at his side.

Immediately, that terrifying force sucked them both toward the bridge and finally pushed them into the dark and horrible abyss.

As it was impossible to fly or even to break the space around him, he had to sacrifice all his power in order to save at least his female disciple.

He took a decision...

By performing a secret technique, he managed to mobilize space and time, in such a way that he was able to send away his beloved little girl, while he was finally swallowed in that endless abyss.

He had decided to sacrifice his life so that his little girl could live...

His body started being gradually torn apart by the immense pressure of the abyss, filling with wounds completely while each and every one of his inner organs was being compressed by the same frightening pressure.

Before he realized it, he was mysteriously teleported into the void, far from that abyss.

There, he confronted the Dao itself because he refused to die, which resulted in the Dao's own spirit becoming annoyed and sending him flying into the endless void by inflicting a powerful attack on him, eventually resulting in his imminent defeat.

When he awoke, he realized that he had fallen into a strange place. Checking his cultivation too, he found something strange and decided to check it later, so he began to fly.

When he noticed from afar a group of people facing a demonic beast, he helped them and was able to save two people, a man and a young woman...

Unknown to him... that beautiful woman would become one of his beloved wives..."

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