The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

548 Chapter 509.

Dad. Are you sure you're okay?

It would be safe to go to All Town, but your sister is being targeted by various nobles.

If you're found, your father's family will be in trouble.

If that happens, you can go to .......

Don't worry, your family won't get involved.


That's the best I can do.

What are we going to do?

I'm going to leave everything about Malia to my master.


Then I feel safer.

Master has already taken care of several people like Mariya. One more now won't be a problem.

Are there others?

Are they also related to the nobility?

Oh, many people go astray when they have money and power.

I couldn't help but notice the dumbfounded expression on my father's face.

The nobleman I know is the Lord of Foronda.

Oh, there was also Count Faltoria, though he has now fallen into criminal slavery.

He's a nobleman drowning in power and money, okay.

That means one-half ...... of the population is indeed a lot of people who step out of line.

What a shame, because there are only two noblemen that I know.

Half ...... no way, that's not that many, is it?

"So if our carriage is empty, you want us to load something?

Ranji-san is in front of me, and I bring a skewer to my mouth.


"Hey, Ranji. That.

"What? ...... Oh, sorry.

I'm not sure if it was really unconscious, but Ranji-san looked awkward when he saw what I was holding in my hand.

Here you go.

Bad ...... delicious.

Mr. Ranji smiled bitterly, but apparently he liked the skewers.

His expression changed completely and he ate it with relish.

"Huh, bad habit.

I chuckled as Ega-san shifted her position to keep an eye on Ranji-san.

Let's hurry up and make lunch.

I saw that my father had placed something on the kitchen table, a magic item that would prevent people from overhearing our conversation.

Ega and Ranji's expressions tightened a little as he pressed the button to activate it.

I want you to transport one of the women to All Town. Our destination is to the Master.

Ranji and Ega gave small nods to their father's words.

The druid asked me to carry her, so of course I will. But if you're going to use something like that, there must be a reason. Well, I won't ask what happened. The less I know, the better I can hide it when I'm interrogated somewhere else. Are you sure you want to go to Monz?

Thank you. Thank you. - Just as far as the master, please.

Ega looked thoughtful at his father's reply.

I don't mind the hassle, but with ...... people, it's impossible to move around without anyone knowing. What should we do ......?

Ega-san muttered, patting Ranji-san's hand.

It seems that he was reaching for a second bottle.

You can't be too careful or too fond of it.

"Oh, can you do it?

'...... Yes! We were going to hire someone to take care of the bride, so let's call it that woman.

Ranji-san nodded at Ega-san's words.

That's right. Is this woman registered with the Adventurers Guild or the Commercial Guild?

No, she is not.

Ranji-san looked relieved at his father's words.

I'm glad. If you are registered, the magic items at the gate may react to you. If you are registered, the magic items on the gates will react to your presence, and even if you want to travel in secret, they can reveal your destination. If you're not registered, you don't have to worry about that. This request is a nomination from a commercial guild. Even if I hired another person personally, it wouldn't be a problem.

Ega-san nodded at Ranji-san's words.

Apparently, they will be able to transport the sister to All Town without any problems.

And with a job.

This way, my sister can ride in the carriage without any worries.

I'm not sure if I can really trust Ega and the others, but Sora isn't reacting at all.

I excepted the back for a moment, but she was awake.

So I guess she's okay.

"Whoa, who was that ...... guy here?

I turn my gaze to Fieshe's voice that I heard unexpectedly and look at Ega and Ranji suspiciously.

The father stops the activation of the magic item on the kitchen table.

Feucher-san, good morning.

At my words, Fieshe-san glanced at me and raised a small hand.

But she hasn't let down her guard against Ega-san and the others.

I wonder what's going on?

Druids, are they?

'I know them. They're not a problem.

...... Yeah?

Yeah, I don't believe that look.

Maybe they're just wary because of what happened to your sister?

So how did they get here? And .......

Fieshe looks at the magic items on the kitchen table.

Surely if you're just talking to someone you know, it's strange to activate a magic item that won't leak your conversation.

Dad looks at Ega and the others.

Seeing that they nodded, he activated the magic item again.

Malia has decided to settle down in a certain place. She's decided to settle down in a certain place, so I've asked them to escort her there. I've known them for a long time and I trust them.

The father explained, but Fieshe did not look convinced.

"I see. ...... But can we really trust them?

Mr. Fieshe glared at Ega and the others.

You don't think we can be trusted?


She replied clearly to Ega's question.

I'm not sure what to make of it.

The atmosphere was different from usual and a little scary.

It's a little scary. I'm not sure what to make of this.

When I heard Jinal's voice, I looked at the entrance of the kitchen and saw Jinal and Gullit.

When Jinal and the others saw Ega and the others, they looked at them suspiciously.

I'm not sure what to make of this.

The father let out a small sigh and stopped activating the magic item.

Seeing this, Zinal-san and the others' expressions turned a little grim.

"Why don't we have lunch?

Before Zinal-san and the others could say anything, I made a suggestion.

Because ...... I'm hungry.

I'm not sure if my sister is hungry too, but she's staring at the finished bowl of rice.

The rice is also cooked a while ago.

This is a good time to talk about it after lunch. ...... Maybe.


The one who reacted was Ranji, and the one who showed a dumbfounded expression was his father.

Ega, Zinal and the others looked a little surprised.

"You can't have a good discussion if you're hungry.

At my words, my father and sister prepared lunch for us.

"Would you like to eat too, Zinal-san?

Zinal-san and the others were a little confused by my enthusiasm.

When I asked them again, they replied that they would eat.

I put the rice in a deep dish, unraveled the six fruits, and poured the ingredients over the rice.

I had made a lot of rice to take with me on my trip, but it was gone.

Well, beef bowl style is easy to make, so it's okay.


I finished distributing the food to everyone and started eating before it got cold.

As if caught up, Zinal-san and Ega-san also started to eat.

It's delicious.

Ega-san's words brought a smile to my face.

It's really nice to have someone say it's delicious.

I glanced at Zinal and the others.

They seem tense.

I can see that Ega and the others are also a little nervous.

Could it be that they know each other?

And they don't get along?

He cowered when he met his father's gaze.

Maybe he knows the cause of the problem?

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