The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 519 Episode 481 Curse and Phantom Fruit

"The Pascal is actually the only phantom fruit that can lift the curse of the slave mark."

What, the curse?

Maria looks at her father in surprise.

From that state, I realized that I didn't realize.

But if it's a curse.

"Dad, don't you think the curse can be broken with a purple potion?

"The ordinary curse can be undone, but the curse of the slave mark cannot be undone even with a purple potion. It seems to work for a few minutes, but the power of the curse will prevail."

There is such a curse.

I don't know.


Maria's shoulders tremble and tremble at the quiet voice of her father.

"Yes, yes."

"Isn't it the slave mark that gave you the order to 'don't talk' twice?

Maria nods at her father's words.

You gave me the same order twice?

"Maria's way of speaking is due to the curse. As long as you don't lift the curse, you won't be able to talk right away."

"What, you can't talk anymore?

I thought it was like this because I hadn't talked all the time.

I can't believe this is because of the curse.

"Oh, I told you I felt uncomfortable talking."

"Yes, yes."

"The discomfort gets worse and worse every day, and finally takes away the voice. It will probably hurt too."

Oh, no.

You were freed from the signs of slavery.

When I saw Maria, she was blue and trembling.

Gently stretch out her right hand and squeeze Maria's hand.


"It's okay, because there are pasta fruits to undo the curse."

That's what your father just said.

That's why it's okay.

Look at the pascal fruit in your left hand.

"The curse of the slave mark is quite special."

Turning to his words, there was a father who spoke a little bitterly.

I have a very bad feeling about this.

"The circle of slaves is bound by a magical contract, but the sign of slavery is a curse in itself. When you mark a slave, you are bound by a curse. And by removing the slave mark, a new curse is overwritten, making it a more special and stronger curse. The same order is given to speed up the curse that activates after the slave marks are removed."

Speed up the curse.

Is that why your father said he couldn't speak right away?

"You're going to be able to handle this pasta, right?

Show your father the fruit of the pasta.

"Indeed, Pascal fruit is the only way to lift such a curse. But not absolutely."

"What do you mean?

Sometimes you can't lift the curse.

When I stared at my father, he had a sharp expression.

"I can't actually eat up to 10 pascals. Eating more affects your body."


"That's right. The symptoms seem different from person to person, but eventually they die."


Maria's hand that she was holding trembled and trembled.

I put a little power in my hand to answer that.

"In the meantime, I hope the pasta fruit will lift the curse, but sometimes it won't work."

In other words, I don't know unless I try it.

"Will 10 have no effect on eating pascal fruit? Maria-san has been deprived of a lot of health."

"I'm fine with up to 10. It's well documented."

The literature is correct, right?

Even so, 10 pcs.

In the meantime, I wish I could lift Maria-san's curse, but I can't do 10.

"Um, that, pussy, that's all, wow, wow."


As far as the phantom fruit is concerned, what have I become?

... no.

My father is thinking about it, but he doesn't seem to know.

"Maria-san, what did you say after the phantom?

In my words, Maria holds her neck by her hand.

"I, I, I, I, I, I..."

I'm so sorry!

Oh, that's what you mean.


It's not a word to say no to convincing.

"Sierre brought it here because she wanted to undo the curse on Maria. So don't worry about it. Besides, Maria-san is the only one who needs pascal fruit here, so if she says she doesn't want it, she'll just rot."

"I can only eat Pascal for one day, so I can't sell it. That's why I want you to eat it without hesitation. Ivy is right, Maria-san will only rot if she doesn't eat it."

Maria sees the fruit of Pascal in my words and those of her father.


She said, "Sierre, eat, too."

Maria sees Siel.

"Maria-san, I can't tell you that the curse will never be lifted. But it's not good for Maria-san."

Maria looked at her father, and once she nodded, she gently reached out to Pascal in my hand.

Put one in the socket.

"Is the taste okay?

Ama, chair

Is it sweet, or is it easy to eat?

That's good.

If it is bitter, it is difficult to eat it.

"There's no change. Eat the next one."

"Dad, what happens when the curse is lifted?

"It's easy to understand because black smoke comes out of the cursed area."

If black smoke comes out, should I look at the neck?

Maria eats the second pasta fruit.

No change.

I'm going to eat my third one, Mr. Maria.

Da, mi mi.

There is no black smoke after eating 3.

Maria is also depressed.

"It's okay. Can I get you some tea?

I'm nervous and have a runny throat.

I hope you can manage to produce black smoke in 7 more.

When I try to get up to make tea, I get pulled by something.

I saw that Maria's fingers were pulling the clothes I was coming to.

"Sumi, let me, here."

"I understand."

Maria puts the fourth piece of pasta in her mouth.

Maria-san chews and eats slowly.

There has been no change after a while.

Put the fifth one into your mouth.


Maria leans her neck.

"What's wrong?

When your father asks worriedly, Maria looks puzzled.

"If you put it in your mouth and think it's strange, spit it out -"

Black smoke comes out of Maria's neck.

And it soon disappeared into the air.


"I did it!

The black smoke broke the curse, right?

I ate 5 pieces.

Good. It's only 5 pieces.

Even though the literature says it's okay, I was worried about eating 10 of them.


Maria put her hand on her neck with a surprise expression.

Maria-san, are you okay?

Say, "I'm sick."

Is it because you are not accustomed to talking? It is slow, but it is definitely not the same as before.

The words are not broken.

"No, I don't know."

Maria's eyes were filled with tears.

"Great. I'm relieved."

Maria is crying more and more at your father's words.

"Thank you. Thank you very much."

Give the cloth to Maria-san, who keeps crying.

"Thank you."

Thank you again and again, Maria, crying.

My father gently approached and stroked his head.

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