The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 573 Episode 532: How many people are there?

"Dad, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

In my words, my father's face turned into an idea.

While I wait for the answer, I'm thrilled.

Someone who might have come from the same place as me.

I wonder what he was like.

"200 years ago."

200 years ago.

Was there someone like me before that?


"However, there must have been letters similar to this one a long time ago."


"There's literature that only one person wrote about how to respond to a flood that happened about 300 years ago.Among them, I saw that it was written "sugar" in a letter that was not in Eau De Guz.However, since I have never seen the letter outside of the literature, it is hardly widespread, and many people will not know it. "

300 years ago?

Fufu, I wonder if it's someone other than the one who spread it.

Speaking of which, you said Katakana has recently begun to grow.

You mean there's three of them?

"In my opinion, there are several people who have a previous life."

Nod to your father's words.

Though I think it is natural to think of it as someone else because there is space between them, even if I think of the time when letters become popular.

However, the name will change the way it spreads depending on how often it is used, so I don't know for sure.

"It's kind of fun. Would you like to check some more letters?"

I nod when I talk to my father.

Because I want to know what people with previous lives were doing in this world.

But I am concerned about the state of this village.

"When the Dinars come back, let's ask them.They're supposed to be doing research everywhere, so maybe they're doing some research on the letters. "

Do you want to check the letters?

Do I have to do that?

"Unknown characters can be used for evil."

Bad things?

"Does it feel like a code?"

Father nods to my words.

"The unusual characters are probably being studied.Well, I don't know if the Dinars did it. "

Then I want to ask!

But Dinals are looking into the problems in this village, so I feel like they're getting in the way.

Dinals are busy, aren't they?

Father leans his neck against my words.

"Even if you're busy, I think you'll be able to help me."

I was able to imagine a ginal who would cooperate with my father's words with an exciting expression.

Besides, I don't think we can do it now.

Let's wait and see what happens to the ginals before we think about it.

First of all, we need to know the state of this village.

"Yes, because I can think of the worst that's going on."

Worst thing?

"What's wrong with the people in this village?"

Sure, it wasn't just dark, it seemed anxious.

You're worried about your surroundings...

"The worst thing about power struggles is that unrelated people get involved and die."

Nod to your father's words.

"I can't do that, but as a matter of fact, such a case is happening.At that time, we can determine how serious the problem is by whether or not we can solve it properly. "


"For example, this time there is a power struggle for the Adventurer Alliance.Someone dies because of it.If the vigilante moves and the case is solved, the power struggle is only a partial problem.We just have to deal with the people who caused the problem.What if the vigilante doesn't move? "

It doesn't move...

The vigilante is in a power struggle.

"Yes, we support Gilmus, who works in our favor, and sometimes the vigilante has a bad relationship with the Adventurer Alliance.In that case, the problem is serious because it is not part of the problem.If there's a commercial guild involved, it's the worst.Everything in this village is not working. "

"Does that mean all the power holders want to do?"

"Yes, because there's no one to stop it.From what the villagers look like... how corrupt they are. "

You've come to a horrible village again.

Why are you going so far...?

"What's the matter? I'm worried."

Was it on your face?

Hold your cheeks with both hands.


"Wherever I go, where I go, I don't think there's going to be any problems."

I've thought about it before.

Something seems to be leading us.

Mr Ginal has decided where to go this time.

Sure, it was a bit of a problem, but I didn't think it was that bad.

Do I have something?


My father's big hand rests on my head.

And they stroke me slowly.

Does your father think so too?

"Well, before we met, I can only tell from the story, but it certainly happened too much."

It is, right?

I feel like I'm doing something bad.

Even though I didn't do anything...

"It's not Ivy's fault.Don't go wrong. "

I glanced at your father's words.

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure you do."

I care about that.

If I get involved, my father gets involved with me.

Sola and the others could be in danger.

"I'm having fun."


"I enjoy my journey with Ivy as much as this."

Is that so?

Sola and the others are having fun, right?

"Pupupupupu ~"

Terururururu ~




Sola answers his father's words one after the other.

And I'm a little surprised.

I wonder when you were listening.

I was just playing in the room.

"Thank you."

I feel a little lifted up.

"When will the ginals be back?"

I'm worried because it's a troubled village.

"It's about them. Isn't it early?"

I smile at your father's words.

Soon, the trust of the ginals in your father has increased tremendously.

What's wrong?

"Nothing. Yes, I'll be back soon."

You're good at asking questions.

I think it would be better if I were a normal person.

"Anyway, Ivy, would you like something for dinner?"

My father shows me the paper with the names of the dishes he was looking at.

Borsici, Stroganov, Sichi.

Read it again, but I still feel like I know something.

Especially the first one, Borsici.

For some reason, I think of a red color.

"Do you know how to call it?"

I bow my neck to my father's words.

"What? I was just reading it...."

"No, I can't read it. In the description of the dish below, I understand what kind of dish it is."

"That's right. Uh, from above, I'll read" Borsici, Stroganov, Citi. "

"Sissy? It's not a stew mistake, Sissy?"

"Sissy... did I make a mistake?"

The description of the dish suggests that leafy vegetables are sour based.


Maybe it's a different dish than stew.

"What do you want?"

I don't know what to do.

Borscht is a soup with red vegetables and meat.

Ah, did you think of the red color?

I know my predecessors, but were they unfamiliar?

Stroganov is a meat dish.

"I'm Stroganov."

If you're a meat-loving father, yes.

"I'll try Borsici."

I am concerned about the red soup.

It was bright red in my head, but what about it?

Do you want me to ask you? And I'm going to take a bath, but what about Ivy? "


It's been a long time since I've been in a hot tub!

"I'm coming with you. Bath ~"

Prepare to take a bath and leave the room.

I checked the time, but it's a little early for Sola's dinner.

I'll have dinner when I get out of the bath.

"Pupupupupu ~"

Terururururu ~



Once you lock the room firmly, you'll go down to the first floor.

"What, a bath?"

From now on, Mr. Ginal?

On the ground floor, Mr. Ginal and Mr. Fischer appeared.

"No, it's over."

What, already?

Is that it?

Whatever it is, the two of you look... very angry...

"I'll talk to you later, and I don't need any more luggage."

Yeah, Mr. Ginal is pretty angry.

The way you talk is soft, but it feels cold enough to get cold!

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