The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 578 Episode 537 Problem Discovery

When I returned to the inn, there was a shopkeeper with a worrying expression.

When I said hello, I smiled and pointed my finger up.

And when I tilted my neck, my father nodded next to me.

"Ivy, let's go. Looks like the ginals are back."

Did the shopkeeper tell you about Ginal earlier?

I'm in the room, so did you point your finger up?

The shopkeeper had a subtle expression on his face.

I was able to confirm by the time I got to the inn that the rumor that Mr. Gilmouth had been killed was true.

Because the rumor was annoying the whole village.

I'm a little concerned about the Voyages of the Adventurer Alliance, but the rumors are successful.

And yet, the shopkeeper had an unexpected look.

Is there anything else?

Return to your room, leave your magic bag and head straight to the Dinals' room.


"Ginal, it's a druid."

The door of the room opens at the same time as your father's words.

It was Mr. Fischer who showed his face.

The smile relieved me that the operation had succeeded.

Upon entering the room, Mr. Ginal prevented the sound inside the room from leaking out with magic items.

"Looks like the operation went well.The whole village was murdered, and the rumors of Gilmus are out. "

In his father's words, Mr. Ginal showed a mean smile.

Are you satisfied with the results?

"By the way, what is the truth about the Voyages?"

Fischer sighed at his father's words.

"Ah, that's it. That's the ginal...."

Is Voyah making a scene because of Mr. Dinal?

"I tried to look into it because I had something I wanted to look into other than the office, but there was someone there.When I tried to confuse you with smoke, I failed and a fire broke out. Ahahaha "

There was a fire...

When I look at Mr. Ginal's expression, I think of the word intentionally.


Dinal shouts at his father's words.

Fischer sighed loudly at the sight of such a ginal.

Is this supposed to mean that you intentionally set fire?

"Is something wrong?"

Jinal laughs when his father asks him how the girls are doing.

Those idiots disposed of the young adventurers.

I thought you were laughing, but Mr. Ginal's eyes are very cold.

This is serious anger.

"By now, I don't know what caused it and I think it's confusing.Rumor has it that the adventurers won't cooperate.No, I haven't done a good job in a long time. "

In Ginal's words, Father sees Fischer.

I want an explanation, too, and I look at Mr. Fischer.

"I found dozens of contracts in the safe in the office.The Adventurer Guild side of the deal was in favor of the young adventurers.It seems that the contract made it impossible for him to work without the right of veto.There are 34 contractors.There is a contract that has expired and the number of people is 7.Maybe the seven of them are already dead and are being investigated. "

Check it out?

Is that why the owner of the hotel had that look on his face?

"I see. Did you talk to the contracted adventurer?"

Dinal nods at his father's words.

"I protected them, and these guys here listened.It seems that the young adventurer was forced to sign a contract because he still doesn't know much about it.I signed a contract, but at the end, they made me do a pretty tough job with a cheap fee.Some of them were criminal. "

The father who heard the story sighs.

"That's too bad. What's the deal?"

"You can't talk to a third party about the contract, you don't have the right to refuse a job request, or if you break the contract, you fall into criminal slavery.Well, that's what I used to say. "

It was such a bad deal.

But will you read it and sign the contract?

"When you make a contract, it says something different."

Fischer gives a piece of paper to his father.

"Is this... detailed in the contract?Young adventurers won't know how to distinguish contracts. "

Dinals nod at your father's words.

"Those are the worst people."

Listening and murmuring.

I think I can understand that Mr. Ginal failed and set fire to it.

My father stroked my head in my words.


"Dinal, Fischer, the investigation is over.Come downstairs. "

According to the store owner, the ginals stopped activating the magic item.

"Okay, I'll be right there."

When the signs disappear from the front of the door, Mr. Ginal looks at us.

"Was there anything at the dump?"

"Oh, no problem. Surpent's here."

Dinal reacts to your father's words.

"Why? I wonder where the surpents want to take them?"

My father smiles at Dinal, who looks dissatisfied.

"No, but if you want to take them, I promised you I'd bring them tomorrow... they're busy."

"It's okay. I'll leave this village to the shopkeepers."

Fischer looks a little anxious about Mr. Ginal's words.

And tilt your neck.

Are you okay?

"It's okay. I noticed it a little late, but there's nothing wrong with the movement since I discovered it.In this state, they don't have enough men here to be rude to overdo it. "

What do you mean, excuse me?

If the Ginals go too far, will their reputation be degraded?

Well, yeah.

Mr Fischer seems convinced.

Dinal laughs bitterly when she realizes that I'm wondering.

"The role of these hotels and shopkeepers is to protect victims and minimize damage when problems arise."

It's important.

"I was able to protect the victim because I brought the contract, and I took the testimony.Rumors have spread and the adventurers have been guided, so there should be no further damage.If we still make a move in this state, we may be suspected of having problems with our people here.For example, there might be a traitor.That's why we need to properly identify the drawbacks. "

It's a drawback.

If it were me, I'd be worried too much.

It's going to be really hard.

Dinal laughed happily at my words and saw my father.

"Tomorrow is fine."

"Okay, I'll come with you tomorrow."

"Great, so if you need to talk to the store owner, we need to get this over with."

Ginal laughs happily at your father's words.

Fischer also smiled slightly.

"We're going back. Tomorrow, tell me what happened today."


After seeing the ginals go down to the first floor, they return to their room.

"There were more bad guys than I could have imagined."

"Sure, I'm a little surprised."

Get Sola out of the bag and prepare the tea.

From the magic bag, a little sweet confectionery is served and arranged on the desk.

I still feel a little bumpy now, so I want something sweet to calm my feelings.

"It's the teachings of both guilds that young adventurers grow up together."

We all grow up together?

Put the tea in a cup and serve it to the father sitting in the chair in front of him.

When I put tea in my cup, I take a sip.

I felt that the warmth of the tea was able to calm down a little.

"It's a necessary presence for the future.Transfer more knowledge and skills to bring as many people to life as possible.It is also the role of the top adventurer, the middle adventurer. "

That's right.

If the young adventurers are gone, then there will be no one to protect the village or town.

"So what the Adventurers Guild in this village is doing is particularly malicious.Perhaps all those involved will be guilty. "

"All involved?"

I thought you were listening, but the people on the Adventurers Guild would do anything to hide it.

Threats and all that.

Those who have been victimized are also related if they are members of the Adventurers Guild.

Are they guilty, too?

"It's okay to say all of them, unless there are circumstances."

My father seemed to know how I felt.

"Adventurer Guilts and Commercial Guilds have magic items to keep in touch as soon as anything happens.I'm sure we can find out if that magic item is available to anyone.If I can't use it, I can't call for help. "

I see.

"There are other interviews and surveys, so it's okay."

Nod to your father's words.

Then the victim will be well protected.

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