The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 610 Episode 567 Magic of the Earth

After your father, rush to the space where the dry roots were stored.


When I looked inside, I wondered if he had reacted to my voice or if he looked at me at the entrance and exit, and shouted at me.

I'm a little stunned by Sol who won't stop eating.

I mean, is it better than that?

"Sol, are you okay?"


Sol looked at me strangely with his cheeks up.

Still eating...

Is that it?

You're eating, right?

The roots on my cheeks came out of my mouth.

Looking at it, the tentacles flew the roots of the mouth far away.

... I don't need that anymore.

"Are you eating this?"

It looks like it's just a little bit in my mouth...

"It's not like I'm eating the root itself.However, the smell disappears from the roots after Sol eats, so I'm sure he's eating something from the roots. "

Is that disgusting smell disappearing?

It certainly contains poison...

"Are you eating poison?"

I looked at Mr. Fischer in a hurry, but his neck was tilted.

"I don't know.Sol is a magic eating slime, right? "

When she nodded, Fischer had a difficult look.

"Root magic....."

Isn't that the magic of the earth?

Magic of the earth.

It was in the book.

The magic that no ordinary person can feel is flowing into the earth.

The tree contains a lot of magic because it draws magic together with water from the earth.

Is that it?

However, it was written that the magic of the earth and the magic contained in the tree are different from the magic of people, so it is impossible to use them.

"Dad, you can't use the magic of the earth, right?"

"Oh, that's right. The magic of the earth cannot be used by humans or monsters.If you don't have the skills, you can't sense the magic of the earth. "

That's right.

Of course, the magic of the earth was accumulated in tree nuts and fruits, but the magic of the earth disappeared when it was harvested.

I remember it very well because I felt very strange.

"However, it is known that the magic of the earth changes through plants.The representative is a demon soul.The magic of the earth accumulated in the tree changes and becomes a magical soul.It is also famous that the magic of change is feeding on monsters. "

Surely there was a monster who ate only the demon soul that became the tree that inhabited the forest.

I see.

The magic of the earth is changing.

Is that tree special?

"Tree Magic Disease is also said to be the original magic of the earth.I wonder if the accumulation of trees has caused some sort of change and turned it into magic that affects monsters and people. "

Magic has accumulated in the tree in an unusual way. If left unattended, it is a tree disease that affects the surroundings.

"If the magic of the earth changes as it accumulates, Sol will also react in Cario's flower fields.But it was unresponsive, so maybe drying it changed the magic in the roots. "

I certainly didn't react in Carlo's flower fields.

I don't know when it came out of the bag, so I can't say for sure.

"Sol, what is this?"

Ginal brings an undried cauliflower root to Sol.


Looking at the root in front of you, Sol turned sideways.

"Looks like it's going to have to be dry."

Was your father expecting you?

So, what happened to the root of the undamaged caryon?

All the roots in this cave must have died, except for the dry ones.

Did you save it for something?

"Ivy, I didn't make it to get the drugs.I just got two pieces of evidence. "

Ginal explains in a hurry whether you felt something in my gaze.


"Yes, proof. Do you need it?"

That's right.

I didn't have to make such a comfortable expression, but I thought there might be circumstances.

Will the magic change when the roots are dried?Is that just the cauliflower?Or maybe other plants, I'm a little curious. "

Fischer is staring at the dry roots.

"Fischer, if we get too close, we can poison you.Even if it's not, it's poison and it's not working. "

Fischer laughs bitterly at Ginal's stupid voice.

"I was surprised by Sol's behavior and forgot."


"Haha. Bad."

Mr Fischer is always amazed at Mr Ginal's behavior, but today it is the opposite.


Is it poison?

"Okay, let's move the roots out after Sol eats them."

I haven't dug any holes yet, so I'll try my best.

It was for Mr. Ginal and me.

Hurry up and get ready.

"No, if the smell of poison has disappeared from the roots, it may be okay to burn it normally."

Ginal sniffs the root Sol ate close to her face.

And when I pulled out the small knife and scratched the root, it contained wood chips in my mouth.

"Are you okay?"

Your father wrinkles between his eyebrows at Dinal's behavior.


If it contains poison, it's dangerous.

Ginal shrugs her shoulders.

"I just checked to see if the poison was gone.If something goes wrong with burning it normally, it'll be tough. "

"Don't put that in your mouth.What will you do if something happens? "

I don't want you to be afraid.

"It's okay if it's a little bit. Besides, I don't feel any tingling at all, so I'm not worried about the poison."

Dinal sighs at her reaction.

I'm glad it's okay, but what would you have done differently?

"It's okay. I'm used to a small amount of poison."

Are you used to it?

When I tilted my neck and looked at Mr. Ginal, I felt awkward.

"The investigators will be targeted a lot. Well, to prevent it."

Investigators are really tough.

Let's get this over with.

Father, who put his shoulders up for Mr. Ginal's actions, puts his roots in the wooden box he left behind.

"Doloid, the poison's gone, so why don't you use a magic bag?"

That way you can carry a lot at once.

"I can't make sure the poison is completely gone from all the roots."

Is there a possibility of poison ingredients in the magic bag?

Maybe I don't like that.

I see.

As Fischer nodded, he put the roots in the wooden box by choosing the magic bag he had put out.

I pick up the roots that Sol flies with his tactile senses and put them in a wooden box.

"Don't take it."

Ginal will take the crate if I think it has accumulated to a certain extent.

"Thank you."

Leave it to me.

The three of them pick up the roots flying everywhere, put them in a wooden box, and Mr. Ginal takes them out and burns them.

After dozens of repetitions, I finally carried all the roots.

"I'll leave you with this."

When I saw Fischer, I found only one dry root in a wooden box.

"There's only one cauliflower root in the cave.Besides, there is no smell. It's a shame I can't see the response from the people who run this place. "

"Bad personality"

Then I nodded at your father's words.

"Really? It's a heartfelt gift. Zamaamiro

Outside the cave, the roots were about to fall from the last crate into the flames.

"It's over, isn't it?"

"Oh, it was dry enough to burn easily."

When Fischer is surprised, Ginal smiles.

"It must have been pretty tough to dry it perfectly so far.Thanks to you, it burned well. "

Oh, that's why you're laughing so hard.

"Dinal, you look pretty bad.Yes, let's move as soon as we burn it. "

"That's right, enough magic items to make entrances and exits.If anything happens to this place, we may be in touch. "

It seems possible.

Still, is it okay to go to Okai Village like this?

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