The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 174: The Confused Dragon

Chapter 174: The Confused Dragon

TN: Shout-Outs Section!

<<Scheduled report.>>

<<Shout-Out Progress for March: 2/8>>


I explain my strategy to Ichinose-san when she comes out of the Shadow.

As always, her cooperation would be indispensable.

Are you serious?

Of course.

After hearing my plan, Ichinose-sans eyes widen in surprise.

President Igarashi, who was listening besides us, also expresses her shock.

Just like before, whether this operation succeeds or not hinges upon Ichinose-sans shooting skill. Can I entrust you with this?

I-Ill try my best to make it work.

Ichinose-san nods.

Next to her, Aka undoes its mimicry and trembles as if to say, Ill also do my best!

What can I say, thats one crazy plan you got there

Ill take that as a compliment.

Im not being sarcastic at all. Im honestly surprisedIs there anything that I can do to help?

President Igarashi puts her hand on her chest and claims that shes willing to do anything.

Anything, huh

Theres one, no, two tasks which I want you to perform.

What are they?

First, can you Appraise that Dragon?

I doubt that itll work, but theres no harm in trying.

President Igarashi agrees to do so and observes the Dragon through her binoculars.


It worked.

! Really?

To be honest, I didnt expect it to succeed.

It seems like Ichinose-san is also bewildered.

I cant see everythingbut I can tell what status and skills it has. Unlike Kudou-san and Peony, the Dragon doesnt have the Appraisal Interruption skill. While some of the information is covered up

President Igarashi tells us about the Dragons status and skills.


Blue Dragon

LV 38

HP: 1400/5200

MP: 550/2300

Strength: 1200

Endurance: 800

Agility: 2500

Dexterity: 1200

Magic: 2200

Magic Resistance: 1100

SP: 176

Unique Skills


Claw Attack, Breath Attack, Dragons Scale, Extreme Flight Speed, Enemy Detection, Coercion, Roar, Berserk, Enhanced Breath Attack, Super Enhanced Breath Attack, Enhanced Claw Attack, Enhanced Dragons Scale, Enhanced Flight Speed, Crisis Detection, Telepathy, Reduced MP Consumption, Attention Cutoff, Increased Range, Thought Resonation[1]


Thats the Dragons status.

Its amazing how ridiculous its skills and status are.

All of its stats are well beyond mine.

The levels of its skills are unknown, but its more than enough.

Appraisal is so good. Give me Appraisal.

On a separate note, this might actually work.

The Dragon has the skill I that I was looking for.



Momo bobs her head.

Leave it to me!

Whats the second request?

Oh, thats

I explain to her about my other request.

Her smile stiffens when she hears about it in details.

You want me to do what?

You can do it, right?

O-of course. Ill do it. Ill do it!

When I make the gesture of snapping my fingers, President Igarashi agrees instantly while rubbing the regions around her stomach.

What an outstanding effect it had.

.Kudou-san, you act like a purebred devil when you deal with her.

Thats not trueI think

While Im being on the receiving end of Ichinose-sans dubious gaze, we position ourselves for the operation.

With this, the operation officially commences.



The Dragon roared, its body already tattered.

Unable to approach Peony because of it pollens, the Dragon was attacking with its breath attacks from a distance.

Alas, the Dragon was too far away, and its attacks were always intercepted by numerous vines before they could harm Peony.


Peonys attacks werent all that special, either.

It simply fired endless waves of leaves upon the Dragon.

The Dragon had been burning them to crisps before they could hit, but some of them were beginning to reach the Dragon.

The Dragons stamina was approaching its limit.

It could only unleash a finite number of breaths, and the more it did, the weaker they became and the shorter they ranged.

On the other hand, Peony had regenerative abilities, so no matter how many times it attacked, its power never decreased.

As such, as they exchanged more and more blows, it was apparent which side had the upper hand.


The Dragon could not completely block Peonys attacks. Hence, its body was slowly accumulating damage.

The more damage it accumulated, the slower its reaction speed became, and the slower its reaction speed became, the more its movements were affected.

It was a vicious cycle.

The Dragon was at the mercy of Peonys tactics.


Its body was riddled with wounds.

Their battle was entering the endgame.

Peonys vines eventually managed to arrive below the Dragons legs.


Exhausted, the Dragon did not notice this for a few moments.

Facing Peony, this proved to be fatal.


The vines coiled around the Dragons leg before it could blink its eyes, forcing the Dragon to an abrupt stop in the middle of the sky.

The Dragons immediate instinct was to burn down the vines, but it was all too late.

The Dragon was pulled down from the sky by the vines and smashed to the ground.


The Dragon howled miserably.

As the ruler of the sky, it was humiliating to be dragged down.

After ripping the vines to shreds with its claws, it attempted to take off from the spot.

Regrettably, Peony had already deployed enough leaves, branches, and vines to fill up the entirety of the Dragons field of view.

Quite literally, Peony the plant had constructed a cage.

Dont think of escaping.

That was its message.

With how tattered its body was, it was uncertain whether or not the Dragon could unleash another breath.

Regardless, it knew that it wouldnt be able to prevent Peonys next attack.


The Dragon understood what fate awaited it.

It was destined to perish here.

Nevertheless, its eyes werent dead yet. It hadnt given up.


It poured all its remaining mana into its mouth.

dont give up. I cant give up here.

This guy had slain my significant other. Defeat isnt an option.

Now come! Ill engrave the wrath of a Dragon onto your body!


Along with its roar, the Dragon readied itself for one last breath attack.

It was at that moment.

There were countless branches in front of the Dragonand one of them had suddenly snapped.

It was only one; however, it was clear that someone had attacked.

A red bullet?

Using its amazing eyesight, the Dragon had seen through the identity of the projectile.

A red bullet had pierced through the branch that had fallen down.

It awfully resembled the bullet which hit its right eye just the day before.

Is that human behind this?

The Dragon did not understand what was happening, and its confusion only grew from then on.

The red bullet gradually transformed into a small slime.


Furthermore, when the slime shivered, it began to multiply explosively.

Influenced by the universal law of gravity, the slimes fell down onto the Dragon.

They blocked the sunlight and created a small shadow on the forehead of the Dragon.



Then, a dog appeared in front of its eyes.

What thea puppy? Where did it come from?

Oioi, youre completely batteredOh well, this makes it easier for me to carry you away.

The Dragon heard a humans voice. It sounded somewhat familiar to its ears.

Its the voice of that human who provoked me yesterday.

Yo, I guess we havent seen each other since yesterday, Dragon.

The human had also appeared out of nowhere.


The Dragon was even more confused.

From its perspective, Kazuto was a creepy human who could appear and disappear as he wishes. What more, he kept reviving yesterday nonstop even after it killed him.

This is the worst.

The Dragon lamented its rotten luck.

Perhaps this human had noticed its fight with the Treant and had come over to fish in troubled water.

Theyre as crafty as always.

It was the same back in its original continent.

Although humans were weak and powerless, they were annoyingly clever.

What should I do? What can I do?

The Dragon couldnt think of a way to overcome this problem.

Dont worry. We have ourselves a few seconds to spare.


What is this human saying?

And why isnt that tree continuing its attacks?

Why isnt the cage closing in?

The Dragon was extremely confused, but it noticed that the dog in front of it was staring intently at it.




Arent you that humans companion?

Should I bite it?

It glared at the dog with undisguised hostility.

Surprisingly, far from looking away, the dog didnt even cower in fear.

The Dragon was rather impressed that the dog had the courage to stand in front its presence without trembling.


<<Momo looks at you as if you were a friend. Do you wish to befriend her?>>


The Dragon was utterly confused by the voice which resounded inside its head.


[1] -> Literal: Mutual understanding. I translated it as Thought Resonation (If you have a better word/phrase, please comment down below).

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