The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 64: Ninjutsu

Chapter 64: Ninjutsu


The dark wolf issues a growl. The growl induces the darkness around it to expand, making it look like a swamp full of black mud. It brings about an unpleasant feeling. I should try to avoid direct contact as much as possible.


Along with the wolfs roar, the darkness starts to move like a stream as it approaches me. Fast. But, if its only this speed, I can dodge it. I quickly move back and observe the attack.


What the hell is that? The scrapped cars that have been touched by the darkness is being swallowed one after another. Its not only that. Everything around them is submerging into the darkness too. It feels like Im looking at a bottomless swamp Oops, I shouldnt be watching it so leisurely. Im sorry, but Ill be taking them back. I try to take back the cars that are about to be absorbed. However Hm I cant retrieve them!?

I try to use the Item Box, but it fails. No matter how much I try, it still doesnt work. I cant recover them. Once that thing latches onto an object, its the end, huh. Whats the mechanism behind it?


So I cant spam attack. If I were to attack thoughtlessly from a distance, the darkness will act as a shield before the attack even reaches the target. On the other hand, if it becomes a close-quarter combat, I have to somehow deal with the darkness surrounding the dark wolf.


I signal Momo. In just a few seconds, Momo Roars again.


Its the roar of destruction. However, the dark wolf must have known it beforehand because it immediately hides itself within the darkness. So the darkness can also absorb shockwaves. The surface of the darkness is vibrating. Even Momos Roar is rendered ineffective. But its all good. The goal of Momos Roar wasnt to inflict damage on the dark wolf; rather, it was to steal its vision and earn some time. Immediatley, I activate the skill.

Momos roar ends. Right afterwards, the dark wolf releases the darkness. Precisely at that moment, its expression changes. It is a matter of course. After all, before its eyes, I have suddenly appeared.


It must be thinking how did he arrive so quickly?.

It wasnt really difficult. I just made use of some footholds to come near you. I noticed that your darkness requires a few seconds in order to absorb the cars completely. By intentionally releasing cars and boulders into the darkness, I approached while they were sinking. I swing the knife that the high-orc dropped. Before these footholds disappear, I have to get rid of this guy.


Unfortunately, it doesnt go as planned. Just as it is about to hit, the dark wolf twists its body to avoid the attack. Such an astounding control over its body.


The dark wolf retaliates immediately. The darkness around it transforms into an arm and grabs onto me. As the grip tightens, my body screams in pain. The moment my body is about to reach its limit- Bon! I disappear with the appearance of white smoke.


The dark wolfs expression changes again. It must be thinking what happened?.

Whats with you? Why are you so surprised?

From a distance away, I shout at the dark wolf.

The dark wolf tilts its head as if it doesnt comprehend what is happening. Since its its first time experiencing it, its understandable that it doesnt understand whats going on. Let me explain. This is Ninjutsu, the skill that I recently acquired. The one I just used is known as Duplication. As its name states, the skill allows me to create several copies of myself. The maximum number that I can create is five. The clones physical abilities are similar to mine. Each clone requires 3 MP to maintain for 10 seconds. While the clones have a flaw of not being able to use any skills, the ability is so powerful that the pros outweigh the cons. Just like now, I can make the clones charge at enemies without taking any risk myself.

Hey, is it okay like this? Look at your back.


The dark wolf is too focused on me to realize the other me approaching from its back. Yes, there is another clone. This time around, the wolf isnt able to dodge the attack. The knife on the clones hand gives the dark wolf a shallow cut.


But the next moment, the clone is once again gripped to death by the dark wolfs darkness. I shouldnt go easy on it. Using Throw, I bombard the dark wolf with various kitchen utensils and knives. It tries to use its darkness as a shield; howeverWAOO-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O!!!

Once again, Momos Roar resonates throughout the surrounding. I wasnt aiming to directly harm the dark wolf with the Throw. It was rather to make the dark wolf solely focus on me. Although it tries to guard against the Roar, it doesnt make it in time.


Unwillingly, the dark wolf is blown away. Furthermore, a bullet pierces the body of the wolf as it rolls on the ground. Its an assist from Ichinose-san. Such merciless attack is wonderful, Ichinose-san.


The dark wolf stands while swaying from side to side. This time around, the wolf seems to have received quite a significant amount of damage. As expected of an individual who evolved from a shadow wolf; its weakness is similar to them. Its physical defense isnt superb. While the darkness is a force to be reckoned, significant damage can be dealt as long as the attack hits. The dark wolf is undeniably strong, but it isnt as unreasonable as the high-orc. Nevertheless, I will not relax until the end. I learned this through several occasions. There is the highest risk when someone tries to go in for the kill because he or she has the upper hand.



The surviving shadow wolves gather around the dark wolf. We stare at the pack while maintaining a safe distance. The next attack will be its last. Or so we believed Uuooooo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!!

Suddenly, the dark wolf roars. Simultaneously, his darkness spreads in all directions.

Is it a suicide attack? No, thats not it. I am getting a ominous feeling from the darkness. This is!?

Momo! Avoid it!

The moment I say that, various things start pouring out. The recently consumed cars, building remains, trees, and even bodies are included. Bullets of various mass are shot out in every direction. So the darkness can also take out anything that it absorbs!

Tch. Aka!

Furu Furu

Momo is safe as she hides inside her shadow. Aka, on the other hand, inflates immediately and protects me from the massive bullets. A part of Aka is accompanying Ichinose-san, so she should be safe. I bounce around the storm while being protected by Aka. My body rotates rapidly. It feels like Im being washed inside a washing machine. Though this is already my second time experiencing this, it still takes a toll on my body (TN: I dont remember when his first time was). Will it attack us through the storm? Unexpectedly, no attack ensues. Soon, the storm stops. After my vision clears, I notice that the dark wolf is nowhere in sight.


Did it hide? But the rest of the shadow wolves have disappeared as well. Where exactly have they gone? I activate Detect Enemy without expecting much result. From the search, I sense the shadow wolves escaping farther and farther away. The dark wolf is also moving away.

Have they run away?

Silence. At first, I suspect that it is a trap. However, nothing happens.


Momo leaves her shadow and approaches me. The fight ended too suddenly. The monster decided to flee. It is my first time seeing this.

This fellow is different from the other monsters. It observed our strength and ran away when it was at a disadvantage. For monsters like this to exist Its a pity that it ran away

The fact that it ran away proves that we could have defeated it just now. Even if we pursue them, we will be helpless if the dark wolf decides to hide within its darkness.

How annoying

Im certain that it will appear before us again. When that time comes, it would be much stronger, and it would choose to appear only when it holds the advantage over us. Even though we have won the battle, Im not in the mood to celebrate.

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