The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 69: The Covert and Suspicious Duo

Chapter 69: The Covert and Suspicious Duo

Before we arrive at the school, we need to obtain some supplies for ourselves. We should go to a nearby convenience store or supermarket.

Speaking of which, Kudou-san. About acquiring food


Supermarkets are fine and all, but if you want to get them in bulks, isnt it better to look for wholesale markets or a warehouse of a distributor or an agricultural cooperative? There might be things like stockpiled rice, pre-shipment vegetables, and seeds. I-indeed, if theyre put in my Item Box, they wont rot, so thats also a viable option.

Yes but Im ashamed to say that Im not aware of where those places are.

Agricultural cooperatives are near the government offices, but I dont know where the warehouses and storages are. It will take some time to search for them. The wholesale market is also quite a distance away and is in the opposite side of the city center. This would take a lot of time as well.


When Ichinose-san asks for it, a 3D map appears in front of her eyes. Its the Map skill that she has. She says she received this through Gatcha as well. Some degree of searching can be done; its almost like Goo Map. I mean, Ichinose-san calls me a cheat, but I think the same goes for Ichinose-san. Her draws are too good. Its to the point where people who invest a lot in games will yell Dont mess with us.

The warehouse is quite a bit of distance away.

The numerous blinking points on the map must be where the warehouses of agricultural cooperatives are. Theyre all quite far away. Hmm, then we should put this aside. Besides, itll be difficult for other people to move things outside the warehouses if they dont have Item Boxes like me. Even if they do have the skill, their skill levels will be low if they dont have point bonuses like I do.

Then lets just proceed as planned. We can go to those places afterwards.


As such, we searched around for nearby convenience stores. While we are moving, I am carrying Ichinose-san on my back. Its faster this way. I notice while carrying her that Ichinose-sans chest doesnt possess much prowess. Theres nothing to worry about.

I wonder why. Im suddenly feeling extremely dissatisfied.

Its just your imagination. Please put down your nails.

Regarding our appearance, we look exceedingly suspicious as we have a gun and a knife on us with helmets covering our entire face. If this is before, we would have been reported for sure. I would certainly report it. Well, with my skills and Akas mimicry, it should be fine. Nevertheless, as expected of the citys core. There is much more human presence than in the suburbs. There are also many signs of monsters. Detect Enemy has been ringing since a while ago.

A lot of people are outside


The numbers are surprising even considering the fact that most of them are people looking for evacuation centers. Since they dont have any skills, were unlikely to get detected.

Its eerie that we arent being noticed to this degree.

Well, its because were specialized in covert actions.

As we move, Odorless, Silent Operation, and Attention Cut-off are being used. Inside the stores, Ichinose-sans Cognitive Impediment gets activated too. Inside buildings, Cognitive Impediment makes it difficult for others to recognize the existence of the user. Apparently, because I am in contact with her, the effect is extended to me as well. This is a powerful skill that was able to deceive even Momos nose. Its very dependable. Unless were facing opponents like the high orc and the dark wolf, we wouldnt have to be worried about being found.

Ah, Kudou-san, that


I look at the direction where Ichinose-san is pointing. There is a monster there.

its a slime.

There are three slimes present at the garbage dump. As usual, they are absorbing the trash while furu furu-ing. This is something for Aka to take care of.


Furu Furu.

Approaching the slimes, Aka undoes a part of its mimicry and stretches it out like a tentacle. Then, with a Churuuun, it absorbs the three slimes.

Akas just like a vacuum cleaner.

Yeah, it is as you say. Its has a significant suction power. After checking that Aka has fully absorbed the slimes, we quickly leave the scene. Thereafter, we went to places like the convenience stores, general stores, and supermarkets to secure supplies. While the interiors were in a mess, there were some supplies remaining. As I predicted, Item Box seems like a precious skill. After that, we went to the high school having replenished the necessary supplies. A few minutes later, we arrived near the perimeter of the school. Since we didnt encounter any powerful monster, we were able to reach our destination faster than we have predicted. From here, I can already sense the presence of several humans. It seems refugees are gathering here.

Chi, its not destroyed.

Ichinose-san is saying something, but lets ignore it. Rather than that, I am feeling a relatively strong presence within the school. And its numerous. Most probably, there are people with skills inside. While their levels arent known, the quality of information that I could get from them should be decent.

Hm? That is

I use Telephoto while hiding in the shadow and witness a familiar face near the school gate. Its Nishino-kun. And a fancy high school girlRikka-chan, was it? In addition, there is also Ishizawa-san, the newlywed, and the sports girl. Seems like they are all well. Thank goodness. Nishino-kun is currently communicating with the person standing watch near the gate. What are they talking about? Even with Listening Ears, I cant hear anything from this distance. Nishino-kun enters the school, having finished his talk.

Do you see an acquaintance?

Ah, no. Hes not really an acquaintance.

Is that so. As someone who doesnt have the skill, I cant see from so far away.

No, to begin with, if you can see with your naked eyes the same thing Im seeing with Telephoto, thatll truly be a cheat. Putting that aside, we should enter the school from somewhere where the guard isnt tight. As long as we enter the building, Ichinose-sans skill should also come into effect. Itll be great if I can get some useful intelligence. While expecting such, we look for places where we can use to infiltrate.

While this is happening

The dark wolf was running around in the city center. The wound hurt. It had been negligent. It was unbelievable that the human possessed so much strength. It far exceeded its expectations. Thanks to that, the pack was half-destroyed, and it was also inflicted with some wounds. The damages were devastating. However, there were some gains as well. The individual that it had been seeking ever since the world collapsed. At long last, it was found.

Its that dog.

The dog that stood besides the human. From that dog, it was able to feel the aura of its mate.

That dog is the one-

There is no doubt. It was able to meet at last.

Wait just there.

It was determined to bring it back. But it shouldnt be impatient. For now, it was necessary for it to heal its wounds and accumulate more power.

First, it is necessary to regroup

In order to prevent being chased, they fled in different directions. For them, it wasnt a major problem as they had a superior sense of smell. They would be able find each other very soon. While sniffing for the smell of the herd, several goblins appeared.

Unable to even comprehend the difference?

Despite its warnings, the goblins readied their weapons with their empty eyes. How ignorant. But it was perfect. As of now, it needed to heal, even if it was a little. Its opponents also looked as if they wanted a fight, so there shouldnt be any complaints.


The dark wolf deployed its darkness and massacred the goblins in seconds. Near its feet, the magic stones of the goblins rolled about.

Ill be having them then.

It stretched its neck to eat the magic stones. Precisely at that moment, chains emerged from the magic stone and wrapped around its neck.


What? Unpleasant chains that jingled and caused metallic sounds. It panicked due to the sudden occurrence.

What is this chain?!

Although it tried to break it, it couldnt be broken. Although it tried to shake it off, it couldnt be shaken off.

Ahyahyahya! Iyaa, lucky. To think Ill catch something so big. Ahm super lucky.

An annoying voice was suddenly heard from behind. Who was this human? Where did he come from? No, more than anything, were these chains the work of this man?


Oops. Its futile to try and shake it off. All the conditions have been met. From now on, Im your lord, you dog.

Conditions? Lord? What were those? What was this human talking about? Unwillingly, it lost its strength, and something uncomfortable started moving about in its body. A majority of its consciousness was sapped, and it was replaced with something entirely different.

As I thought, its perfect, this occupation of { Monster Tamer }. It was the right choice, hyahyahyahya

The annoying voice started to fade. It gradually lost its consciousness. No, there was still something that it had to accomplish. There was someone that it had to pick up. However, its struggle to maintain its consciousness was for naught. The dark wolf completely lost its consciousness.

Great, the slavery is complete. Its time to return to school. If I dont hurry, they might start to grow suspicious. Satisfied, the man left the scene.

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