The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 81: I Still Do Not Possess the Determination

Chapter 81: I Still Do Not Possess the Determination

I close in on the monster tamer with the blade (Aka) on her neck. The plan was an improvised one, but it seems to have worked.

Now, if you dont want to die, Ill have you listening to my instructions.

Despite saying this, my heart is shaking. The {Negotiation} skill is allowing me to articulate fluently, but Im nervous inside. After all, I am currently pointing my blade at a human being, not some monster. Im pointing it at a girl who isnt even an adult.

I have no problem fighting against monsters. Why am I so nervous against humans? I already know the answer. I havent been able to severe my ties yet.

It isnt good to injure other people. This was a common sense in everyday life. However, in this world, this idea is holding me back. The ideology still dwells within me. My mind understands that its better to just kill and get things over with. I could also attack her limbs and capture her. Although I understand, I cannot execute it. I dont want to execute it If my {Stress Tolerance} levels up, I wonder whether I will grow numb to this kind of feeling.

What if I had other types of tolerance such as {Guilt Tolerance} and {Avoidance Tolerance}?

No, I should stop getting distracted and focus on the things in front of me.

Dont think about resisting. Pacify the monsters this instant. You are capable of doing this right? Hearing my orders, the face of the monster tamer which showed fear softened. It was now a combination of surprise and relief.

Youre quite the nice one.

I want to finish this as peacefully as possible.

Peacefullyyou say

The monster tamer seems like she wants to say something, but she raises her hands instead. As if its a signal, the monsters that were rampaging suddenly halt.


They suddenly stopped.

Whats happening?

The students that remain in the cafeteria are visibly shaken. Nonetheless, their voice contains some trace of relief.


With that, the darkness that surrounded the cafeteria fades away. Even the monsters that have calmed down are sucked back into the darkness. Now, the panic from before seems like a lie.

Are we saved?

Are we fine now?

Hey, who is that standing beside Katsuragi-san?

I cant see because of the hoodie.

Is he the one that saved us?

Im at the center of attention. Well, I guess it cant be helped. Nishino-kun and Rikka-chan are also staring at my direction. Ichinose-san still has her gun ready. She appears to be ready to shoot at any notice. But at least for now, everything is okay.

Surprisingly, you complied without doing anything.

Its cuz I dont wanna die.

She glares at me with irritation.

Unexpected. I never imagined that someone like you would exist. Fuck.

Is that so?

Ah, how unfortunate. I was super pumped to earn a bunch of experience

She speaks as if she has met with the Game Over sign in a video game. Its the complete antithesis of how I felt a moment ago. She doesnt even see human life as important anymore.

Youre mad.

I say this without realizing that I have said it. Her eyes becomes round as if she didnt expect this.

Am I? Who doesnt want to be at the top? In this world full of monsters, the concept of over-leveling does not exist. Its better to live like this than to live under the care of someone else. Dont you also have the desire to live as you please? To live as I please Certainly, her words are not wrong in this new world. Those with powers are absolute. In the present world, values from the past possess no meaning. To live freely and to live one pleases sound like a winning deal.

I wont deny it. My life hasnt been anything worthy of praise either.


She turns towards me and whispers so that only I could hear, Its not too late you know. Why dont you join hands with me? I am given such a proposal.


From the looks of things, you have skills or occupations that are related to assassination. I can strengthen those skills you know? I also have an army of monsters in my arsenal. There arent any demerits in having me as your ally. It isnt a bad idea right? Strengthen my skills? Does she have rare skills like my Item Box and Precocious? So thats why she can subordinate so many monsters You think Ill agree to your plans? I cant trust you.

Trust me. I dont wanna die either. Also, you and I have the same smell. Well make a great team. What is she saying after meeting me for the first time? To begin with, shes a lunatic that wanted to massacre everyone in this school. I shouldnt lend my ears to her. Shes just trying to find an opening by saying things that would interest me.

Sorry, but

Ah! Found it!!!

Voices that reverberates throughout the cafeteria interrupts me. At the entrance, there is a twin. They are the pair that we have seen before arriving here. There are traces of battle all over their bodies. As I thought, they are capable of using skills.

Reinforcements have arrived.


The monster tamer looks downwards as if she has given up. From her reaction, I can deduce that the twins arent on her side.

Oi, give yourself up!

Muhahahaha, I have found you, villain!

Having said that, a fireball appears on the girls hand and a spiral-shaped boulder appears on the boys. Oh, are those magic skills? So those things exist. When I was having those thoughts, Danger Detection and Enemy Detection activate simultaneously.

Villain! Move away from that person!


That was a completely unexpected blow. Rather, its more accurate to say blows. Well, that doesnt really matter. The thing is, the attacks were released towards me.


Almost reflectively, I dodge the projectiles. The attacks hit the walls of the cafeteria, leaving parts of them burned or shattered. Uh, yeah If I had been hit, I wouldve died for sure Hey, what are you guysgah!?

The monster tamer doesnt miss the opportunity. She twists her body and kicks my flank as hard as she could. Then, she distances herself from me by back-stepping.

Wow, lucky me.


You have to be kidding me? Despite being specialized in stealth, my Endurance stat is in the three digits you know? Also, even though she took me by surprise, I wasnt able to react to her speed at all? Okay, lets put those aside for now. I look towards the twins. Why did they attack me?

Eh? Hey, nee-chan. Didnt Toka nee-chan say that the enemy is a girl?

What are you saying, little brother? Hes pointing his blade at a fragile girl! Plus, hes wearing something suspicious. He has to be the bad guy! I see! Youre right! As expected of you, nee-chan!

The twins seem to think of me as the perpetrator. For the first time since I was born, I feel like beating up kids for real. Damn it, you did you guys meddle with the situation!?

Ahyahyahyahya I legit thought it was game over, but Lady Luck hasnt abandoned me yet. The moment she says that, I hear a series of gunshot from the distance. Theyre from Ichinose-san. She seems to have shot the moment the monster tamer moved away from me. The bullets are aimed at the monster tamers temple and thighs. They will lead to either instant death or paralysis. Im impressed at her ruthlessness. HoweverThat aint gonna work~

The bullets are stopped a few centimeters before their targets. The darkness has protected her yet again.

Its show time! Dog!

A large beast spawns from her feet. The third encounter.


Along with a howl, the dark wolf appears.

What is that dog

It looks extremely overpowered

The twins eyes are glued to the dark wolf which has come out of nowhere. The same goes for the other students. Some people are trembling and holding onto each other. The dark wolfs strength is that amazing. Even so its just that. The wolfs current condition is far from ideal. With the two battles from before, it should be considerably exhausted. The wounds that the student council members and I inflicted have not healed yet. Right now, Im confident that I can beat it.

You think you can beat it right now, right?

The monster tamer smiles creepily as if she has read my mind.

Sweet. Ill show you. This is my trump card.

She lays a hand on the dark wolf.

{Familiar Strengthening}

The next moment, the dark wolfs body begins to the pulse. A black steam rises from its body, and the wounds heal. The wolfs body enlarges, and the darkness surrounding it becomes darker. Clearly, it has become more powerful.

A skill that strengthens familiars? I watch what is happening in a daze. Its not just me. Everyone else is also doing the same. The dark wolfs presence has become that much overwhelming.

Now, let us continue.

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