The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 84: Difference in Strength

Chapter 84: Difference in Strength

In the cafeteria, Nishino and Rikka were having a deadly battle with the monsters.


They were facing a shadow wolf and three lesser wolves. They were at a disadvantage both in terms of number and strength. Currently, there were out of breath and had injuries all over their bodies. With their levels and skill proficiencies, it was a miracle that they could still fight. What was supporting them could be summed up as Rikkas frightening motivation.

(Was here I cant be mistaken)

Just a few minutes ago, when Katsuragi Sayaka released the goblin horde, they suddenly had their brains blown away. At that time, Rikka had seen it.

(That was Natssun)

A person who wielded an oversized rifle which didnt fit her stature. It was only for an instant, but she was sure that it wasnt an illusion. That had to be Ichinose Natsu. When she looked back at the location after a brief moment of disbelief, she was no longer there. She must have used some type of skill.

(I must meet her.)

The feeling that she had near the school gate was not a mistake. The sudden mail and the sniper that saved her life were all Ichinose. She had a message that she had to convey. There were many things that she had to say.


The moment she loosened her guard, the lesser wolf approached her.


She didnt put the lesser wolf into her eyes. Directly grabbing its face, she threw it down at the ground. Along with a newly created crack on the floor, a magic stone rolled out.

{ You have acquired experience }

{ Experience has reached a certain level }

{ Aisaka Rikkas level has increased from 9 to 10 }

She heard a voice announcing that her level has gone up. Even so, she didnt have the time to care about such matters.

HaaaaaaHaaaaa.! Gehooo!

If she could, she wanted to leave the cafeteria in search for Ichinose. Yet the obstructions from the monsters stopped her from doing so.

(Who was that person in the hood? Natssuns boyfriend? Nah, that cant be.)

When she arrived at this thought, she felt somewhat uncomfortable. In the first place, who was that man? The man who brought along Ichinose and disturbed the cafeteria.

(He was strongtoo strong in factbut I feel like Ive met him somewhere)

Regardless, it was clear that he was Ichinoses companion. The gas from just then was a cover for their escape. Then, it was likely that they had fled already.

Anyways I have to get rid of these guys quickly and give chase HaaaaahHaaaaah

Rikka! Youre pushing yourself too much! You should-


Nishino tried to warn her, but it didnt matter. As her mind was getting clearer, she activated berserk again. Her instincts took over, energizing every inch of her body.


Rikka advanced upon the shadow wolf with a cry. Rikkas skill, Berserk. In exchange for her reason, status points worth ten times the level of the skill were granted to her. Depending on the level and the proficiency of the skill, the amount of reason that she lost differed. Ferocity increased her close combat abilities and Strengthened Slash increased the damage output of her slashes. In addition, Continuous Battle and Regeneration allowed her to forcefully move her body. Her occupation {Berserker} was truly made for the purpose of combat.


Her approaching figure was enough to stun the shadow wolf, creating an opening for herself.

(I did it!)

It was when she was absolutely convinced that she could take the kill from the shadow wolf.


The roar reverberated throughout the cafeteria.

When that monster lets call it the dark wolf for now roared, I remembered the time I first encountered the high orc. That time when I despaired facing absolute disparity in strength. It might be even worse this time around. Detect Danger is ringing like never before. I feel coldness akin to what one would feel if he is put into a frozen pool of water without any clothing. While sweating bullets, I maintain a close eye on the beast.


Its suffocating. I should be running full speed with Ichinose-san in tow. With agility having exceeded 300 after leveling up, Im sure Im moving at an astonishing rate with the added speed from the skill Getaway. Even so I have absolutely no confidence of shaking off the monster. Wait, am I even running in the first place? Or am I actually standing while shaking in fear? I cant help but think that way. I cant help but believe that that is the case. The monster was just that much different.

{ Proficiency has reached a certain threshold }

{ Fear Resistance has increased from LV 7 to LV 8} (TN: Pretty sure it was 8 since chapter 57, but oh well.) { Proficiency has reached a certain threshold }

{ Fear Resistance has increased from LV 8 to LV 9}

{ You have acquired experience }

{ Requesting for skills }

ThisIsBadThisIsBadThisIsBadThisIsBad. This is impossible. That thing is undefeatable.


I hear a small voice. The sound is so faint that I would have missed it if not for Listening Ears. I hear something else as well.


Ichinose-san shouts. Hands are growing out from the walls next to me. Huge, distorted hands which belonged to neither men nor beasts. The size of their palms should reach several meters.


I reflectively jump to the side. That very moment, the black hands slam into the ground where I previously stood. The ground shakes and a storm is manifested. Just how much power went into that attack? A small crater has been created on the ground. We are blown away, rolling on the ground. Thanks to Aka absorbing most of the impact, I am able to stand up quickly.

I-Ichinose-san, how are you?

I-Im holding on

Unfortunately, the enemy has no intention to wait. From various places such as the walls and the grounds more accurately, from anywhere with shadows countless hands appear.


The dark wolf howls softly. The next moment, the hands begin to stretch at an incredible speed.


Utilizing Danger Detection, Enemy Detection, and Prediction, I make a mad dash. The tentacle-like hands rip through the air, causing tremors to the grounds and destroying the school building. It was trying to target us, but a part of the school has been destroyed as a consequence. There are screams in the distance, but I cant be bothered to care. Taking out vending machines and scrapped cars from the Item Box, I make instant scaffoldings. Just running wont do the trick. I should maneuver around to dodge the incoming attacks.

! There!

Ichinose-san fires at a hand near us. The part that the bullet strikes scatters away. So physical attacks work! Or rather, this girl can shoot so well on someone elses shoulder! However, the black hand which Ichinose-san destroyed quickly regenerates.

If so!

Without much MP left, my options are limited. I release the Item Box.

I shall pave a path!

Heavy machineries and vending machines crush the black hands. A path is cleared. However, the next moment, the dark wolf appears in front of me.


It caught up? In that instant? Looking closely, it looks like its feet are assimilated with the black hands. So thats how it is. This guy must be able to travel between different shadows For some reason, I am capable of analyzing the situation in a calm manner. Suddenly, the dark wolf takes in a deep breath.

Danger! Alarms are ringing at their maximum rate.

Furu Furu.

UOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!! The moment Aka expands to encompass my entire body, the dark wolf releases its frightening roar. It is similar to the Roars of Momo and the high orc. The cry brings about physical destruction and blows us away like rubber balls. Our backs hit the walls of the school building. Unwillingly, we have been sent back to the school.

Ouch Aka, are you safe?


I discover Aka who has canceled its mimicry. It seems smaller than before. Apparently, some of its body parts have been blown away just now. For the attack to damage Aka which possesses physical immunity, just how much power was packed into it?

How about Ichinose-san?

A short distance away, I find Ichinose-san who has collapsed. Shes fine No, I cant really say that shes fine in this situation. The dark wolf is standing still a few meters away from me. Its charcoal-black eyes are staring at me. Its as if its telling me that I cant escape. This has happened with the high orc as well. Why are these monsters aiming at me so persistently? I dont want to be popular in this kind of manner. What should I do? What can I do? We have failed in escaping. Without any MP left, I cant use Ninjutsu. Sneak attack using Item Box? Impossible. With its agility, it would dodge easily. Should I restrain it with the shadows? Or perhaps fight in close proximity? Neither sounds plausible.


Momo comes out from the shadows and barks at me. Its as if shes telling me not to lose hope. Haha, Momo is truly strong.

Its fine. I havent give up yet, Momo.

Its okay. I wont give up before trying things out. To be truthful, Im terrified. My legs are still paralyzed and I might even die from this. But since you havent given up, I cant be the first to surrender. Just like my battle yesterday with the high orc, Momo keeps helping me during my darkest hours. While petting Momos head, I stand. I will continue to struggle.


I notice how the dark wolf is not paying attention to me. What is this? What is it looking at? For some reason, its line of sight is directed towards Momo who is right next to me. I feel something very unpleasant.



Instinctively, I push Momo away. For some reason, my body is telling me that it has to be done. Momo must have felt something too as she tries to jump away from the spot. But she doesnt make it in time. The black hands condense right next to Momo, transforming into a net and entangling Momo within. And thenMOMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

With a gulp, Momo is swallowed.

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