The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

Chapter 111: Relentlessly Evil.

"Ikaris... Stop-"

"No!" Ikaris snapped at Arla, who had lost all hope at this point, twenty minutes had passed, Dina was still warm because Ikaris was keeping her flesh and bodily functions alive, but her soul was refusing to re-enter her body no matter how hard she tried.

[There are just some things even the True Goddess Ikaris are incapable of]

The god of death continued looming sadly. [It is a waste of your power to cling to mortal flesh, Ikaris, let go-]

"I won't!" Ikaris cried, scooping Dina up and hugging her closely. "I'll do anything, whatever it takes, I don't want to lose you, understand, Dina!" She squeezed her. "I have lost too much already, you and master are all I have left, I cannot!" She sobbed. "Even at the expense of sharing my soul..."

[That is absurd!] The god of death snapped upon hearing her utterance, she knew that was not something a god ever should do, but she was desperate, but she had grown attached to Dina in the short time they had become friends, she felt kinship toward her because of their similarities, particularly with their devotion to Sol.

"Give her to me."

Arla and Ikaris looked up shocked, staring at none other than Idria who was standing on a small rise from the displaced ground.

"I can revive her." Idria approached carefully, sliding down the slope and stopping next to them, behind her was Sara who had been bloodied from getting caught in the previous fight and also from using her shadow technique despite the mana around her going crazy, it was a risk, but it had paid off.

"Sara you said it was too dangerous!" Arla stared at even idria's physical state and how torn up she was after being transported. "You could have both died!"

"Never mind that." Idria knelt next to Ikaris and took Dina from her grasp while her body began glowing, and Arla's expression turned to horror as she recognised the elven magical properties being used.

"You will die, Idria, you came all the way here just to die?" She asked, and the elf hugged Dina closely and smiled at her friend as tears welled up in her eyes and started flowing.

"When the tremors began, and the great moon shattered, I feared the end was here and fled back home expending all my mana, on my way there one of the falling moon pieces crashed on top of Argom, the castle was spared ironically, but a great deal of the city was destroyed in an instant, about eighty percent of Argom was gone in an instant."

Idria pressed her cheek against Dina's while Ikaris stared at small ethereal tendrils of light wrapping around her stubborn soul and slowly sewing it back into her body.

"My family, my husband, and our children, there was no house, there were no shelters, there weren't even bodies to recover, everything and everyone is dead, the only people who survived are those who had fled to the east, and there I could not find them, their mana is no more; their lives are no more, I have nothing left in this unforgiving world."

[The kin of this poor Elf is indeed passed on, with the events unfolding around, it is only a matter of time before the world as you see it is no more] the god of death answered, even though he knew only Ikaris who had been ignoring him was capable of seeing or hearing his words. [Why must we struggle with life when death leads to eternity?]

Nobody said a thing, Ikaris selfishly watched the elf draining her soul's energy to save Dina, while Arla just couldn't find the words to respond to this news.

"When Sara found me, I was going to take my life and be done with it, but after hearing what happened here to this poor girl I decided that one more act of patriotism would earn my way into heaven, where I may find my husband and children again, do not worry friends, this may not be the end."

That was a lie.

And she knew it.

The special skill she was taught many years ago was called [Soul Reconstruction] A broken and divine ability that could weave any soul back together and bring it from the realm of the dead, no matter the power of the soul no matter what kind of soul be it a god, demon, or otherwise.

She was able to revive this person without error, but the penalty was death, and the cost of a soul was her own, while Dina's soul was tethered to the land of the living again, Idria's soul slowly withered into nothingness, the god of death embraced her out of pity, and Ikaris lowered her gaze out of guilt as she watched the last of Idria vanish while the god of death wiped his eyes at her loss.

She would never see her family again, she would never reincarnate, she had ceased to exist, such was the true penalty of her special magic.

"Did you truly come here just to die...?" Arla started weeping again as she cradled Idria's body. "You idiot." She sobbed. "You... beautiful idiot, I am sorry, so sorry."

[More death approaches] the god of death looked skyward again, watching Sitri return for the third time, this time though Sol was hot on her heels and she looked like she was the one on the verge of death, they were both wounded beyond healing themselves after fighting for so long and so intensely.

"Not here!" Sara stood before everyone and cast a physical shadow in the air aided by the disappearance of two moons. And through that shadow both Sol and Sitri disappeared again, but only a moment later Sitri appeared next to the maid as mad as a hatter.

Her jaw had been torn up revealing her skeleton beneath, and her body was mutilated on one side as if she had been attacked by some kind of animal, and ineed she had; Sol had made it impossible for her to recover.

Sitri swung at Sara but Sol was there like a bolt of lightning catching her arm and tearing his claws across her other jaw, hooking his fingers in her eye and tossing her away with a spin before he stopped and looked at Dina who was unconscious and healed in Ikaris's grasp while Idria lay dead in Arla's arms.

It took a few seconds, but he made the connections and filled the blanks himself.

Having lost her flight instincts from being brutalized by Sol, Sitri emerged from the dust and made a wild dash past Sol and Sara at Dina and Ikaris again, again though Sol caught her, but this time with his senses snapped back after seeing Dina alive and Ikaris unscathed he summoned a sword and ran it through the demon-god's chest, and then ran with her impaled at his top speed tearing through a mile of ground before he bedded her into the side of a recently uprooted rock pinning her down and driving the sword to the hilt and then driving the entire handle through the rock and ramming another sword through her stomach while she screamed at him, laughing.

"This is the end of you, Sitri." Sol stared at her, closing one eye and falling to his knee with his grasp still on the sword. "That's enough from you." He summoned another sword and drove it through her leg as well when he saw her muscles twitching. ҫԋаρтҽг&-&Ъу-

"Stop moving!" Sol summoned another sword and buried it in her forehead immobilizing her before his hands fell limply to his side and he collapsed on the rock next to her, breathing heavily as the [Primordial Chaos Demon God] transformation finally wore off and he started suffering the backlash from the first [demon-god transformation]

"She is not dead!" Sara who had followed them drew her sword and rushed toward Sitri when she saw the demon begin raising her hand and a smile rise on her ajar mouth.

"Stay put." Sitri's eyes shook and jittered, rapidly looking in every direction before focusing on Sara.

Sol had helped Sara to level 120, but even in her state Sitri was still far beyond the power of a mere 120. In an instant Sara's legs vanished from beneath her and she spun, hitting the ground and cascading to Sol's feet while he was in too much pain to even notice as she began screaming at the loss of her legs.

[Mana Spear]

A blue pillar of sharp condensed mana flew pass them and bedded itself into Sitri's arm pinning it to the wall, and her eyes darted around again before settling on Ikaris and Dina who were rapidly approaching her.

"I will not be defeated by weaklings!" The demon-god roared shattering the rock that she was pinned to and extending her other hand toward them while holding on to the handle of the sword in her forehead and pulling it out with an agonizing roar.

"Begone!" Sitri swung her arm, and an unseen force caught both Ikaris and Dina and sent them flying to the side. "And you little bitch, be silent!!" Her pierced hand morphed into a blade and tore through half of Sara's back before an opposing blade from Sol stopped it from reaching any further. "Sol-"

Sitri's disfigured face suffered a terrible trauma, and her teeth broke as Sol raised his heel in her chin and sent her flipping out of the crater. [Heal] he turned to Sara as soon as he could, mending her wounds and regenerating her legs, but she had fallen unconscious from the shock she was going through.

"Thank you, Dr'ul." Sol stumbled forward, staring at the notification from the cracked system window.

[The goddess of war has alleviated the pain from your penalty, the halved stats still remain, tred carefully."

"Sol!" Dina came running over to him with Ikaris flying in behind her after they had both recovered from being flung while Arla rushed over casting a rune on Sara and transporting her away.

"You three, help me out here, she's weak: weaker than ever, if we don't kill her now we won't ever get this chance again." Sol raised his sword to the demon-god who stood at the edge of the crater staring down at the four of them "If we lose here, it's all over."

[Name: Sol Vestic

Level: 500

Mana: 600k (-300k mana status effect)]

[Name: Ikaris

Level: 350

Mana: 225k]

[Name: Dina Levina

Level: 130 (+20)

Mana: 105k]

[Name: Arla Amastacia

Level: 200

Mana: 70k]

[Name Sitri

Level 90M

Mana: 5%]

Sitri raised her hand sneering as she saw the opportunity to finally kill Sol now that he had exhausted his demigod mana as well as his Demonic mana, expending another 2% of her mana she opened a massive portal behind herself.

"Come, my legions."

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