The Young Lion

Act 1 Ch 4 The Hands Tourney

Act 1 Ch 4 The Hands Tourney

After returning to his chamber Joffrey decided to redraw his old designs since they were ruined. After he finished with his work he decided to catch up on his reading. He ordered the servants to bring his meals to his chambers and that he was not to be disturbed for the remainder of the day. He had instructed them to fill his plates with meat and to serve him milk with each meal. He would need a substantial amount of protein and calcium if he was to build up his body.

The servants looked slightly perplexed by the prince's sudden appetite for red meat and milk, but they did as they were commanded. After several meals and cups of milk Joffrey had finished some of the untouched books in his chambers. After finishing his designs and a few books he decided to retire for the evening. Before he knew it, he had drifted off to sleep, dreaming about his memories of his past life and his new one.

[The next day.]

The early morning light shone down through the windows of the red keep living quarters and onto Joffrey's face. As the light caressed his face Joffrey stirred from his deep sleep. He sat up in his bed rubbing his shoulders, letting out a loud yawn, still tired from the previous day's workout. In fact his whole body was sore, nevertheless that did not stop him from doing what he needed to do.

Joffrey quickly got dressed into some simple loose-fitting clothes and began his daily exercise routine. It lasted more than an hour and by the end he was covered in sweat and his whole muscular structure was aching. Only after bathing for thirty minutes did he feel comfortable to tackle the day's tasks.

His new attitude had shocked not only his family but the servants as well. Waking up early, exercising, and taking an interest in the realms affairs were all things the spoiled prince had never actively participated in. In the span of two days Joffrey had become a completely different person in the eyes of those who knew him.

Which wasn’t entirely wrong after all he now had two sets of memories in his head. He wasn’t entirely sure if he was just Joffrey that had become enlightened by the knowledge of the 21 century. Or if he was the soul inhabiting the body of a fantasy world’s prince. 

In the end he decided it didn’t really matter. After all he now possessed the knowledge to not only change his fate, but the fate of all the kingdoms. Though it would take time and no small amount of effort, he had become convinced it was his destiny to lead the seven kingdoms into a golden age.

Truthfully despite being the crown prince, he held very little power in terms of authority. He had to rely on his drunken fool of a father, and if yesterday had taught him anything that wasn’t possible. Thus all Joffrey could do for the time being was educate himself on this world’s matters and politics.

The young prince decided to have his meals within the confines of the royal library, where he went over the important information regarding the history of the realm’s finances. He was quickly disgusted by what he found. Despite having such fertile lands the irrigation system was primitive, they still relied on a three-field system. Which worked as a crop rotation system,the left field empty and the other two used for oats, beans, wheat, and rye. 

The four-field system held many more advantages that led to both agricultural and industrial revolutions. The four-field was just like it sounded; it had four fields divided into Legumes, Roots, Leaves, and fruit. This would allow for an increase in food production, due to the legumes and fruit, the soil would be left more fertile over time. Then with the increase in food the cattle and herds could then breed year-round as roots, turnips and beets were notorious hardy plants that could be grown even in winter.

If Joffrey left the world to its own devices it could take centuries for the people to figure this out on their own. He intended to implement this system within the year once everything was ready. Especially after he had his Bessemer process made he would have easy access to phosphate fertilizer. Which would only increase the yield in crops.

“This is what happens when you let drunks and mad men run the country.” He said with a sigh getting a headache at this ruling class incompetence. 

A few hours into his studying he noticed his little brother Tommen hiding behind one of the bookcases spying on him. He nearly laughed when he saw the boy peeping at him like a frightened squirrel. Apparently the changes to Joffrey's personality had frightened his younger siblings. They began to think he had been taken over by a spirit like in the ghost stories their septa told them. 

Taking a sip from his glass he never averted his gaze from his book. When the young boy started to get closer he let out a sigh.

“Tommen I know you're over there…” 

The boy panicked having been spotted by his older brother or the thing pretending to be him. Thus he panicked and scrambled out of the library. Joffrey laughed to himself watching the boy's behavior. He couldn’t really blame him based on how the real Joffrey had treated his siblings. Now was not the time to concern himself with trivial matters of children though.

After another hour or so of reading a royal steward came and informed him that his presence would be required at today’s tourney. Apparently his father was hosting a tourney as a celebration to his friend Ned Stark's appointment as hand of the king. 

“I see, please inform the king that I’ll be there.” Joffrey responded to the steward with a stoic expression.

“Yes my prince.” He bowed to him before leaving.

He let out an annoyed sigh that he was being pulled away from his studies, but soon brushed it off.

“A little sightseeing and entertainment might do me some good.” He thought as he stood up from his chair stretching his limbs.

After changing into new more royal attire Joffrey made his way to the tourney. When he arrived he found his family already there. His younger siblings Myrcella and Tommen were sitting next to each other laughing and giggling. His father and mother were in the highest part sitting on wooden thrones. Robert was already drinking ale from a horn laughing obnoxiously. His mother looked annoyed and couldn’t care less about the event.

Joffrey made his way up the stands towards his family as he approached his younger siblings and gave them a kind smile. They looked at him with slight fear and squirmed in their chairs. He looked at them with sad eyes upset that they were so afraid of him. Before they could react he reached out and ruffled both of their heads. They looked up at him with surprise and he again gave them a loving smile.

After he sat down in his own chair across from them he turned and waiting for the knight event with interest. As he waited for the spectacle that's when he felt someone's eyes on him. After looking around, that's when he found the owner. She was a young girl, probably thirteen years of age. She had a wild yet majestic beauty about her, with long auburn hair flowing freely. She had deep blue eyes and high cheekbones reminding Joffrey of a Token’s elf. Her complexion was very fair and figure very alluring. 

Joffrey could tell that this young beauty was Sansa Stark, his betrothed. He remembered that she was a very kind but very naive child. Who would suffer many hardships in the original story's timeline and  ultimately become a great ruler. Joffrey couldn’t understand why the real Joffrey would be cruel to such a stunning beauty and once again thanked the gods for his luck.

She was sitting next to who he imagined was her younger sister Arya, a tomboy that would like to poke his eye out for having her butcher friend killed. Next to her was an old septa who he couldn’t quite remember her name.

As their eyes met Sansa gave a small loving smile. He smirked back, giving her a charming smile before winking at her. Sansa quickly blushed and turned her head away, but he could tell she was happy and smiling to herself. Then an older man approached their seats. 

He was a small and slender man, he had sharp features and a pointed beard on his chin. He had dark hair with threads of gray running through it. Joffrey could tell that this was the infamous littlefinger master of coin. A cunning and dangerous man who lusted after Sansa’s mother. He knew he only fought for his own gain and he was secretly pitting the Starks and Lannisters against each other. All for his childish dream of one day sitting on the iron throne. Lord Baelish probably saw himself as a great mastermind of some sort, but all Joffrey saw was a weed that he would pluck in due time.

Suddenly the king stood up from his chair with his horn of ale.

“I’ve been sitting here for days! Start the damn joust already before I piss myself!” He shouted then sat back down in his chair.

His mother suddenly got up with an embarrassed look and quickly left her drunk husband and children on the stage. Suddenly the first competitor rode up, he was the largest man he had ever seen. He looked to be nearly eight feet tall, with shoulders and arms the size of small trees. He wore heavy dull gray battle scarred armor. The suit looked so heavy Joffrey couldn’t imagine someone being able to move in it let alone fight. He also wore a plate helm with only a narrow slit for vision.

“So this is the Mountain who rides huh.” Joffrey thought to himself that it was a fitting name.

Then the second competitor rode up. He was a thin man especially in comparison to the Mountain. He wore fresh forged armor, the young man looked very nervous which Joffrey couldn’t blame because of who he was facing. They both bow respectfully to the king.

“Yes, yes. Enough of the damn pomp. Have at it!” Robert shouted with impatience.

A servant then blows a horn signaling the start of the match. Joffrey sat up curious to see the knights match. The two rides charge down the field but neither makes contact after the first pass. When they turn the steeds around the charge once again. As they closed in on each other the Mountain drove his lance up into the other knight's neck knocking him off his horse.

Joffrey stood up and looked stunned along with the rest of the crowd, and could hear Sansa shriek of horror. They watch the young knight who has a large splinter of wood in his throat choke on his own blood. He coughed up blood for a few minutes before finally succumbing to his wound. Two retainers came and dragged the body out of sight. After that Joffrey turned around and saw an angry glare in his sworn shield, the hounds eyes. When he looked to where he was staring he could see he was looking at the Mountain.

“That's right the Mountain is his older brother.” Joffrey thought to himself another scheme starting to take form. “Interesting”

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