This Childhood Sweetheart is a Little Sweet

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

That day, after Yi Ming returned to his apartment and found that Jiang Wei had not yet arrived, he took off his white coat and threw it into the washing machine, then curled up on the sofa and turned on the TV.

The door sounded, and he got up to open the door.

The girl outside the door was stunned when she saw Yi Ming, and in the next second she was so excited that she almost pounced to lock Yi Ming's throat. But Yi Ming's face was indifferent, not to mention excited, and even a little cold.

It wasn't Jiang Wei.

She was already ten minutes late. What on earth was this girl doing?

Yi Ming maintained basic politeness towards the girl who had "gone through great pains to find out Yi Ming's address", letting her in through the door, while he himself sat on the sofa a full yard away from her, holding his cell phone and playing with a happy face.

The girl was the daughter of Yi Ming's father's old friend. Yi Ming had met her once when they were teenagers.

To be more specific, they had actually lived together for a while. That year, the girl's parents had to go abroad on a business trip, and reluctantly asked Yi Ming's father to take care of her. During that time, whenever the little girl saw Yi Ming, she would keep her eyebrows low and her face red. Unfortunately, Yi Ming's mind was completely on Jiang Wei, and he was already annoyed after "getting along" with her for just one day.

"You brat, you actually climbed out the window and ran away in the middle of the night. If you have the guts, then don't come back!"

Yi Ming's father yelled into the phone.

Yi Ming lay on his friend's bed with his legs crossed: "Sure, at your command."

And so, Yi Ming "crashed" at his friend's house for a week before going back home, and by then, the little girl had already been successfully picked up by her parents.

He didn't expect to meet her again, and of course, Yi Ming didn't look forward to it either.

The girl was also sensible enough to realize that Yi Ming was still the same person as before. Even though she had gone through great difficulties to find him, his heart remained unmoved.

"I'm leaving now, Yi Ming."

"I'll walk you out."

Yi Ming got up in a split second, just short of writing the words "can't wait" on his face.

The two came to the door, and the girl looked at Yi Ming tearfully as she told him a moving "goodbye". But Yi Ming narrowed his eyes and stared intently at her hair.

The next second, he suddenly raised his hand, pinched his fingers together, and then there was a "slap". He opened the hair clip on top of the girl's head.

He took the hair clip off and waved it in front of her: "You took this from my place?"

The girl was dumbfounded, on the verge of tears: "I saw it on the shoe cabinet in your house and wanted to keep it as a souvenir."

Yi Ming didn't even lift his head as he put the cherry hair clip into his pants pocket.

"No way."

"Why not?"

Yi Ming's mouth curved up slightly as he smiled faintly, "This is a token of love between me and my wife. If you like it, I still have the toothpick I used to pick my teeth yesterday, you can take that..."

This hairclip really was given by Yi Ming to Jiang Wei, but Jiang Wei had accidentally left it at his place a few days ago. That year on Jiang Wei's birthday, she forbid Yi Ming from spending money to buy her gifts, so Yi Ming had no choice but to learn from the girls in his class to make hair clips by hand.

Upon hearing this, the girl ran away crying.

Yi Ming didn't mean to hurt her, but for hopeless crushes, he felt this was the best way to make her give up.

"That's so mean!"

After listening to Yi Ming's "artistic way of mocking his pursuer", Qin Hao felt that although he should stand on the same side as Yi Ming, his conscience told him that he had to make this judgement!

As the thread of memories gradually became clear, it wasn't hard to guess from what Yi Ming said that when he was sending the girl out, there was a high chance that the female lead of their CP was secretly watching the scene.

"That did the trick, didn't it? We found the source."

Qin Hao spoke righteously and then advised Yi Ming that he might as well take this opportunity to capture Jiang Wei in one go.

Yi Ming thought about it and felt that what Qin Hao said was reasonable.

His little green plum had been hanging on the tree for too long. It was time to pick it down and keep it safe in his exclusive world.

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