This Damned Thirst for Survival

Chapter 151: The Eyes

Jiang Luo took one small step at a time and walked slowly up to the Custodian, his face covered in his abdomen, his face white from the cold wind, a helpless look of serious injury, "Custodian, Taoist Master Wei He."

The darkness of the night obscured much, so no one could see how badly Jiang Luo was hurt, but they could see the blood on his body and face. What's more, Chi You had broken his arm, so how badly did Jiang Luo have to be injured?

It's good that this is still back! Taoist Master Wei He was taken aback, "Quickly, quick, quick, Tian Shi Ji Yaozi, help him back, I'll show him!"

"There is no need to worry," Jiang Luo smiled weakly, his voice breathless, "these wounds are not life-threatening, they are only superficial and will heal with ginseng essence."

The funeral shop owner was stunned and slightly reassured, "I almost forgot you have a live ginseng doll there, Taoist Master, that doll is five hundred years old, Jiang Luo will have no use for you if he eats it."

"A five hundred year old ginseng essence? That's definitely possible!" Taoist Master Wei He breathed a sigh of relief, "Let's not delay, let's go back, the hundred ghosts across the street have also left, let Jiang Luo hurry back to cure them."

Jiang Luo looked again at the Fatalist and sighed softly, despondently, "Fatalist, I can't beat him."

"You have done well," the Host looked at him intently, a smile lurking at the corners of his mouth, "no one can do better than you."

Having pacified Jiang Luo, he turned back to Chi You who was surrounded by a hundred demons in the distance. The wretched image of the evil demon was resting on his broken arm, and although the evil demon did not appear to be fundamentally injured, the fatalist's eyes twinkled, "You've been able to break one of his arms. This is too much of a surprise."

Jiang Luo is still growing, yet he has already reached this height. He can turn Chi You into this in half an hour, and if Jiang Luo grows faster and becomes stronger, it won't be a problem to kill Chi You.

What no one could do, he could do. He raised his hand and gently wiped away a drop of blood from the side of Jiang Luo's face, his voice as gentle as water, as if it contained snow, "You have done well today, go back and rest."

The group walked back slowly, the elders going at the slowest pace possible to accommodate Jiang Luo's speed.

After entering the courtyard, Daoist Wei He made sure Jiang Luo did not need him and then left.

In the room, the ginseng spirit was lying on the bed playing with his feet when he looked up and saw them and exclaimed, "Daddy, you're back!"

"Is this the ginseng spirit?" Ji Yaozi looked at the ginseng spirit with curiosity, "It's so well kept, so white and chubby."

The ginseng spirit was a little frightened at the sight of the stranger, and it shrank back under the covers, shivering under the thick quilt.

Ji Yaozi said, "Oh, you're still hiding, can you see that Jiang Luo is seriously injured? You're quite clever."

Seriously injured?

The ginseng doll pokes a head out from under the covers and looks cautiously towards Jiang Luo, eyes confused.

How could it not see that Jiang Luo was injured?

Everything is healthy except for some lack of blood.

He was just about to say the words when Jiang Luo pulled it out of its nest with a quick glance. The ginseng doll felt a whirlwind and before it could speak, a ginseng beard was quickly pinched off.

The ginseng doll forgot what she was trying to say and burst into tears.

Jiang Luo took the ginseng beard to his mouth, his face flushed visibly and he even began to sweat from the over-supplementation.

Jiang Luo realises in hindsight that he has overdone it.

He endured the heat and did not forget to catch the tears of the ginseng doll in his belly band, not wasting a single drop of ginseng essence.

Seeing the look on his face now, Ji Yaozi knew without asking that he was well. It was now late and Ji Yaozi yawned, "Now that you're all right, I'll go back to bed and I'll see you tomorrow."

Jiang Luo thanked him politely, "Thank you for your concern."

Ji Yaozi waved his hand lazily and walked slowly out the door. When he disappeared, Jiang Luo's gaze shifted to Feng Li's. Why was he still here?

Instead of leaving, Feng Li walked over to the table and sat down, his spine straight, half of his handsome face sunken into the shadows, "Come here."

Jiang Luo walks over suspiciously.

The light bulbs in the house are twenty years old, covered with a dirty yellow wax-like stain, and the light is so dim that it is like looking at an old moving photograph.

Feng Li still smells of alcohol.

"Sir," Jiang Luo began, "you're not going back to rest?"

Feng Li lifted his head, the shadow returning to the bridge of his nose, making the lower half of his face, reflected in the dim light, as cold and hard as marble, "Put it on the bed."

The ginseng doll he was looking at stiffened, holding back her tears for an instant, sobbing and pretending to be a dead ginseng.

Jiang Luo obediently put the ginseng doll back and went back to Feng Li. Feng Li said coldly, "You have done one thing wrong today, you know?"

Jiang Luo's smile stiffened for a moment and he bowed his head, "I don't understand."

Feng Li looked around slowly and took the dead branch stuck in the vase on the table, his tone elusive, "You should not have taken the initiative to go there tonight when a hundred ghosts are welcoming the bride, let alone to express your request to the host."

"Your master is me, not the Fate," Feng Li said, his eyes sinking, "and it is my words you should listen to, not his."

That's a bit of an interesting statement.

Jiang Luo thought to himself.

Feng Li said, "Hold out your hand."

He took the branch and clearly intended to hit Jiang Luo on the palm of his hand. Jiang Luo's heart was about to break through the limits of his displeasure and he whispered, "Sir, I ......"

"Come on." Feng Li said.

His hand on the branch was already poised to punish Jiang Luo's palm. Feng Li did not say anything extra, but his meaning was clear enough that he would take more serious measures if Jiang Luo did not behave.

Jiang Luo was silent for a moment, but held out his hand.

"Every time your brothers made a mistake, they had to be hit by me ten times. For your first mistake, I will only punish you with five strokes." Feng Li showed no mercy and smacked Jiang Luo's hand with a tree branch. Jiang Luo looked at the red mark, he didn't think the pain was anything, but it didn't stop him from pretending to curl his palm and then forcing it open again in the next moment.

Jiang Luo's heart is at peace instead.

He pondered over Feng Li's two sentences, from which he could see that the Predestined and Feng Li were in no way harmonious. Feng Li disliked the Predestined very much, so could he stir up the conflict between them and make them dogfight?

Once, twice, three times, Feng Li struck him three times in the palm of his hand.

Jiang Luo remembered the account so well that after three strokes his palm was completely blind.

Feng Li frowned, paused, and added, "Roll your sleeves up."

Jiang Luo hesitates to move.

The traces of the evil spirits are still on the body covered by the clothes, and Feng Li is sure to find them as soon as they are revealed.

He was starting to get irritated inside.

-- Feng Li Why so annoying.

When Feng Li saw that he was not moving, he thought he was afraid. Feng Li patiently rolled up Jiang Luo's sleeves, two or three layers of winter clothes, from his thermal to his down jacket up to his elbows, and when Jiang Luo's small arms were completely exposed, he picked up the branch again.

Jiang Luo looked down and, surprisingly, the marks on his arm had disappeared. No, technically it wasn't gone, but if you looked closely you could still see the faintest of illusionary marks. It was the effect of the ginseng essence, a ginseng beard, and the yellow light, Feng Li did not notice the marks that were disappearing beneath the flesh.

Jiang Luo was getting hotter and hotter, so much so that his back was wetting the innermost layer of his clothes, making it uncomfortably sticky and greasy. Jiang Luo secretly reminded himself that he should not take more ginseng in the future, as it was not good to be too tonic.

The last two strokes landed hard on Jiang Luo's little arm.

Two red swellings were visible to the naked eye on cold white's small arms, which were spaced a palm's length apart, and the redness drove a patch of skin around them as if the whole arm was red and swollen too.

Feng Li's brow wrinkled uncharacteristically at the sight of this effect, and he looked up at the look on his young disciple's face.

Jiang Luo looks like he is in terrible pain, his forehead covered in fine beads of sweat. His lips are pursed and his lips and the ends of his eyes are burning red again.

The arm was red, with two slightly swollen marks as if it had the beauty of an inflicted torture, and even more pitiful in the palm, which was swollen more than the other hand.

The corners of Feng Li's lips straighten slowly.

In fact, there were no rules to punish former disciples, who never dared to make mistakes in front of Feng Li and were only locked up by Feng Li if they did not do well.

But with this lie, he punished Jiang Luo with five strokes, leaving these five marks.

Noticing his gaze, Jiang Luo lifted his eyes wearily to look at him, "Sir ......"

Outside the window, the wind howls and the sky is dark. Feng Li's body smells of liquor, heavy and mellow, tainting the air with a drowsy, drunken feeling.

The light bulb in the room swings, the unidentifiable light shadows and shadows, the halo darkens and dims with a dull grey light.

Looking at people in this light, ugly people have to see a few tender feelings, becoming loving and lingering.

Jiang Luo's light-hearted glance adds an obscure and distorted sense of morality to the indefinable light of the photo album.

Feng Li looked at him, his gaze suddenly darkened, he stood up abruptly and threw down the dry branch, leaving Jiang Luo's room with the words "this will not happen again".

Jiang Luo was puzzled by this look, and he watched the door close behind Feng Li, his brow furrowed, "What's wrong with this?"

It's so quirky.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Luo went forward and locked the door and closed the window again, making sure that not a single cold breeze could enter the room. He threw down a fire charm and lit a pile of matches in an iron basin, then stood by the bed and undressed.

The blanket was cold, but fortunately the bedding was thick and fluffy, so it soon warmed up. Jiang Luo was already very hot, but this time he was so hot that he lifted the blanket and fanned himself with his bare hands, and finally, unable to bear it, he got out of bed and poured half a thermos of water into a towel to wipe himself.

The ginseng spirit stood pitifully by the bedside, squeezing tears from his belly towards his big red flowered ocean pot, and bawled, "Daddy, I didn't just see who pinched my whiskers, can you tell me who did it?"

Jiang Luo snubbed it and said, "Feng Tian Shi did it, I saw it with both eyes."

"It really is him," the ginseng spirit huffed and puffed up his round belly, "Daddy, I asked you to help me tell the Celestial Master to use tears instead of whiskers, did you tell him that?"

Jiang Luo, who had completely forgotten about it, said in all seriousness, "I told you, but the Master of Heaven didn't believe me."

The ginseng spirit stopped crying and, aggrieved and angry, he accused, "How could he do that!"

Jiang Luo and the ginseng doll each scolded Feng Li once, taking over for a good ten minutes before stopping. After Jiang Luo wiped his body with water containing tears of ginseng essence, the only remaining bruises disappeared. Not only the bruises, but also the small and large cuts from his previous injuries were gone, and Jiang Luo felt as clean as a peeled egg, several times cleaner than after a bath.

Jiang Luo looked at his abdomen unfortunately, "You can produce hair with these tears, can't you give me two more abs?"

The ginseng doll rolled her eyes, "Then you'd better dream faster, Daddy."

Jiang Luo climbed back into bed clean and clear, and this time he was not uncomfortably hot. But as the day wore on, he kept tossing and turning, unable to sleep, and Jiang Luo was still staring at the ceiling with his eyes open when the ginseng dolls had gone to sleep with snotty bubbles.

He started to lose sleep again because he overcompensated.

Jiang Luo simply thought about the events of the night again, and then remembered the strange and full-on look Feng Li had given him.

That look always made him feel wrong.

He thought about it for a long time, so long that he was about to fall asleep, when suddenly his brain lurched and he had a sudden realization.

The way Feng Li looks at him is not the way a master looks at his disciple.

Rather, it is the look of a man looking at another man.

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