This Damned Thirst for Survival

Chapter 171: The End Of The Trial

Qi Yuan also saw Qi Ye before the hearing.

Upon seeing his son, Qi Yuan could not help but avoid looking at him.

After the hearing, President Xu laid out the evidence he had uncovered, speaking slowly but densely, cutting through the flesh of Qi Yuan and Chi Zhongye.

Hearing him out, Jiang Luo gave a heartfelt shout out to Dean Xu. As soon as Yu Guang glanced at him, the youngsters relaxed to the naked eye.

But Qi Yuan and Chi Zhongye, who were still holding out a glimmer of hope that Xu Dengdeng hadn't found the key piece of evidence, grimaced.

The two of them looked at each other and Chi Zhongye lowered his voice and said, " Qi Yuan, don't forget what we agreed to do."

Qi Yuan hurriedly said, "Don't worry, I have contacts in my hands and you know puppetry. I will definitely think of a way to get you out of here after a few months of avoiding the limelight."

"You'd better do what you say." Chi Zhongye didn't actually trust Qi Yuan, but there was no better way to go about it now. It was better for one person to go in than for both of them to fall, not to mention that he still had Qi Yuan's hand on him.

With that thought, he was reassured, but a certain sense of foreboding was still lurking.

All this time, Chi Zhongye had been regretting his actions against Jiang Luo after listening to Qi Yuan. He had only wanted to use Jiang Luo as bait to get rid of Chi You, but for Qi Yuan's encouragement, why would he be standing here now?

But he was the one who arranged for the change of the test content and the blackmail, so Qi Yuan just moved his mouth and gave him some more manpower. Of the two of them, Chi Zhongye was obviously the more suspicious.

Although it had been agreed that he would take the blame, Chi Zhongye's legs were weak as he stood here, and there was a vague fear and desire to retreat in his heart.

If he had not been the head of the Chi family, this matter would not have come to his turn.

If only Chi You hadn't died.

He could just as easily have blamed Chi You for all of this and let Chi You take the fall for him.

Chi Zhongye's resentment grew again as he thought about it.

It's all Chi You's fault.

If Chi You doesn't turn into an evil spirit when he dies, then wouldn't he have to risk killing Chi You?

It is the fault of Chi You, who was a pain in the ass when he was alive, and will not let anyone rest in peace when he is dead.

Chi Zhongye thought a lot, but hesitated to speak up. It was only when Qi Yuan nudged him that he stepped forward stiffly, his voice dry, "It was all my idea, I asked Qi Yuan to come and help me, he didn't know what I was going to do and I didn't tell him, he got involved in this because I tricked him."

Qi Yuan was too busy to express his innocence, "Yes, yes, I really don't know anything. Brother Chi just asked me to lend him some men. I had to be righteous when my old friend asked for someone, so I sent someone over without even asking."

Jiang Luo couldn't hold back a small snort of laughter at this comment. Only Ye Xun beside him heard it, and Ye Xun gave Jiang Luo a helpless look before curling his own lip.

Qi Yuan and Chi Zhongye are going to give up one for the other?

But Jiang Luo would not let these two guys get away with anything if he could get them off his back.

As Dean Xu frowned and thought about how to respond, Jiang Luo's fingers moved unnoticed and, using his recovered air, he wrote the word 'honesty' and gave it to Qi Yuan and Chi Zhongye.

The invisible word passed through the air and fell on both Qi and Chi. The two men, who were struggling to exonerate themselves, jolted, and then, as if they had been changed, they grabbed all the plans and crimes.

"It was me, it was my idea, we wanted to kill Jiang Luo so we planned to create the accident that he died in the test."

Qi Ye in the gallery clenched his fists violently and let out a trapped, desperate whimper from his throat.

Qi Yuan stared in horror, unable to believe what he was saying, but his mouth kept opening and closing, "I want to kill Jiang Luo because he wants to avenge Chi You. I'm not just going to kill Jiang Luo, I'm going to dethrone Tian Shifu and become the head of the Six Families."

By the end of these two sentences, Qi Yuan's expression was already desperate, but he continued to tell the story of the wrongs he had done and the people he had mutilated, one by one.

Chi Zhongye, like him, couldn't keep his mouth shut, "No, what I did was even more outrageous. I work with the chief of the blood eels, and specialise in telling rich people that they can be young and live forever, taking a kickback from that. A man called Hu Lin asked me to perform a puja, but I drank too much that day and killed Hu Lin's family outright. I blamed it on Chi You, not only for this incident, but also for the Chen Binxi woe, and ......"

Each of these things is appalling enough to be heard.

The entire courtroom was in an uproar at the sound of Qi Yuan and Chi Zhongye's voices.

The leaders of the Xuan Ling Office looked at Qi Yuan and Chi Zhongye with disbelief, and the crowd in the gallery was emotional. The clerk's face was full of shock, his men not stopping to take notes at a rapid pace.

Qi Yuan heard himself say, "No, I've done worse ......"

A man in his fifties is forced to the edge of a cliff by his own mouth. Qi Yuan wanted to cover his mouth, but his hands stayed honestly in place, and the urge to tell the whole story even came over him with shame. He knew full well that such an impulse was wrong, but he could not restrain it. Qi Yuan's expression grew numb with despair, "Do you know Yuan Tianzhu?"

The people in the room froze.

Qi Yuan said, "There are four Yuan Tianzhu under the sky, and Yuan Tianzhu is ...... cough, cough."

Suddenly, Qi Yuan coughs violently. The cough seems to bring him to his senses and his eyes gradually become clearer.

Beside him, Chi Zhongye seems to have snapped back to attention with a blow from the hammer.

The courtroom was silent as Qi Yuan and Chi Zhongye stared in disbelief at what they had said.

Jiang Luo sensed that the word spirit placed on both of them had shattered, and that another, more powerful force had long ago placed a ban within their minds, not allowing them to reveal unspeakable secrets.

Qi Yuan was quick to react, "I was just controlled by Chi Zhongye, who knows the Puppet Soul Alchemy, and he just controlled me and made me take the blame for his crime."

"You bullshit," Chi Zhongye looked at him grimly, gritting his teeth with hatred, "it was clearly you who used some sinister means to influence me."

The two men, who are in charge of the six families, started a dogfight in public, causing the whole scene to go crazy.

This scene was extremely funny, but the leaders of the Xuan Ling Joint Office could not laugh.

With serious expressions and fingers even shaking with horror at the news that Qi Yuan and Chi Zhongye had blown themselves up, they began to contact people from other institutions.

According to Qi Yuan and Chi Zhongye, they have already caused more than one death, which has even involved a number of ordinary people. This is not something they can handle anymore and the state has to be brought in to take over.

Officer Lin was waiting outside the Xuan Ling Office with his men to arrest Chi Zhongye, when he received this notice he rushed into the office with his men. When Qi Yuan and Chi Zhongye saw the police rushing in, their faces turned white and they knew they were really screwed this time.

Human instinct made them turn and run, but Qi Yuan had barely taken two steps when a policeman heaved him to the ground, hitting the bridge of his nose on the ground and instantly gushing blood from his nose.

He was "hissing" with pain, and on the other side, Chi Zhongye was shouting, "Let go of me! Let go of me!"

It's over, it's all over.

Qi Yuan trembled as he was forcibly dragged to his feet, probably to be locked up for the rest of his life.

A chill seeped unnoticed through the cracks in the crowd on all sides to Qi Yuan's side.

Qi Yuan winced, sensing as an afterthought that something was wrong. The next moment, he was violently lifted up by something invisible around his neck.

Qi Ye sprang to her feet, "Dad!"

The people around him were startled and Officer Lin reacted quickly by yelling, "What are you still standing there for? Quickly get him down!"

But the others were unable to lower Qi Yuan from the air. Qi Yuan's breathing became more and more laboured, his face turned blue and he screamed "ho ho" as the sensation of life passing him by brought tears and snot to his eyes.

He struggled to keep his head down as he watched Qi Ye frantically rush in from the gallery. Qi Yuan saw his son's tearful face and, out of nowhere, he got an extra surge of strength and struggled with renewed vigour as if to return to the light.

At that moment, Qi Yuan heard a cold, low voice.

" Qi Yuan, the spirit in you that belonged to my grandfather should also be returned to me."

Qi Yuan's pupils flinched.

The policeman who was struggling to hold Qi Yuan's legs breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Qi Yuan's struggling had slowed down. The sound that came out of his mouth was not like that of a living person, and the veins from his neck to his face were fierce.

The pain of having the invisible spirit pulled out of his spine was as painful as death. At the end of his life, Qi Yuan's eyes went black and he suddenly saw the evil spirit sitting in the audience.

In the midst of the chaos for everyone, the man dressed in black did not move, his hellish eyes staring horribly through the air at Qi Yuan.

Qi Yuan's chest choked as he pinched himself and said with difficulty in a hoarse voice, " Chi You ......"

As soon as the words were spoken, his neck craned and he died.

Chi Zhongye, who was still trying to argue, shook violently and was instantly creeped out as the police officers rushed to give him first aid. He looked around in horror and shuddered, " Chi You? Chi You is here?"

He shook and broke free from his hold and lunged at Qi Yuan's body, shaking Qi Yuan with a grimace, " Qi Yuan, where is Chi You, is he going to kill me--"

Qi Yuan, who was already dead, suddenly opened his eyes and his bruised face gave Chi Zhongye a malevolent, frightening smile as he said, "You're next."

After saying this, Qi Yuan closed his eyes again.

Chi Zhongye was so frightened that he sat down on his buttocks and the policeman tried to pull him up, but as soon as his hand touched Chi Zhongye's body, Chi Zhongye screamed like a madman with his head in his hands.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me ......"


A farce gradually subsided.

Only when the courtroom was finished with people did the evil spirit, draped in a black coat, rise gracefully, leaning on his cane and walking unhurriedly outside.

Just as I walked out the door, a voice came from beside me, "Hey."

The evil spirit turned his head to look to his right.

The dark haired youth leaned against the wall, half a cigarette held in the tips of his fingers, smoke puffed out of his nostrils, he shook the ashes, the dim sunset diffused on his black hair, and his flamboyant features took on a bit more of a lazy look, "Shedding out?"

It was as if he was purposely waiting for the evil spirit.

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