This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 177

Chapter 177

It's not Yan Xingnan's fault for being so useless, it's just that Zhao Cunzhi's body is too weak.

Years of malnutrition combined with long-term intense physical labor have left Zhao Cunzhi's body severely depleted, and it will take more than a little while to recover.

Yan Xingnan was completely buried in the soft mattress, his brain totally frozen, with not a single thought in his mind. He just felt his entire body ache and weak, all his senses feeling unreal, as if this body didn't belong to him - because it wasn't originally his.

This feeling was very unpleasant, making him distressed and anxious, fearing that heaven would take back this gift at any moment.

In a daze, he felt Shen Youfei's hand touch his forehead, and then she gently coaxed him to take his temperature.

In the low voices around him, he heard her talking to the doctor. Yan Xingnan wanted to open his eyes to take a look, but he didn't even have the strength to do that, something was pulling him down into the dark depths.

The doctor gave him an antipyretic injection, and only left after Yan Xingnan's fever had completely subsided.

Shen Youfei used a hot towel to wipe his body, every touch gentle and tender, her gaze filled with the utmost tenderness.

This body had no calluses on the hands, no large scars on the skin, and though thin, it was smooth and flat.

Shen Youfei tucked him in, gazing intently at his brows and eyes, tracing his face - a familiar yet strange face.

In his sleep, Yan Xingnan suddenly furrowed his brows, murmuring softly, "Fei Fei..."

"I'm here." Shen Youfei's hand caressed his cheek, gently stroking.

Yan Xingnan's brows gradually relaxed, as he nestled deeper into the pillow.

This sleep was very deep, and Yan Xingnan kept dreaming, with his own memories and Zhao Cunzhi's memories intertwining and flashing by.

Finally, he saw Zhao Cunzhi, his whole body injured, with a sorrowful gaze.

He said, "You go on living in my place. Life is too bitter, and I'm too stupid to live it well. I won't come back again."

From a young age, he was taught by his parents to be good to his sick brother, to indulge him. He didn't understand why he could never get his parents' love, while his foolish brother always had their care and protection. He desperately tried to be sensible and obedient, doing all the housework, dropping out of school early to work, sending all his earnings back home, desperately seeking even the slightest praise and affection from his parents...

But when he was most desperate and helpless, his parents had hung up on his call.

He died with confusion and hopelessness, but retained a sliver of consciousness, hiding in a dark corner, sleeping and waking, watching as another person took over his body, saw his memories become clear, and went to the police station to tell them he had been abducted.

He bitterly smiled, thinking: So, his brain-damaged brother wasn't stupid, but he himself was the real fool.

Yan Xingnan wanted to call out to him, but his throat felt like it was stuffed with a red-hot iron block, and he couldn't make a sound.

"Thank you."

Zhao Cunzhi smiled through his tears, disappearing into the darkness as tiny specks of light.

When Yan Xingnan woke up, it was already afternoon. His body and mind were both extremely exhausted. He sat up on the bed, looking at the empty master bedroom, desperately wanting to see Shen Youfei, wanting to pull her into his body, to confirm that all of this was real.

He walked out unsteadily, finding Shen Youfei on the phone in the study.

Shen Youfei heard the sound and turned around. Behind her was a large floor-to-ceiling window, and the warm winter sun shone on her, making her entire being radiant.

She smiled at him and waved from the sunlight. Yan Xingnan stepped towards her, each step feeling like he was walking on clouds.

"Sister, when are you coming back? I miss you so much~"

Yan Xingnan's steps paused, the voice on the phone was a young man, speaking in a coquettish tone.

"Speak properly, don't act coy."

Shen Youfei's words, though scolding, were said in a gentle, doting tone.

Shen Youfei saw the change in Yan Xingnan's expression, and before Shen Youlin could erupt, she quickly pacified him: "Okay, I'll come back for dinner tonight."

Shen Youfei no longer paid attention to Shen Youlin's wailing, directly hanging up the phone.

She approached Yan Xingnan, her palm resting on his forehead: "No more fever, you should be fine by tomorrow."

Yan Xingnan's expression turned icy, brushing away her hand: "Whether I'm fine or not, what's it to you? You have plenty of lovers to dote on you."

Shen Youfei withdrew her hand, taking a step back and looking at him impassively.

"Miss Shen, you're already in your thirties - the age when women are like wolves or tigers. With a different lover for every day of the week, I'm sure I can't keep up with you."

Shen Youfei's smile was sardonic: "That's right, no two are the same."

"Like me, who gets a fever the next day - I'm not worthy of your service."

Yan Xingnan turned and left.

Shen Youfei coldly called after him: "Where are you going?"

If you walk out that door today, you'll never get back on my bed again.

Yan Xingnan was filled with resentment, but also felt a lack of justification: "Going downstairs to eat something."

Shen Youfei changed her clothes and went downstairs. When she passed the dining room, Yan Xingnan deliberately picked up a spoon and tapped it against the fine bone china bowl, creating a clear, melodious sound that was out of place.

Shen Youfei hesitated for a moment, then sighed helplessly and looked at him: "The phone call was from Youlin."

Yan Xingnan was dumbfounded, regretting his previous actions.

"What made you think I have many lovers?"

Shen Youfei said and then left, leaving the spoon-tapping Yan Xingnan in a daze.

In the sunroom of the old Shen family mansion.

Shen Youlin threw his phone aside and buried himself in Yu Shu's arms, whimpering: "Sister didn't buy my act, my cute and coquettish tricks didn't work on her."

Yu Shu put down her teacup and comforted him: "I'll buy them. Tell me, how much does your cuteness cost per pound?"

"Ten dollars per pound~"

"I'll take it all, wrap it all up for me." Yu Shu pretended to be generous.

Shen Youlin, a big manly man, cooed: "Master, take me in too, not just my cuteness."

"No can do, I have a fierce tigress at home, no room for you." Yu Shu laughed.

"Then..." Shen Youlin batted his eyelashes at her, "Keep me hidden outside, we'll sneak around."

Yu Shu chuckled: "Without a name or status, that would be hard on the poor dear."

"Youlin doesn't mind, Youlin is willing to serve the master." Shen Youlin picked her up and started running towards the house.

"Put me down, don't mess around!"

Shen Youlin slapped her butt: "Be good, we've got to do the whole act."

"No, let me go!"

Shen Youlin ran off: "Time to butcher the little piggy!"

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