This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

The closer she got to home, the more restless Yu Shu felt. Just thinking about having to go back and face Ye Ping made her feel annoyed. She decided to take her car out of the garage and go straight to Rong City instead.

Wasn't her luxurious apartment in Rong City nice enough? Why did she have to stay at home and put up with this!

As soon as Yu Shu arrived in Rong City, she received a call from Elder Sister Xing.

Elder Sister Xing sounded very excited on the phone: "Little sister, come out for hotpot quickly!"

Elder Sister Xing gave the name of a hotpot restaurant, a well-known old brand.

Ever since Yu Shu had gotten to know Elder Sister Xing, they had stayed in touch. Although the two were far apart in age, their personalities and tastes were identical. They liked the same novels, movies, celebrities, and even had the same tastes in food. They could chat excitedly and scream about anything, it was as if they were meant to meet. Yu Shu had learned a lot from her moments on social media. Aside from Elder Sister Xing, she didn't know any other wealthy madams, but she felt that Elder Sister Xing must be an oddball among the wealthy madams. Her social circle was refined yet vulgar, sometimes showing off Buddhist scriptures, calligraphy, flower arrangement, tea ceremony, jewelry, and other times showing off hot pots, barbecues, street food stalls, crayfish, emojis. Occasionally she would also show off her love.

There were two Yu Fanxing in the world, one a middle-aged dignified wealthy madam, the other a teenage fashionable and quirky girl.

When Yu Shu arrived at the hotpot restaurant, Yu Fanxing was cooking tripe. With her mouth covered, her eyes were red. Seeing Yu Shu come in, she sniffed and said, "I couldn't wait for you, it's too delicious. I'm crying..."

"That's okay." Yu Shu sat down and prepared her own dipping sauce. Seeing the server come over to collect the empty plates, she said, "Please add another order of fresh tripe and duck intestines."

"Add an order of duck intestines and tripe," Yu Fanxing said. Then she was stunned by her own words, and patted Yu Shu on the arm, "You really are my good little sister."

Yu Fanxing ate the duck intestines in one go, crying while she ate: "Waaah..."

"Is it too spicy?"

Yu Fanxing cried even harder, like pear blossoms in the rain: "It's so delicious I'm crying."


Yu Shu shook her head helplessly: "Behaving like this, people will think you're being abused by a wealthy family."

"I'd rather be abused than this! That old house is no place for people!"

An old deep courtyard mansion? The secrets of a wealthy family?

Yu Shu moved her chair closer to her: "What happened at the old house?"

"You don't know! I was suffocating staying at the old house over New Year's. The whole family ate health food meals with Old Madam. If it wasn't for the nutritionist not allowing Old Madam to eat vegetarian, the table would be almost completely devoid of any meat or grease. The only meat was usually some medicinal bone broth, so bitter it was awful! It's simply not fit for humans to eat!"

Yu Fanxing complained bitterly: "After eating like that for half a month, I've been dreaming of hotpots and barbecues even in my dreams. I finally got back to my parents' home, but no one eats spicy food there. My younger son eats spicy food, but if I eat with him I get stomach pains for days, makes me want to vomit blood with one bite. "

Yu Shu looked disappointed: "I wanted to hear the secrets of a wealthy family, not hear about the wealthy family's palate."

Yu Fanxing swallowed a whole piece of tripe in one bite: "There are secrets, I can tell you about other families. Otherwise I'd become a gossiping housewife. I can tell you a bit about my two sons."

"Blood brothers fighting over the family fortune?" Yu Shu became interested.

"They're not fighting, but my eldest daughter-in-law is."


"Let me ask you, if you were alone at night in an alley and met a bloodied man who asked you to save him, what would you do?"

"Call 110 then 120."

"Like minds think alike!" Yu Fanxing was so excited she slapped the table. "That's what normal people would do, right? Only those infected by the Mary Sue virus would bring an unidentified severely injured man home."

Yu Shu nodded: "You can't pick up random men on the street, who knows if they're Li or Fou."

"That's right, my daughter-in-law recited that line too!"


"My son must be different from those two." Yu Fanxing put some shrimp balls into the pot. "I have two sons. My eldest son is promising and handsome. He'll be the next head of the house, just like an overbearing president from a novel. Unfortunately his mind isn't very bright. Years ago he was targeted by an Enemy, got some superficial injuries and escaped. He was picked up by Cinderella and brought home..."

"I don't care about background. But this Cinderella's mind isn't very good, she always feels life in a wealthy family is difficult, that no one looks up to her. In fact, who has time to bother with her! Wouldn't she be happy as a leisurely wealthy madam like me, eating, drinking and having fun? If there's anything just ask her husband, if there's nothing her husband will call her, and the current and former overbearing presidents are still going strong, yet she's still not satisfied with my son..."

"Ahem, I'm still young, let's save the late night show for later," Yu Shu interrupted her to avoid the conversation accelerating too quickly to the edge of town. "You're getting off track, let's get back to Cinderella and the overbearing president first."

"Oh, okay, let's get back to it. Cinderella brought my overbearing president son home and under her attentive care, his superficial wounds successfully became infected and festered."


In novels, nearly dead people can always be saved at home by the female lead.

"My idiot son's mind is also ill, tormented by Cinderella to near death, yet he enjoyed it immensely, unwilling to contact us. If the Police hadn't helped find him, he'd still be there acting out an undying passionate love! He had such a high fever he was nearly burnt stupid!"

Yu Fanxing drank a large cup of sour plum juice: "Let me tell you carefully here. Cinderella had end-stage Mary Sue cancer. She made up this huge drama in her mind. When she saw the police come for the overbearing president, she thought he was some terrible criminal. She cried and told my son they would live and die together, never leaving each other no matter what, willing to wander the earth with him. When the police came, she cried so tragically it was earth-shattering."

Yu Shu shook her head and sighed: "When the hills are all flat, and the earth and sky meet, only then will I be willing to part with you!"

"That's right, Cinderella recited that line too!"


"And she recited it in front of so many police officers. My son was also crying uncontrollably. Oh my, it was so embarrassingly melodramatic. I wished I could find a hole in the ground to crawl into! This kind of plot is unwatchable even on television, yet the male lead was my son?! I even wondered if he had been switched at birth by the Enemy!"

Yu Shu was an excellent listener, always prompting the story at the right moments: "What happened next?"

"What happened next? Cinderella married into the wealthy family and became the wife of the eldest son, the next mistress of the household. My son was as if enchanted by her. Cinderella trips and falls, and he finds it cute. Cinderella is sure to break anything glass she touches, and he finds her innocent and cute. Cinderella cuts herself on the broken glass, and he finds her innocent, cute and unaffected. "

"......Art really does come from life."

"Alas, my son probably watched too many strong female and scheming female leads when he was little. Seeing this kind of artless little white rabbit, he finds her refreshing. No need to guess at her thoughts and feelings, she writes them all in her QQ status."

"Uh...isn't it written on her face?"

Yu Fanxing: "It doesn't fit on her face."


"My son insisted on marrying this little white flower back home. After marrying back home, she didn't know how to do anything. She could even burn down the kitchen making breakfast. I hadn't said anything yet and she burst into my son's arms crying, crying so heartbrokenly it was as if I was an evil mother-in-law."

"We have eight or nine chefs, does she need to cook? If she dares cook I dare not eat! She's useless at everything, but spending money and enjoying life she should be able to do right? I took her out to extravagant indulgence, gave her a Maserati, hoping she would not strive anymore and I arranged for her to eat, drink, play and buy jewelry. Everything was arranged for her enjoyment, but then she turned around and educated me saying..."

Yu Fanxing cleared her throat and imitated Little White Flower's sanctimonious tone: "Mother, we cannot be so extravagant. Every cent of the family's money is earned through the hard work of daddy and Yunxiao. Zhu Men Ji Rou Xing You Dong Si Gu, we should spend money on more meaningful things. Zebras in Africa are still suffering, children in the mountains still cannot afford food, yet we wear ten thousand dollar clothes and shoes...My heart is very sad. I'm sorry mother, I cannot accept these things..."

Yu Shu suddenly slapped the table: "If you have money and don't enjoy it, there must be something wrong with your brain!"

"Exactly!" Yu Fanxing agreed. "Speaking as if our family is heartless and rich!"

"She even said it in front of several madams and luxury store employees! I was so angry I spit blood, do you know? Our family has a charity foundation. The schools we build in the mountains every year, the poor students we sponsor, could circle Beijing three times!"

"Oh my, the more we talk about it, the angrier I get. Speaking of charity, that little white lotus took her wedding gifts and betrothal gifts and started some kind of African animal aid organization. My goodness, I could understand if she spent the money on people, but spending it on zebras and giraffes without even spending it all, must have been 1.7 or 1.8 billion yuan, and it was all taken by her partner. Now who knows where in the world that partner is hiding."

"Because of this, there was another round of grieving and sorrow, crying at home, almost flooding her villa halfway up the mountain."

Yu Shu: "Tsk, to put it bluntly, grief is not a reason to cry, stupidity is."

Yu Fanxing banged the table again: "That's eloquent! What an eloquent statement!"

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