This Overlord Doesn't Care About Anything

Book 1: Chapter 23: Even If You're Dead, You'll Still Be Made The Scapegoat

Book 1: Chapter 23: Even If You're Dead, You'll Still Be Made The Scapegoat

In my view, theres nothing wrong with Pierces money-making methods, its just that his thought process is a bit faulty.

In a feudal dynasty, its very normal for most of the wealth to be concentrated in the nobility. In fact, its even normal for nobles to be richer than the King and theres nothing the King can do about it. This is because the King has to count on nobles to govern his nation. With how deep-rooted this class benefit is, nobles are basically untouchable

But the problem is that Im not a King.

For such a small West-Resisting City, Im able to govern it myself without you guys, so what capital do you have to pretend that youre someone big?

How comfortable.

I wasnt able to sleep last night, so my mental state right now isnt so good. But there are some matters to take care of, that is, giving the masses some ideological education. Due to being under Pierces rule, theyve all started showing the first signs of being fine with being enslaved. This is simply unacceptable; frantically flattering foreigners, jealousy towards comrades. Although the higher powers of Eternal Heaven State is basically like this, this is nevertheless a very serious problem.

At approximately 9 in the morning, the assembly of the masses was nearly complete.

There were definitely some people who didnt come, but the majority still obediently came. Among the people who came, a large portion of them probably wanted to take a look at the newly arrived City Lords appearance.

Once the great majority arrived, I stood up in black mourning garments and walked up to the podium with heavy steps, then announced towards the masses:

Early this morning, something tragic happened! The nobles in the city, led by Pierce, departed eastwards and died inexplicable deaths outside the city! Over 20 people lost their lives. This is the biggest tragedy that has occurred in our West-Resisting City in recent years and its the consequence of my, the City Lord, detrimental way of handling affairs! If only I had found out about the activity of the Demon Races movements earlier, if only IIm sorry, everyone!!

A peal of discussion broke out within the dense mass of people.

Pierce is dead?

How can this bewhat about his guards?

Who killed him?

After a long while, a courageous person asked me:

City Lord! You just said something about the Demon Races activity, whats the matter?

I sighed and replied:

After inspection, Pierce was most likely killed by Demons.

All of them became alarmed in a split second.


Demons are coming?

Didnt they say that we would receive peace in exchange for Felita?

After another long while, an intelligent person finally understood the core issue and loudly inquired:

Not right! Not right! At this time, why were Pierce and the other nobles leaving with their family property?!

I faltered, not replying.

The people of West-Resisting City suddenly exploded in agitation:

He planned to run? He intended to abandon us and just run?

Eastwards, isnt Lord Li Nengs fiefdom to the east? That ******* hasnt let us take refuge there for a long time now, so why was Pierce going over there?

Are you stupid! Those noble lords brought their family property as they left, why wouldnt Lord Li Neng shelter them? He just wont offer shelter to us poor people

So it was like this! After that group of noble lords finished eating and cleaning themselves, they intended to avoid the problem like this!!

I told you a long time ago that Pierce couldnt be trusted. This time were done for, Felitas gone, we, what should we do

A barely discernible sound of weeping could be heard within the crowd.

Seeing that the situation was just about where I wanted it, I lifted my hand up and press down, making the gesture for them to calm down since letting them continue like would just cause a dangerous mass panic, as I said:

Everyone, theres no need to panic. Ive already found Felita.

In any case, Boss Pierce already died an inglorious death in the hands of the Demons, so I didnt mind pushing another evil onto him. I got right to the point as I explained:

Pierce lied to you all, and also to Felita. He never planned on sending Felita off to the Demons, but rather intended to enjoy her himself. Reaching a peace agreement with the Demons was also fake. Think about it, the Demons already held the upper hand, why would they bother signing a peace agreement with us? Pierces true aim was to present an unguarded and unprepared West-Resisting City to the Demons, to make you the targets of the Demons wonton slaughter, while he escaped to the east to live comfortably!

I shook my head:

Unfortunately, the words of those Demons didnt contain even the slightest hint of truth. They laid in ambush outside the city in order to assassinate Pierce and planned to get rid of the biggest danger to them, Felita, in one fell swoop. However, they didnt expect that Felita wisely escaped and returned to West-Resisting City.

The masses let out a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness.

Felitas still alive

Were saved, were saved!

When I saw how happy the people below me were, I also started to feel happy.

When abandoning her, it was as effortless and easy as eating and drinking. However, now that they properly recognized her as their last lifeline, they all realize how much they owe her.

I adopted a sorrowful display and slowly informed:

Dont be too happy yet, that Felitaappears to want to depart West-Resisting City.

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