This Overlord Doesn't Care About Anything

Book 5: Chapter 13: Protecting A City Lord Like Me

Book 5: Chapter 13: Protecting A City Lord Like Me

Right as I was in the middle of daydreaming, I suddenly heard Aleya call out young master, so I hurriedly regained my consciousness and asked:

What? Whats going on? Whats happening?

Moon looked at me with a speechless face for a moment before commenting:

Thats true. This fool cant have nobody by his side to protect him.

Aleya and Felita quietly nodded,

How come you guys dont believe in me!!

Felita said:

Fang Thirteen said that theres no need to worry about her. That assassin has clearly been living in Rivet City the entire time and only appeared when we were about to break into the city. Moreover, she didnt kill anybody during the entire encounter and the sentinel was merely knocked out. We suspect that she just wanted to give us a warning. As long as Fang Thirteen doesnt continue to besiege the city, that assassin probably wont make things difficult for her.

Theres another reason that I assume they find hard to say. The reason is due to the strongest melee fighter Aleya having her weapon knocked out of her hands in three moves, so that means there isnt much use in leaving them behind in the front lines.

Moon crossed all ten fingers and asked me:

Li De, what impression do you have on this assassin? If this person isnt Li Nengs subordinate, then I can only think that its a helper from the Overlord of Yunyang.

I shook my head and replied:

Its impossible for the Yunyang Convoy to have such a person. Im not entirely familiar with all the guest officials that my dad supports either. There are many people that he hasnt introduced to me, but Im sure he planned on leaving them to my older brother Li Yi. Therefore, Im not entirely sure if its a rescue force that he dispatched, but from what Felita said, I think the odds are against that assumption. My dads the type to save his face; if one of his sons was bullied so miserably by someone driven out of the family, Im sure he would have taken action long ago.

Moon narrowed his eyes and muttered to herself:

Then who would it bedo we have any other enemies in our surroundings? Bai Fengis unlikely to go so far. As for Fang Yuan, were both on the same side now. The key point is that throughout the entire affair, that assassin and the influence behind that assassin seem to have no connection to us. Take the assassin for example, she didnt create any casualties to our people and clearly refrained from creating a feud between us. But the question is, why would they obstruct us?

I looked at Moons ill-at-ease appearance.

His brows were wrinkled even deeper than before and this made me aware of how heavy this matter was in her mind.

If it was just us being unable to capture these several cities, he wouldnt have exposed such an expression.

The current him is a little irritable to some extent.

But returning to the main topic, I speculate that the person must be a Level 7 at greater perfection realm in order to be able to defeat Aleya in three moves. Aleyas current state is still Level 5 at greater perfection realm and is just a tiny step away from Level 6. At present, the current strongest person in West-Resisting City on the surface is Heji, who is a Level 6 at greater perfection realm. Yet even Heji wouldnt be able to defeat Aleya in three moves. At the very least, this person must have a higher level. But the problem is that I clearly understand in my mind that a Level 7 at greater perfection realm has strength close to that of a Level 8 and that if such a person really wanted to do something, then he would be able to decimate all of West-Resisting Citys troops in one night without breaking a sweat.

With power close to that of a Level 8, this person would be considered an absolute master in human territory and not many such people exist here.

I grinned and remarked:

Well, we dont need to concern ourselves with it too much. This sort of sudden situation is something nobody can expect and isnt something the several of us can help Fang Thirteen solve. Compared to ordinary civilians, were already considered nobility. But if we compare ourselves to those wealthy Overlords and City Lords, were still a group of poverty-stricken peasants. They have no lack of resources and can mobilize an about Level 8 individual all in order to protect a not particularly important city. Its clear that whoever is behind this temporarily doesnt want us to expand eastwards. If this year is out of question, then well make Fang Thirteen withdraw troops and try again next year.

Moon didnt say anything as she appeared to be thinking of something and was in a daze with glazed eyes.

I extended a hand and shook it in front of his face. Only then did Moon recover her consciousness and said:

Ah, its nothing.

Aleya decided to carry this burden by herself by saying:

Young master, if I were a little stronger

I supported by cheek with my palm as I used the other hand to pat her shoulder and comforted:

Theres nothing wrong with being unable to defeat your opponent and besides, this situation doesnt have much to do with you. Even if you were stronger, there would be a new matchless opponent able to turn fighting aura into a material force and wake you up with a slap to the ear. We need to learn to be content with our situation. Just take a look at Heji; when he was your age, he was also a talented youth, a young man who came from a big, wealthy family. Such a person has definitely consumed much of his familys resources in his childhood. In comparison, youre a Level 6 at greater perfection realm with the background of being an orphan AND younger than 20, so I guarantee that youll surpass him in the future. Theres no need to be so worried and also no need to feel guilty. Youre my guard, so there isnt a person out there who will dare call you subpar.

Felita looked at Aleya with envy in her gaze then looked at me with a heart full of expectation, so I helplessly told her:

The same goes for you. You both are geniuses as well as my West-Resisting Citys people. Believe me and slowly grow stronger.

After comforting the two for a while, Moon regained his spirit and inquired Aleya:

That assassin, were you able to make anything out when fighting with her?

Aleya thought for a moment before answering:

Height wasnt too tall, a bit shorter than me. As for appearanceI wasnt able to see clearly since she covered her face with a face mask. I could tell that it was a girl through her appearance and she should be quite young. And also

Aleya hesitated for a moment before continuing her train of thought:

She resembled a dead person.

I sprayed out the tea in my mouth, blocked up my ears, and tsukkomid in a loud voice:

Oi oi oi, stop! Summers been over for a while now! Its not the season to tell ghost stories!

Felita backed Aleya up:

But it really seemed like this. I was also able to see her. That person didnt have the aura of a human at all and those eyes of hers didnt have the slightest light in them. Very scary.

If the two of them say so, then I have no other choice but to bolster my mind.

Is there some resurrection magic at play? Or maybe some dead person reanimation method at work?

At the very least, Ive never heard of it.

Aleya continued:

Young master, what Im going to say might not be accurate. Were not saying that shes actually a dead person, but rather more like that kindthat kind of person who has no emotions. Moreover, she was able to conceal her aura very well just like a person whos accustomed to living in the darkness. If it wasnt for me detecting a flash of killing intent in that moment she lifted up her blade, I absolutely wouldnt have been able to detect her existence.

I contemplated for a moment, then remarked:

Then its even less likely that its my dads person. Out of Eternal Heaven States thirty-six Overlords, my dads ability to raise such an assassin is the firstfrom the bottom. Otherwise, there wouldnt be so many exposed and hidden chess pieces in the territory from other Overlords.

It was at this point that Moon said:

If its the Secret Division Organization, I actually do have a bit of understanding on it. I occasionally heard Bai Feng mention it in the past, so I memorized information on it. Im not sure if itll come in handy, though.

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