This Taoist Master is too Frivolous

Chapter 15 - 15 15: Don't be afraid, uncle has brought you gifts!

15 Chapter 15: Dont be afraid, uncle has brought you gifts!
Translator: 549690339
The singing was loud and clear.

Full of childlike innocence.

The photographer couldnt help but hum along, The vast beach, the blue sea so beautiful in my heart!

This song brought back memories of his childhood.

He said softly with a smile, You know, this kid is really good at setting the atmosphere. He might have come here in the middle of the night just because hes a fan of yours, Taozi. Were looking to expand our team, so why not let Taozi take him in?

At these words, the tension among the team members eased.

Thats right!

It must be that kids doing!

It couldnt really be a ghost, right?

Their conversation was quiet, and since Taozi had just turned off her mic, the audience couldnt hear their conversation.

She turned the mic back on.

Glancing at the barrage of comments on the screen, Taozi made a surprised, scared, but somewhat curious face. She lowered her voice on purpose and asked, Did you all hear the sounds of reading and singing just now?

Rumor has it that this school is haunted!

Every night, there are sounds of reading and singing


My dear audience, I, Taozi, never use a script for my live streams. Mod, kick this ** out of here. Whoever uses a script is a ****!

Cameraman, keep up!

Lets follow the camera and investigate

They arrived outside the window of a fourth-grade classroom.

At this moment, the singing turned into playful laughter, as if children were chasing and playing with each other.

Taozi shone her light into the room through the window.

The entire classroom suddenly lit up.

Inside the classroom.

Four children were playing and chasing each other.

They laughed as they played a game of eagle-catching-chicks.

The child pretending to be the eagle charged too fast and tripped over a stool, falling face-first to the ground.

Wuuu wuuu


My head

My head fell off!

Taozi, who was live-streaming, was dumbstruck.

Her eyes widened, her face full of shock and terror.

Her photographer and assistant were also stunned.

Oddly enough, nothing could be seen on the live streams camera angle, but as two zila sounds echoed, the entire screen turned black.

Ah Ah Ah!!!

A ghost!

The young assistant had never seen anything like this before.

She stuttered a few times before her eyes bulged, and she collapsed to the ground.


The camera hit the ground.

The photographer panicked, tossing the camera aside and shouting at Taozi, Taozi, run

But with that pull.

He couldnt move her at all.

His hands and feet were too weak from fear!

Taozi sobbed, My my legs are weak.

In the classroom.

The severed head rolled around like a ball, bouncing up and landing on the windowsill.

Blood dripped down from the head.

The scene was horrifying.

But the face on the severed head had an innocent expression, its dirty little nose sniffled, Big sister, can you help me put my head back on?

The headless body was frantically searching for its head in the classroom, like a headless fly.

The other three children were crying loudly, saying in unison, Big sister, can you help Wang Xiaomao?


She was a staunch atheist.

Although she had been doing paranormal adventures for the past four months.

But when it came to the existence of ghosts and spirits, Taozi didnt believe a single word. It was quite normal you might not believe some things unless you see them for yourself, no matter what others say!

Now that she had witnessed this scene, her mind went blank.

Fear occupied her heart completely.

A chill ran down their necks, their hair stood on end, and they wanted to scream but couldnt make a sound.

They wanted to run, but their legs were trembling, weak, and unable to move!

Elder sister

Elder sister help me!

The head kept hopping and shouting, non-stop.

At that moment

There was a creak.

The door of the third-grade classroom next door opened.

Xu Yang, wielding a hammer and wearing that cloth-strip outfit and ghost-face mask, peeked out from inside and asked, Whats going on? Are we still doing this or not huh?

He saw the head on the window and was both shocked and delighted.

There really is a ghost?

He was shocked because facing a ghost would inevitably cause some fear in a persons heart.

The delight came from

Being able to gain merit!

With a flash of thoughts in his mind, Xu Yang quickly suppressed his fear, grabbed the hammer, and walked out.

As he looked at the head, he also felt a bit creeped out.

But then he thought about gaining merit so he could cultivate and grow stronger, and retrieve his grandpas remains. He immediately took the hammer and gently tapped the head a few times.

Clang, clang, clang.

The sound was crisp, as if striking metal.

The head:

This head was, after all, a child.

He sniffed, and on his dirty face, some fear showed, but he stubbornly stared at Xu Yang and scolded, Hey, you big person, why are you bullying a child? Dont think Im scared of you just because you wear a mask. Let me tell you, Im a ghost, believe it or not, I can eat you in one bite!

Not afraid of the mask?

It made sense!

This broken mask, with its green-faced fangs and fluorescent powder so it could emit green light in the dark, was good for scaring people but how could it scare a ghost?

So Xu Yang removed the mask, took off his makeshift outfit, and said to the head, Wait for me, Ill go change.

He went into the fourth-grade classroom, closed the door, and with a wave of his hand, took out his grandfathers Daoist robe from the storage space.

The black and yellow Bagua Taoist Robe, flat-top hat, square skirt, and vermilion shoes.

It had to be said.

Putting it on actually looked the part.

Xu Yang then took a peach wood sword in his left hand, a large hammer in his right, and walked out of the classroom again, pointing the sword at the head and sneering, Kid, what did you just say? Say it again, and I, the Daoist Master, will take care of you in no time. Do you believe me or not?


The ghost was frightened, merit points +1.

The head shivered and swooshed down from the windowsill, landing on its body.

Seeing that this move was effective, Xu Yang burst into laughter and recalled the information he had found on Baidu before he arrived. He put on a fierce look and sneered, Hey, you four little ghosts, why do you stick around scaring people after youve died?

The four little ghosts had never seen such a sight.

As one of them, the little girl wearing a floral cotton jacket and goat horn braids, burst into tears, the other three little boy ghosts also started crying.


The ghost was frightened, merit points +1.


The ghost was frightened, merit points +1.


A series of system prompt sounds followed one after another.

Xu Yang:

This isnt right!

Why do I get 100 merit points for scaring a female ghost, but only 1 point for scaring each of these four little ghosts?

Could it be

That the level of ghosts power is different?

Looking at the crying little ghosts, Xu Yangs heart softened.

I really am not a good person!

To think that Id scare these four little ghosts like this how old are they? They havent done anything wrong, theyre no different than children!

Immediately, he put away the peach wood sword and hurriedly comforted, Little brothers and sisters, dont be scared. Uncle was just joking with you Oh right, when I came here, I brought gifts for you!

As he spoke,

He turned his hand and produced

A big stack of workbooks and tests!

PS: Its so hard for a newbie to write a story without any data, could you please leave some feedback? Thank you!

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