This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel's Supporting Role

Chapter 252: Monster

Chapter 252

"Master Mingwu doesn't usually deal with these matters, but I'll go ask him anyway," Chi Xin said.

"Alright, thank you. When this is over, let's have a meal together sometime."

Seeing that Chi Xin had business to attend to, Chi Bai said, "Have your oldest or second brother come over. You go ahead and take care of what you need to do."

Chi Xin pushed Chi Bai back into the hospital room. "I'll call my oldest brother."


Soon after, Chi Lei arrived, and Chi Xin drove to Wenjue Temple.

At Wenjue Temple

Master Mingwu closed his eyes and made some calculations with his fingers. "It's not good for me to go, but I can recommend someone to you."

Chi Xin asked, "Who?"

Master Mingwu replied, "Someone you know."

Chi Xin thought for a moment. "My niece-in-law?"

Master Mingwu nodded. "The incident happened at Lingqiu Mountain. She's been there before, so it's quite suitable."

Chi Xin pondered for a moment. "I'll go back and ask her." Then he looked at Master Mingwu. "Give me a few more protective talismans." He was afraid of what happened before recurring.

Master Mingwu quickly pulled some out of his pocket and gave them to him. Chi Xin took the talismans and left.

It was already evening when Chi Xin returned to the family home. Chi Yan and Chu Yang were both there. During this time, everyone had returned to the family home because the old man was hospitalized.

Chi Yan saw Chi Xin and asked, "Uncle, you're back. Have you eaten?"

Chi Xin looked at Chi Yan and Chu Yang. "I need to discuss something with you."

Chi Yan and Chu Yang exchanged glances, then the three of them went to the study.

Chi Xin sat in a chair, looked at them, and explained Li Yong's situation. "Master Mingwu recommended that you go," he said to Chu Yang.

Chu Yang thought for a moment and nodded. "Alright, I'll go prepare."

Chi Yan, however, didn't agree. "No, what if it's dangerous?"

Chu Yang looked at him. "Don't worry, my abilities are much stronger now than before. It'll be fine."

Chi Yan was still concerned. "But I'm not at ease."

Chi Xin suggested, "We can arrange for more people to go together."

Chi Yan insisted, "Then I'll go too."

Chu Yang disagreed. "No, you stay at home. Grandpa needs someone to take care of him. I'll bring more people with me."

Chi Yan refused. "If you're going, I must go with you."

Chi Xin: ...

"Alright, alright, you can go together. I'll arrange for more people to accompany you. Safety first. Your Uncle Li Yong and his team will be there too."


Chi Xin said, "I'll contact your Uncle Li Yong and make arrangements."



"Hello? Li Yong, it's me. I've asked about the matter you mentioned earlier. Master Mingwu recommended someone to me. When should we go?"

"In a couple of days. Our people are afraid to go in and search now. We'll make arrangements on our end."


In the two days' time, Chu Yang made some preparations. She would definitely bring her scepter, and the crystal ball too. She also packed... the poison that could kill rats from before.

Soon, Li Yong's team arranged to pick up Chu Yang and the others. Chi Xin also arranged for a team to accompany them.

A large group arrived at Lingqiu Mountain, which had already been sealed off. No one could enter.

Li Yong looked at the crowd Chi Xin had brought and felt a bit exasperated. "You... why did you bring so many people?"

Chi Xin shrugged. "Well, our lives are too important. We need more people for protection."

Li Yong: ...

"Which one is the expert?"

Chi Xin looked at Chu Yang, who had disguised herself. She was wearing a witch's robe with a wide-brimmed hat, and a veil covering half of her face, revealing only her round eyes. She held a scepter in her hand, looking quite intimidating.

At least Li Yong seemed to regard her with reverence. He extended his hand, "Hello."

Chu Yang shook his hand briefly and let go.

After making arrangements, Li Yong led everyone into the mountain. Chi Yan held Chu Yang's hand, staying by her side the whole time. Walking behind them, Li Yong found it a bit strange and asked Chi Xin, "What's the relationship between your nephew and the expert?"

Chi Xin blinked. "Why are you so gossipy? Is it appropriate to discuss an expert's personal affairs?"

Li Yong thought for a moment. "I suppose not."

As it was an undeveloped area, the path was not easy to walk. After a while, they reached the spot where the monster had been seen before. "It's here. Look at these footprints. They're definitely not human footprints. We've also ruled out wild animals."

Chi Xin asked, "Is it possible it's a wild man?"

Li Yong shook his head. "Impossible. It's not. We even used guns, but the monster wasn't affected at all. How could it be human?"

Chu Yang looked at the footprints and found them somewhat familiar. She felt like she had seen such footprints in a book before, but she couldn't recall clearly.

Chu Yang handed her scepter to Chi Yan, then cupped the crystal ball with both hands and began to release her witch power. The crystal ball instantly lit up, shocking the people around her. They all looked at Chu Yang with reverence. So this is what an expert is like?

Soon, Chu Yang opened her eyes.

She frowned. It was indeed a monster, similar to what Chief Li Yong had described. Its body was covered in hair, and it was surrounded by a dark, evil aura that reminded her of Zhu Ying. Chu Yang suddenly remembered that when she fought Zhu Ying here before, many corpses had crawled out from this place. Thinking about it now gave Chu Yang goosebumps all over.

Perhaps sensing Chu Yang's discomfort, Chi Yan held her hand. "What's wrong?"

Chu Yang shook her head and then asked Li Yong, "Besides the monster, did you notice anything else unusual?"

Li Yong thought for a moment. "Yes, there are many graves not far from here. Our people discovered that some of the graves had been dug up."

After Li Yong said this, everyone suddenly felt a chill. Someone said, "There aren't any ghosts, right?"

Li Yong smacked that person. "What ghosts? Believe in science! There are no ghosts in broad daylight! Besides, we policemen are full of righteous energy. Ghosts should fear us!"

Everyone fell silent. With an expert here, should they still believe in science? However, Li Yong's words did comfort everyone.

Chu Yang also said, "It's not ghosts." In her vision, she had seen a monster. It felt somewhat familiar, but if she were at home, she could look it up in her books. But that wasn't possible now.

The group continued deeper into the mountain. Suddenly, Chu Yang stopped. "It's coming."

Li Yong immediately shouted, "Be on guard!"

A few seconds later, a black, hairy monster surrounded by a dark, evil aura lunged at Chu Yang and the others. Chu Yang immediately raised her scepter and muttered a few incantations. The monster instantly fell from the air, roaring but unable to move. Chu Yang seemed to hear it saying, "So fragrant, so fragrant."

Chu Yang: ?

Chu Yang suddenly realized what it was. It was a "Ying," a monster from the Little Demon World. But why would it appear here?

Looking at the "Ying" that was still rolling and struggling to get up, Chu Yang thought for a moment and then recited an incantation. A black hole appeared in the air, and Chu Yang sent the "Ying" into it. After muttering another incantation, the black hole disappeared, and the "Ying" was gone.

Chu Yang turned around, intending to tell everyone it was over, only to find that all the people were hiding behind trees, peeking out at her. Only Chi Yan was behind her...

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