This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel's Supporting Role

Chapter 269: Some Daily Life: Earthquake 02

Chapter 269

To everyone's surprise, it was a man. The staff member was taken aback, as they had been informed that the blogger was supposed to be a woman. They wondered if this could be a behind-the-scenes staff member, as they had heard that some accounts were actually operated by teams.

However, after further inquiry, the staff member's worldview was completely shaken. As they handed the phone to Mayor Cui, they stammered, "It's... the Chairman of Chi Corporation on the line..."

Mayor Cui nodded, then asked in surprise, "Who did you say?"

The staff member replied, "Chi Yan, the Chairman of Chi Corporation."

Mayor Cui's eyes widened noticeably, but he quickly regained his composure, being a seasoned public figure. "Hello, Chairman Chi. This is Cui Ming, Mayor of Yuanqiu City."

"Hello, Mayor Cui."

Mayor Cui was familiar with the Chi Corporation Chairman, although they had never met in person. The Chi Corporation's branch in Yuanqiu City was a major taxpayer, and he had met with the branch's general manager before.

Mayor Cui quickly explained the situation, "I never expected Chairman Chi to be the owner of this account. I'd like to know if that particular prediction is true."

Chi Yan responded gravely, "I can assure you it's true. This account actually belongs to one of my associates, not me personally. I can say that she has never made an incorrect prediction. If you don't believe me, you can investigate everything this account has stated."

"Alright, we will investigate. Thank you."

"No need for thanks. It's all for the people."

"On behalf of the people of Yuanqiu City, I thank you."


After hanging up, Mayor Cui ordered, "Contact the Seismological Bureau immediately. Send someone to investigate the 'Prophecy Little Witch' account."

"Yes, sir."

The news that Yuanqiu City was about to experience an earthquake quickly spread throughout the nation. Among the residents of Yuanqiu City, some believed it, while others didn't. Those who believed began preparing to stay with relatives elsewhere or stocking up on supplies.

Those who didn't believe continued their daily lives as usual.

The investigation results came back quickly.

"Mayor, the Seismological Bureau says there is indeed a possibility of an earthquake."

"Can they predict the magnitude?"

"At the lower end, it could be around 5.0..."

"And at the higher end? What's the worst-case scenario?"

"7.8 magnitude!"

"What about the account?"

"The investigation results are in. The blogger's predictions have indeed all come true. Not only that, we've discovered that this blogger seems to have helped the police solve several cases..."

Mayor Cui's face grew serious. "Issue an earthquake preparedness notice to all city residents immediately!"

"Yes, sir!"

If there was no earthquake, no one would be harmed, which would be ideal. But if an earthquake did occur, the consequences would be unimaginable...

However, as soon as the notice was issued, it caused some unrest. The government made thorough arrangements, not only preparing the military but mobilizing all departments. The unrest was quickly quelled.

Chu Yang had been following the news from Yuanqiu City closely. Seeing that preparations were being made, she breathed a sigh of relief. Chi Yan held her and said, "Don't worry. Our corporation is also prepared. If disaster strikes, we'll immediately activate our contingency plan. Moreover, the Chi Charitable Foundation will donate a substantial amount."


As the predicted time drew nearer, some residents of Yuanqiu City grew increasingly anxious. Some couldn't even sleep at night, fearing the earthquake might strike in the dark.

Despite the official notice, some people still didn't believe it. On the morning of the predicted earthquake, most Yuanqiu City residents had moved to open areas. Lin Chou's family quickly moved their belongings to a wide-open space, planning to spend the day outside.

However, their neighbor, Old Man Chen, remained stubbornly inside his house. Lin Chou had assumed Old Man Chen would come out later, but he showed no signs of leaving.

"Old Man Chen, come out quickly. The notice said there would be an earthquake today."

"What earthquake? I don't believe it one bit. Yuanqiu City hasn't had an earthquake in half a century. It won't happen."

"Old Man Chen, the government says it will. Listen to the government. Even if nothing happens, what's the harm in sitting out here for a while? It's better to be safe than sorry."

"It won't happen. Even if it does, I'm old enough that it doesn't matter!"

At that moment, community workers were running around with megaphones, urging everyone to come outside. Most people had already left their homes. Old Man Chen stubbornly refused to leave, and the community workers tried to reason with him, but he remained adamant.

As the predicted time drew near, the community workers, seeing no other option, grabbed Old Man Chen and prepared to carry him out. Just then, the ground began to shake violently. The workers nearly fell, and Old Man Chen almost tumbled over. They exchanged a glance, and suddenly Old Man Chen sprang up and dashed outside, with the workers right behind him.

Everyone felt the tremors. There were sounds of animals in distress, the crash of collapsing structures, and the cries of people. Lin Chou and his family huddled together, witnessing nearby buildings crumble before their eyes. At the Seismological Bureau, everyone stumbled as they rushed to protect their equipment.

"7.9 magnitude! It's reached 7.9!"

"Everyone, protect yourselves!"

"Self-preservation is the priority!"


The earthquake lasted only moments, but to everyone, it felt like an eternity. Aftershocks followed... However, the silver lining was that everyone had been prepared.

During the earthquake, #YuanqiuCityEarthquake and #ProphecyLittleWitch instantly became trending topics, exploding across social media.

After what seemed like an eternity, people held their breath, no longer feeling the earth move beneath them. They realized it had finally stopped, though aftershocks were still possible. But the worst seemed to be over.

Many people burst into tears.

Some cried with relief that their families were safe, while others wept over the loss of their homes...

Nearby, Old Man Chen's face was ashen.

Chu Yang and Chi Yan had been following the situation closely. The moment the earthquake hit, Chi Yan began issuing orders: "Activate the Yuanqiu City disaster relief plan immediately."

"Yes, sir!"

Even little Jiujiu and Huohuo brought out their piggy banks, saying, "Mom, Dad, can we donate too?"

Chu Yang stroked their little faces. "Of course. Let Dad help you make the donation."


The Prophecy Little Witch account didn't just go viral; its follower count skyrocketed to over 10 million in just two days—a genuine figure without any bought followers. People began digging through the account's past posts, with every investigator exclaiming, "This blogger is truly incredible."

The earthquake's damage was extensive, but people's lives had been saved, which made it all worthwhile.

A month after the incident, someone approached Chu Yang. "Mrs. Chi, would you be interested in taking up a position in a government department?"

Chu Yang: ...

After several days of discussion with Chi Yan, Chu Yang eventually accepted a position in public service.

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