This World Needs a Hero

Chapter 71

Chapter 71


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Meanwhile, at Rosenstark.

“Everyone, there are 30 minutes left until the end of the exam.”

Square, square -!

At Pia’s quiet words, the sound of pens scribbling rapidly increased.

Today was the day of the extreme written exam she hosted.

“I would like you to submit something that is moderately difficult based on the content of the lectures you have taught so far. If you don’t study hard, it’s impossible to get a high score.”

What was the rush?

The hero left without specifying any format, examples, or scope.

To seek the legendary craftsman, ‘Noubelmag.’

“I trust you’ll do well.”

Pia sighed deeply.

There was an abundance of material to use for the exam, so creating the questions was quick.

However, adjusting the difficulty level was a bit challenging.

‘Reasonably challenging.’

She wanted to make it a bit easier to lessen the children’s burden, but it couldn’t be helped.

Thus, two questions were released in total.

One involved drawing the bone structure of creatures and coloring the vulnerable areas in red.

The other required describing the correct strategy considering the given examples of creatures, battlefield, and party members.

“Now that the exam is over, I need to prepare for the supplementary lessons….”

As Pia recalled the schedule for the supplementary lessons, a smile disappeared from her face.

Two supplementary lessons during the hero’s absence.

The first lesson would be conducted by Professor Labin Hawk, and the second one would be overseen by Principal Yussi Glendor.

Principal Yussi had not said anything yet, but Professor Labin had already sent the course outline and requested the necessary materials after sending it.

…The problem was the content of that course outline.

‘Is this some kind of a battle or what.’

Since checking the content, sighs have increased.

‘Why would the professor entrust the supplementary lessons to Professor Labin like this.’

The students might not know, but among the staff, it was widely known that Professor Labin held hostility towards the hero.

He didn’t seem to have any intention of hiding it.

He even openly criticized the hero in meetings attended by professors.

‘…Why does he dislike his former student so much? If I were the professor, having the hero as a student would be a lifelong pride.’

No, even setting aside being a former student, it was hard to understand how someone could hate the hero.

Pia shook her head, expressing her complicated thoughts.

“Everyone, there are 10 minutes left until the end of the exam. Please check and organize your answer sheets without delay.”

But something was strange.

It was now the time for students to start finishing and submitting, but why were they all whining at their seats?

It was a moment when a genius, who had never missed a perfect score in a written exam during her undergraduate days, questioned such a situation.


A suppressed sob came from the front row.

Pia looked puzzled as she gazed at the source of the sound.

Evergreen Solintail.

Always cheerful, kind, and diligent, a girl known for her greetings and hard work.

Just a few days ago, she came to the lab asking various questions, showing enthusiasm, and was considered a likable student.

‘B-But why is she crying?’

Tears were welling up in Evergreen’s emerald eyes.

Wiping her eyes hastily, tears rolled down onto the exam paper.

As if trying not to make a sound, she struggled to hold back her tears by putting a fist in her mouth, a pitiful sight.

Pia cautiously approached her and whispered,

“Miss Solintail, what’s wrong? Is something hurting?”

Evergreen looked at the worried assistant in silence for a moment, then responded with a lost-child-like expression,

“It’s… it’s just too difficult.”


Pia raised her head and looked at the classroom again with an ominous feeling.

Things that weren’t visible before became apparent.

Leciel, sitting with a soulless expression.

She was glaring at her test paper with a half-smiling, yet very fierce expression.


Cuculli’s desk froze.


…And so, the first written exam hosted by her concluded with an average score of 23 points.

Pia prepared the final remarks.

* * *

Late at night.

I left the inn alone.

For the past few days, I had been running non-stop from Rosenstark to Lonkers.

I was fine, but Nyhill, being human, must be quite tired.

Since we weren’t heading straight to the center of the stake and were instead exploring the surroundings, I wanted her to rest.

There was an incident where the girl followed me despite my consideration and I had to force her into the room…

Anyway, I was alone now.

‘By the way, it might take longer than planned until the return.’

Still, I wasn’t worried about Rosenstark.

With a competent and reliable assistant, she would fill my vacant position well.

Having a subordinate you can trust and rely on was truly a blessing.

“Let’s go.”

With that thought in mind, I mounted ‘Ted’ and urged him forward.

Powerful muscular legs and buttocks pushed against the ground, and Lonkers’ scenery faded away vaguely.

I would probably reach the stake before dawn, where it would be visible.

‘Stake extermination.’

It would be a task to do until I got bored.


Reclaiming the territories stolen from humans was also one of my given duties.

But I didn’t expect to do it so soon.

…Hence, thorough preliminary research was needed.

What kind of tribe the administrator belonged to.

How strong the monster forces had become.

The extent of erosion in the vicinity, and so on.

The pattern of extermination would vary greatly depending on these factors.


Advancing by cutting down monsters.

The creatures that rarely appeared gradually increased in frequency and number, and by the time the stake became visible to the naked eye, the Black hope had still not dried up with blood.

I stopped on top of a lonely hill.


And gazed at the grotesque structure towering high in the distance.

It looked as if a giant had inverted an enormous iron stake.

Something like veins surrounded the elongated surface like a vine.



The ‘Protective Ward’ I had attached to Ted’s back when we left the village was rapidly contracting.

…Surprisingly, the magiization in this area was already complete.

The magi was dense.

Nameless Stake – Grade 5

Malekia’s magi can be felt.

“Malekia’s stake….”

Malekia, the Queen of Agony.

One of the most powerful commanders of the demon race, excluding the Demon King.

The administrator of this stake seemed to be one of her subordinates.

Only now did I realize the reason why magi had spread abnormally fast.

‘A vicious one has come.’

Magi typically thrives on humans’ negative emotions.

Therefore, Malekia’s subordinates, including the Queen of Agony herself, don’t kill humans outright.

They indulge in all sorts of tortures.

If captured by them, you’ll experience a devilishly creative torment that surpasses the imagination.

While other tribes also extract emotions from humans in a similar way, Malekia’s subordinates were on a different level in terms of quality and creativity.

Alongside inducing the collapse of human minds with nightmares, they were one of the demon tribes with the highest magi production.

‘I need to hurry.’

Subordinates of agony.

I hadn’t considered them because they were mostly active in the eastern border areas.

I assessed the number of creatures visible as dots.

Fortunately, a massive force hadn’t gathered yet, but…

‘…Armies can swell in an instant.’

If even one nearby village falls, countless human captives will fall into their hands.

The magi production will rise to a level difficult to handle.

That was something I had to prevent.


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‘The administrator is the issue….’

I gazed up at the top of the tower where the most magi was concentrated.

If someone became the administrator of the stake, they would be at least an

intermediate-level demon.

If more magi fell into their hands, it would be dangerous.

Of course, I had obtained the key of Valber and achieved considerable growth, so even if I ended up in a direct confrontation, I wouldn’t lose without a fight.

However, given the significant risk, it was necessary to fight more cleverly than head-on.

I outlined a rough plan in my mind.

‘Thorough preparation is needed.’

First, I planned to contact Euphemia.

…The situation was more serious than I had thought.

It was the moment I was about to speak again.



A strange sobbing sound reached my ears carried by the wind.

I looked towards the approaching peculiar procession from the opposite direction.



A dozen or so humans were confined in a narrow barn-like structure, seemingly suitable for livestock.

The weird creatures were dragging them towards the location of the stake.

Every single one wore a despairing expression.

They looked like nearby village residents.

‘…Timing is perfect.’

Captured humans become tools for magi production.

Liberating them would be the first step in stake extermination.

I absentmindedly took out the Black Hope but hesitated.

‘If someone recognizes it and the story spreads, it could be troublesome.’

Instead, what I took out was the golden key.


As I spun it in the air, a black hole appeared in front of me, swirling into existence.

Subspace, would you like to connect to ‘Valber’?

Based on the test I conducted last night, the weapons stored here were quite powerful.

Powerful enough to handle such wretched creatures.

* * *

Going back a bit in time.

The night before, Lonkers Inn.

I had some time to examine the weapons stored in the key of Valber.

A golden key inside a wooden box.

I was already familiar with how to use it.


I rotated the key a full circle to the right and half a circle to the left after picking it up.


A faint metallic sound echoed, as if there were even transparent keyholes in the empty space.


And then, the golden thread slid rapidly in all directions.

The geometric patterns covering the entire room were quickly absorbed into a single point along with intense vibrations.

Afterward, a black hole appeared in front of me.

Subspace, would you like to connect to ‘Valber’?

Closing my left eye, I reached into it.

That’s how the connection to the subspace was completed.

‘It’s strange.’

My body was definitely in the inn room.

I could feel the hardness of the chair, the scent of the bedding, the warmth emitted by the candles, all distinctly.

In my field of vision, a magnificent display of infinite space was reflected.

A sword adorned with a brilliant crimson flame.

A spear covered in a black aura.

A polearm emitting a strange vibration.

A shield with teeth and a mouth drawn on it.

And even a bow with a blinking eye in the center of the bowstring.

It wasn’t just weapons; artifacts like rings and necklaces were also visible.

If there was one thing that those artifacts had in common, it was that they felt a power so great that it made you feel numb.

These were all high-quality products that would not be surprising if they were included in the imperial treasury.

‘Moreover, they are all items from the First Era.’

With successive comments coming to mind, I could grasp the extraordinary capabilities of these artifacts.

A spear, Umbra, that could pierce shadows and inflict wounds on the main body.

A dagger, Imperfector, that made the target more vulnerable to magic damage.

A shield, Laphina, that not only had powerful magical resistance but also stole the strength of the opponent it touched.

Boots, Ventus, that could absorb and store air, allowing a temporary ability to walk in the air.

‘I might as well discard the gauntlet I bought at the auction.’

Seventeen artifacts that would be of great help in immediately facing demons in battle.

These could be used as main armaments by the children in the future.

Among them, I shifted my gaze to the most noticeable one.

‘Why is there no comment on this item?’

A pure white ring positioned at the center of the display.

It was one level higher than the other artifacts.

Except for its color, it had no distinctive features.

Suddenly, the conversation from earlier came to mind.

“I repaired 17 out of the 18 artifacts inside the key. But one, I couldn’t even touch.”

It seemed to be the artifact that Noubelmag mentioned.

If he couldn’t touch it, it was certain that I couldn’t identify its true nature with my current abilities.

Moreover, there was no comment.

I decided to give up on it and picked up a few of the artifacts that seemed immediately useful.

I judged them to be practical for immediate use.

As I made up my mind to bring them out, they gradually transformed into particles of light and disappeared.

At the same time, a heavy sound echoed in my ears – the friction sound between the inn’s wooden floor and the artifacts.

Disconnecting from ‘Valber.’

I immediately gathered the artifacts and headed towards the open space behind the inn.

‘I need to get familiar with them for now.’

Anyone witnessing this would probably find it laughable.

Trying to familiarize oneself with various types of weapons in just one night is not only impossible but also futile.

There’s a saying that goes something like this: a person who has practiced one kick a thousand times is not to be feared, but a person who has practiced a thousand kicks once is to be feared.

However, in this world, there are those who have practiced a thousand kicks a thousand times.

Ted Redymer – one of the many epithets attached to him was ‘Weapon Master.’

While his primary weapon was the Black Hope, he extensively practiced various forms of weapons, quickly mastering them thanks to his exceptional talent.

He embodied what I always emphasize to the kids:

“You should know your comrades’ fighting styles well.”

Therefore, I confidently wielded unfamiliar weapons, trusting that the essence within me, Ted, would guide me.

With a swish, I unsheathed Polarm, Hor.

The core within me will guide itself, so


Polearm, Hor.

It was an artifact that emitted powerful vibrations, shattering anything it touched.

A polearm unfamiliar, gently swirling in my grip, with a *hum* as I securely wielded it.

As I adjusted my wrist, a sense of unity between the axis of the polearm and the center of my body emerged.

It was a phenomenon that occurred when the weight and balance of the weapon were perfectly mastered.

In my mind, angles and forces needed for striking or piercing were automatically calculated.

‘Among the 17 artifacts, there are many similar to the children’s weapons. It might be good to practice their techniques,’ I thought.

A genius’s day can sometimes surpass several years of an ordinary person.

The essence of a hero resonated with those words.

I grasped Polearm again.

The night was short, and there were still many weapons to wield.

Countless iron fragments were piled on a soft hearth.


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