To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 142: Settling In An Elf Village (2)

Chapter 142: Settling In An Elf Village (2)

After roaming around for over a week, Ray had memorized the Grensia Mountains so well he could visualize them in his mind.

He knew where the Dwarves were located, where the Elf Village began and ended, and where Proxias forces were entrenched. After this realization, he stopped wandering around.

He spent his days inside the tent, only leaving to gather food.

While foraging for edible plants and fruits, Ray heard the sound of armor clanking nearby.

It had been about two weeks since his arrival, and this was the first time he had encountered a battle.

From a good vantage point, he saw Elves and Dwarves engaged in combat.

Battles were frequent in the Grensia Mountains, a shared territory of the two races since ancient times.

But something was off.

There were more than ten Dwarves, but only two Elves fighting against them.

It was obvious who would be overpowered.

As he watched, a Dwarfs axe tore through the shoulder of a male Elf.


Are you okay?!

Im fine! Just go and warn the village now!

How can I leave you here!


A beautiful female Elf pushed back a Dwarf, her sword emitting an aura as she spoke.

She appeared stronger than the male Elf, holding her ground even against two Dwarves.

However, as more Dwarves joined the fray, the situation deteriorated.

The outnumbered Elves gritted their teeth, swinging their swords desperately.

Ray clicked his tongue as he observed the scene.

Tsk, tsk. Theyre about to die.

Despite his resentment towards the Elves, who had done nothing for him, he couldnt just stand by and watch them be in danger.

His mana-charged foot stomped the ground.

He approached the Dwarf with explosive speed and skillfully deflected his axe.

The Dwarfs axe veered off course from the immense force.

Ray quickly scooped up the two Elves, one in each arm.

Then, as swiftly as he had appeared, he disappeared.

The Dwarves left behind furrowed their brows, feeling foolish for the fierce battle they had just lost.

What was that

Who knows.

Their appearance suggested he was a beggar.

But the monstrous movement he had just displayed was certainly not that of a simple beggar.

Could it be that a Guardian or a High Elf had arrived?

A chill ran down the dwarves spines as they hurriedly left the area.

Three figures landed around the modestly built tent.

After casually dropping the two elves he had carried, Ray went inside the tent and started rummaging for something.

The elves, kidnapped from the battle scene to this beggars den, blinked widely, unable to comprehend the situation.

I found it.

Ray came back with a damp blade of grass and approached the injured male elf.

The elf resisted strongly.

Get out of my sight, human!

His hatred towards humans seemed intense.

Despite his self-proclaimed ocean-like heart, Ray, who had gone through so much trouble and even saved their lives, ground his teeth in frustration at their hostility.

Ray glanced at the elf with a hint of annoyance.

His irritation naturally showed in his actions.

Pressing down on the wounded shoulder of the male elf, the elf screamed in pain.


Oh dear, you must be hurt badly. Dont worry, Ill treat it right away.

His words were accompanied by a sly smile, which didnt seem quite normal.

The female elf beside him, realizing the situation, looked at Ray and bowed her head.

We owe you our lives. Thank you for your help.

While pressing on the male elfs injured shoulder and painfully massaging the knotted muscles, Ray waved his hand dismissively.

Lets talk about that after I treat this.

Ray, pointing at the seated elf as if he were an object, started to rub the leaves he had brought from the tent between his hands.

Juice, along with a strong herbal scent, oozed out of the leaves.

What is that?

The female elf, realizing Ray meant them no harm, showed interest in his actions.

This is called mugwort. Its common in the forest here. When you rub it and apply the juice to a wound, or dry it and powder it for application, it usually heals quickly.

It somewhat resembled the Elves folk remedies, making it easy for her to understand.

She was impressed.

Youre very knowledgeable.

Praise always felt good.

Rays pride soared at the sweet compliment, a rarity in recent days.

Ray then skillfully wrapped the now-tattered piece of cloth around the male Elfs shoulder.

The wound wasnt severe, so disinfecting it and treating it with mugwort, followed by bandaging, sufficed.

His impressive skill in bandaging and treatment even earned the initially resistant Elfs admiration.

Remarkable The pain seems to have lessened.

Indeed, mugwort had a calming effect on wounds.

It might not have relieved much pain, but it certainly was better than before.

The Elf, who had been silent for a while, slightly bowed his head.

Thank you, human. Please forgive my earlier rudeness.

Its nothing.

Elves never forget a debt of gratitude. If theres ever a chance to help you, we will surely repay this favor.

That favor needed repayment right now.

He wanted to ask for help getting into the village!

But he had more to say, so he swallowed the words that had almost escaped.

Ray was puzzled.

Its one thing to fight with Dwarves. But why arent they concerned about Proxias army that could have entered any day? Why engage so fiercely with another race, the Dwarves?

It seemed there might be a sensitive issue for the Elves.

He deftly steered the conversation.

What was the reason for fighting with the Dwarves?

Its a common occurrence here. A territorial dispute.

A territorial dispute? In such a vast mountain range?

His question was promptly addressed.

A mine was discovered not far from here. The Dwarves have set their sights on it.

The Elves are trying to stop them?

Of course, nature is our friend and family. We cannot allow them to desecrate it right before our eyes! Thats absurd!

That made sense.

To elves, the weight of life was nearly equal.

They considered the life of a single dwarf as valuable as that of a tree.

It was inevitable that conflict would arise if mining was conducted right in the elves front yard.

For dwarves, a mine itself was a treasure, and for elves, nature was their treasure; neither side would back down easily.

Unable to reach a compromise, battle became the only solution.

The two elves glanced around and then smiled subtly.

In contrast, human, we appreciate your consideration.

Your respect for nature is felt by us too.

It made sense.

Ray had built his tent with dead branches and covered it with fallen leaves, not wanting to upset the elves.

What about herbs and food?

Apart from the berries and fish, he had collected mainly withered or dead items.

Even the mugwort used to treat the male elf was picked from dead plants.

Had they not recognized his considerate heart, he might have just upended everything.

But he didnt show his true feelings.

He lied smoothly without batting an eye.

Nature has always been one with us. Destroying it is like diminishing ourselves.

Despite the clich, the elves bought into it.

Originally, Ray had lived in a modern world where nature was severely damaged.

Where trees were cut down and global warming progressed, he knew how precious oil and natural resources were, meaning he already understood the value of nature.

His genuine praise for nature touched the elves, who accepted his words as truth.

Were surprised theres a human like you in the world.

Indeed. Oh! We havent introduced ourselves. Im Sephia.

And I am Def.

For elves, sharing names with another race signified the establishment of trust.

Seeing the effectiveness of his approach, Rays lips curled up.

Im Ray.

The three introduced themselves and prepared a simple meal.

The elves were thrilled to meet another race with whom they felt a connection, and Ray was delighted to have found a key to the village.

The atmosphere naturally became pleasant.

Even the bitter gruel made from dried grass tasted delicious amidst their laughter and conversation.

Then they asked Ray, What brings you here?

Most humans live in distant kingdoms. Since this area is neutral territory, humans rarely pass through, and even if they do, its not for profit.

It seemed unnecessary for a human to visit this region.

Ray sighed deeply.

Hmm You know that an army of humans has been stationed here recently, right?

As he spoke earnestly, the elves expressions turned grave.

We know. Its been about 150 years, I think.

Ray was shocked, almost exclaiming in surprise.

One hundred fifty years?

That long?

What had the other kingdoms been doing all this time?

To reach this mountain range, one had to either cross a bitterly cold snowy mountain or pass through several kingdoms.

Even if the army had been only half its size, to reach the Grensia Mountains, it would have been inevitable for the other kingdoms to notice.

Yet, Proxias armys presence here suggested that corrupt officials must have been bribed.

Furthermore, if Proxia intervened in the elves and dwarves battles, it would naturally shift the conflict to a three-way war.

And the dwarves sudden discovery of a new mine also seemed suspicious.

Ray couldnt shake the thought that Proxia was inciting the conflict between the two races.

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