To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 156: Free Medical Lecture (1)

Chapter 156: Free Medical Lecture (1)

After the banquet, the Holy Kingdom endeavored to reclaim its once peaceful daily life.

It was a challenging task, but with Eclair and Iriels efforts, it wouldnt take long to get back on track.

The academy called back its students as well.

Though the region had suffered damage, the academy buildings were surprisingly intact.

However, contrary to their hopes, not all students returned.

Some had died in the war, but the majority were disillusioned by the academys shocking non-response during the conflict.

The prevailing opinion was that there was no pride in learning from such an institution.

The academy had its strategies, but the issue was too significant to cover up, and they couldnt achieve much success.

Only a few students returned.

Rays stature at the academy was no longer the same.

Everyone was aware of his heroic deeds, and it was widely known that he was the first in the Holy Kingdom to be granted the title of a hero.

He had gained public favor by standing against the Inquisition, conducted autocratically by the Pope.

His position was so powerful that it almost seemed too much for one person.

Ray was in his personal office, struggling to prepare for the free medical lecture.

He had roughly outlined the content of the first lecture.

Being the first, it should start light and gradually get more in-depth.

If explained in a way that even those ignorant of medicine could understand, it would help them realize the importance of medical knowledge.

Fortunately, the ongoing war had made many realize the significance of first aid.

The difference between having and lacking knowledge was immense.

Injuries that would be minor in modern times led to secondary infections and deaths due to improper treatment.

Even a simple cold could be fatal, turning even minor wounds deadly.

Using this opportunity, focusing the first lecture on practical first aid and a basic understanding of common illnesses like colds seemed sufficient.

He spent three days summarizing the key points.

A considerable number of students had gathered, indicating it was time to start the lectures.

After ensuring he missed nothing and creating a list of anticipated questions, a week had passed.

Having submitted the free lecture application to the academy and set the date, he received various responses.

Not only students but also professors showed interest, indicating the war had a positive promotional effect.

Unexpectedly, the quiet Duke Chepess House, including Griaia, requested to attend the lecture.

Duke Chepess House, Griaias family, was a prestigious lineage in the Holy Kingdom, though not as powerful as other ducal houses.

Their official request to participate was a welcome development for Ray.

Isnt there a saying about rowing when the water comes in? Ray began to row vigorously.

As if rewarding his efforts, the number of attendees steadily increased.

When the large lecture hall filled up, Rays lecture officially began.

The awaited moment had finally arrived.

The future of the medical academy would hinge on how many students he could engage with this lecture.

Standing on the podium, Ray smiled, feeling a pleasant sense of tension.

Lets begin the lecture.

Aira visited an elf village in the Grensia Mountains.

Her method for traveling long distances was straightforward: she simply opened a teleport gate and stepped through.

Upon arriving in a new forest area, she frowned slightly.

A stench? Its quite severe.

That was to be expected.

The plague had spread, and corpses had been left unattended for quite some time.

Chersi, sensing her presence, appeared at the entrance of the village.

She tilted her short hair slightly and asked,

Is the Guardian visiting our village? Has something happened?

To her question, Aira shook her head.

No, I came here for personal reasons.

Hmm. Lets talk inside first.

As Chersi led them into the village, the elves on guard also bowed and stepped aside.

Elves can intuitively recognize a High Elf.

The elves must have felt it toothat Aira was a being superior to them.

So, they had no hesitation in lowering their posture.

It was a distinctly different attitude from what they showed Ray.

While Chersi guided her, Aira looked around the village.

The well-maintained village scenery, appearing as if nature itself had been brought in, was no different from other villages.

Seeing their happy expressions, it was clear how well Chersi managed the village.

When Chersi headed towards the highest house in the village, Aira followed.

The interior of the house was incredibly luxurious.

Jewels and ornaments hanging on the walls caught Airas eye.

Some of them were even familiar to her.

Aira slightly admired them and said,

This is the eye of Cecilie. I heard that the other one was never found, but it seems you have successfully found the pair.

Hahaha I happened to find them.

Chersis lukewarm response brought a slight sense of wonder, but that was not the purpose of Airas visit today.

Aira, with a gentle frown, asked,

But what is this foul smell that I sensed from outside the village?

Im not sure either Perhaps an epidemic?

An epidemic?

From her years of experience, Aira knew that such a smell indicated an epidemic.

But why would an epidemic suddenly occur here? Isnt this an area managed by elves?

She had never heard of an epidemic occurring in the mountains managed by elves.

Sensing Airas thoughts, Chersi added,

Its likely caused by humans. They have always been a problem for over 150 years.

Even so

It was hard to comprehend.

An epidemic suddenly occurring in human territories that had existed for over 150 years? Wasnt that strange?

It would have been different if there were annual outbreaks, but an epidemic occurring for the first time in 150 years? How bizarre.

Chersi might not have been aware, but there was clearly another cause.

Aira herself couldnt have predicted that someone had artificially induced the epidemic.

Deciding to move on from that topic, she gradually broached the main subject.

Aira, covering her mouth and coughing a few times, casually asked,

Ahem. By the way Has a human visited here?

Hmm. A human?

There was indeed one human that came to mind.

He did visit. Strangely, he had white hair

Yes! Thats the one!


Before she could finish speaking, an enthusiastic response came back.

Puzzled by the intense reaction, Aira straightened up and urged the conversation on.

Ahem. So?

At first, I thought he was a peculiar human. I wanted to ask what he was doing in the village, but

But what?

He had my mothers keepsake.

Chersi referred to a certain individual as mother, and Aira easily deduced that she was talking about Cecilie.

Feeling that everything fit into place, she pointed to a pair of earrings.

Could those keepsakes be Cecilies eyes?

Thats right. I demanded an explanation from that human about them.


And then he started talking about the empire. As you know, the empire and our mountain elves have a longstanding grudge. I couldnt help getting a bit irritated as soon as I heard it.

Her bit of irritation referred to the excessive spells Ray had to dodge frantically.

Ray still shivered when recalling those terrifyingly powerful fireballs.

Aira listened silently to her story.

He ran away. I went to seek his help when the epidemic started, but he was much colder than before.

Aira nodded quietly at Chersis words.

That figures.

Approaching for a dialogue but ending up getting angry, and then asking for help after having chased him out of the village.

Even when putting oneself in his shoes, it was a bitter situation.

As if recalling that moment, Chersi covered her mouth and chuckled.

Hehehe. He angrily said that elves should handle their own affairs and left, but despite his words, he returned to the village and treated the elves afflicted by the epidemic.

I see.

A smile spread across Airas lips, as if visualizing the scene in her mind.

And I found out later that he had once saved our elves from the dwarves. I wanted to repay him if I ever saw him again, but our mountain children are quite hostile towards humans Hahaha.

Generally, the children of the forest dislike other races.

And it doesnt seem like that human plans to visit the village again?

Thats a good sign.

Aira didnt welcome the idea of Ray wandering to other elf villages.

It would be problematic if he happened to meet someone else while roaming around.

Better that he had no intentions of returning here.

After hearing most of Rays story, Aira nodded with a contented expression.

Then, Chersi expressed her curiosity.

But why are you asking about that human?

To her question, Aira responded as if it was the most obvious thing.

Huh? Because I like him.

Chersis mouth dropped open in shock at this revelation.

It was unthinkable.

No one would have imagined that a High Elf would fall in love with a human.

What?! Forbidden love between different races!

Who dares forbid it? If anyone dares speak of our relationship as forbidden, they wont be left alone.

Instead of being upset, she got angry.

Surely, it must not be wrong.

Although it was said that different races cannot have children, elves and humans were a unique exception.

But if the other party was not an ordinary elf but a High Elf, the situation changed.

Such an unequal match!

A human and a High Elf? How preposterous!

To Chersi, this seemed like an impossible event, even more surprising than an orc and an elf starting a relationship.

When Aira heard the full story, she finally felt relieved.

She had been worried, but it seemed he had handled everything splendidly on his own.

Having finished her business, Aira stood up.

Are you leaving already? You should at least have some tea, its been a while.

No, I have no business here, but its better to stay in the village, just in case.

As she opened a teleport gate and disappeared in an instant, Chersi shook her head watching her leave.

Even the mighty Guardian has her own unavoidable matters.

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