To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 158: Free Medical Lecture (3)

Chapter 158: Free Medical Lecture (3)

Most people believe that washing hands with water above 38 degrees Celsius is effective for disinfection.

But that wasnt quite the case.

In reality, whether the water temperature was 38 degrees or 16 degrees, there was no difference in reducing bacteria count.

Furthermore, washing hands for more than 10 seconds was sufficient to eliminate microorganisms.

Given the difficulty of obtaining hot water in this place, washing hands with cold water was more economical.

He washed his hands somewhat awkwardly.

It made him wonder when he had last washed his hands himself. Usually, he used magic for everything.

It reminded him of the times he had washed his hands after surgeries in the past.

It was funny to think that, burdened with work and having no time to teach anyone, he was now training doctors in a world that was not modern.

Smiling at the thought, Ray showed his washed hands for all to see.

Cleg can be prevented simply by consistently washing your hands like this. The fact that women in villages, often tasked with laundry, rarely contract Cleg proves this. Whether they intend to or not, their hands are always in contact with water, making it a natural result.

The audience in the lecture hall listened intently, their faces thoughtful.

It made sense when they thought about it. Especially considering the microorganisms Ray talked about, the women washing their hands while doing laundry effectively killed the microorganisms, thus preventing Cleg.

If microorganisms truly existed and caused numerous diseases, including epidemics and Cleg, it explained the plagues that had ravaged villages until now.

It was a moment when the concept of hygiene first profoundly dawned on the Holy Kingdom.

Then, an unexpected question came up.

A neatly dressed male student raised his hand and asked,

Professor, then how do you explain the magic used by necromancers? They use mana, not microorganisms.

It was a very appropriate question for the person who had used microorganisms to create the Black Death in Proxia.

Ray, having been idle since Eclays inauguration, delved into the magic books brought from Proxia.

Although the sealed magic texts remained closed, there were unsealed books on dark magic among those he brought.

The magic he discussed was likely the Disease magic, a high-tier spell in the realm of dark magic.

Ray answered effortlessly,

The dark magic Disease is not about creating diseases out of thin air, as you might think. Its more about creating an environment conducive for microorganisms to thrive.

The principle of the magic was simple.

It merely changed the surrounding environment to one more favorable for microorganisms.

The magic created desolated landscapes and swamps, the perfect breeding grounds for plagues.

This naturally led to the spread of diseases.

The credibility of the speaker, who could even cast Meteor, was at its peak.

The discussion deviated a bit, but simple handwashing can prevent many diseases. It significantly reduces the risk of dying from Cleg.

I understand.

The number of those who understood had notably increased compared to the beginning.

If he could apply this to more examples, it would reduce the explanations needed for incoming students.

Minor traumas are the same. Just washing them with water immediately can be effective. Remember that such timely actions will henceforth be called first aid. Now, next is.

As Ray was about to take out something else from beneath the podium, the bell signaling the end of the class rang.

Ding- Ding-

His hand paused.

Is it over already? He had spent the entire time explaining basic knowledge.

This could mean he might have lost the interest of most potential students.

Oh, shoot!

He almost cursed out loud.

He had to start off on the right foot, but he had misjudged the time!

Contrary to his anxious expectations, the students, professors, and even members of the Ducal Family were engrossed in his new theory of microorganisms.

Thank you. It was a really good lecture.

Even Duke Chepes stood up and bowed in appreciation.

I listened intently throughout the lecture. Microorganisms It seems I have something new to experiment with. Hahaha.

His heart eased at their reaction, nearly having been crushed by the thought of his first lecture disastrously ending.

Thankfully, the response was positive.

At Duke Chepess words, Ray tilted his head slightly in thought.

Experiments, huh? Could it be related to the scent of ethanol he had noticed from Griaia?

Since the bell had already rung, he put his thoughts aside and tidied up the podium.

Ray finished the lecture with a smile, encouraged by their positive feedback.

Though it might have seemed trivial, a wave of enthusiasm for handwashing swept through the academy.

Given the war-torn state of the place, it was natural for everyone to harbor fear of disease.

Therefore, Rays lecture became a beacon of hope, suggesting that such a simple process could prevent diseases.

Soon, they constructed a facility solely for handwashing at the academy.

According to Eclay, this was a pilot project at the academy, with plans to gradually install similar facilities elsewhere.

Such was the impact of his lecture.

Though the sight was heartening, the extent to which his theory stirred change seemed almost excessive.

His lectures continued to create ripples.

In a way, they surpassed even the special lectures he had conducted at the magic academy, bringing advanced knowledge far beyond this worlds civilization.

Consequently, he spent a significant amount of time explaining and demonstrating these concepts.

From treating traumas to practical medical care and precautions for different types of injuries, a wide array of topics was covered.

During the four months of free lectures in medical science, basic modern medical knowledge was imparted to many.

The level wasnt astounding; it was basic knowledge and definitions, while specialized knowledge was reserved for the students of the medical academy.

But Ray was unaware of one thing: what he considered basic was quite specialized and detailed for them.

Four months passed, and the medical academy officially opened its doors to students.

Surprisingly, nearly two hundred students enrolled.

Considering the size of the academy, it might seem a modest number, but for a newly established institution, the response was explosive.

Mostly young faces, with a few around thirty, reflected the policy of no age limit for admissions.

The joint inauguration ceremony for the medical and magic academies took place inside the large auditorium of the magic academy.

With no other professors, Ray anticipated a busy schedule filled with continuous lectures.

He was prepared from the start, having rarely rested properly even in the modern world.

Overwork was not an enemy but a constant companion.

Dressed in attire resembling a modern doctors coat, Ray stood before the new students.

He cleared his throat and began,

Hello. Im Ray, the appointed professor of the medical academy. I will be responsible for teaching you the discipline of medicine until you graduate. As students of the medical academy, you will have access to the dormitories and all facilities, shared with the magic academy students.

The students bowed in response.

Some trembled with admiration; after all, Ray was a renowned figure in the Holy Kingdom.

He is the greatest contributor to the war, a representative of the divine, and an unparalleled sorcerer in history.

Though many were deeply curious about how a saint like him could manipulate mana, no one dared to ask, lacking the audacity to do so.

Ray continued his speech.

As everyone present agrees to the establishment of the new medical academy, I assume you also agree that any actions contrary to the academys regulations will be your own responsibility. Are there any objections?

No objections!

No objections!

Hearing their determined voices, he nodded in satisfaction.

He was very pleased. If these students became competent doctors and practiced in various places, the number of people suffering from diseases would decrease.

Of course, the healers and priests did not view the medical academy favorably.

Being part of the healing profession, they belonged to a high-class workforce, enjoying significant benefits.

However, if individuals started emerging who could heal wounds that healers couldnt, these benefits might diminish.

Especially since healers were almost treated like nobility, it wouldnt be surprising if there was some resistance.

But Ray wouldnt just watch any backlash passively.

For the healers, he could propose coexistence with the newly emerging medical profession.

Even if doctors treated diseases and injuries that healers couldnt, they couldnt heal them instantly.

But if there were healers or priests, the scenario changed.

For example, they could significantly reduce recovery time after surgeries.

Unlike surgery or medication, divine magic did not have side effects.

Also, the removal of toxins from the body could be swiftly dealt with using Cure Disease magic.

There would be endless competition if they chose to fight, but mutual benefits abounded if they chose to coexist.

Certainly, the situation could become overwhelmingly better than before.

This was the moment when the Holy Kingdom took a step ahead of the Lesian Empire in the unprecedented field of medicine.

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