To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 183: The Main Tournament (3)

Chapter 183: The Main Tournament (3)

Before the next round of the main competition, Ray had a day to himself. During this time, he researched the wyverns of the Lesian Empire.

Having been granted access to the Imperial Library, he casually sat on the floor and began browsing through books.

Lets see wyverns

Given their nests were near the Empires capital, there were quite a few books related to them.

Ray skimmed through them, learning about their habits and why they had chosen the Empire as their habitat.

The reason was simple. The Lesian Empires warm climate and the large mountain range at its back made it an ideal environment for wyverns to nest.

Furthermore, the absence of dragon lairs nearby meant that the wyverns could wreak havoc without worry.

As wyverns gathered and built nests, more joined, leading to the current situation.

Ray scratched his head.

This is going to be tough to deal with.

Unless he killed all the wyverns, they wouldnt easily give up such a favorable habitat. Even if he intervened, they would likely start nesting again in a few years.

His current efforts would be wasted.

Ray pondered a solution.

Leveling the mountain range or changing the climate to cold were options.

He casually contemplated altering the Empires environment.

Given the wyverns high intelligence and their use of magic, traps for monsters or animals wouldnt work on them.

Ray closed the book without much concern.

There were solutions, but none were easy.

In the worst case, he might have to lethally wound all the wyverns.

He spent a long time in the library, reading various books.

The next day, unlike the first round, a gambling ring was set up in one corner.

Who to bet on became a critical discussion among the crowd.

Ray passed through and approached the apparent owner of the gambling ring.

Ill bet thirty gold coins on myself.


A handsome young man placed a jingling leather pouch on the table, catching the attention of a scarred middle-aged man.

After the first round, few people failed to recognize Rays face.

His behavior and striking appearance made him memorable.

The man asked with amusement,

Youre betting on yourself?

Yeah. Im going to win anyway.

Rays confidence made the owner laugh heartily.

Hahaha! What an interesting kid. Fine, Ill bet thirty gold coins on you too.

You wont regret it.

With that, Ray took out another leather pouch and placed it on the table.

One bet on the swordsmanship competition, one on the magic competition. Both are thirty gold coins, count and check.

Hahahaha! Are you some kind of sword and magic user? Hahaha!

Indeed, he was a sword and magic user.

He also possessed useless divine power.

Whatever the owner said didnt matter to Ray. He was there to win money in the competition.

The gods might sigh at the sight of a saint participating in gambling, but Ray didnt consider this gambling.

Considering his victory was a sure thing, how could betting on it be gambling?

This was simply earning money through skill.

After rationalizing his actions to himself, Ray headed to the martial arts arena.

The swordsmanship competition ended anticlimactically.

After witnessing Rays skills in the first round, his opponent conceded after a few exchanges.

Easily securing his place in the third round, Ray immediately moved to the adjacent stage where the magic competition was taking place.

As he arrived, his opponent sneered and commented,

So youre the sword and magic user who fought with fists last night? Hahaha.

Ray had already earned a nickname.

The audience had dubbed him a sword and magic user.

Well, it wasnt entirely incorrect.

Indeed, he was a sword and magic user, a title usually reserved for legendary figures.

Although the title of sword and magic user had become a joke, Ray wasnt offended.

The referees of each stage communicated with one another.

The second round of the Martial Arts Festivals magic competition begins now!

As they announced, chants filled the air, just like the previous day.

Among them were several high-level spells.

Manifest the wrath of the heavens, sweep away my foe! Chain Lightning!

Using a fourth-circle spell, Chain Lightning, during the chanting phase indicated a higher level of competition in the second round.

The lightning crackled and struck the opponent.

The audience was captivated by the spectacle of the magic.

His opponent also expressed admiration.

Chain Lightning impressive.

Its nothing much.

You dont know your place, calling yourself a sword and magic user.

The elegantly cloaked man pulled a small wand with a crystal orb from his robe.

Everyone seemed to act the same way.

If they had spent the time and money used on wands on improving their skills, they might have made some progress.

Ray sighed.

Whether its this guy or that, they all just inflate the price of their wands.

Oh? You recognize the value of my wand?

The wand was so lavishly adorned with jewels that it was impossible to overlook.

But why put jewels on the wands handle? Was it for acupressure when bored? It was difficult to understand the intention.

The confident man began his incantation.

Fire Ball.

A fireball the size of two adult fists appeared in the air.

Considering he cast a second-circle spell, Fire Ball, with just an incantation, the young man must be at least third circle.

He was more skilled than he appeared.

As he hovered the blazing fireball, he spoke,

Hahaha. See? This is magic. Do you think a swordsman like you can use it? Just surrender. This isnt a place for the ignorant like you.

Fire Ball.

As Ray uttered the incantation, an enormous fireball materialized.

Its intense heat and size made the young mans fireball seem insignificant.

Even a glancing hit from it would have been disastrous.

Ray grinned at the young man.

Is this what you were talking about?

You how can you use magic Are you really a sword and magic user?

Ah, so I am a sword and magic user.

While speaking, Ray widely dispersed his mana.

He then absorbed it back, converting it into magic, and his specialty, Fireball, began to multiply exponentially.

10, 20

Eventually, countless Fireballs filled the martial arts arena, making it impossible for anyone to continue their matches.

The arena fell silent.


The sound of someone swallowing echoed loudly.

Whispers began to emerge from the audience.

Hes a sword and magic user

Really a sword and magic user

What kind of sword and magic user is that? Even a mage couldnt do that.

The Fireballs Ray created bathed the arena in red.

Hovering in the air, their sheer visual impact was a weapon in itself.

The young man dropped his wand, speechless.

It was likely not just him who was stunned.

Others engaged in their battles also stopped, astonished by the quantity of Rays mana.

I lose, I surrender

With the opponents declaration of surrender, Ray instantly extinguished the Fireballs.



As if waking from a dream, the magic vanished, leaving the audience in awe of him.

His piercing blue eyes beneath snowy white hair struck them profoundly.

No cheers were heard, only a hush that filled the arena.

Ray walked out, his back followed by the eyes of the audience and referees.

After the second round of the magic competition, Rays reputation soared immensely.

Numerous officials and nobles, realizing that a legendary sword and magic user truly existed, tried to approach him.

It wasnt until the Emperor publicly forbade such actions, under the guise of protecting a foreign dignitary, that these advances ceased.

But the Emperors motives werent purely protective.

He, too, was anxious, attempting to establish a connection with Ray, fearing others might snatch him away first.

Hmm. I cant just let things be.

The Emperor summoned Princess Selena.

She entered the hall and bowed respectfully.

You called for me, Your Majesty?

Yes, I did. Theres something important we need to discuss.

Selena tilted her head at his serious tone.

What is your opinion of the saint?

Pardon? What exactly do you mean?

How would you feel about him as a potential husband?

Excuse me?

Selena was startled by the abrupt marriage proposal.

She quickly understood the situation.

Father wants the saint. If its for a political marriage, I have no choice

She had not considered marriage before, but perhaps this was an opportunity to seize.

From her observations, the saint was neither ill-tempered nor lacking in capability.

In fact, his abilities seemed almost otherworldly.

And his appearance? She had mistaken him for an elf at their first encounter, so striking was his beauty.

His status was suitable for the royal family, equal to or surpassing any other suitor.

After a brief contemplation, Selena bowed.

If it is Your Majestys wish, I shall consent to the marriage.

Hmm. Alright. Ill handle this matter; you may go now.

Yes, Your Majesty.

As Selena exited the hall, the Emperor reflected in solitude.

The saint mentioned he has someone in his heart That is the complication.

If he pressured the saint too quickly, he risked driving him from the Empire.

The Emperor needed to navigate the situation with care.

His daughter appeared amenable, but to sway the saints heart might require time.

Nevertheless, the Emperor looked confident.

My daughters beauty is celebrated even beyond our borders. No matter who the saint has taken an interest in, she could not surpass my daughter.

Content with the prospect of securing the saint, the Emperors mood lifted.

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