Touch of Flame

Chapter 272 A Gentleman's Love

Corinna and Ravina enjoyed their breakfast near a large window that looked out onto the lush garden. The morning sun cast a warm, golden light on the dew-kissed leaves and flowers, creating a serene atmosphere.

Ravina couldn't help but smile as she joyfully replied to any questions her sister might have about their childhood as she tried to regain her memory. She seemed to remember things mostly by feeling rather than by images.

"I am sorry," she said, looking disappointed when she couldn't remember certain things.

Ravina took her hand, giving her a gentle squeeze. "You are here now. We will create many more wonderful memories together."

Corinna smiled, turning her hand and intertwining their fingers. "I hope, you are not doing this anymore." She said, tracing a scar on her hand with her thumb.

Ravina became suddenly aware and wished to pull her hand away, but Corinna held her firmly. "No more of it." She said, with a sisterly, stern look.

"I have found healthier ways," Ravina assured her, remembering how difficult it was for her the first time to stop and scribble down her feelings instead.

Corinna's hold on her hand tightened, and she looked at her with a pained expression.

"It wasn't painful," Ravina said, and then bit her lip. It wasn't the right thing to say. She quickly tried to change the subject. "So tell me about your..."

Before she could finish her question, she noticed Corinna's gaze shift toward the entrance of the room. Following her sister's line of sight, Ravina observed a man walking in. She paused in movement, her eyes taking in all of him.

He was taller than human males, and his build was more like that of a dragon, yet still not as big, which made his white shirt, grey vest, and black coat fit perfectly on his body. His dark hair was combed back, and his face had the contours of a dragon but with a hint of human features; hte thinner lips, slimmer nose, and then there were those eyes, a mesmerizing blend of fire and smoke.

As he approached the table, Corinna smiled warmly and introduced them to each other, "Ravina, this is Ephraim." Turning to Ephraim, she continued, "Ephraim, meet my sister, Ravina."

Ephrain extended a hand with a temperate smile, and Ravina placed her hand in his. "It's nice to finally meet you," She smiled as he lifted her hand to kiss her knuckles.

Ravina sensed the slight pause when her hand came close to his lips. His hold on her tightened barely before he placed a light kiss on her skin. Before she could wonder about his strange reaction, she caught a whiff of his scent. She was taken aback by the alluring fragrance, which seemed to envelop her, making her body tingle with an inexplicable warmth. She knew this sensation, and she had only felt it with Malachi.

Their eyes met, both trying to hide their surprise and curiosity. Ephraim quickly released Ravina's hand, his polite smile returning. "The pleasure is all mine," he said, subtly trying to shake off the surprising sensation.

Ravina, still feeling the lingering effects of their brief contact, nodded and managed a small smile. As he went to sit beside Corinna, she followed him with her gaze, still puzzled. She knew this scent. Incense and smoked amber. She had felt the same tingling heat when she caught his scent from the book Ares had lent her.

What was this?

Shaking off the feeling, she decided to get to know the man who had won her sister's heart.

"Corinna told me a little about you," she began.

"I hope that little left a good impression." He said.

"It did. I am curious how you two met."

She did not miss the brief look exchanged between him and her sister.

"Well, I hired her to work in our organization." He explained.

"The dragon slayers?"

"Darcy likes to call them the phantoms."


"I mean, Corinna." He corrected himself after noticing her confusion.

"I didn't know my name, so I chose the name Darcy for myself," Corinna explained.

Ravina nodded. Her sister's memories were somewhere in her head still, just locked away.

"It is funny," Ravina smiled. "You always liked the name Darcy and said you would marry a man with such a name."

Her eyes widened. "I did?"

"Yes. That was your minimal requirement. He just had to get the name right."

They all chuckled.

"Where are the others?" Ravina wondered.

"Ares, Nazneen, and Malachi are taking a moment to discuss royal matters. The king and queens are away from home."

Ravina almost forgot. The trials had just finished, so Nazneen couldn't stay here, and Malachi would eventually have to go back soon as well. Ravina decided to ignore those worries for now and focus on her sister. They finished their breakfast, with some more laughter and her sister telling her a bit about the crew. This made her want to know more about them. She needed to know what organization her sister was part of.

"Corinna, would you mind if I stole Ephraim away for a moment?" She asked, then turned to Eprhaim. "Perhaps we could take a walk in the garden?"

"I don't mind," he smiled.

Her sister gave her a knowing look. "Don't be too hard on him," she said

"I will try," Ravina teased.

Ephraim stood and offered his arm to Ravina, who graciously accepted it. They stepped out into the garden, the sunlight filtering through the trees and casting spotted shadows on the ground.

As they walked, Ravina decided to start the conversation on a light note. "I can tell my sister is very fond of you."

"I am very fond of her as well."

"You said you met her when you hired her... to slay dragons?"

He could tell that she was questioning him. He offered her an assuring smile. "It is a dangerous task. Watching her face the dragons and put herself in danger time and time again was difficult for me, but that is where your sister found purpose, and it was what she wanted to do," he explained. "I did offer her the option to live comfortably, and she knows that offer still stands."

Ravina nodded. "Why have you taken it upon yourself to fight dragons?"

"I was raised with the belief that remaining passive in the face of injustice is akin to being part of the problem. We can all contribute in some way that is within our capacity. I'm lucky enough to have certain skills and means at my disposal, which I decided to use for this cause."

Ravina nodded, appreciating his eloquence and conduct. His voice carried an undeniable sense of integrity. The breeze blew her way, and his scent reached her again. Highly disturbed, she tried not to inhale so much from her nose.

She went on to find out as much about him as possible--his background, family, and age and she found many heartbreaking things. She would think someone like him would turn bitter, but there was a gentleness in his eyes. Perhaps it was the wisdom that came with his age.

"So what does Darcy like?" She asked, now stopping her investigation of him. She wanted to learn about her sister, the way she was without her memories, so she could make her happy in every way.

Ephraim was truly impressive in how well he seemed to know her. He knew what she liked, and disliked, what made her sad or smile, and even the small gestures she made when she felt a certain way.

Ravina got truly emotional, and she couldn't help but shed tears as he spoke. He paused, "Are you alright?"

She nodded, quickly wiping away a tear. He reached inside his pocket, handing her a handkerchief. Not the best thing to use, as his scent was all over it. "I am just happy, she wasn't alone." She explained herself.

He nodded with a faint smile. "I wish to give Corinna the happiness and love she deserves. She has been through so much, yet she remains strong and kind-hearted. I am truly honored to have her in my life."

Ravina, deeply touched by his words, couldn't help but feel grateful that her sister had found someone who genuinely cared for her. She looked at Ephraim, her emotions swirling within her, and whispered, "Thank you."

He offered her his arm again, and they continued their stroll.

"What are your plans for the future," she asked as they enjoyed the morning sun.

"I wish to marry your sister," he replied.

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