Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 132: Hard Battles

Chapter 132: Hard Battles

While Buggy releases the slaves, his crewmates are fighting the Iron Shovel executives. They fight on different spots on Iron Shovel's ship. All of them except for Deon & Manba have a one on one battles.

Deon & Manba fight with Rodan the long-arm tribe man who wields a pair of cutlasses. Both Manba & Deon attack Rodan from 2 sides, but the long-armed man can defend very well. His moves are strange and make Deon & Manba confused.

With longer arms and more joints, Rodan can make unpredictable moves with his cutlasses. He also has longer range because of his long arms. His moves confused Manba & Deon who never faced a long-arm tribe man before.

"Now I know why Cricket told us to fight him together," says Manba.

"Yeah, this guy is very tricky, and it will be very difficult to fight him alone," says Deon.

Manba attacks with his spear again and still doesn't use the bazooka. He acts as the main attacker while Deon is the secondary attacker. It's because Manba has a weapon so he can block Rodan's cutlasses while Deon can't.

Both Manba & Deon still can't use armament haki, so they need to be careful in their battle. They need to use their Observation Haki to the max and evade every attack from Rodan. But that's not an easy thing to do as they get cut a few times.

Deon is in his hybrid form already and attacks Rodan when there's an opening. He mostly uses his fists and also his long tongue to attack from afar. Manba & Deon have good cooperation in their fight even though it's the first time they do it.

But Rodan seems to be good at Observation Haki and can always block their attacks. He is also more experienced than both of them in battle. His moves are refined and he doesn't make many mistakes. So this battle is difficult for Manba & Deon.

On another side, Palu is also having a tough battle against Muto the swordsman. Muto can move fast & agilely with his katana while Palu's movements are slower. Their weapons' weights affect their movements, after all.

Palu needs to use his Warhammer's handle many times to block Muto's sword because he doesn't have time to move the head as Muto's sword is too fast. His attacks are stronger & heavier, but Muto can always dodge them because Muto is faster.

None of them can hit each other's bodies so far and just clash with their weapons. Palu always blocks Muto's attacks, while Muto's always evade Palu's attacks. So it makes Muto realize that Palu can use Observation Haki.

"You can use Observation Haki, aren't you?" asks Muto.

"Observation Haki?" asks Palu as if he doesn't know it.

"Don't try to fool me, rookie. There's no way you could read my attacks beforehand and block all of them without using Observation Haki," says Muto.

"Ah, it's because I blocked your attacks, huh? What I used isn't what you called Observation Haki, it's Mantra. My dad taught it to me and the name is Mantra," says Palu while smirking.

"Mantra, such a strange name. But it must be just another name for Observation Haki. Still, that is not enough because there's another form of haki," says Muto while grinning.

Muto's right hand that wields his katana suddenly gets blackened. Then his katana also get covered in black metallic color. He activates his armament haki now to fight with Palu.

"You should've never heard about this. This is Armament Haki, a very important power in New World. With this, I will be able to break your Warhammer," says Muto.

Palu makes a surprised look, but he laughs in his heart. He knows Armament Haki, but this arrogant prick tries to show off to him. So he plays along and acts like he doesn't know anything. It will be fun to see Muto's reaction when knowing that he can use Armament too.

'This bastard will be very mad when knowing that I can use it. Hehehe, I will let you show off now and slap you hard with a surprising fact later,' thinks Palu.

Palu coat his Warhammer with colorless armament to make it a little harder. If he doesn't do it, then his Warhammer will not survive Muto's attacks. With armament haki hardening, Muto's attacks will give more damage, so he needs to harden his weapon too.

But Palu still doesn't want to reveal that he can use armament. Muto doesn't know that he has it and it is his advantage. He will use it as a surprise later, so he save it for now. Besides, Palu always likes to play with his opponents.

Meanwhile, Jude's fight doesn't seem good at all. Her lack of experience against opponents who can touch her logia body is very clear now. Furthermore, her enemy, Risel, uses a long whip that can move unpredictably.

Risel moves her whip around very fast and forced Jude to move back. Jude has got hit many times and has many wounds on her skin. She can only attack a few times because Risel keeps pushing her back.

"What's wrong, little girl? Aren't you a logia? It's supposed to be the best power, right?" asks Risel with a mocking tone.

"Ugh, the whip can move anywhere like a snake. She can block all my attacks even though I've attacked her from every side. What should I do?" ponders Jude while evading a whip attack from above.

Jude focuses on evading while thinking of a way to fight back. She has trained hard for 6 months and can't let it go to waste. Although she isn't a fighter type, she still won't let herself lose in a battle like this.

The other logia user, Enel is also in a problem like Jude. He fights with the tall & lanky man, Bon, who wields a pair of Tonfa. Enel has got hit many times since they started their battle. He is fast, but Bon always moved one step ahead of him.

Since they started their battle, Bon hasn't moved from his spot. He just waited for Enel to attack him and counter with his Tonfas. Bon knows that Enel is a hot-headed person since Enel rushed first to attack Nando.

So he used it in his strategy and just wait for Enel to attack him because he knows Enel will not wait for him to attack. Then just like he predicted, Enel really attacked him numerous times without any rest.

He just needs to read Enel's movements using his Observation Haki and counter them. That way, he can counter Enel's attacks and save his energy. Bon is a smart man, very different from his current opponent.

Enel gets angrier as time passed because his injuries keep increasing. He has attacked many times from long and short-range, but none of them worked. Bon can deflect the long-range lightning attacks like Buggy and when he gets closer, Bon always hits him.

"Damn, what should I do?" ponders Enel while holding his stomach that has just got hit.

"It's useless no matter what you'll do. Our level is just too different. You might be a logia while I don't have any devil fruit. But weakling will still be weakling no matter what weapon that they have," says Bon while smirking.

"What'd you say?" asks Enel angrily.

Bon smirks seeing Enel gets angry after hearing the provocation. Enel starts to attack Bon blindly after getting provoked. He is too hot-headed and very easy to manipulate in mind games.

Mantis sees it and clicks her tongue, "Tsk, that idiot. It seems we need to put his head in a fridge later so it can become cool."

"Don't worry about that. You will keep his head in the fridge after it gets cut. No, we will keep all your heads in the fridge after we cut them off," says the bald monk, Tong, sadistically as he swings his bo-staff at Mantis.

"Ugh, dude, that's just a parable. And you're a monk, so talk like one," says Mantis as she blocks the staff.


You can read up to 30+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 151 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 162 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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