Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 429: Fast Forward

Chapter 429: Fast Forward

Buggy leaves the mess he made in the town and goes to the hideout. No one dares to stop him after seeing him come out of a deep hole he made after falling. They know he must've fallen from a very high place to make such a hole, and he must've been very strong to survive that.

Alice has been waiting for his return, so she is very happy when he appears. He has replaced her dad already, so now he is can be said to be Alice's stepdad even though it's not official yet. Well, Buggy doesn't mind having one more child and he's sure Bellemere will be even happier to have more.

Buggy asks his men if there was something important happening when he left. But there's nothing that really requires his attention. The only thing that might take his interest is the new Blackbeard Pirates. They've left Jaya after failing to catch the Straw Hats.

"Sigh, I've warned that old man about Teach a few times but he never listened. Well, whatever, I will take care of him myself now that he has left Whitebeard Pirates. I'll see how great the fruit that made Teach scheme to get it his whole life."

Buggy is grinning excitedly because he might get a good fight after a very long time. He needs to wait though because he has promised Alice they will play around for a while after he returned. They leave Jaya the next day and go to Alabasta because Alice wants to see a desert.

While exploring places, Buggy keeps tabs on the news of his crew, Straw Hats, and Blackbeard Pirates. He won't actually do anything about them for a while, but he still needs to know what they do. Right now, he just wants to be an observer.

The Straw Hats appear in Grandline again before Buggy reaches Alabasta. They fought against Foxy and win easily with Leo being there making strategies. He knows quite well about Davy Back Fight, after all, and knows their opponents won't play fairly because they are pirates.

Leo also contributes a lot in their fight against Aokiji who appears just like in the series. He is the only one in the crew who can actually fight Aokiji. His fire ability is counter to Aokiji's ice ability. But their skills and power are too far apart, so obviously Leo got defeated.

He can buy time for his crewmates to escape first though before he also runs away. Leo's fire has gotten hotter, so Aokiji's ice can't freeze him because it always melts. Still, Leo gets quite a lot of damage, so he gives up after his crewmates escaped, and he escapes too.

His battle against Aokiji makes him even more frustrated. He keeps getting defeated nowadays and he's afraid he might die even before he can reach his dad. So now, Leo is trying to find a way to get much stronger. He needs to get much stronger to make sure he & his sister survive this deadly sea.

This is exactly what Buggy tried to tell Leo by defeating him & his whole crew easily. They need to know they are still nothing in this sea and can die anytime. Buggy only wanted to tell Leo, he doesn't care what the other Straw Hats think because he only needs Leo to be stronger which will also ensure Nami's safety.

After getting defeated on Skypiea, Leo becomes much more serious in his training. He gets even more serious after getting defeated by Aokiji. Since then, Leo becomes the most hard-working member of Straw Hat Pirates.

Even with all his training, Leo still has time to play with the others and play music. Buggy always taught him that resting is very important for one's growth. Leo's way to rest both his mind and body is by playing music and sleeping, so he does those.

Buggy keeps observing the Straw Hats' movements while he explores Paradise with Alice. He takes Alice to visit a few places where he also has businesses there. So it's not just a trip, Buggy also works while staying in disguise.

His infamy as Kuroko rises in this journey because he defeats a lot of names that disturb him. He even defeated a Vice-Admiral who tried to capture him under a Celestial Dragon's order. It was Onigumo who got beaten up very badly by Buggy after using Alice as a hostage to capture him.

Onigumo caught Alice when she was alone in the hotel when Buggy was away. He took Alice to Buggy and threatened him using the little girl's life. But he made a very fatal mistake, he was too close to Buggy when he made the threat.

Their distance was 50 meters, but it was very close for Buggy. Buggy only needs one jump to reach Onigumo almost instantly. He could jump very fast using his physical power and the floating ability of his awakened devil fruit.

Even Kizaru would have a hard time evading that, so Onigumo didn't have a chance at all. Buggy took Alice while also blasting Onigumo away. There's no need to even talk about the rest, Buggy beat the shit out of Onigumo.

However, Buggy didn't kill him because he didn't want to kill in front of Alice. Buggy still made sure he gave Onigumo, the Marine, & the Celestial Dragons an important lesson. He used advanced haki against Onigumo, which damaged Onigumo's internal organs very badly that even Manba won't be able to heal it.

Sometime after that, he got a new bounty as Kuroko. His head is now worth 600 million Belly, a very scary number for a 'rookie' pirate who hasn't even entered New World. Such a number surely attracts the world's attention, especially the Emperors.

It doesn't last long though because an incident happens in Enies Lobby a few days later. The Straw Hats attack Enies Lobby after CP 9 captured Robin. She didn't leave the crew like in the series. The CP 9 that got assistance from a CP 0 agent captured Robin openly on Water 7.

They trashed the Straw Hats and captured Robin then took her to Enies Lobby. So the Straw Hats chased them with Franky's & Iceburg's help because Kokoro isn't on Water 7 now. She followed Tom to Wano, so only Franky & Iceburg could operate the sea train.

The Straw Hats are fighting the same agents as in the series. Leo who wasn't in the series fought the CP 0 agent on the bridge. The CP 0 agent was very strong, but luckily he was still a new CP 0 agent, so Leo could still fight him because he was the weakest in CP 0. If it was the other CP 0 agents, Leo won't stand a chance because those people are the strongest among all CP agents.

Leo won by a small margin because he was more persistent and has better stamina. His injuries were great enough to make him unable to move for 3 days. He even needed to be carried by Franky to return to Merry which came by itself just like in the series.

Then just like in the series too, Spandam used Buster Call to attack the Straw Hats. Onigumo was supposed to be there, but he was in a very bad condition after Buggy destroyed him. So he was replaced by another Vice-Admiral, John Giant.

The Buster Call couldn't advance forward to attack the Straw Hats though. It was because a great force appeared out of nowhere and forced them to stop. They got stopped by Legend Pirates who suddenly appeared out of nowhere and attacked them.

Legend Pirates, a crew led by Alan and is affiliated with Clown Pirates. They came to Enies Lobby under Cricket's order after they found out Robin was captured. Coincidentally, the crew was close to Enies Lobby because they were in Paradise to trade weapons with Revolutionary Army under Buggy's order.

Alan & co never met Robin before because they became Clown Pirates' apprentices after Robin was left with Gaban. Even so, they know that Clown Pirates' early members were fond of Robin, so they came to help without any hesitation. Besides, they were also excited to find out how powerful the Buster Call was.

The Legend Pirates weren't disappointed because they could have a great war against the 5 Vice-Admirals' fleet. It was a very difficult war and they almost won the war. But Aokiji suddenly appeared and stopped the war to prevent them from destroying Enies Lobby.

"Hmm, it will be some time until they reach Sabaody. I still can visit a few places."

Buggy decides to visit a few places before going to Sabaody to see the Supernovas and meet Straw Hats again. He doesn't interfere with what the Straw Hats do again for now and just observes them. From the information he gets, things happen similarly to the series with the Straw Hats.

Merry gets burnt, they meet Garp on Water 7, and Luffy's father gets revealed. There is a difference though, Buggy's real identity is also revealed by Garp there. It was very strange already that they never found out about Buggy's real identity so far, so this is a good reveal.

Well, Leo & Nami never talked openly about their dad and Buggy hasn't appeared in the news for a while. Robin knew well about Buggy, but Leo & Nami never told her their dad's name. After Garp told Luffy about Dragon, Leo asked him if he knows about Buggy, and his reaction was great.

Garp was very surprised to know that Leo is Buggy's son. He didn't do anything though and just explained Buggy's identity to them. They were very surprised when Garp told them that Buggy is the strongest individual alive and the closest man to One Piece.

They got even more surprised when they know Garp was defeated by Buggy after Luffy asked about it. Robin also told them that he defeated the Marine's greatest forces at once by himself. This is a feat that even Roger couldn't do.

Now Leo finally understands that his goal might be the craziest among all Straw Hats. After all, Garp said that Buggy could've found One Piece if he wants. But he isn't interested in it, that's why that treasure is still available.

"Strongest individual, huh? As I thought of my dad."

Leo gets excited instead of getting discouraged by his dad's achievement. He is really Buggy's son.


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 465. All-Out War

466. Imu & God's Knights (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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