Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 443: Shocking Marineford

Chapter 443: Shocking Marineford

The executioners fail again, but now the cause is unknown.

"What was that?"

"Gunshots, but I don't know where they came from. Tsk, they kept disrupting it."

"Sengoku, those shots didn't seem to come from the ones below."

"I thought so too. But there's nothing on the sea, so it might be someone's ability."

Sengoku and Garp can't talk about it for too long because a powerful earthquake suddenly occurs. Whitebeard is punching the air in front of Teach and creates a powerful earthquake. Teach is using his darkness power to absorb the quake power, but he still gets flung quite far and crashes onto Marineford's thick wall.

Whitebeard still has what it takes to be an Emperor of The Sea. However, Teach won't dare to come here if he wasn't ready to fight the old man. He might have some injuries, but Teach also has inflicted a lot of injuries on Whitebeard's body too.

"Heh, so he isn't just cunning, but he has the power to back it up."

Kuroko Buggy comments on it while still facing Kizaru. He takes his fight leisurely, but he doesn't lose at all. It makes Kizaru pissed because he is being played by a rookie. But it also makes him wonder why Kuroko could lose to him on Sabaody if he is this strong.

Kizaru sends super fast and powerful sword attacks and kicks at Kuroko. But Kuroko can predict them all and handle them effectively. However, Kuroko just stays defensive and doesn't attack Kizaru at all. He is watching the other battles instead of attacking.

The Whitebeard Pirates are still having a hard time even though the number of enemies has reduced a lot. The Marine officers that didn't get knocked out are big problems for them, especially the Admirals. Aokiji and Fujitora are fighting a lot of strong people at once, but they are not troubled at all.

Luffy's group is still held by Fujitora and they can't find a way through. Aokiji hold some Whitebeard Pirates' commanders without being pushed. The Vice-Admirals and other officers are holding the other powerful pirates.

Then suddenly, everyone's attention shifts to Sengoku because he suddenly shouts. "NO WAY! WHY ARE THEY HERE?"

Sengoku is using his scope to see far into the sea. He sees a ship is getting closer to Marineford. A single ship can already make Sengoku has cold sweats.

"What's wrong, Sengoku?"

"See it for yourself."

Sengoku throws his scope to Garp, so Garp uses it to check what Sengoku saw. He has the same reaction as Sengoku, so Aokiji asks what they saw.

"It's those Clowns, the Clown Pirates are here."

Everyone is very surprised when they hear that and immediately stop whatever they do. Only Luffy is clueless about what happened because he doesn't know about Clown Pirates.

"Iva-chan, what happens? Why is everyone so wary?"

"Straw Hat-boy, don't tell me you don't know anything about Clown Pirates?"

"No, are they famous?"

"Obviously. After all, they are the strongest crew in the world, and their Captain is the strongest man in the world. 'Clown Lord' Buggy, the man closest to Pirate King title."

"Eh? That's, so he is Leo's & Nami's dad, huh? Leo's & Nami's dad's crew is coming here?"

"Leo? Nami?"

"Yeah, they are my crew members. Leo is chasing after his dad and we recently found out from Grandpa that his dad is the Strongest Man in the world."

"Is that so? I know he has children, but I never met them and he never even told me their names, so I never know."

"You know him, Iva-chan?"

"Yeah, and your dad also knows him. Let's say that he is the only man Dragon never dared to offend."

The Black Pearl is getting closer to Marineford at a high speed. Sengoku and Garp are now very wary that they are ready to move anytime now even after staying silent since the beginning. Clown Pirates aren't opponents they can take lightly.

They are very surprised though because they have been observing Clown Pirates very tightly. But they ignored the fact that Clown Pirates have slipped out of their watches so many times. The crew can always find a way to get past every eye that watches over them.

"So that's how it is."

"What's wrong, Sengoku?"

"The one who shot the executioners' blades, was their sniper, 'Top Gun' Maverick. Among all Clown Pirates' members, only he can shoot accurately from a distance that even a scope can't reach. That means they might have observed this war for a long time."

"Clown Pirates along with Whitebeard Pirates, this is the worst-case scenario. Sengoku, I don't think we can even think of victory now. Having sure our men survive this is already a good thing."

The Black Pearl reaches Marineford in a short time. Everyone sees the members of Clown Pirates show up on the front deck of their ship. They are focusing on the Captain of Clown Pirates, 'Clown Lord' Buggy who stands in the front while crossing his arm smugly.

'Buggy' is looking around the plaza, looking for something. "Ah, there you are! Buggy-chan, hurry up and come back to us! I feel like I am about to die from the pressure this position gave me."

Everyone is confused because Buggy is calling someone else Buggy. They look at the man pointed by 'Buggy' which is none other than Kuroko.

"Sigh, so you came here hurriedly because you couldn't handle the stress, huh? Well, it's about time I stop playing around too, anyway."

Kuroko's whole body suddenly breaks apart into particles smaller than dust. Then his body reforms into an appearance that shocks everyone there. He turns into his original appearance as Buggy, the Captain of Clown Pirates, but with short hair.

"W-what's this? There are 2 Clown Lords?"

The Marines are surprised, but then the Buggy on the ship finally shows his true appearance. Bon-chan who finally can stop pretending to be Buggy laughs happily as he returns to his original appearance too. He jumps and dances around on the ship because he's finally free.

Everyone immediately looks at the real Buggy who disguised himself as Kuroko. Now Kizaru and the other high-ranking officers realize why Kuroko was so powerful. But it also angers Sengoku because it means Buggy went to Impel Down deliberately to make a mess there.

"So you lost to me on purpose when we were on Sabaody Archipelago. What scheme that you had planned, Clown?"

"Scheme? I just wanted to explore Impel Down. If you guys just accepted my demand to explore Impel Down, Marineford, Enies Lobby, and other Marine bases, then I won't resort to something like this, you know."

"Then if you just let us capture and execute every single one of your crew, we will allow your bodies to visit all those places."

"Really? Then let's do it, if you have the capability to capture us that is."

Buggy just grins, but it makes people nervous already. Mihawk who has fought against Vista sheaths his sword even though he almost wins. He decides to stop participating in this war because he is not stupid enough to keep fighting in the war when he will go against Clown Pirates.

"Hawkeye, where are you going?"

"I only agreed to fight against Whitebeard Pirates, not Clown Pirates. This is already a different war, so I won't participate."

"Then, I will stop here too."

"Wha-!? Boa Hancock!"

Both Mihawk and Hancock don't want to continue this anymore because they know they can't win against Clown Pirates. Among the Warlords, the 2 of them are the closest to Clown Pirates. Mihawk has fought against Buggy numerous times and Hancock is his spy after he helped her conceal her identity as a former slave.

Different from them, Doflamingo is looking at Buggy hostilely. He failed to obtain Ope Ope Fruit and killed Corazon because Buggy interfered. Even to this day, Buggy is stopping a lot of his plans because Buggy's underground organization is his organization's rival.

Speaking of Corazon, that guy is still working as a spy to this day because he can't return to the Marines. He is already known as Doglamingo's brother, after all. His case is similar to Drake, that's why now he is joining Drake's crew, but of course, he is disguising himself because Doffy will kill him if his identity is revealed.

Back to Marineford that has become silent because of Buggy's appearance. Everyone is looking at Buggy warily because they don't know what he's going to do. Even Whitebeard is wary even though he knows that Buggy will save Ace because they are close.

"Ace, how many times have I told you to control that impulsive mind of yours? I'm sure you were chasing and fighting that prick while being angry. Also, I always told you that you are still weak, but you always overestimate yourself. Do you need to die first before you come to your sense? Or do you need someone to die because of your idiocy first? I didn't help you and your mother just for you to die younger than your father. Ace, do you want to meet your mother before achieving great things?"

Buggy is scolding Ace who can only look down shamefully.

"Rogue asked me to help you when needed. I let you join the old man so you could learn a lot and grow up. But you are disappointing me. When this war ends, I will beat you up myself, so get ready. For now, I will put an end to this war."

Buggy straightens his right palm before swiping his right palm horizontally. Nothing happens for a while, but then Marineford gets cut at the level of Buggy's swipe. Every enemy that stands on the plaza also gets cut, only Buggy's allies are spared.

"Time to flip the world."


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 480. Clown Supremacy (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.