Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting

Chapter 62

Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting Inventory 62


Information about the golem appeared before Minhyuk’s eyes.

<Roccus’ Golem>

-A multi-purpose golem crafted by Roccus.

-Created using a dwarven ingot and a soulstone.

-Performs various tasks upon the owner’s command, such as exploration, mining, manufacturing, transportation, and combat.

He had heard about golems in this world from Raymond before.

Once, when Minhyuk had put a sign from a Japanese actress in the refrigerator after tracing it, it had changed into <Golem’s Foot Callus>.

Since golems existed, their calluses must exist as well.

So he had asked Raymond about golems.

To put it simply, a golem was a robot created using magic.

What set it apart from a robot was that it used magical power instead of electricity as an energy source, and an animal’s soul instead of AI.

If the soul of a deceased pet was infused into a body made of stone or metal, that was a golem.

Some golems were also created using the souls of deceased humans.

This was because using a human soul allowed for the creation of a highly intelligent golem capable of performing a variety of tasks.

And there were also magicians who transferred their own souls into inanimate bodies in order to gain powerful bodies and long lifespans.

In such cases, they were also referred to as golems.

[Please save me.]

Minhyuk was slightly startled by the sudden voice and became alert.

He checked and saw that the sound was coming from the golem’s head.

The golem’s two eyes were closed, but a voice came out of a small hole near its mouth.

[Please save me.]

“Who are you?”

The golem paused for a moment before answering.

[I am… Adel, a knight of Polenta.]

“A human?”

[Yes, I was human once. Even I had forgotten that fact for a long time.]

Souls that became golems forgot all memories of their past and only followed their master’s orders.

However, as the golem’s body was damaged, the device that bound the soul also malfunctioned.

So that’s how Adel, the knight of Polenta, was able to recall memories from hundreds of years ago, before he became a golem.

[Long ago, I fought in a battle. I died an honorable death in that battle… and… eventually became a golem.]

The soul of the deceased lingers near its body for three days after death.

Sometimes, it gets caught by soul hunters.

There are certain types of gems that can contain the souls of the dead.

They are called soul stones.

Soul hunters would go around places where many people had died, such as battlefields, and use soul stones to capture the souls of the deceased.

Soul stones containing human souls were traded for a very high price.

“So that’s why Lokus created a golem with a gem containing your soul?”

[Yes. Please help me.]

“How do you want me to help you? Should I destroy the gem?”

The method to free the soul was simple.

The soul stone was embedded in the golem’s core.

Destroying the gem would release the soul from its confinement and grant it freedom.

But that freedom was tantamount to annihilation.

The right to completely disappear from this world.

To regain the right to die that had been taken away by someone else.

[No! I’m asking you to save me, not kill me!]


[Repair my body. You can use magic beads to repair the golem.]

Lokus’s golem had an automatic repair function, just like Minhyuk’s magic armor.

That’s why it could be completely fixed using magic beads.

However, repairing the golem would also repair the device confining the soul.

Then, Adel would once again lose all memories of his past and follow only his master’s orders.

“Didn’t you want to be free?”

[Can you call it freedom when the only thing granted is death? Even life in confinement is better than death.]

Is life in this world better even if you’re wallowing in sh*t?

Adel, the knight of Polenta, desired a life in confinement over an honorable death.

[If I’m left like this any longer, even the soul stone will lose its power.]

The soul stone itself didn’t have much magical power.

That’s why it had to continuously receive magical power from the body in order to keep the soul confined.

“But how did you end up like this?”

[I was attacked by a giant monster and fell off a cliff.]

Long ago, the golem was severely damaged in a battle with a beast and fell to the bottom of a ravine.

And that’s when he was able to recall memories from when he was Adel.

[I’m not sure exactly, but I think I’ve been in this state for over a hundred years.]

Even though he couldn’t move because of the damage, the magical power remaining in his body had kept the soul stone intact until now.

However, if he was left like this for a few more years, all of the magical power would be depleted, and the soul would be released from the gem’s confinement and vanish.

That was what Adel was afraid of.

[So please, repair me.]

A message appeared before Minhyuk’s eyes.

<To perfectly repair and activate the Golem, you will need 20 Small Lower-Grade Magic Orbs.>

Minhyuk took out 20 Magic Orbs from his inventory.

And he asked Adel.

“If I fix you, what will you do for me?”

[I will serve you as my master until the day I am completely destroyed. After repairing me, please call out to me, ‘Adel of Polenta.’ Then, I will be released from my contract with my previous master and serve you as my new master.]

‘Adel of Polenta’ was the password to log in as an administrator on the computer.

“But what were you doing here 100 years ago?”

[Following Locus’s orders, I spent hundreds of years wandering around the eastern part of the Rania Continent, collecting a certain material.]

“What material?”

[I can say no more. If you wish to hear more, please repair me first.]

There was no need to hesitate, as he could obtain important information and also take ownership of the Golem using 20 cans of ham.

Minhyuk brought the Magic Orbs to the magic diagram drawn on the Golem’s chest one by one.


The Magic Orbs were absorbed into the Golem’s body one after another.

After all 20 had been absorbed,


A bright light burst out from the Golem’s entire body, and the broken parts began to be repaired.

The broken and dented parts of the torso were restored as if they were new.

The arm and leg parts scattered around were pulled towards the torso and assembled neatly.


The Golem opened its eyes and stood up.


With the Golem’s powerful strength, the thick tree roots wrapped around its torso snapped powerlessly.

The over 3-meter-tall Golem stood tall and looked down at Minhyuk.


The Golem raised its fist towards Minhyuk and took an attacking stance.

It seemed to have lost its memory of being released from its restraints and considered Minhyuk an enemy.

Minhyuk shouted towards the Golem.

“Adel of Polenta!”

Then, the Golem stopped its attack.

Then, it knelt before Minhyuk and said.

[Please speak the words of the new contract.]

It was asking him to change the password from ‘Adel of Polenta’ to something else.


After thinking for a moment, Minhyuk opened his mouth.

“Choi Minhyuk, Warmly 1.”

[Choi Minhyuk, Warmly 1. Please say it again.]

“Choi Minhyuk, Warmly 1.”

[The words of the contract have been set to Choi Minhyuk, Warmly 1.]

A bit crude, but there was no better password than this if you valued security.

The people of this world would have a hard time memorizing this password even if they heard it.

[Please give me your orders, master!]

Minhyeok repeated the question he didn’t get an answer to earlier.

“Tell me now. What materials did you collect on Locus’s orders?”

Then, a very interesting word came out of the golem’s mouth.

[I collected dragon bones.]

Minhyeok asked with perked-up ears.

“Why did Locus have you collect dragon bones?”

[Dragon bones are materials that can be used to make a powerful alloy.]

Now everything was clear.

An alloy stronger than dragon bones: Locus Alloy.

The material for creating it was also dragon bones.

They extracted only the metallic material from the dragon bones to create a very strong metal.

[100 pounds of dragon bones can be used to make 1 pound of alloy.]

Pounds were the unit of mass used in this world.

This meant that 1 kg of Locus Alloy could be made from the metallic material extracted from 100 kg of dragon bones.

[Hundreds of golems, including myself, have been traveling around the Rania continent for hundreds of years to collect dragon bones.]

“Really? Then you must have gathered a huge amount of dragon bones?”

[The dragon bones were moved to Locus’s forge at the western end of the continent.]

The western end of the continent was the complete opposite direction from here.

[However, there’s also a warehouse near here where dragon bones are stored.]

“Where is it?”

[There is a warehouse in the Helkan Mountains where dragon bones are stored.]


The truth behind the legend passed down among blacksmiths had been revealed.

What was hidden in the Helkan Mountains wasn’t a dragon’s tomb, but a warehouse where golems stored bones.

“Can you guide me there?”

[Of course, master!]

Minhyeok smiled broadly and recited the same words once again.

‘Fortune favors the bold.’





The soldiers lowered Gaon down the 100-meter cliff.

Gaon was hung from a long rope made by connecting Charon’s potion pouches.

Minhyeok, who was at the bottom of the cliff, grabbed Gaon and secured him on the ground.

Then, he brought the magic sphere to Gaon’s magic diagram.


A curtain of light formed beneath the arch of Gaon.

“Go in.”

[Yes, Master!]

The golem bowed and entered the light.

The bulky golem could not climb the 100-meter cliff.

So, the only way to get it out was to use Gaon.

Gaon was about 2 meters tall, so it was shorter than the golem, but it could pass through if it bent down.

Minhyeok also followed Gaon into the light.

And moved to the square in front of the Imperial Palace.

There, General Drake and the reserve troops were stationed fully armed.

He had already explained the situation to the general with Durango’s twin rings.

General Drake looked up at the golem and exclaimed in admiration.

“Your Majesty has found something amazing again!”

Minhyeok used the ring to contact Vallin in the canyon.

“Bring Gaon back up.”

-Yes, Your Majesty!

Vallin shouted to the soldiers looking down the cliff.

“His Majesty says to pull Gaon back up!”

From Noble mtl dot com


The soldiers pulled the rope, lifting Gaon back up the cliff.

-It’s all the way up, Your Majesty!


Minhyeok used the magic bead to open Gaon again.

And ordered the golem again.

“Go in.”

[Yes, Master!]

The golem entered the curtain of light.

“I’ll see you later.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Minhyeok exchanged a brief greeting with General Drake and entered the curtain of light.

They moved back to the canyon.

He used Gaon to easily lift the golem, which weighed several tons, out of the basin.


All the soldiers watched the golem, their mouths agape.

Vallin also exclaimed in admiration.

“To think that I would see such a masterpiece with my own eyes! It is truly worthy of the work of the blacksmith god, Lokus!”

Minhyeok suddenly became curious about Lokus.

He was interested in his abilities, which were excellent enough to create a golem, and above all, he wondered why he had so desperately gathered dragon bones to create an alloy.

“Is Lokus really a god?”

Raymond opened his mouth at Minhyeok’s question.

“Lokus is one of the gods that appears in the legends of the Lanian continent. However, it is unknown whether the gods in the legends are truly cosmic beings, or if they were revered as gods because of their extraordinary abilities.”

It is impossible to know whether Lokus is a true god.

However, it was certain that he had existed.

The golems he created were proof of that.

If he still existed, he would meet Minhyuk someday.

In order to create an alloy stronger than dragon bones, he had to go to Lokus’s forge on the other side of the continent.

However, that was for later, and for now, he had to obtain the dragon bones first.

“Guide me to the place where the dragon bones are.”

[Yes, master.]

Thud, thud-

The golem began to walk towards the east where the Helkan Mountains were.

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