Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting

Chapter 82

Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting Inventory 82


The entrance to the Demon’s Tower wasn’t an ordinary door.

It was a curtain of light, similar to Gaon’s teleportation gate.

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One of the officers asked Minhyuk, “Your Majesty, I will lead the soldiers and enter first to ensure safety!”

It was a request born out of loyalty.

However, Minhyuk didn’t allow it.

‘There’s no guarantee that the entrance will remain open.’

Before executing the demon worshipers, he had interrogated them and learned the conditions for opening the entrance to the Demon’s Tower.

It was a grotesque method that required sacrificing a living human being as a burnt offering.

However, once opened, he didn’t know how long it would stay open,

or if there was a limit to the number of people who could enter.

“I’ll go in first.”

Minhyuk placed Gaon outside the Demon’s Tower.

Its counterpart, Gaon, was in the refrigerator.

He would use Gaon if he needed to leave the Demon’s Tower in a hurry.

Thud, thud-

Minhyuk stepped through the curtain of light and into the Demon’s Tower.

<Entered the 1st floor of the Demon’s Tower.>


The surroundings were blindingly bright.

The outside of the Demon’s Tower was a freezing cold night, but the inside was bright and warm.

‘The heating is good.’

A vast meadow spread out before Minhyuk’s eyes.

It was incredibly mystical.

Even from the outside, the Demon’s Tower was enormous.

The area of a single floor seemed to be about the size of an Olympic stadium.

However, once he entered, it was so wide that he could see the horizon.

The area was different when viewed from the outside compared to when he actually entered.

He looked up, but there was no ceiling.

A clear blue sky was visible, as if he were outdoors.


Minhyuk shot an arrow towards the sky.

He wanted to see if there was a ceiling that was hidden by an illusion.


The arrow shot up high and then fell to the ground.

It was too high for the arrow to reach.

‘This is amazing.’

Minhyuk turned around.

The entrance had disappeared.

“Welcome, guest.”

Surprised by the voice so close at hand, I turned my head.

A beast of a form I had never seen before was looking at Minhyuk.

Its head resembled a dog’s, but it had eight legs and wings.

“Who are you?”

“I am the guide of the Magic Tower. By the order of the master, I am in charge of guiding guests who visit the Magic Tower.”


“Yes, the master is waiting for you on the top floor.”

“Waiting for me?”

“That is correct. The master is waiting for someone to reach the top floor.”

The master of the Magic Tower. I’ll be able to see what kind of being they are if I go up to the top later.

Minhyuk asked the question he was most curious about.

“Can only one person enter the Magic Tower?”

“Since you have paid the entrance fee for one person, only one person can enter.”

To enter the Magic Tower, one had to offer 50 living humans as a burnt offering.

So, even if the black magicians hadn’t been interrupted by Minhyuk, they wouldn’t have been able to enter the Magic Tower since they had only prepared 35 burnt offerings.

Perhaps Heron, the leader of the black magicians, intended to enter the Magic Tower by sacrificing his subordinates’ lives at the end.

Anyway, the number of black magicians Minhyuk had burned to death was 55.

That’s why only one person could enter.

“What if I want to go outside the Magic Tower later?”

“It’s very easy to go outside. If you shout ‘Let me out’ in the safe zone, you can go outside the tower.”

There was a safe zone on each floor that was free of monsters and traps.

Once you entered the safe zone, you could leave the Magic Tower at any time.

“What if I go outside and want to enter the Magic Tower again?”

“Of course, you will have to pay the entrance fee again.”

It was a disposable entrance ticket that cost 50 lives and could only be used once.

“Isn’t the entrance fee too expensive?”

“Please understand. The Magic Tower is operated solely by the entrance fees paid by the guests. And considering the treasures you can obtain inside the Magic Tower, it’s not that expensive.”

I can’t kill 50 humans every time I enter the Magic Tower.

This time, I executed those who deserved to die and entered the Magic Tower, but I don’t know if I’ll have a similar opportunity next time.

‘Should I make the most of it while I’m here?’

Originally, I planned to go outside the Magic Tower once I obtained the heart of the dragon.

I intended to restore Sylphir’s altar and then re-enter the Magic Tower later.

Since the emperor of the empire can’t neglect his duties and stay in the Magic Tower all the time.

However, if I had to kill dozens of people every time I entered the Magic Tower, it would be much better to clear up to the top floor in one go.

“How do I go up to the second floor?”

“You have to find out for yourself.”

“Is there a dragon living in the Magic Tower?”


“Where is it?”

“I can’t tell you that.”

“They say there’s a golden scroll that lets you learn magic just by unfurling it.”

“The Nosco is one of the rare treasures you can obtain inside the Magic Tower.”

“Where is it, then?”

“I can’t tell you that either. But please don’t be offended. It’s just the host’s way of letting the guests enjoy the thrill of exploration.”

Minhyuk continued to pepper her with questions.

The Magic Tower guide only shared basic knowledge that everyone should know, keeping quiet about the locations of the treasures and how to clear the tower.

“Anything else you’re curious about?”

Minhyuk shook his head.

“Feel free to call me if you need my help. But only within the safe zone.”


The Magic Tower guide disappeared.



Minhyuk retrieved the Gaon from his refrigerator.

If he could use the Gaon to leave the Magic Tower and then re-enter, he could go in and out of the tower without having to pay the entrance fee.


<The Magic Tower is protected by a power superior to that of the Gaon.>

<You cannot use the Gaon inside the Magic Tower.>

Unfortunately, his little trick didn’t work.

Both the Magic Tower and the Gaon were created by divine powers, but the Magic Tower’s power was on a whole other level.

‘Surely not!’

Minhyuk recited the Return spell, feeling a little nervous.



With a flash of light, he was transported back to the underground parking lot.

Thank goodness.

If he hadn’t been able to return to the real world from inside the Magic Tower, he would have been in real trouble.



He returned to the Magic Tower.

And then he started walking randomly, with no sense of direction.

There was no map or landmarks, after all.

After walking about 100 meters, a message popped up in front of his eyes.

<You have left the safe zone.>

The real exploration of the Magic Tower had begun.




Minhyuk didn’t let his guard down for the entire hour that he walked.

Suddenly, something dangerous could pop out from anywhere.

But there were no traps or monsters to speak of.

Occasionally, a stream or cliff would block Min-hyuk’s path.

However, he could easily jump over them with his incredible jumping power.

‘What’s really here?’

Just as he was starting to get a little bored,

Min-hyuk’s eyes caught sight of a person standing on the meadow.

As soon as he saw Min-hyuk, he began to run towards him at full speed.


He even let out a strange battle cry.

He was holding a sword in his hand.

Upon closer inspection, it was a Japanese sword.

His attire was also similar to the samurai outfits he had once seen in a movie.


Whatever he was, the other party’s intent to attack was clear.

Min-hyuk took out a Gatling gun from his inventory.

Since he didn’t know the enemy’s strength, he had no choice but to launch a powerful attack from the get-go.


The machine gun’s barrel rotated at high speed, and the muzzle spat out fire.

Under the Gatling’s intense firepower, the samurai was riddled with holes and collapsed.


His body turned to dust and scattered.

And something fell where the samurai had disappeared.

It was an old piece of parchment.

<You have obtained the map of the 1st floor of the Demon’s Tower.>

It was an essential item for exploration.

The map also showed the location of the passage to the 2nd floor.

Inside the Demon’s Tower, even the compass didn’t work properly.

However, he could sufficiently grasp his location by looking at the surrounding terrain.


As he examined the map closely, he noticed several golden dots in addition to the location of the passage to the upper floor.

‘Could it be?’

Perhaps those dots were the locations of the golden scroll ‘Nosco.’

Min-hyuk was interested not only in the Dragon’s Heart but also in the Nosco.

So he needed to check it out.

Min-hyuk headed towards the golden dot closest to his current location.

After about 30 minutes of walking, he reached his destination.

Someone was standing there.

It was a man with a shaved head and a wide forehead.

‘Huang Feihong?’

He ran at Min-hyeok with full force.


He drew the sword he was carrying on his waist as he ran.

Like a samurai, it was clear that he intended to attack.


Min-hyeok aimed his machine gun at the man with the ponytail.

The man collapsed into a honeycomb.

What did it matter if he shot a man with a sword?

He hadn’t come here to practice martial arts.

There was no need to risk his life fighting with a sword when he had a powerful long-range weapon.


The man with the ponytail turned to dust and scattered.

A golden scroll fell where he had disappeared.

<I have found the Northcold Noscroll.>

<Unfold the Noscroll to learn the magic of the Cold attribute.>

The golden dot on the map really was the location where he could get the Noscroll.

He had gotten his hands on the first Noscroll far too easily.

The ‘difficulty’ was incredibly low because it was only the 1st floor.

It was a good thing, regardless.

If the 1st floor had been difficult, how would he have cleared the higher floors?

Min-hyeok picked up the Noscroll and put it in his inventory.

He had to check what any item turned into before he could use it.



He moved to the underground parking lot with a flash of light.

He opened his inventory and looked inside.

There was a computer graphics card inside.

He searched for it on the internet and found that it was the highest spec graphics card that had been released not too long ago.

He could now obtain as many as he needed whenever he wanted.


Min-hyeok returned to the 1st floor of the rooftop.


He unfurled the Noscroll.


The scroll turned into light particles and wrapped around Min-hyeok’s body.

At the same time, knowledge of magic flowed into his mind.

<You have learned Cold magic.>

Was this what sudden enlightenment, where you understood something in an instant without going through a process, was like?

He instantly understood the principle of converting magical power into cold and using it.

‘I’ve learned magic!’

At the same time, he felt a new sensation he had never felt before.

It was mana sensitivity.

Thanks to that sensation, Minhyuk learned that there was a space in his body where he could store mana.

He could feel his mana pool.

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However, the capacity of his mana pool was ridiculously small.

It was a pitiful capacity compared to even a single small, low-grade mana stone.


Minhyuk spread out his palm and gathered cold energy.

A very small ice crystal was created.

‘It really works!’

His joy at casting magic for the first time was short-lived.


He felt dizzy.

He had just created a few ice crystals, and his mana was already depleted.

If he continued to use magic at this rate, he might faint.

Minhyuk stopped using magic.


In order to use magic freely, he basically had to increase the size of his mana pool.

However, that was not an easy task.

Every single magician who had ever existed in the world had tried to increase the size of their mana pool until the day they died.

‘Is there perhaps a Nose that can increase the size of a mana pool?’

If such a Nose existed and he could obtain it in large quantities through the refrigerator, increasing the size of his mana pool would be a piece of cake.

‘That would be amazing.’

Minhyuk headed to the next location where he could obtain a new Nose.

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