Transmigrating as an Extra Third-Rate Villain

Chapter 35: Chapter 35:Practical Training [1]

Upon seeing Irene and Alya chatting happily, I didn't know whether to be happy or sad. Unlike last time, those two were getting along, making the group dynamic better, but that was at my expense.

Ignoring the disgusted expressions on their face as I sat down, I glanced back at Jin and Han, who were forced to be in a 2 person group. I mean, they'll fail the practical 100 percent, but at least they'll have fun!

With the grading being entirely group-based, I could relax and let the two main characters do all the work.

That didn't mean I had my guard down, though, as with Lily in the field, anything could happen.

Seeing everyone gathered into their groups, the professor continued.

"The practical training will take place in an artificial dungeon created by the school. You will be led to a cave; from there, you will all choose a path to take."

"Your ranking will be based on how many points you receive. In the dungeon, there are various monsters you can kill for points, and also a boss monster that will give a huge amount of points if killed.

"Are there any questions?"

With a smirk, Kevin raised his hand and asked.

"Teacher, if we're all in the same dungeon together, hypothetically, what would happen if we met each other?"

The teacher seemed prepared for this question, almost like he was waiting for someone to ask it, as he chuckled.

"You may cooperate or not, but keep in mind there are only a limited amount of monsters in each dungeon."

A smirk appeared on the professor's face as he continued

"For the boss monster, the group of the member that gets the last hit will receive all the points from the boss monster."

"what, not who deals the most damage?"

"Can't you just get the last hit by watching someone else do all the work and come in at the end?"

Ignoring the student's remarks, the professor started packing up his things.

"If that's all, you are free to leave. The rest of the day is to be spent developing strategies and learning how to cooperate with your group. Until the school day officially ends at 3, you must be with your group members at all times, or you will face a point deduction for the practical."

Ah, there it is.

At those words, Alya and Irene slowly tilted their heads toward me, but I didn't dare look back as I nonchalantly glanced at Jin and Han, who seemed ecstatic at the news of there being no class.

Without asking me or saying anything, Irene and Alya got up and headed out of the classroom, forcing me to follow behind them like a lost dog.

After getting up from my seat, I noticed that a horde of students blocked the classroom exit, so I used my eyes to see through the holes in the crowd.

The student council president, Astrid, was waiting right outside the classroom.

Ah, she just won the election and must have come to recruit Lily, Alya, and Liam to the council.

As Alya, Irene, and I exited the classroom, I saw Astrid walking towards us to ask Alya to join the council, so I immediately distanced myself.

However, Irene didn't seem to take the hint, as she stood right by Alya, who was waiting for the president to approach them.

After concluding her conversation with Alya, Astrid threw a quick glance at me, which I pretended not to notice, and moved into the classroom to find Liam and Lily.

As Irene and Alya walked away, I contemplated whether I really needed to follow them. Even with the point deduction, our group would definitely place in the top three, so was there really a need for me to put myself through the hell of dealing with them?

"... yeah probably not."

Deciding against following them, I pulled out my smartwatch and leaned against the wall while waiting for Han and Jin to leave the classroom.

Feeling a subtle tap on my shoulder, I looked up from my smartwatch and saw Astrid standing before me.

Looking around, I confirmed that Lily wasn't around, as she would most definitely be suspicious of Ren if he randomly started talking to the student council president.

"Something you need?"

Getting straight to the point, Astrid demanded.

"Join the student council, Ren."

"I think you'd have to be crazy to think I would join the student council."

The student council manages the entire study body of around 1000 students. Saying that the student council was a lot of work would be an understatement. Liam would have to stay up all night at least once a week to keep up with the paperwork as a council member.

Of course, almost every student still desired the job because being on the student council allows one to build connections with graduated council members, who are all very influential and important people.

Interrupting my thoughts, Astrid once again demanded.

"You don't have a choice."

"You still haven't told me why."

"Must I, a noble, explain my intentions to a mere commoner."

"* PFFT* Are you imitating me?"

"... are you going to join or not?"

"So now, it's an option and not a demand? I think I'll have to decline."

If anyone else heard me decline the student council position, they'd probably go crazy, but personally, I was definitely not going to spend my Saturday nights doing paperwork in the student council room.

A smile flashed on Astrid's face at my answer as she took out a paper from her pocket.

"You know, as student council president, I have access to all logs of people leaving and entering the academy. Recently, the multi-purpose club has been having a lot of unauthorized field trips."

"Is the renowned student council president threatening me?"

"Just saying, it would be a shame if the club was exposed as a fraud..."

Pulling back out my smartwatch, I ignored her piercing gaze and said.

"Do as you please."

Astrid was a pure soul, so I knew she wouldn't expose the club and get me in trouble after I risked my life to save her earlier. She was clearly bluffing.

The sound of stomps echoed throughout the empty hall as Astrid walked away.

Why did she even want a bum like me on the student council?

Also, what the hell is taking Jin and Han so long in the classroom?

Hearing the echoes of more footsteps approaching, I looked up from my smartwatch once again and saw a pissed-off Irene standing in front of me.

Goddamn it, do they multiply???

Thinking that she was mad about me not following them, I put down my smartwatch and said.

"Alright, I'll follow y-"

"Why the hell was the student council president talking to you?"

Only last week did she stop pestering me about the theory I came up with in the presentation, but now it was going to start all over again...

Shuttering at the thought of hearing her annoying voice every day, I came up with a lie on the spot.

"I asked to join the student council."

"Really? You thought that would work... are you actually slow? Never mind, I already know you are."

Shrugging my shoulders, I ignored her clear insult and responded.

"Worth a shot."

Satisfied by my answer, Irene turned around and left while angrily grumbling something.

She must have been angered by Alya being invited and not her. In any other year, Irene would have easily made the student council as she excelled in both magic and studies; however, this year was just too stacked with talents like Lily, Liam, Kevin, and Alya.

After what seemed like ages, Han and Jin finally emerged from the classroom with the excuse that the professor had been scolding them.




The next day, instead of putting on the academy uniform, I dawned on the training suit that we had been given previously.

After trying it on, I realized how much easier it was to fight in, as it basically felt as if you were naked, as you could move around unrestricted by the fabric of clothes.

Next, I headed out of the dorm building and toward the coordinates that were sent to my email.

Upon arriving, I noticed that most of our class was already there and finalizing strategies with their group. Spotting Irene and Alya, I found a place to sit not too far away from them but not too close to them.

As soon as the final students arrived, the professor grabbed everyone's attention by clapping and announcing.

"Alright, now that everyone is here, let's get started! Remember, this is technically an exam, so any cheating will result in expulsion. Your scores here will also affect your rankings, so make sure to try your hardest!"

"I will call your group numbers one by one. When your number is called, head into the cave behind us and choose a path. Best of luck to everyone!"

"Group 4, you're up first."

Sighing, I reconvened with Alya and Irene before heading to the cave. Without any discussion, Alya headed to the first tunnel with the uttermost confidence.

Some things never change...

After we were a decent bit into the cave, Alya suddenly turned around to face Irene and I before saying.

"According to the point manual given to us by the teacher, it will be most efficient for us to hunt Wolf Beasts. They are quite easy to beat as a group and give quite a decent amount of points."

The words "as a group" were emphasized by Alya, as Wolf Beats may be weaker than other monsters, but their quick speed easily allows them to escape in dangerous situations. So, the most efficient way to hunt them is with many people, as you can block their way out.

Turning back around, Alya quickly said.

"My spirit tells me there is one nearby."

At Alya's words, a faint growling sound could be heard by some nearby rocks.

Wasting no time, Alya and Irene seemed to be in sync as they charged in opposite directions to block off the wolf's path of escape.

Trailing slightly behind them, I ran forward at the wolf with my daggers out.

3 fireballs immediately flew at the wolf; however, the wolf used its tail to redirect them at the rock wall.

Not missing the opportunity, countless Ice spears appeared to the right and left of Alya, and they immediately barreled right at the wolf.

With its only option being to dodge, the wolf charged forward right at me, so I grabbed my daggers and preemptively activated dash.

As soon as the wolf was within a 10-meter distance of me, I moved forward using dash, instantly putting me right below the wolf's huge body.

With both daggers, I slashed forward at the wolf's right leg, causing the wolf to lose balance and tilt toward the right

3 more fireballs and 5 ice spears immediately rushed forward, penetrating the wolf's body and creating a huge amount of smoke as the fireballs melted the ice spears.

Just like that, the wolf collapsed to the floor, lifeless, signifying our first point gain. Of course, that was assuming that we hadn't received a point deduction for not sticking together yesterday.

Alya and Irene immediately moved forward without even glancing at the wolf's body, so I had to scramble to catch up.

After disposing of another wolf, we continued to walk forward, but after a moment, I paused.

With my enhanced eyesight, I could see a singular person sitting on a rock in the distance. Before I could say anything, Alya also paused and said.

"My spirit tells me there is a human there."

Curiously, Irene asked.


Alya simply shook her head, causing Irene to be even more curious, so she rushed forward at max speed.

"... Irene, is that you? Oh, Alya is here too?"

"Lily... is that you?"

"Ah, yes, I was just resting here for a second."

"Oh h-"

Interrupting Irene, Alya was clearly more cautious of Lily's alternative motives as she carefully asked.

"Where is the rest of your group?"

The professor had not denied it when asked, so fighting among groups was technically allowed. With Lily being part of the strongest group, Alya was definitely on edge facing Lily here despite their close relationship.

"Ah, Kevin went off to fight alone, and Liam did the same..."

[A/N: 75 powerstones = 1 chap / 1 gift = 1 chap]

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