Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 57 More Than One Night

Her mind whirled with countless thoughts and guesses about what choice he was talking about. Had he decided to take her up on that crazy offer which she made yesterday night? 

One that she was beginning to regret this day after seeing how unlikeable and infuriating he was. 

In her mind, she heard Severus say, "Wrap this up newbie, we have to collect souls." She had temporarily forgotten the major reason for their coming into the forest. For a small moment, she had lost track of her sensory faculty because of the way they were positioned. 

Did he even realize that with her back pinned against the tree, one of his legs in between hers with his eyes looking down into hers with that soft expression on his face and his hand gently touching her cheek they were practically reenacting a scene out of a romance movie. 

It looked as if they were about to kiss!!!!

Suddenly she started to panic, and in a small voice she asked him, "What have you decided?"

She gulped nervously as she waited for his answer. 

The wind blew by and a few unruly strands of her hair flew past her cheek. He touched them and tucked them behind her ear to her further shock. Most of all, Scarlet was wondering why he was not saying a word. There was much to do, maybe now was not the time to deal with whatever it was that was brewing between them. 


"I have decided." he said again. His words coincided with hers and she chose to wait and hear what he had to say.  She watched as his head bent down further, and he looked directly into her eyes. 

His entire face was so close that she could feel his breath on hers. This increased the beating of her heart and the nerves inside of her twisted up into knots.

"I will take you up on your offer," he said, "but you see I will not let you dictate how a physical relationship between us will happen. You took a lot from me, not just my seed and that's why I have decided that one night will not be enough to make up for what you did." He saw her eyes widen and he smirked. 

He knew that she was probably panicking now, she probably thought she would use him and dismiss him easily once again but he would not allow that to happen. 

He smiled villainously and whispered in her ear, "I want more than one night, I will take you when I want and how I want. I will decide when to end the physical relationship. And don't get it twisted Scarlet, I will not be making love to you, I will be fucking you."

Scarlet squealed and clenched her jeans with her hands. Despite the weather being so hot outside, goose bumps broke out all over her arms. 

She had no idea that he would be this dominant when she made that proposal. She thought that she would be in charge of the situation but this was something else completely. Whatever it was, it was overwhelming her and slightly thrilling her. 

He lifted her face up by the chin, "I hope we have reached an understanding. Don't bother bargaining, I will not be changing my mind."

  He bit her cheek and chuckled, then he walked away with a swagger in his steps and he vanished among the trees. 

When he was safely away from her, he stopped moving and he walked around in circles as he laughed loudly by himself.  He could not get the wide eyed startled look on her face out his mind. For the first time over since he landed here, he had the upper hand over Scarlet. 

He had no idea what possessed him to say those words and do what he had done but he was happy with himself. That hot ball of fury which had taken up residence in his body earlier in the day was gone. He was excited, more excited than he had been in a very long time. 

In fact, Esong thought and realized that all of his happiness lately was connected to her. He was happy when he ate the food cooked by her, he was happy when his son approached him without fear the way he used to. He was happy when he saw the little green seedlings growing out of the ground  which meant that there was hope for a better future of the empire. Most of all, he was happy because after all these years since that night, he felt like he was in control of himself again thanks to this new deal that she proposed wantonly.

As for Scarlet on her end, once again, she was alone just as she wanted to be but she found herself sliding against the tree until she landed on the ground and sat down. 

In her mind, she asked herself what had just happened. Did she actually get excited because of his domineering nature? With trembling hands she touched the part of her cheek which he had just bitten. 

'Come back to your senses Scarlet,' she told herself. 'He said it has nothing to do with love. You cannot fall in love with this man.' She had to remind herself that the last man she loved shot her and left her to become zombie feed. It was better to give all her love to Justin and work hard on becoming wealthy so that they could live a comfortable life.

Slowly, she stood up and held the tree for support. She breathed in and out for a minute before her stability returned. 

"If you are finished day dreaming, we best get a move on." Severus told her. 

"I have to get some of these coconuts." she told him. "And I have to take the sugar canes out of the soul gourd." 

She dumped a whole lot of sugar canes on the ground. Severus dashed up the trees with incredible speed and they collected around eighty coconuts. 

"You will send people for the rest later." he told her. 

They moved forward and she collected ten souls easily. Severus topped moving and he suddenly stopped and sniffed the air. 

"What is it?" she asked him. 

"Level one soul eater." he told her. "This should be easy for you as you have done it before." 

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