Trapped in a Webnovel as a Good-For-Nothing

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Choi Yu-Seong was left wondering as he left Choi Woo-Jaes study. Had he succeeded, or had he failed?

But as he was in the car, heading home, he knew the answer.

I guess its half a success.

At the very least, it was clear that he had succeeded in making Choi Woo-Jae look forward to what he would do next. But it was Woo-Jaes last words that were important.

Prove that its not just empty words.

Perhaps that was the real intention behind his gift.

No, Im certain that was it.

The intent was for him to show how he would change through what he was given and the present he had just received.

If he only got excited and relieved by Choi Woo-Jaes gift, then the expectations hed worked hard to build up in Choi Woo-Jae would have disappeared like candlelight snuffed out by the wind. In other words, the gift was a test by Choi Woo-Jae.

Im not going to make this first gift my last.

Of course, Yu-Seong wasnt the slightest bit unhappy with Woo-Jaes attitude. This was his first step in restoring his relationship with Woo-Jae.

Like the saying well begun is half done, the fact that he was moving forward was important.

But I shouldnt get careless. Considering Choi Woo-Jaes personality, he wouldnt test me himself. Kim Pil-Doo Its highly likely that hell be the one to test me.

Frowning, Yu-Seong was organizing his thoughts when he heard the siblings calling him.

Im really surprised, young master.

A gift from the chairman! Thats amazing!

As if proving that they were siblings, their eyes and expressions displayed the same emotion. The only difference was that Yu-Ris cheeks were red with excitement, while Do-Yoon expressed the same emotion to a greater degree as his shoulders slightly trembled. The way he was tightly gripping the handle seemed a bit adorable as well.

Happy No, more like... amazed?

The fact that Do-Yoon was amazed as if an infant had spoken their first words seemed overly dramatic, but Yu-Seongs hard expression melted away at that sight. Although he had a lot to think about, such as the fact he was being tested or that he had to do better now, it was an undeniable truth that Choi Woo-Jae had just given him a present.

If Im being honest, young master, my heart skipped a beat when you came out of the study. I thought you got in big trouble

Soaking with sweat, pale, and stumbling, Yu-Seong had been in such bad shape when he had left the study that it had been difficult to talk to him. That was why Do-Yoon and Yu-Ri had chosen to support him from behind without saying a word.

Fortunately, Yu-Seongs breathing had stabilized quickly and although he still had a hard expression, his face had regained more color half an hour later. By the time they were leaving the main house, Kim Pil-Doo had given him the present from Choi Woo-Jae.

At that point, the siblings felt like what they had been worrying about actually turned into something rewarding.

If you dont mind, may I ask what you discussed with the chairman? Jin Yu-Ri asked with sparkling eyes full of curiosity and excitement.

'She is definitely different from her brother.'

She was inquisitive and tried to identify her current situation. Considering her keen insight, it was highly likely that Jin Yu-Ri would become Yu-Seongs most reliable ally in everything he would do in the future.

...I said I didnt want to die.

Yu-Seong responded to her honestly.

The siblings were undoubtedly excited, but for a split second, a sad look flashed across their faces. They knew better than anyone else how meaningful Choi Yu-Seongs short words were. Although he seemed like a lucky and blessed rascal, his life wasnt as sweet as it appeared.

Im serious. So thats why Im going to ask you two to continue helping me as you have done until now.

Yu-Seong smiled softly as he read the sincerity in their eyes. If Choi Woo-Jae was a distant ally, the Jin siblings were already his close allies.

That was why Yu-Seong believed that he should tell them his true feelings.

...Of course.

Ill risk my life to follow you.

The two looked at Yu-Seong trustingly, with no intention of resisting.

Thats a relief.

He had woken up in a remote world, but he wasn't alone. He didnt have to carry all the burden alone.

Although Yu-Seong had a firm personality and knew the original novels plot, he wasnt a perfect human being.

It wont be a problem to rest a little.

As all the tension left his body, Yu-Seong gradually fell asleep as he finally relaxed.

Imgoing to sleep just a bit. Wake me up when we arrive.

He drifted into sleep right after his words, tightly holding onto the wooden box he had received from Woo-Jae.

Get some rest, young master. You worked hard.

Yu-Ri smiled softly and covered Yu-Seong with the blanket she had.

I cant comprehend the situation, since its so sudden, but

It seems the young master has changed.

Yu-Ri looked toward Do-Yoon and smiled with her eyes.

You feel great, dont you?"

...It goes without saying.

Shall we have a celebration party later?

All right. My treat.

Not gonna happen! I feel just as delighted as you.

'I wish Choi Yu-Seong keeps being just like today.'

The Jin siblings had the same thought with a deep smile on their lips. Even now, these two had no idea that Yu-Seongs change had merely begun to take root.

* * *

In the main house of the Choi family that Choi Yu-Seong had just left, Choi Woo-Jae was still in his office, surrounded by complete silence. Sitting on the edge of his desk, he held the tea cup Kim Pil-Doo gave him and brought his nose close to the steam.

The scent is quite good.

Its brewed with alteine tea leaves acquired from a sixth-class dungeon, sir. It should taste and smell great, but with how much it costs, it's actually rather subpar.

It doesnt have to have a good fragrance. The value of alteine tea lies in its rarity. Its obvious why people buy this kind of thing.

Woo-Jae frowned slightly as he took a sip to moisten his throat.

Its bitter. Id rather have some citron tea.

The older you get sir, the more you seem to be wanting sweets.

30 years ago, I believed that I had to enjoy the bitterness to be mature, but now I disagree. Why taste something bitter when you could taste something sweet?

Choi Woo-Jae smiled faintly and, after tossing the tea away, placed the teacup down.

You are being contradictory, sir. Didnt you give a gift to Yu-Seong?

Woo-Jaes lips and eyes rose peculiarly at Kim Pil-Doos question. He seemed angry at first glance, but in a way, he also looked like he was smiling.

Isnt he my son?

You have ten of them, sir.

So what if I do? Every single one of them is the apple of my eye.

Youll only taste bitterness in the end, sir.

Having brewed for himself the same alteine tea as Woo-Jae, Pil-Doo brought the teacup to his mouth before tilting his head, seemingly confused.

Are you trying the bitterness once again, sir?

As I said, I like sweet things.

Woo-Jae shook his head firmly as he responded.

Pil-doos eyes faintly gleamed through the steam from his tea. He had been crossing the line and retreating multiple times in their previous conversation. After all, most of his questions were nothing short of an interrogation.

However, Choi Woo-Jae wasn't angry in the slightest. Instead, he seemed rather pleased.

Pil-Doo was confident that he had been by Choi Woo-Jaes side the longest.

...Sir, you must think that the kid is going to exceed my expectations.

Haha, Woo-Jae laughed and evaded his question. From the beginning, it was impossible for him to be entirely incompetent. Hes born between me and her. If you only evaluated lineage among my children, his descent is as good as Ji-Hos. Rather than his behavior just now, it was his actions until now that were incomprehensible.

He spoke of two people that hadn't been spoken of in a long timeYu-Seongs mother, and Woo-Jae's eldest son, Choi Ji-Ho.

Pil-Doos eyes became cold.

He knew very little about Choi Yu-Seongs mother, who had already passed away.

On the other hand, he knew quite a lot about Choi Ji-Ho. Although Ji-Ho was now in the hospital due to a tragic accident, he would definitely have succeeded Choi Woo-Jae if he had grown up normally. Even though he was no longer part of the competition to become Woo-Jaes successor, there were still quite a few supporters of Jin-Ho within the company, thanks to his outstanding charisma and character.

Honestly, Pil-Doo thought it was absurd that Woo-Jae was comparing such a person as Ji-Ho to the rascal Yu-Seong. Even if Yu-Seong surpassed his expectations, Pil-Doo didnt think the kid would win against Ji-Ho. The only thing Yu-Seong would be able to compete in was

'Once again, lineage comes out.'

It might be what Woo-Jae wanted, since he was so weirdly obsessed with blood.

Be cautious. I can see what youre thinking.

...My apologies, sir.

Well, I keep you by my side because thats one of the things I like about you. You still believe you can beat my children and become my successor, dont you?

Sir, I dont think itd be impossible if you gave me a chance.

Theres nothing to give or not. If my children cant even handle you, they dont deserve to succeed me in the first place.

Pil-Doo smiled in response to the ambiguous words that could be interpreted as either a compliment or an insult. He understood the meaning behind those ambiguous words that others wouldnt easily understand.

Im flattered.

Anyway, keep an eye on Yu-Seong.

Should I observe him or protect him?

Woo-Jae had given Yu-Seong a present. This wasnt something to be taken lightly. Choi Yu-Seongs brothers and sisters, who paid attention to Woo-Jaes actions, would hear the news right away. There was no way they would stay still.

The Choi Yu-Seong they ridiculed and belittled had received a present. Considering that some of his siblings havent yet received a gift from Choi Woo-Jae, it was a shocking situation. Naturally, not all of them would just let Choi Yu-Seong be.

Protection? Thats nonsense. He should take care of himself with his own strength. He should taste the bitterness of life, unlike an aged person like me, dont you think?

Woo-Jae stood up from his seat and shook his head with a smirk.

* * *

Choi Yu-Seong didnt want to taste the bitterness.

After he returned home, he headed to his room and vowed thus while staring at the gift from Woo-Jae.

Since I have a chance to achieve a real-life rags-to-riches story, I want to live only tasting sweetness.

If someone told him that one had to experience hardships to truly understand life, he would have proudly raised his middle finger and shouted, You do the hard work if you want! I want to live an easy and comfortable life.

He already suffered hardships as an orphan. Even after waking up as Choi Yu-Seong, who was born to a rich family, his life still wasnt a bed of roses. What was the point of trying to push through every obstacle?

I want to go easy. Come on.

Yu-Seong breathed out lightly and opened the lid of the wooden box he had received from Woo-Jae. As he checked its contents, a smile appeared on his face.

As expected.

The gift inside the box was something that he had expected and wanted. It was a purple stone the size of a childs palm.

Choi Yu-Seong already knew what this stone was. It was unique and easily recognizable.

"The Awakening Stone.

There were Rifts in this world that were also known as 'dungeons'. The creatures that lived inside those dungeons were called monsters, monsters that brought both danger and opportunity to Earth.

There was one simple reason why a dungeon that had dangerous monsters could be an opportunity for humans.

It contributes to the development of the Earth.

Sadly, nothing brought progress quite like war did. The dungeons within the Rifts, the battle for survival against monsters, and its resulting by-products had completely changed the paradigm of human civilization.

Those who stood at the center of that battlefield were commonly known as players.

Normally, most people Awaken their powers naturally.

Five years before the beginning of the [Modern Master Returns] novel, the Awakening Stone had first been discovered as a dungeon by-product. This stone, as its name suggested, had the ability to Awaken supernatural powers in a human being.

It was simply a revolution.

Originally, the Awakening occurred randomly, due to an inexplicable phenomenon, after the Rifts had appeared.

However, in this world where players were already highly valued, an object that could artificially initiate the Awakening now appeared. Many research institutes over the globe immediately began studying the Awakening Stone.

Their main objective was clearmass production of the Awakening Stone that could produce players.

If they succeeded, it meant that they would be able to acquire an army of players that no other military force could stand against. This was viewed as a top priority by nations, as it could decide national power.

However, five years later, the research had seen no progress.

In about five years, a genius scientist will eventually discover the mechanism of the Awakening Stone in a U.S. research institute.

And three years later, the U.S. would solidify its position as the worlds superpower by mass-producing the Awakening Stone for the first time. Of course, this was quite literally a story of the distant future.

Id be a fool just to sit around and watch.

Crisis and opportunity came together. There was nothing more appropriate than this expression in Yu-Seongs current situation.

Although I may seem like Im in a bad position, its not that bad as long as I can do something about it.

Choi Yu-Seong was an heir to a conglomerate. And again, he knew the future.

Just wait, you American genius scientist.

He was ready to outrun the scientist as soon as he was prepared.

Yu-Seong's tongue peeked out as he licked his lips.

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