Tree of Aeons

Treevial Matters

Treevial Matters

Year 121

My own curse flared up. I wasnt sure why, but if it could happen to the heroes, it certainly could happen to me. 

Thankfully [Root of Life] helped suppress it, but it felt like one of those days when I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and had to nurse a migraine the entire day. Its really one of those days. 

And well, its one of those years. 

I had a few rebellions to crush.  A few invasions to defeat. A surge in monsters and creatures from the Rottedlands. 

But, there are some good parts. I sent 3 of the ancient-tree shards to Lilies. Strangely, they actually agreed to give an enchantment should I ever ask for it. They have some powers over death.

They gave me a brief origin story of their powers of death. Because they took death-ceremonies to another level.

In the Lake of Lilypod City, any and every death is brought back to be submerged in the lake. A tradition almost a millennia old, Lilies have developed a method of gaining experience from the bodies of the dead. Beneath the lakes murky waters are floating roots and vines that consume the corpses of the dead. 

They had somehow developed a skill that allowed them to collect experience from the dead. I mean, I get experience seeds, but they get experience and levels! I wonder if its a function of their different species?

Class. Experience. Levels. 

Perhaps, so many years ago, did Indra set me off on this path of being a Soul/Spirit Tree by requesting for a familiar? Had I received experience in a different way, would my evolution had been different?


Im afraid not. Jura shook his head. Aeon has a rather poor opinion of the Hutan Council after his encounters with your people a few decades ago.

Could you talk to it and convince it otherwise? The Council has changed a lot over the 20 years, surely its unfair for the Tree Spirit to pin the blame on this generation for the sins of the previous generation? The Hutan Council had sent a decent-sized delegation to Freshka after the news of the Great Druid-class being gifted to Faris. It took them some time, but here they are. 

Many want the class, of course. Some of these druids have been regular druids for decades, and saw the upgraded class as a chance to break through their stagnant life. .

Jura shrugged. Trees have long memories, I suggest you come back in, say... 50 years. I think thats not true. Its just that we trees perceive time differently, so those memories feel quite fresh to me. It takes more time for me to forget a grudge, even though it feels just as long or the same to me. 

No. Great Druid! To a child! The druid shouted at Jura. Even the entire Hutan Council, only 2 druids have that class!

Jura frowned. Perhaps Aeon sees something in the child. And I dont recall druids ever challenging the wisdom of the Tree Spirits.

[Domain and Grand Mind Tree has blocked attempted influence]

And Aeon has just said that he is annoyed at your attempt to use your power.

The druid frowned. A few other druids looked unhappy. And they stomped off. Jasmine helped to monitor them, but then, a bunch of them were spotted sneaking into the Valthorns offices and buildings. 

The tree spirit may have hidden some of the class-granting fruits in the premises. We should sneak in and try to find it. They managed to bribe a Valthorn employee to reveal where valuable items are hidden in the Valtrian Orders premises. So, they snuck in.

But wouldnt they hide it in its main tree itself? Another Hutan druid asked. At this point, I think no one ever revealed to the druids that I have line-of-sight of the entire valley. Wouldnt anyone be able to figure it out?

Do you want a chance to find a Great Druid class or not?

They snuck into the premises, and then got a shock when they saw the valuables store only had money. 

Its just storing money...

Thats because all the weapons, and other items have all been given to the Valthorns and they are responsible for caring for their own goods. Seriously, the concept of a store is not really valid when Jasmine and the other artificial minds can pretty much track all movement of these items almost all the time. 

Distributing them minimised any risk of theft, and since the valley itself is under heavy surveillance, it wasnt hard to find who took what, especially if its of value. Money, on the other hand, was rather worthless to me, so its security was left to the Valtrian Council. 

You know, it wont be there. Edna appeared behind the druids, there were a group of other Valthorn Knights with her. The fruits of a special class only appear when Aeon itself decides it so.

You! The Hutan druids turned and summoned animals to fight. They were outnumbered, honestly. There were knights everywhere, the knights overwhelmed the druids, those who surrendered were arrested and thrown into a prison. 

Time for Freshka to hold them ransom for some rewards from the Hutan Council. I had the impression they are on the decline, though, so I wonder what they are willing to cough up. 


Later on, I awarded two more Valthorn Initiates with special classes. One, a [Mountain Druid], and another, a [Ranger Master]. 

To some extent, a part of me began to enjoy the chaos that these advanced classes cause. 

Im rather surprised that you have so many unique classes, Aeon. 

Ive been hoarding them for some time. Theres some truth to it, but I also have an orchard of class-seed growing trees in the Valley of the Unrotten. And it helps that I gather class seeds, skill seeds and experience seeds when people die. 

Everywhere, as long as its within the range of my soul harvesters, essence, class-seed and skill-seeds continue to come in. So, I always have materials to fuse into bigger or upgraded seeds. 

Master, we need upgrades too! Horns reminded. Their level cap has increased to level 60, but as previously, their upgrades require materials and gems. 

I decided to upgrade Trevor and Dimitree first, since theyve been supporting me for so long, and they are both at their level cap anyway. After that, I upgraded Horns and Juras Bamboo. The Yellow-type upgrades generally grant my artificial souls to choose a class-specialisation, so in Trevor and Dimitrees case, they both gained Administrator-type skills. Horns gained  [General]-type skills to control my large army of beetles.

I also created more Artificial minds, placing them subordinate to Trevor, Dimitree and Jasmine to oversee my vast empire. I already had Acacia, Brootus and Cyprus from earlier, but since Trevor can now hit level 60, I elevated him to be pretty much my chief-of-artificial-souls. Dimitree is his deputy. 

I feel that my artificial souls or minds are like extremely good AI. They are extremely competent at monitoring and administration, but they are constrained on creation in scope, and only improved by the new soul-forge colors. 

The level cap also meant that they would never be able to really fight at the level I need, simply because enemies like the demonic walkers need a force around level 80. Thinking about it, theyre probably an organisations field-managers and middle managers. 

Somewhere, in a quiet corner of my vast kingdom, I also had a secret experiment.

This was far from the rest of the inhabited area, away from Jura or Freshka.

I created a tree, and infused it with blood. A lot of blood. My roots are able to transport liquids, so I stocked and absorbed the blood from the sick, the dead, or the dying, and then infused a tree with all the blood.

Though the elves didnt agree on my experimenting with [blood mages], I could very much do it myself. 

So, a tree.

I did so secretly, and eventually, a notification.

[Unique Tree : The Bleeding Tree] created. 

I was swept with a sickening feeling, like nausea. [Grand-mind Tree blocked attempted influence from unknown source.] Then I felt better.

I need to further upgrade the Grand-Mind Tree. 

Then, I had my beetles secretly smuggle criminals to that location. It wasnt hard, after all, through the entire Freshlands, all these vassal-states all have criminals of various kinds. I suppose Im doing some mental gymnastics when I justify my process that these criminals are on death-row anyway. So I may as well test some basic blood magic with their bodies.

Conceptually, runes are a kind of rituals. Blood magic too, is a ritual. I myself, and my entire network of trees, is pretty much a massive magical array. 

I tried to use my roots to cast a blood ritual.

It failed. 

I tried again. Failed.

It failed.

By the time I was done with the 50 or so criminals, I had failed all my attempted blood magic. Why did I fail? Is it because I used a bleeding Tree?

I was frustrated, but I got a skill.

[Skill upgraded! Magic Labs - Blood Magic Sensor unlocked]

So, later that year, I spotted another bunch of blood mages. The world is filled with blood mages, very much a legacy of the hexbomb-era, when the knowledge of how to cast a hexbomb was widely distributed to so many kingdoms and countries. 

Once again, I let them use their blood magic, but with my new blood magic sensors, I think I began to understand it a bit more.

Blood magic essentially uses their own soul as a chip, in order to hack into the souls of those sacrificed. Each use of blood magic weakens their own soul, and makes them even more susceptible to the corruption of blood magic, and the strange voices from beyond. Its like taking a part of themselves, making that into a consumable nail.

So the insanity and curse that comes with all high-level blood mages is an inherent outcome of their use of such abilities. That insanity is also mixed into the very fabric of the loosely knitted outer soul fragments. Maybe its like using a diamond to cut another diamond, because they dont have enough power for its alternatives. 

Have you never found who were spreading the hexbombs? I asked the heroes one day. 

Find them? No ones going to reveal themselves as a blood mage! 

In truth, it should be possible to find them, since their souls would clearly be damaged. Each use is like leaving gunpowder residue on their soul. But then, one would have to be able to spot it. I would be able to spot it, all I needed to do is put them under my [biolab] and itll be clear as day.

[Curse : Weakened Soul from Blood Magic]. Thats what appeared in the few captured blood mages. Their soul spring is clearly tainted, the spring itself cracked, and the waters in their spring is a muddy brown.

Based on all this, Im confident in my assessment. Hex is essentially a radioactive decaying outer soul fragments stitched together with blood magic. The decay is how the outer souls untangle the stitching and decay into normal matter. 

Year 122

I did another controversial series of tests. I hauled a bunch of death row criminals to my soul forge, and attempted a clean version of the outer-soul stitching. If blood magic was incomplete work, then could I, the master of 4 colors of the Soul Forge, perform a complete version.

I failed at first.

I failed my first ten tests, and in doing so, close to 500 criminals were killed. 

Thats hell of a gruesome way to die. The heroes said. 

But its painless. The overwhelming energies of my soul forge instantly kills them and liquefies them. Its true. The amount of mana used to attempt clean-soul-fusion was absolutely insane, so much so that when I use it, everyone in the entire Freshlands can feel the mana flickering in the air. 

Each time, I had a better understanding of the process. 

Aeon, where do you get these ideas? The heroes asked, unaware that Ive been watching and experimenting on the blood mages. 


Trees can dream?

Why not?

You dont have brains.

Are brains necessary for dreams?

Anyway, its key to separate the Inner Soul and the Outer Soul as smoothly and cleanly as possible. After separation, the inner soul core is released so that it can proceed with its reincarnation, and whats left is a floating magical plasma blob of outer soul fragments. 

Next, I used my overwhelming mana to forcefully compress the outer soul fragments together. The first few times, I didnt control my mana properly, so the outer soul fragments leaked out and then it just dissipated. 

Then, as the soul fragments fused together, it finally turned into a small solid object. 

[Youve created a Soul-Strengthening Seed]

[Consuming the Soul-Strengthening Seed will increase the level capacity of one individual. Needs to be combined with a herb of sufficient quality]

What. I thought to myself. I expected something far more powerful than just a soul-strengthening seed. But then, the level capacity seems to suggest that each individual has a cap, and so, I have just discovered the item that breaks the cap!

And I know exactly the person to give it to.

Jura. I fused the Soul-Strengthening Seed with a high-quality 5-year old ginseng from my Ginseng Trees. Eat this. 

He did, and he felt like his entire body burned for the rest of the day. Aeon, what are you feeding me! Why do I feel like every part of me is breaking! 

Well, a good day later, he woke up and felt much stronger and healthier, as if he was younger by a few decades. 

Aeon... I.. I have a blessing!! And I gained 7 levels in [Warlord] overnight!



Does the Soul-Strengthening Seed give levels, or are those like overflow-levels that were not effect-ed because he was capped at around Level 80? 

The only way to prove it, of course, is to make more, and give it to someone else that was not stuck at the cap. Its a little disappointing though, I had hoped to create something comparable to say... a fusion power-plant. But I suppose a level-breaking ability is not bad either. 

That meant Lausanne could also break past Level 80, if she wanted. But I think shes still happily adventuring in the world. 


I want to talk about Aeon Harris said to Gerrard and Mirei. They were gathered in a room in one of the lodges in Freshka.

You know hes listening, right? Gerrard looked at Harris like an alien. Aeons presence permeates the entirety of this region. This entire region is a police surveillance state. We agreed on this. No talking about tree spirits anywhere near them! All of us have his familiars! Who knows if its eavesdropping on us.

I know, but I think I dont mind if he listens. Harris said. I just wanted to say that he seems to be very intimately familiar with our worlds thought processes. Almost as if he knows what we know.


Remember how Jura described our wooden arms as Power-Armor? Harris promptly showcased his wooden limbs, made from familiar. I was still unable to fix the two lost parts, due to the effects of the curse. But at least it wouldnt get worse. 

So what?

Theres so many little references here and there that he understands. I believe he knows about earth.

Look, I can posit a few theories of how he knows about us. One, hes old, and he met a lot of us earthers. Two, he has the power to create and alter dreams, by extension, he must have some access to our memories, such that he can create those dreams. Three, his soul harvesters harvest the souls of the dead, and each time, he gains something from the dead. If those dead include earthers, it is no surprise that he knows what we know. Mirei said. 

Harris froze, and after thinking for a long time. Youre right. I probably didnt think it through.

We have 4 years left till the next demon king. Were in no condition to fight it. Mirei said, though shes not dead, she is weakened by the curse. If I must admit, we must be prepared to lose and die.

Gerrard nodded. So, lets do what Astra did. Kill ourselves and bomb it to death. 

No! Mirei said. You saw what the system did to him! It made us hate him!

Well, if we want to go out with a bang, I cant think of a better way.

Mirei stopped. Bang? Maybe we could make ourselves into a living bomb. You know, like that manga! This old dude fought the Ant King, but as a failsafe planted a nuke into his heart. We could try that. 

They all got a headache at the same time, but Gerrard had already prepared cups filled with some herbal liquor. They all took a sip. 

Damned system meddling with our minds.

Its a good idea, but who can make a bomb that powerful?

Aeons been experimenting with souls, we could ask him to try it. Maybe he can do something about it.

Harris looked confused and bewildered. I cannot believe that both of you are suggesting to make yourself into some kind of suicide bomber.

Its not suicide bombing. Its a... contingency. Gerrard said. 

I wouldnt do it. Harris frowned.

If the demon king lives, itll still kill you. You know it can and will look for us. Youve felt it. Were just like the Ringbearer, the Demon King can see us, one way or another. The higher levels we are, the brighter we are to him. Mirei said. Its better for us to knock it out.

Harris had been still busy quelling the conflict among his many sons and daughter, so the idea of dying to the demon king really didnt sit well with him.

So what are your alternatives, Emperor Harris? You know you cant outrun it, and you cannot move your childrens kingdoms. Do them a favor, buy them some time, and knock out the demon king when you die. If the demon king lives and comes for you, your childrens kingdoms will be in ruins anyway.

Harris was silent. 

Gerrard looked at Mirei. Well, if anything, both of us will find a way to make us self-destruct if we die. Its honestly a pretty fitting way to end our lives, and ironic too. We all died in a car crash, now we get to die with a Michael-Bay style explosion.

Why cant we summon the next generation of heroes? Harris said. There must be a way I can trade powers for the right to summon more heroes.

Then he had a massive headache, so much so that it looked like he was having fits. Gerrard and Mirei quickly fed him some herbal liquor. Wow. Thats some intense mental-attack. 

Ugh. Harris took a while to recover, and then said. I mean, it takes power to summon heroes, right, but can we summon heroes, or perhaps, aid the gods in summoning heroes? That way I dont have to die. I dont mind surrendering my blessings or my levels as cost.

You know, thats really a rather good idea. Gerrard nodded. But where do we even start, how do we even commune and discuss this with the gods?


Thanks for reading! If you want more, please do check out my patreon which has 3 more chapters! But it's also the end of July, so you may want to wait till 1 August to subscribe, else you'd be giving me money twice! (unless you want to)

Also, thanks for all the comments. It's so much fun to read comments and reviews, and I have to resist spoiling future points by replying. XD I honestly wish I had more time, sometimes, to write. But then again I should be thankful that I have a job in this kind of economic environment.

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