True King's Ecstasy

Chapter 238 Malfoy's Anger

Andriya stepped out of the gates of the Malfoy kingdom, eager to visit her army before they embarked on their mission to conquer neighbouring kingdoms.

Her mind was really calm after all the stress she released on her brother, so she was ready to motivate her army to destroy everything that are not favourable to her.

But as she emerged from the castle, her heart sank with anger at the sight before her. A group of people, holding placards and chanting slogans, had gathered to protest against her ascent to the throne.

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ "Tyrant empire! Go back,"

"Our fields are destroyed! We can't feed our children, help us,"

They shouted different things in front of the castle gate, while soldiers kept holding them until the orders came from the higher-ups.

Most of the commoners knew protesting like that won't be the best option, but they would rather die protesting than starve to death so they came to do that, even if they got killed.

Andriya gritted her teeth, her eyes narrowing as she surveyed the scene.

"Commander," she said, turning to her second-in-command.

"Handle this, I don't want anyone disturbing my plans,"

The commander hesitated for a moment, looking at Andriya with uncertainty.

"My lady, are you sure? These are your subjects. We can't just..."

Andriya cut him off with a sharp gesture.

"I am sure. They are disrupting the peace and stability of my kingdom. This is a matter of law and order and we don't have time to indulge in their complaints, if they refuse to go back, just kill them,"

Then Andriya laughed a little while looking at the crowd.

"Killing one or two will be enough, they will run like insects,"

The commander nodded reluctantly and turned to the soldiers, barking out orders.

"Form a perimeter. Ready your weapons. Disperse the crowd and if you have to kill them, do it."

Since they were soldiers from the empire, none of them looked hesitating to against the people, but still, most of them were not fond of the idea of killing them.

Andriya watched as the soldiers moved into action, surrounding the protesters and pushing them back. Some of them fought back, throwing stones and insults, but they were no match for the well-trained army.

The soldiers, clad in their metal armour and carrying sharp swords, marched towards the protestors. The commoners, seeing the soldiers approaching, raised their hands in surrender, hoping for a peaceful resolution and movies and merchants came forward showing they just wanted to discuss things with the current government.

But the soldiers didn't stop. They began attacking the unarmed protestors, slashing their swords and cutting through flesh and bone without any mercy.

"Please, we mean no harm!" cried one of the protestors, a young woman with tears in her eyes. "We only want justice! We need food, we will die starving,"

But the soldiers didn't listen. They continued their assault, their faces emotionless and determined. But not all of them looked the same, as some of them had tears coming out of their eyes looking at this massacre on their side.

'Why? Why do we have to kill them? Wasn't our object is to gather resources, so aren't they really valuable to us, all these innocent women and children'

Most of them had the same question just like him. But none of them knew the answer.

The air was filled with the screams of the wounded and dying, and the stench of blood and death.

"You brought this upon yourselves," one of the soldiers spat at the commoners.

"You should have known better than to challenge the empire's authority."

But the commoners knew they had no other choice. Their lives were already filled with poverty, hunger, and suffering. They couldn't bear the thought of living under such oppression any longer.

As the soldiers continued their massacre, a young girl, no more than ten years old, stepped forward, holding a small flower in his hand.

"Please, stop this, my mother is innocent," she pleaded with the soldiers.

"We don't want to fight. We just want to live in peace. Please let her go," Her eyes had tears and her hands were shaking but for her mother, she decided to come forward not giving up on her fears.

The soldiers sneered at her, knocking the flower out of her hand.

"Get out of here, kid," one of them growled. "Or you'll end up like these fools. I don't want to kill a kid, so run,"

He then looked at her one last time.

"Flowers don't have any value in war, kid, if you want to protect something you should be strong enough to object to the cause, if you just blindly come forward to a battle with a flower, you will die, so run now,"

The girl ran away hearing his words, tears streaming down her face. The soldiers knew that the kingdom that Andriya going to build won't be a place for kind-hearted people like them.

And so, the soldiers continued their ruthless slaughter, their swords stained with the blood of innocent men, women, and children. The kingdom of Malfoy remained a place of terror and oppression, ruled by a cruel and heartless tyrant, Andriya but this didn't last long as after a few hours, most of the protestors either went back or remaining were lying on the floor making a puddle of blood showing this tragic day.

As the chaos died down, Andriya approached the commander, a satisfied smile on her face.

"Well done, commander. I knew I could count on you. Great work, sending them back in a small amount of time like this,"

The commander looked at her with a mixture of admiration and fear.

"My lady, I...I had no idea you were capable of such...forcefulness. We killed children,"

Andriya shrugged nonchalantly with her eyes showing no remorse at all.

"When you're in charge, you have to be willing to do what's necessary. Now, let's go see our troops. We have a kingdom to conquer,"

"Come on, soldier it's time to get up," Her words surprised the commander at her cold-blooded ness, which brought the question.

Is it really okay to follow this heartless demoness?

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