
Chapter 692

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Chapter 692

Yuder had insisted on examining his body as soon as they returned.

However, Kishiar argued to the contrary, asserting that Yuder himself, having exerted a lot of strength, might need healing. Though the only marks Yuder bore from felling countless foes were a few mere scrapes and bruises, he could not sway the man's determination to not move until it was confirmed that he was indeed unscathed.

Eventually, the two rested and upon awakening, only after being assured by the physician and priest that they showed no outward signs of trouble, did they find themselves in the present moment.

"You have already confirmed that I am unharmed, so there should be no further delay."

"Um... I thought it might be better to have a snack first, but... well then."

Kishiar quietly opened the flap of his top and lay down on the long bench. Yuder, removing his gloves, placed his hands on the exposed flesh. As soon as he summoned his power, the dark-red veins on the back of his hand expanded rapidly, spreading unimpeded up to his shoulders.

The speed of the spreading power was incomparably faster than before. It wasn't long before Yuder could peer into the interior of Kishiar. The sight of four different powers, tangled like tree roots here and there, and a vessel in the center, protected by a red aura, was always a mystery to behold.

'After healing the Emperor, this seems like nothing.'

Since that experience, Yuder felt it had become easier to wield the power of the Red Stone. While contemplating this, a man unaware of Yuder's thoughts expressed concern.

"Aren't you tired?"

"I am not sweating a drop, so do not worry."

It wasn't just Yuder who found it easier than before. Kishiar also seemed decidedly more comfortable than in the past.

Yuder swiftly examined the multicolored powers flowing within the exposed body.

The state and size of the vessel situated in the middle of Kishiar's body had not changed from before. The difference lay in the total amount of energy spread throughout the body.

While the golden magic and blue aura were visibly abundant, the divine power and the Awakener's strength were notably less than before. Considering that previously, despite the chaos, the extent of the four powers was almost equal, it was evident that their balance had been disrupted.

'It’s probably because the divine power and the Awakener's strength were heavily used this time.'

For an ordinary person, possessing even one power is difficult, but Kishiar had four. Maintaining the balance of these powers always required meticulous effort. Disruption of this balance could mean imminent danger to his vessel.

'But... considering that, the vessel itself looks surprisingly well.'

Kishiar's vessel pulsed calmly. There seemed to be no issue with the red aura of the Awakener's power that surrounded it.

Why? In search of an answer, after meticulously examining from head to toe, Yuder realized something.

'The tangled parts... they've reduced.'

Yuder remembered the first time he had opened Kishiar's body. The four powers, like plant roots, were intertwined, obstructing the flow in various parts of the body. Some areas were knotted, stagnant, while others were blocked and swollen, presenting an ominous sight.

No matter how great and numerous the powers one possessed, what use were they if the inside was in such disarray? The reason he, despite possessing unprecedented powers, had to focus solely on self-regulation his entire life, was now apparent.

But now, the pathways of power and the various parts of the body were considerably cleaner. Although not as orderly as others who possessed only one type of power, it was definitely an improvement compared to before.

'Could it be that the improvement I felt was not just my imagination?'

Even if the balance among the four types of power was not perfect, as long as they did not interfere with each other, there would be no burden on the body. Although he was not sure what caused this change, it was certainly a good thing for Kishiar.

Yuder, feeling astonished, focused more intently to examine the flow of energy. On closer inspection, he noticed that while the overall amount of the Awakened's power, predominantly located below the abdomen, had decreased, the red power protecting Kishiar's vessel seemed to have thickened somewhat.

'And although it's faint and hard to be certain... It seems that a bit of the red power is visible in the flow of other energies entering and leaving the vessel. Does this change mean that Kishiar's Awakener power has overall become stronger?'

As he observed, Yuder's head gradually tilted forward. He realized this when he felt a firm pressure on the abdomen and heard a voice.

“Inspecting with such zeal is fine, but at this rate, your nose might touch the belly.”

Yuder stiffened his shoulders and raised his head, realizing that he had indeed come almost that close without knowing.

“My apologies.”

“No... It was rather too delightful. So, how does it look? Is there something surprisingly remarkable?”

Kishiar could see his insides if he moved his head a little, but he couldn't see as clearly as Yuder, who was looking down from above. Yuder slowly nodded and spoke.

“Despite the reduction in the divine power and the Awakener's power you used yesterday, the state of the vessel is better than before. Especially, the entangled flow of energy inside seems much more orderly compared to before.”

As he spoke, the red energy at the touched spot gently fluctuated, as if it recognized the power in his hand as its kin.

“Really? Indeed... I have been feeling that using power has become easier lately.”

“It's a relief that it hasn't had a bad effect on the vessel.”

“It's probably thanks to your aide. Being together helps in stabilizing the mind and body.”

“I haven't done anything, though.”

While replying to the light-hearted joke and about to withdraw his power, Yuder suddenly remembered Enon's words.

He said that Yuder's soul had become remarkably stable after their bodies had intertwined. Though he was still unsure what 'stability of the soul' meant, if this mysterious and invisible connection between them strengthened and influenced that aspect, wouldn't Kishiar be affected similarly?

Moreover, as Yuder's body was practically a living medium for the Red Stone, the 'stability' might have influenced Kishiar's body and power.

'...Now that I think about it, wasn't there a time in the arena when he felt better after using a lot of divine power and then coming into contact with me?'

Perhaps this was a matter worth pondering.

Yuder summarized this thought briefly. The man who heard the speculation fell into thought and then nodded.

"That could be possible. Indeed, I did feel a sudden stabilization at that time. It seems worth testing."

What the test entailed was obvious. It was physical contact, as before. The easiest of course, was a kiss.

"Are you alright?" was asked with a note of concern.

"I'm always fine," came the ever-confident reply.

"If that's the case, I'll just give a slight kiss," was suggested gently.

"Okay. I'll close my eyes and wait. It feels thrilling, like a beauty waiting for a knight's kiss in a classic novel," was said with a flutter of excitement.

Would a usual recipient of a kiss speak like that? But, given it was Kishiar, it wasn't surprising.

Yuder, without a word, slowly leaned forward, his power to peer into Kishiar's inner being still active. Though a familiar act, looking down at those smiling lips, closed eyes, he felt a careful tension rather than familiarity, tautly pulling at his nerves.

Yuder exhaled a long, thin breath and then overlapped their lips.

A sudden, light, fiery tingling swept through him, causing his fingertips to tremble faintly.


Why did such a small touch always feel like sparks flying?

Kishiar, feeling the tense touch, might have found it amusing.

Yuder had thought so, but that thought melted away the moment he sensed the scent enveloping his body, rising unbidden.

Despite not being in a state to unrestrainedly release scent, the simultaneous blooming of their scents meant both were unable to control their emotions at that moment.

After responding to the intertwining movement within their lips for a while, Yuder finally lifted his head. He opened his eyes, wet lips parting, and gazed into the red eyes of the man caressing his cheek, sensing a premonition.

Even if there were hundreds, thousands more kisses in the future, if they were with Kishiar La Orr, each would bring the same tension.

How could it not? When he was here.

"…Well, seeing this with my own eyes, there seems no need for further tests. The result is clear," Yuder remarked, finally lowering his gaze.

Inside Kishiar, the energies were much more settled than before.

As Yuder had said, there seemed no need for further confirmation.

Chapter 689

"Commander, a guest has arrived."

'A guest? Who could it be?'

This was right after the literal destruction of the betting arena. Those who would visit had already frequented the soutHerne branch of the Cavalry, marking their presence.

Among them were prominent figures: the head of Charloin's security, the haughty servant sent by the Lord of Charloin, those who protested for the release of gamblers caught on-site. Especially noisy were the representatives from the families of these VIPs. Countless others had knocked, seeking an audience with Commander Kishiar La Orr, who had suddenly appeared.

However, most were turned away under the pretext that the Commander was 'exhausted after a big task'. It was frustrating, but what could be done? They couldn't afford to offend him, especially when their weaknesses were now in his grasp.

This tactic had been effectively used by Kishiar previously at the illegal auction in Tainu in the West, quieting the protesting nobles. It seemed even more effective now.

'I guess they saw what happened to Baron Willhem of Tainu. One wrong move and they could end up utterly destroyed, just like him.'

Baron Willhem, once the lord of Tainu, had faced utter ruin. Despite his long service to the Duke of Tainu, he was abandoned in his most desperate hour.

Yuder knew that Willhem had been stripped of his title, noble rights, and his properties confiscated. He faced 15 years of imprisonment, 30 years of forced labor, and a fine of three million gold coins.

With no other way to reduce his sentence, Willhem turned to implicate others, including his brother, family, surrounding nobles, and the Duke of Tain.

Such actions were disgraceful for most nobles, but Willhem was cunningly persuaded by the first and second children of Tain, Pruelle and Priscilla.

'They'll promise a lighter sentence and his family's safety in exchange for a definitive end to their father. Not a bad strategy. Beneficial for both Tain and the Emperor, as well as us.'

Despite his vile life, Willhem hoped for his daughters' safety. Hence, their trial was still ongoing.

Initially, the entire nation was abuzz with a noble Duke, one of the four ducal families, being on trial before a judge. However, as the situation evolved, it was perceived as an internal power struggle within the Tain family.

If the Emperor and the Cavalry were seen attacking the Tain family, the nobility would resist. But if it seemed like an internal dispute gone awry, the story changed.

The longer the trial dragged on, the more the public would lose interest. This would give Priscilla, the heir, time to solidify her support. When the time was right, the Duke of Tain would face severe punishment without anyone to defend him.

This was the outcome of a political agreement between Pruelle, Priscilla, Emperor Keilusa, and Commander Kishiar. The trial might take months or years, but the wait was worth ensuring their victory.

‘But ordinary nobles would not know so much.’

In the minds of the nobles of Charloin, only Baron Willhem, who had met his downfall at the hands of the Cavalry, would have left a lasting impression.

‘So, the more they have to hide, the more likely they are to turn back when they hear from Kishiar that he’s tired... The fact that they sent a notification of a guest's arrival means the other side didn't care about it.’

"Even though I sent word that I was too tired to see anyone, they still wish to see me?"

The Kishiar by Yuder's side asked with a look that shared the same thought. A response came from beyond the door, breaking the brief silence.

"Yes. They insist on seeing you right now."

"What is their name?"

"They said they couldn't tell us. Only that you would know them if I mentioned the 'Owner of the Dawn'."

Kishiar's eyes sparkled briefly upon hearing these somewhat cryptic words.

"It must be someone from the House of Herne."

"The House of Herne, you say? Why... Ah."

Just as the question was about to be asked, the answer dawned.

‘The House of Herne is the family of Her Majesty the Empress. The Empress Palace is known as the Dawn Palace... So that's why they used that term.’

"Let them in."


Kishiar straightened up from leaning on Yuder's shoulder, while Yuder himself stood up and moved a step back to his rightful place behind the man. Kishiar clicked his tongue in apparent disappointment.

"I thought I might get a little rest, but it seems there's no time for that."

"Could it be someone from the Herne family... Did the Lord of Charloin summon them?"

"Although the Lord here is of the Herne family's collateral line, I doubt that's the case."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because they mentioned the 'Owner of the Dawn'."

As Kishiar spoke, the door opened and a person entered. Removing their luxurious traveler's robe, platinum blonde hair, nearly identical to the Empress's, cascaded down.

At first glance, the lady appeared nobly raised. Her strong features could intimidate the viewer, yet the freckles around her eyes and lips softened the harshness. The riding outfit she wore under her robe suited her perfectly.

Yuder recognized her immediately upon her arrival.

'Myra El Herne.'

Yuder had seen her in his previous life. She was the candidate for Empress from the Herne family, proposed to Emperor Katchian.

Emperor Katchian, an adopted son, had ascended to the throne unusually quickly after only a few years as the Crown Prince, becoming Emperor without having had an Empress to be. Of course, there were whispers during his time as Crown Prince, but Emperor Keilusa's early demise reset everything to a blank slate.

The four great ducal houses fiercely contested who would sit beside the Emperor. The Diarca family naturally proposed someone from their line, while the other three houses openly criticized Diarca's excessive greed and nominated their own candidates.

Among them, the Herne family boldly proposed a direct descendant, with clear logic.

'The previous Empress was not truly our making. Herne suffered greatly due to her extravagance and various incidents, and we have struggled to cope ever since, so it is only right to give us another chance.'

Despite various events, it seemed Diarca eventually stepped back, allowing Myra El Herne to become the Empress. Naturally, her marriage to the Emperor was anything but smooth.

For reasons unknown, Emperor Katchian had suffered wounds on the night of his wedding in the Empress's Palace, similar to those of claw marks. Hushed rumors circulated the palace, suggesting a physical altercation between the two.

Thereafter, he never visited the Empress's Palace again. Whenever advised to produce an heir, he would erupt in anger, accusing the adviser of harboring treasonous intentions due to his youth.

The House of Herne was displeased, but the House of Diarca and other families were quite satisfied. This situation allowed them to propose their own candidates for the position of concubine or legal wife.

After Emperor Katchian began to cunningly assassinate or manipulate the power holders of other families, including the House of Diarca, Empress Myra's situation worsened. Since she was out of favor with the Emperor and virtually exiled, no one dared to visit her.

The Empress's Palace was always famously quiet, as if empty.

No one knew how she lived there.

Yuder, too, had almost never seen her until his death.

'I never expected to see her here again.'

To be honest, until just moments ago, he had nearly forgotten her name. But upon seeing her face, the memories of her from the wedding resurfaced vividly.

Kishiar, noticing Yuder's subtly furrowed brow and blinking, glanced at him discreetly yet keenly before turning his head with a smile.

"Well, this is a surprise, such an illustrious guest has graced us with their presence."

"You must have known I would come, yet you jest so well."

Myra El Herne retorted coldly.

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"Do you know how it feels to play a game that's already messed up? ...Anyway, the next round will come, so this time, I'm just going to play it recklessly."

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