Twin Soul

Chapter 9: (3/9)

Chapter 9: (3/9)

Kain thought he would have to train his Demonic Soul from level 1 but it magically turned to match his current level which was level 25. The only problem was Kain hasnt learned any spells so he will have to ask Rogal Caligarus to sneak some Black Magic spell books into his dorm room in the future.

Kain walked back to Nosh city from the woods and no one suspected him of anything. He got back to the Mages Academy of Nosh and thought people would question him about why he wasnt in his room last night. To Kains surprise, nobody knew he left because they were still sleeping due to partying too hard yesterday at the Presidents Office. Kain used this opportunity and sneaked into Rogals teacher's office. Rogal was not in his office so Kain closed the door and waited for approximately ten minutes then he heard footsteps approaching.

Senior. Kain stood up to greet Rogal when he saw him walking in.

Kain? What are you doing in my office? Rogal was surprised to see Kain in his office.

Kain summarized what happened last night about Etgar testing his loyalty. He then went on to explain how Etgar forced the Tykan Eye on him.

Did you succeed? Rogal eagerly asked.

Yes, that is why Im here. I have chosen Demonic Soul to be my third Elemental Soul. I wonder if you can help me with some Black Magic spell books.

Congratulations, Kain! This is great news. You dont have to worry about the spell books, I will bring them to your dorm room later.

Thank you, senior.

Kain, Im very happy for you. I have tried the Tykan Eye and failed.

The Guild Leader mentioned that. Im sorry that he forced you to do it.

No I volunteered. I thought that would make me... it doesnt matter anymore. What matters now is that you have succeeded. The future of Blood Mages Guild will depend on you.

Guild Master said Im just one of the test subjects. He also said there are Blood Mages who have successfully used the Tykan Eye to duplicate their Twin Souls. I doubt about being the future of our guild.

I dont know about the others who have succeeded so I cant speak for them. But I have been watching you since you came to this Mages Academy. I know you are talented and have been training very hard to be as strong as you are today. I cant make it to the Legend-tier but Im sure you will advance into the Saint-tier in the future. Especially now since you have duplicated your Twin Soul.

Thank you, senior.

Kain went back to his room and continued to carry on his daily life routines. Kain was amazed at how fast his training speed had increased. He no longer has to mediate nine hours a day just to match with other people because just four hours is enough. Kain had tried to mediate nine hours straight like he used to but it wouldnt improve his meditation progress any better. That was why Kain only meditated four hours a day and spent the rest of his free time in training warriors arts. Unlike Magic, warrior arts skill books are very easy to obtain. Anyone can go to the market, spend a couple of silver coins to buy all warrior books from tier-one to tier-tenth.

Any warrior successfully stepped into Saint-tiers will be able to obtain training knowledge from the Military of their nations or Famous Warriors Guilds. Very different compared to Mages Guilds, Warriors Guilds created to be mercenary like. Their missions are mostly about going to fight for one nation in their war against another country. Magic casters of Master-tier and above are prohibited from assisting nations in their war. That was why Warriors Guilds can make great money during the time of war. In the time of peace, they can make a living through working for Escorting Companies to escort merchants or properties from one city to another.

Etgar went back to the headquarters of Blood Mages Guild in Sungaria. He called for a meeting with all the Masters and brought them the good news that Kain Bersk had successfully duplicated his Twin Soul.

Master Mival Ballard said in an unhappy tone, Guild Master, I thought we had agreed Azura Kreel would be the next to use the Tykan Eye. How can you just select Kain Bersk out of nowhere?

Azura Kreel is going undercover using her fake identity as Githa Bersk. Her Master in the Blood Mages Guild is Mival Ballard. Azura was selected to be one of the test subjects of the Tykan Eye and she was the next in line for the trial. Etgar lied to Kain about the Blood Mages Guild having subjects successfully duplicated their Twin Souls. In fact, there was none. Kain was the first and will probably be the last. It was true that the Tykan Eye opens once every ten years and only one subject can be tested at a time. However, if the test subject passes the trial, the Tykan Eye will use all of its energy to duplicate his/her Twin Soul and disappear after that. No one knows how long it will take for another Tykan Eye to reappear.

Etgar stumbled into the Tykan Eye when he killed some Executioners of the Mages Council over a hundred years ago. They were carrying the Tykan Eye back to the Mages Council and there were also written notes of how the Tykan Eye works. One important thing is that the Tykan Eye can't be destroyed. That was why the Executioners had to bring it back to the Mages Council to seal it away despite knowing the Tykan Eye can only be used on Twin Soul Mages. But they encountered Etgar and received invitations to the next life. Etgar had tested the Tykan Eye on ten subjects but they had failed the trial. Each of the test subjects had different types of trials assigned to them set by the Tykan Eye.

Etgar answered, I have tested Kains loyalty. Not only is he loyal to the Blood Mages Guild, but he also had courage and honor. I dont see anyone else in our test subjects list that can match with Kain Bersk.

Master Ballard said in an angry tone, Azura was one of our geniuses and she had always thought twice before taking any kind of action. She is the perfect candidate. Kain acted rashly about wanting revenge for Menas Danamark. Azura would never have done something foolish like that.

Master Whistler said, Kain loved his savior, whats wrong with that? He is still young, making mistakes is acceptable.

Acceptable? Are you insane? What if he was apprehended? The Mages Council has a thousand ways to torture the truth out of him. If it was not because the Guild Master stopped that f**king idiot on time, The Mages Council could have come knocking on our door without us even knowing about it.

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