Tyranny Of Steel

Chapter 1154 Prima Ballerina

After a long week, spent back in the fatherland, Berengar was ready to return to Japan, in order to help Itami finish what the two of them had started. He had made a promise to the albino beauty that he would give her a year's worth of his time before returning to his homeland, where he would spend the majority of his time. 

However, just when Berengar was about to leave the house to take his flight back to Japan, he received word that it had been delayed. The weather conditions were abysmal in Kufstein at the moment, and the air traffic controllers would not permit any planes to take off until the storm cleared up.

Thus, at the moment, Berengar was walking around the house, looking into the lives of his children, who, after a long day at school, had returned home to take part in their extracurricular activities. While Kristoffer was in the act of playing music, with his young fiancee Astrid, his twin sister Katherine was in the palace's ball room, practicing for her upcoming ballet recital. 

The young girl was currently no older than twelve, and was mindlessly danced about the room with the grace of a butterfly. Berengar stood in the doorway and watched in silence until Katherine had completed her set. Once she was finished, the girl gazed over at her father, and broke out into a wide smile, before performing a curtsey. 

"I didn't see you there, royal father. Please enlighten me if you will. How was my performance?" 

Berengar immediately went into his critique mode and carefully thought upon his memories of the dance that the girl had just finished performing. All the while, Katherine waited for a response, with her head bowed low in deference to her paternal figure. After several moments, Berengar finally answered his daughter's question with a gentle smile on his face.

"Well, I'm not an expert on all things ballet, but I'd say that you performed the set well enough to shine on the stage. I'm sure if you keep at this, one day when you are older, you will certainly be the prima ballerina of the Kufstein ballet." 

The girl slightly blushed as she heard her father's compliments before rushing over to his side. Out of Berengar's many daughters, it was Zara and Helga who primarily captured their father's interest. Helga was a master painter of the highest caliber, while Zara was a young genius without equal, aside from perhaps her elder half-brother, Hans. 

Meanwhile, Katherine had always struggled to compete for her father's affection, and despite her efforts, she had always found herself falling short. Much like her twin brother. And while Kristofer had no longer sought to impress his father with his own talents, Katherine had never given up the pursuit of catching the man's attention. 

For Berengar to judge her performance so well, while assuring her that she was talented enough to one day become the Prima Ballerina, of the world's most popular ballet. It was as if her dream had already come true. Once Katherine was by her father's side, she hesitated to speak her thoughts, which Berengar instantly noticed and was quick to encourage the girl to speak her mind. 

"Is there something you wish to tell me, Katherine?" 

After several of awkward silences, Katherin grabbed hold of her father's firm hand and pleaded with him. 

"Father, if it won't be too much of a bother, would you allow me to perform another dance for you?" 

Berengar responded to this question by looking at his watch. He did not know how much longer it would be before the weather cleared up, but when it did, he would need to immediately depart for japan. The last thing he wanted was to keep the pilots waiting for him for hours on end.

However, the moment Berengar looked up from his wristwatch, he noticed that his young daughter was sulking. The expression on Katherine's face told the man that she believed she was not even worth his time. Upon seeing such a depressing expression on his own daughter's face, Berengar's heart immediately crumbled, causing him to sigh heavily befoe acquiesing to the girl's request. 

"Alright, I suppose I have enough time to watch one more dance..."

When Katherine heard this, her sapphire blue eyes immediately lit up with excitement while a warm smile appeared on her cute face. She then rushed back to the dance floor within the ballroom and began to perform another dance for her father. 

In truth, Berengar was not particularly interested in ballet, but he had to admit his young daughter had the talent and determination to one day be a star on the national stage. Thus, he watched patiently until the girl was once more finished with her set. Where she again curtseyed before her royal father and asked for his opinion. 

"Well? What did you think?"

Berengar did not need a moment to think this time around, and instead patted the girl's golden head before giving her his honest opinion.

"I think you have what it takes to become a true star. Keep up the hard work, and I am sure that in the future, all of your dreams will come true, Katherine. No matter what happens, I will always support you..." 

With this said, Katherine could no longer hold back the tears in her eyes, and began to cry something fierce. The act of which instantly shocked her father, who began to slightly panic. 

"Katherine, what's wrong? Why are you crying so suddenly?" 

The young girl wiped the tears from her eyes on her father's jacket when she latched onto him and refused to let go. This only confused Berengar further until the girl began to voice her thoughts in between her sobbing. 

"Daddy... Did I do good? Did I finally manage to impress you like Zara and Helga?" 

It was only now that Berengar was starting to realize that the coldness he had shown Adela in the past had in some way been passed onto the children he had with the woman. Had he never shown Katherine or Kristofer the same love and affection he had shown the kids he had sired with his other wives? 

Upon seeing the young girl crying, simply because she had finally received some form of recognition from her own father, Berengar wrapped his arms around his daughter, and kissed the girl on the forehead, while assuring her that she was every bit as impressive as her sisters. 

"Katherine, don't cry. You are a very talented young dancer. One day, you will shine equally bright as Zara and Helga. Like your siblings, your name will be remembered throughout German history. You are my daughter. Because of that, you are destined for greatness. I feel ashamed as your father for never expressing my recognition of your talents prior to this moment. I promise you  after I return from my visit to Japan, I will be spending a lot more time with all of my children, yourself included. So you don't need to cry anymore. I am here for you..."

Despite Berengar's kind words, Katherine continued to shed her tears, as she latched onto her father, in fear that he perhaps would leave her in the very next moment. Berengar glanced out the window and saw that the storm had indeed stopped, yet he did not make a move to leave Katherine. Instead, he stood there and hugged his daughter until she felt comfortable letting go. 

Katherine remained in Berengar's arms for nearly ten minutes before finally releasing her grip on the man. She then wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled before sticking out her pinky finger in an attempt to make her father swear to her that he would stay true to the words he had spoken. 

"You promise?" 

Berengar could only smile and nod his head as he latched his pinky onto the girls and shook it gently before responding with a solemn vow. 

"I promise..." 

Upon hearing confirmation, Katherine released her pinky finger and turned around with a wide smile and slight flutter as she once more got back to dancing. However, there was no music this time around, and only the flight of a young girl was happy beyond measure. Berengar continued to watch and smile until Katherine was too exhausted to continue.  Once Katherine was panting for air, Berengar pat her on the head, and said goodbye. 

"Katherine, I have to go back to Japan now, and you won't see me again for another few months. But once I return, I shall live up to my promise. I will begin delegating my responsibilities as Kaiser to trustworthy individuals and cut my workload in half. Allowing me to spend more time with you and all your siblings. So until then, continue to improve your skills, because when I get back from Japan I will want to see you perform for me again." 

This time Katherine was no longer crying, or sulking, for that matter. Instead, a warm smile was on her face, as she nodded her head in agreement before responding to her father's words. 

"Goodbye father, I wish you luck with your endeavors while you are away in Japan. Until we meet again..."

After hearing this remark, Berengar then departed from the Palace's ballroom, and left his daughter alone, as she stared at his back until it had vanished from sight. Once Berengar was gone from the room, Katherine let out a deep sigh as she gazed out towards the gardens, whose leaves were now drenched in rain. Whatever the young princess was thinking about in that moment was something only she herself knew. 


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