Tyranny Of Steel

Chapter 1164 Shocking New Technology

Itami stepped off of an aircraft with three small Eurasian children in tow. Her eldest son Ryu was nearly four years old, while her other two kids were even younger, and required her constant attention. As the Japanese Empress gazed upon the Kufstein Airport, she could not help but shake her head while voicing her disbelief. 

"To think that in only five years, you would be able to standardize supersonic commercial aircraft across your Empire. I can't help but stand in awe of all that you have accomplished, my love..."

The Kufstein Airport had dozens of large supersonic aircraft contained within, many of which were headed to every corner of the earth. Whether it be the German colonies across the globe, or the many different nations which were either aligned with, or swore fealty to the Reich. 

As the wife of the Kaiser, Itami had received her own private transport, so that she could journey from Tokyo to Kufstein whenever she so desired. That's right, as part of the reconstruction efforts of Japan, the city of Tokyo was practically built from scratch, and had become the new capital of Imperial Japan. 

If not for the fact that Itami regularly saw supersonic F-5s fly over her homeland, she would not have believed the progress that her husband had made in a few short years. Still, she did not reflect on it for more than a few moments, as she pushed her children's stroller towards the car that awaited them in the parking lot. 

With little help from her servants, Itami was able to buckle her kids into the limousine, as it drove off, through the federal highway, and towards the Palace which lie in the heart of the city of Kufstein. 

After arriving at the palace driveway, Itami and her children were greeted by Berengar and the rest of his family. By now, most of his kids were in their teenage years, or quickly approaching them. With his eldest son nearly being twenty. Though he and his wives were visibly absent from the family gathering. 

One thing that Itami quickly noticed was just how beautiful her husband's daughters had become. With Helga stealing the spotlight. Aside from her sapphire eyes, the young woman was the spitting image of her mother. Not that Itami knew what Linde looked like when she was seventeen years of age. 

Berengar was quick to approach Itami, as he hugged the woman and kissed her passionately. The bristles of the man's beard caused the albino beauty some discomfort as she criticized the man for his facial hair. 

"Honestly, did you really have to grow a beard? It's so... atrocious!"

Berengar simply chuckled as he shook his head, and countered his wife's opinion with his own. 

"What you don't like it? I think having a beard is perfectly suitable for a man my age!" 

Seeing that she was not going to convince her man to shave, Itami simply sighed and shook her head before changing the topic. 

"Kids, aren't you happy to see your father?"

In all honestly, the kids did not recognize their father with his facial hair. It was only after their mother told them who this man was did they suddenly rush over and hug him. Berengar fell to the ground as he was tackled by three of his youngest children. All while smiling and playing with them in the grass. 

By now Berengar had large families with each of his wives, with Itami being the only one without five children. Even Henrietta had given birth to five kids. Though Itami knew she was also the youngest among Berengar's wives, and still had plenty of time before she had to worry about competing with those numbers.. 

Linde was quick to greet Itami while their husband played with his kids. No longer was there any mutual hatred between the two, and in fact, they had grown to become friends over the past five years of interaction.

"Itami, it is good to see you again. How was your flight?"

Itami scoffed ever so slightly, as she reflected on how long it took to fly from Japan to Germany in her past life, compared to this one. She could only sigh and accept the fact that Berengar was a man who put efficiency above profit. 

"I must say, it was shorter than I was anticipating. I still can't believe that you guys have already developed supersonic commercial aircraft. The fact that you even make luxury versions of these jets for private owners is insane. I have no idea just how well off the Reich is as of late, but you have truly left me speechless."

The plane in question was the standard passenger aircraft of the Reich and was, in many ways, similar to the infamous concorde of Berengar and Itami's past life. However, as Berengar rose to his feet, after crawling out of his youngest children's arms, he was quick to inform Itami of just how advanced the Reich had become. 

"Would you believe me if I told you that we have recently invented nuclear power? As of right now, the fatherland is powered entirely by clean energy, whether that be hydroelectric, geothermal, or even nuclear fission." 

Itami stood in disbelief as she heard this. While many of the technological feats that Germany had accomplished so far were years ahead of basic nuclear energy, she knew that if Berengar had taken this long to invent a nuclear reactor; it was not a normal feat, and was quick to inquire just how advanced his reactors were. 

"Funny, I don't remember seeing any cooling towers when I flew into the city. Please don't tell me you have already achieved small modular reactors?"

A guilty look appeared on the man's handsome face, which told Itami all she needed to know. Just when she thought she could not be any more shocked, Zara entered the scene. After eavesdropping on her father's conversation, she could not help but to butt in.

By now Zara was already sixteen years old and was the perfect blend of her father and mother. She was nearly fully grown and had the same voluptuous body that Yasmin was so renowned for. If Berengar was not the girl's father, even he would be tempted to take her as one of his lovers. Despite the girl's shocking beauty, she was intelligent beyond measure, and was quick to inform Itami of what she had personally achieved these past few years. 

"Daddy! Don't just brag about your accomplishments, tell her about the satellites I have launched into space!" 

Itami thought she had already heard the wildest news, but was shocked even further when Zara spoke about satellites. She was quick to inquire further about this particular piece of information. 

"Satellites, what satellites?"

Berengar smiled, and just when he was about to explain the launching of several military satellites into orbit, Zara beat him to it. 

"The rockets I have designed are now capable of sending military satellites into orbit. We have already sent thirty-two of them into space within the last year. In doing so, we are now developing a new technology called the Global Positioning System, or GPS for short, which will allow our military to be far more accurate with its intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Within the year, we will be able to precisely hit any target on the planet with a ballistic missile! Although I disapprove of my rockets being used to ferry satellites into space for military applications, daddy says it's necessary for the security of our family, so I have no choice but to comply..."

Immediately after saying this Zara began to pout, as she looked over at her father, who did not react in the slightest to her solid explanation. Meanwhile, Itami had a very difficult time processing all this information. The German Reich was developing so rapidly. While the nation of Japan, or what had been rebuilt, was still stuck in the 1930s when it came to most of their technology. 

If things continued at this rate, Germany would surpass the world Itami had come from in a matter of decades. It was truly unfathomable. It was at this time that Itami noticed that a few members of Berengar's family were absent and was quick to question the man about their whereabouts.

"I just now realized, I don't see Honoria or her kids. Why are they not here?"

Berengar and Linde looked at each other for a moment, before quickly giving Itami a satisfactory answer. 

"They are in Constantinople at the moment. The Emperor is very sick, even our best doctors say he doesn't have long to live. Thus, Honoria wants to spend some time with her father before he passes away. We will be flying out to Constantinople soon as well. When Vetranis finally dies, my son Alexandros will be named the next Byzantine Emperor, and I will have to be there for his coronation.

But let's not worry about such grim matters. You have made a long journey to my home, and I have a meal being prepared for you and our kids as we speak." 

Itami simply sighed and nodded her head, as she followed Berengar and the rest of his family into the Palace. The shocking new technology which she now knew that the Reich was developing had thoroughly fried her brain. As a result, she wanted nothing more than to snack on some fine German cuisine, and spent some quality time with her husband, who she had been away from for too long. 


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