Tyranny Of Steel

Chapter 1173 A Surprise Visit From A Foreign Beauty

A twenty-year-old girl sat on board a small fishing ship as it sailed across the North Sea and towards the German Port city of Hamburg. She had long and wavy platinum hair with ice-blue eyes. Her skin was as white as snow, and her body was exceptionally curvy, just like her mothers.

Though the men on board the fishing ship ogled the beautiful young woman with their eyes, they did not dare lay a hand on her, nor did they even approach her for conversation. They had seen what she had done to the first man who had attempted to have his way with the foreign beauty, and they knew better than to do something so foolish.

Siv did not acknowledge the fishermen either, instead she gazed off into the distance towards the city lights which lit up the night sky. Finally, after all these years, she would be able to visit the land of her father.

Eventually, the ship made its way to the docks, where Siv disembarked and entered the large port city. Normally, visitors to the Reich would have to go through customs. But considering Siv had smuggled herself into the country via a fishing ship, this was not a problem for her.

The city of Hamburg immediately caught Siv's interest as she walked through the streets. Having been born and raised in an isolated medieval world, Siv had only ever heard of stories about the Reich from her stepfather, who claimed to be its Kaiser. However, she never truly believed half of the tall tales that the man had said until this very moment.

The city's lights, the vehicles in the streets, and the trains which carried freight and people across the Reich. She was now witnessing all of these things for the first time, and it was overwhelming, to say the least.

Going from a medieval Kingdom, to a modern world was something that Siv was not prepared for when she first made this journey. And thus, she mindlessly walked through the streets, not knowing the slightest rules about traffic.

As the half-valkyrie beauty wandered aimlessly through the city, a large truck nearly ran her over, if not for a nearby good samaritan who grabbed hold of the girl's arm and dragged her onto the sidewalk, then she would have been as good as dead. While Siv was still recovering from her shock and disbelief, she heard a feminine voice call out to her.

"Are you crazy or just suicidal? Why would you walk in the middle of the street like that? You are just asking to get runover!"

Siv had a hard time understanding the words which the woman spoke to her, as her only encounter with the German language came from the Austro-Bavarian dialect, which Berengar had taught her how to speak. Thus, after processing the words for some time in her mind, she finally responded to the woman who had saved her life.

"I'm sorry... I'm just... I'm looking for the Kaiser's palace!"

The woman looked at Siv as if she were an idiot. The platinum haired beauty might very well be the most pretty woman that her savior had ever laid eyes upon, but she clearly wasn't right in the brain, if she was looking for the Kaiser's palace in Hamburg.

Though what truly baffled this woman was how Siv did not know that the Kaiser lived in Austria when she had an accent from the region. Even though the good samaritan had these questions in her mind, she still decided to help Siv find her way.

"The Kaiser lives in Austria. You won't find him here in Hamburg... And even if you were in Austria, he doesn't just let anyone enter his home... Honestly, you should know this!"

Siv had trouble processing everything that was going on, from the amazing technology of the city, to the truck that nearly run her over, to the knowledge that her stepfather lived in some place called Austria.

Despite the sensory overload that she was feeling, the Young Valkyrie was determined to reach her stepfather, especially after all the trouble she had gone through to smuggle herself out of Iceland. Thus, she looked at the woman with a charming smile on her face and asked for directions to Austria.

"You don't have to worry about that. I am his family. If you would only point me in the direction of Austria, I can finally be reunited with my father!"

The woman looked at Siv in shock. She had heard rumors that the Kaiser had taken a few concubines in different parts of the world, but she never thought they were true. And yet this young woman was claiming to be his family. She must be at least twenty by now? Does that mean that she was the same age as Prince Hans?

This was truly some delicious gossip. However, seeing that the platinum haired beauty did not know her way to Austria, this only further added to the validity of the claim, and thus the woman had decided to help. After all, who wouldn't want to reunite such a beautiful young woman with her father?

"The easiest way to reach the Kaiser will be to take the train from here to Kufstein. That is the city where the man lives. After that, you will have to find the palace on your own. I have never been to the capital, and thus I can't help you. But you will need money to board the train..."

Siv smiled and reached into her pockets. She then pulled out a wad of German Marks, which was quite the decent sum. This was far more than what a foreign visitor should have on them upon first entering the country, and this only further increased the curiosity of the good samaritan. Naturally, Siv did not know the value of the currency in her hands and was quick to ask if it was enough to allow her to board the train to Kufstein.

"Oh, I do? Is this enough to get me to Kufstein?"

The good samaritan was surprised to see so much money in the foreigners' hands, she did not know where the girl had obtained so many marks, nor was she going to inquire about it.

In reality, Siv had roughed up the fisherman on board the ship she had chosen to stowaway on, and had taken their hard earned cash after one of their crew members tried to have his way with her.

Siv may be a woman, but she was half valkyrie, which means she was stronger than any mortal man, well aside from one that is. After confirming that this indeed was enough to buy her a ticket to Kufstein, Siv found her way to the train station, after being given directions by the woman, where she bought herself a spot onboard the high-speed train which carried the fatherland's citizens around its territory.

Within a few hours, the young girl stepped foot into the Kufstein Station, where she once more found herself lost. However, she was able to find a police officer, where she inquired about the location of the Kaiser's palace. Mistaking her as a tourist who just wanted to take pictures, the man pointed Siv in the right direction, where she eventually made her way to Berengar's home.

Inside the Kaiser's palace, Berengar was currently balls deep in Yasmin's ass. The couple were going at it like rabbits, that is, until a knock resounded on the door. Berengar was obviously quite perturbed at the interruption of his nightly fun and immediately barked commands at whoever it was who was disturbing him.

ραпdα nᴏνa| сom "Go away!"

Despite this command, a timid voice responded to his barking with some news, which surprised not only the Kaiser, but his Moorish wife as well.

"Sir... It is urgent. There is a situation at the front gates. There is a young woman who claims to be your daughter... She won't leave, and is currently resisting arrest."

Yasmin looked up at her husband with a curious gaze as he was in the middle of thrusting inside her asshole. She smirked lightly before chastising the man for his lecherous nature.

"Your daughter? Just how many bastards do you have, husband?"

Berengar was just as confused as Yasmin and quickly barked another command at the servant.

"My daughter? You say she's a young woman? That's impossible. I don't have any bastards at that age. Tell the men to arrest this pretender!"

A sigh escaped from the other side of the door, as the voice responded once more, albeit in a dejected tone.

"Your Majesty, she says she is from Iceland, and that her name is Siv. She is quite adamant about you being her father. Are you sure that name doesn't ring a bell?"

The moment Berengar heard the girl's name, he pulled out of Yasmin's plump ass and quickly began to dress himself in a panicked state, something which immediately caught his wife's attention.

"Wait, did you say that the woman's name is Siv? Tell the guards to stand down and let her in. She is my daughter..."

Yasmin was quite displeased that her husband had stopped pounding her ass, but she was more concerned about just who this daughter was, and was quick to ask about the subject.

"You have a daughter named Siv? And she's a young woman? I don't understand? Who is she?"

Berengar scoffed as he corrected Yasmin while pulling on his pants.

"She is my stepdaughter. Her mother is the reason I go to Iceland once a month, but I have no idea how or why she is in Kufstein. I have to investigate this. Sorry Yas, we will continue this some other time!"

After saying this, Berengar sprinted out the door to go greet his step-daughter. Who had come a long way to visit him. Meanwhile, Yasmin was left to finish on her own.

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