Tyranny Of Steel

Chapter 1218 The Great Khan Of Crimea

All across the world, small scale conflicts were being waged between the empires which Berengar's children had inherited. However, as Altan led his Crimean horde into the lands of his neighbors, they soon realized that even with the weapons which they had purchased from the Indian Empire, the organization, strategies, and tactics of the Crimean horde were too much to overcome.

By now, Altan's armies had marched well past the regions inhabited by the Uzbeks, and the other Turko-mongol peoples who lived in the area. Instead, they were on the borders of the Oirats, Chagatai, and the Mongolian people themselves.

Much ground had been conquered, and because of this, the three opposing Khans finally decided to submit to this foreign power from the west. And they did this in the best way they could think of. After raising the white flag of war, the three Khan approached Altan's encampment, where the members of his armor were busy loading their weapons, cleaning their bayonets, and any other jobs which soldiers did in their downtime.

It was not long before these foreign horsemen were spotted by the Crimeans. In fact, with their advanced equipment, they could have opened fire on the enemy at a vast distance.

However, due to their own handling of these weapons, the three Khans and their caravan travelled with multiple white flags flying.

Atlan was not surprised that these men had come to surrender. After all, he had viciously wiped out the Uzbeks and the other Turko-mongol tribes that got in his way. All that was truly left were these three forces. All he needed was the slightest bit of bloodshed to convince these men to surrender, and that is exactly what he had done.

Thus, the Crimean encampment had welcomed the Turko-Mongolian caravan with open arms, an act which surprised the three Khans, who were beginning to believe that they might have been driven into a trap.

Still, they steeled their resolve and moved forward, as they opened up the exceptionally large tent, which had a massive furnace built within, and laid eyes upon the young Crimean Khan, who was dressed in relatively modern combat fatigues.

As the man who personally led his horde into battle, Atlan did not care much for the shiny ornaments that the Germans wore on their dress uniforms, no, he admired a practical approach to uniforms, and thus he wore the same attire that all his soldiers wore. Perhaps this was the modern form of what a proper khan should look like, utilitarian, and martial, rather than ornamental.

As Atlan saw the three Khans enter his home, who were all dressed in far more primitive attire, he reached out to the nearby table that had been set up, and pulled out several packages of MREs, which he quickly prepared along with several canteens worth of rice wine.

He then handed these portions over to his guests, and spoke to them, quite to their surprise, in their own tongues.

"I know why you have all come here on this evening, and that is to surrender. You wish to spare your people from my wrath, and though I welcome you into my tent, and allow you to feed upon my rations, and drink my wine, I can't help but wonder what you will offer me in exchange for my benevolence.

Give me one good reason why I should not just conquer you all myself, and absorb your hordes into my modern state, like I have done with the others?"

This was the perfect time to introduce the gifts which the three Khans had brought, and thus, the whistled, allowing their troops to escort in three beautiful young maidens, all of which shared the same DNA that Altan himself had received from his mother's side of the family.

These descendents of Genghis Khan entered the tent and kneeled before the man which their fathers had chosen to be their husband, with such grace, that Altan thought they might perhaps be mongolian angels. He was just about to ask what these three old Khans meant by this, when the man who ruled over Mongolia spoke to Altan with a hint of respect in his voice.

"Oh, Great Khan of Crimea, you have proven yourself worthy of leading our people, from the Black sea, to the steppes of Mongolia, all of our descent should follow your example, and become something greater than we are now, then we have always been. It is because of this that we three Khans have decided to gift our eldest daughters to you, so that you may carry on your bloodline. Will not you accept our surrender?"

Altan took another look at the three women, who were kowtowing in front of him, on the canvas of the tent, and decided then and there that he would accept this peace offering, and in doing so, annex the remaining regions which the turko-mongolic people resided in.

"Very well, I accept your gifts, and shall take your daughters as my brides. You may consider is us kin now, and thus I will drink to your health, as my new fathers-in-law. From this day forth, the Crimean Empire is born!"

With this said, the last of the Turko-Mongolic regions had fallen to Altan's conquest, and he had built himself a mighty empire, where he would forever be known as the Great Khan of Crimea. However, there was much work that needed to be done, if he intended to turn his newly conquered territory into a modern society, and thus, Altan would return to Crimea with his new three brides, where he would begin the expansion into the east, so that his people could live lives on par with the other empires which the sons of Berengar ruled over.

It was not long after this that Berengar was in his office, seemingly alone. But in reality, there was a sexy little minx beneath his desk, who was currently giving him head. Ever since she had first moved to Kufstein, Khorijin had spent every hour of the day which she could manage being intimate with Berengar.

In fact, she was not alone, as many of Berengar's women who had been forced away from his arms, for whatever reason, were also now competing heavily for his affection. Itami was one of these women. As an Asian beauty of the highest caliber, she actually took great offense to the amount of time which Berengar spent with his Mongolian and Indonesian concubines.

But she did not try to interfere in this regard. After all, she had long learned to accept the harem lifestyle, especially after moving in with Berengar when their oldest son had come of age to succeed her as the reigning Emperor of Japan.

Thus, at the moment, Berengar was spending some time with the mongolian beauty, who he had given several children thus far. The woman continued to suck on his cock with fierce intensity, as if she was dying to drink his seed. Something which she had long since gained a taste for.

She eventually achieved what she was hoping for, and thus, Khorijin wrapped her lips around the tip of her lover's cock, where she then drank his sperm, all while messaging the shaft with her dainty hands.

Berengar seemed quite satisfied as Khorijin swallowed every drop with a look of ecstasy on her beautiful face. After which the Kaiser dragged the mongol beauty into his lap and began to speak to her about recent matters which he had discovered in the East.

"You should be aware that our son is now proclaimed the Great Khan of all Turkish and Mongolian peoples. He is marrying three women in Crimea within the coming months, and has invited us to attend his wedding.

I think I will gift him with a 4th bride, After all, I can't let the German bloodline be bred out my sons' lineage so quickly, so I might just gift a half-german woman to him. What do you think?"

Khorijin smiled as she slowly inserted her man's massive cock into her moist twat, and moaned with intense pleasure as she felt its size deep inside her. She began to slowly bounce up and down as she answered Berengar's question with the answer he was hoping to hear.

"I think that would be wonderful! I would love to see my grandchildren with golden hair and blue eyes, just like their grandfather!"

Berengar chuckled when he heard this and continued to pound Khorijin's tight and moist hole with all the strength and speed he could muster. As he shot one last load deep into the woman's womb, he responded to her statement with one of his own.

"It is settled then..."

With this said, Berengar had set his son Altan, the Great Khan of Crimea, on a path that would ensure the German lineage ever faded from his bloodline.

I wanted to thank you all for supporting Tyranny of Steel up to this point. From here on out, until the very end of the novel, updates are going to be less frequent with one chapter a day. Instead, I would like to invite all of you to read my new novel Interstellar Age, at https://www.webnovel.com/book/interstellar-age_ 26235247006730205

Which will be receiving my primary attention from here on out. Thank you all for the support you have shown me, and I look forward to writing novels for you all for years to come!


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