Tyranny Of Steel

Chapter 1220 The New Majapahit Emperor

It had been many years since the war with Japan had taken its toll on the Majapahit population, and during this time, Emperor Suratman had been leading his nation to a new golden age. When Berengar found the Majapahit Empire, they were already headed towards a total collapse.

But with the influx of trade coming from around the world, and the export of its spices, the Majapahit Empire had become one of the wealthiest states in the world. And while they maintained a rather sizeable army to deter any would be invaders. They did not actively engage in wars of conquest, unlike the realms which Berengar's sons currently ruled over.

However, on this day, an Era truly came to an end. As Darma and his siblings stood by their parents' side as they watched their grandfather, the great Emperor Suratman was lit ablaze on a mighty pyre. The old man had passed away, at the ripe old age of eighty-three, leaving his throne not to any of his sons, but his eldest grand.

Why would the mighty emperor do this? Because he was wise enough to see where the world was heading? Germany had become the center of Earth. They owned over half of the world's landmass, and all of its resources, while having a level of technology that the Majapahit Emperor simply could not believe.

Every time he had visited Kufstein over the past few decades, to see his daughter, he had nearly had a heart attack at how quickly it seemed to have developed. Finally, old age had claimed his life, and before he died, he decided to give up his prosperous Empire to Darma, who was the eldest son of Berengar von Kufstein and Princess Anggraini.

Anggraini wept as she saw her father's pyre burn. She had aged quite gracefully. Now that she was in her forties, she looked as if she were not even thirty. Perhaps it was her Asian genes that allowed this, but when compared to her lover, who looked the proper age, it was quite the scene to behold, at least from an outsider's perspective.

In fact, Berengar found himself spending much more time with Itami and his Asian concubines, simply because they aged so much better than his other wives. Something which irked Linde to no end. And naturally, he had come to Anggraini's side when her people sent off her father to the afterlife.

The tears streamed down the Indonesian beauty's face, causing her lover to grab hold of her hand, and hold it tightly in an attempt to comfort her. This seemed to have done the job, as she began to rest her weary head on the man's chest.

As the fire turned Suratman's flesh and bones to ash, the funeral had come to an end, and all that was left to crown Darma as the new emperor. Thus, the young man looked towards his new subjects, who gazed upon him with a hint of reverence, as a Hindu Priest placed a crown upon his head.

Darma's gaze shifted to that of his father and mother, who looked at him with a mix of grief and pride. As he spoke his first words as the new emperor of the Majapahit people.

"As Emperor, I promise to rule with a since of justice and righteousness. As great as a man as my grandfather was, he was not nearly as educated as I am about how to run a country.

For I have learned from the world's best teacher on exactly how to do this. I promise you, this is not the end of our golden age, rather, it is just the beginning.

Under my reign, I will expand our wealth and power so that we, the Majapahit Empire, can stand toe to toe with the world's other major Empires. In the hope that they will treat us as their equals. Glory to the Majapahit Empire!"

Having said this, the audience broke out into a roar of applause. They may have lost one of their greatest emperors, but they had gained a new hope with Darma, and his words had given them the comfort they needed to know that the world had not suddenly come to an end.

Berengar then approached his eldest son with Anggraini, and shook the man's hand, before hugging him tightly. He then released the man and said in front of everyone in the Sanskrit language just what he was thinking.

"I look forward to working with you, Darma, and your people for many years to come. There are very few nations on this earth who have fought beside the Reich when we found ourselves at odds with powerful enemies, and I take pride in knowing that you are among them.

Together, as father and son, but more importantly, as two independent monarchs, I believe we will be able to make the world a better place. Especially in this era of peace and prosperity that both of our realms have managed to achieve."

Once more the crowd broke out into cheers, perhaps none more so than Anggraini, who was reflecting on the past twenty-plus years of her life, as if they were the most happy and fulfilling she possibly could have lived.

Once the funeral and coronation ceremony was over, Berengar and his family returned to the Majapahit Palace, where Darma looked around as if he were slightly worried about his new life as the Majapahit Emperor. It was so obvious that Anggraini giggled before hugging her eldest son and smothering him like a proper doting mother.

"Oh, is my little Darma perhaps anxious about finally leaving the nest behind? Well, it was about time you grew up, and took your rightful place on my father's throne. You should find yourself a wife now that you are the emperor, or maybe three! After all, you can't be a mommy's boy forever!"

This had naturally embarrassed the man who was already in his twenties, and he was quick to break free from his mother's grasp and blush as he averted his gaze. This only caused Anggraini to become an even more doting mother as she smothered her son's forehead with her kisses.

Eventually Darma had enough and pushed Anggraini away, while raising his voice.

"Enough mother, I'm not a little kid anymore! Please stop treating me like one!"

This sudden outburst had naturally caused the woman to pout, as she fled back to her lover's side and complained about her son's errant behavior.

"Oh Berengar? What am I going to do? Our son seems to be going through his rebellious phase!"

This caused Berengar to chuckle, as he shook his head in disbelief. Out of all of his woman, the one who had always been the most doting mother, to the point where it was a bit excessive, was none other than Linde. But in all honesty, Anggraini could give the redheaded beauty a run for her money, because even Linde had known when to stop treating her children as little kids. Thus, he gave Anggraini a bit of a talking to.

"Enough dear, our son is right. He is a man now. He will be living on his own here in Trowulan for quite possibly the rest of his life. You really should stop treating him as if he were a mere child. Though I do expect routine visits to the Reich. If not for diplomatic reasons, then naturally for vacations."

Darma chuckled as he looked around at the state of this primitive palace and shook his head in disappointment before voicing these thoughts.

"I never once thought that I would eventually become the emperor of such a backwards nation. Having Grown up in the Reich, I became quite accustomed to certain conveniences and luxuries that I'm afraid I will never see here in the lands of my grandfather. But, I will do my best to improve upon the Empire which I have inherited. At the very least, I will make the two of you and grandfather proud."

Berengar and Anggraini both smiled as they heard this, before nodding their heads in agreement with their son's words.

"I am sure you will, but improving a nation is not a marathon. It takes many years, and I am afraid for many things you will have to start from the ground up. But your mother and I have raised you right, and I have given you the skills you will need to accomplish these things. So, my son, I believe this is time we part ways, at least until you decide to visit your homeland again..."

Darma had to force back the tears that were forming in his eyes as he heard his father's words. After all, he knew how his father felt about men openly displaying signs of weakness, and thus, in order to ensure that now a single tear crashed around him, he raised his arm in salute, before shouting the old German battle cry he had heard a million times before.

"Sieg Heil!"

Berengar chuckled as he saw this before returning his son's salute. After doing so, he and his lover left the Majapahit Palace, and returned to the Reich along with the other children they had together.

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