Tyranny Of Steel

Chapter 1231 The Passing Of The Torch

It was only a few years after Zara's wedding that Berengar had decided that the time had finally come. And thus, on this day, he stood at the center of the Reichstag, and spoke not only to the German parliament, but to the German people who had by now spread across the world.

Berengar looked across the sea of faces, of those men who had risen to prominence, and become politicians representing the commoner class. Each of these men was wide eyed and filled with hope. Not knowing what their Great Kaiser was about to say to them. But whatever it was, it must be important.

The Great Kaiser reflected on the life he had lived up until this point, and the one had had prior to being transmigrated into this world. There was nothing but a blissful smile on his aging face as he spoke the words that literally nobody wanted to hear.

"I stand before you all today, not only the politicians of who I am eternally grateful for their service to the Reich and Fatherland, but before the people of Germany, who have stood by my side for so many years to make a solemn announcement. One which I know will be met with condemnation from you all.

But as my 60th birthday is only a few months away, I have decided the time has come for me to step down as your ruler and allow the next generation to shine. Because of that, I am hereby announcing my retirement, which will begin on my upcoming birthday. In the meantime, I will begin the peaceful transition from my administration to that of my eldest son, Chancellor Hans von Kufstein.

There is no man in this world who is more suited to the tasks required of the Kaiser, and I can assure you all that I have spent a lifetime raising my sons to take the reins. Thus, I am now passing the torch onto Hans, so that he may lead the Reich to a new era of peace and prosperity!"

The entire crowd of politicians broke out into roars of discontent, and they were not alone. All across the Reich the people who watched this broadcast could not believe their ears. The Great Kaiser was stepping down? What madness was this? He was still more than capable of fulfilling the role of the Kaiser, so why now would he do such a thing?

Berengar noticed how frustrated the politicians were with this sudden news. After all, he had not alerted anyone other than Hans of his decision, and thus he raised his hand, commanding silence as he did so, which the people willingly obeyed. He then began to speak once more with a voice filled with pride.

"I know this news is sudden for everyone, and that you may all be a bit dishearten knowing that I am stepping down from my position. However, I assure you that my son will be every bit as a capable leader as myself, if not superior. After all, over the past few years, most of the work that has been done from the Executive branch has been conducted by Hans, not myself.

This day has been a long time coming, but I will assure you all that if there is ever a need for my assistance, the doors to my estate will always be open to my son and successor. Prince Hans von Kufstein.

I can not thank you all enough for your understanding, but it is my belief that the elderly should step down from their positions of power, so that the next generation has some time to shine. And I am indeed entering my later years. Thus, I plan to retire to the countryside, along with my wives, so that I can live the last of my days in peace."

The German politicians and the people they represented immediately shifted from outrage that their Great Kaiser was so suddenly stepping down to mourning. As if the man himself had suddenly passed from the world. More than a few women and girls broke out into tears over the idea that they had somehow lost the man who had built their great nation.

But Berengar was not content to see such grief, and thus, he stepped back and allowed his son Hans to take over. For this occasion, the man dressed in his own Imperial Regalia, which had all the medals and honors he had earned from his days in the military, proudly displayed upon it.

The young man was the spitting image of his father, aside from his strawberry blonde hair, which, for this occasion, he had even slicked back into Berengar's signature hairstyle. He then spoke to the politicians and the German people with a voice filled with determination.

"I understand your lament. I truly do. Nobody in this world admired my father, the Great Kaiser, the Father of the German Nation, and the Blessed Saint of the German Church more than I myself do. But as he has expressed, our Great Kaiser is getting on in years, and has decided that the tasks which he is required to fulfil as the leader of our people are a burden he no longer has the ability to bear.

And thus, he has asked me, the Crown Prince of the German Reich, to takeover. The torch has been passed to the next generation, and I promise you all, that the future of the German people is not only contained here on Earth, but in the stars above. I will work tirelessly to expand the Reich's land and resources so that no entity may ever oppose our might again!

Glory to the Kaiser, Glory to the Fatherland, and Glory to the German people. Hail Victory!"

Immediately after saying these words, Hans raised his hand in salute to the German people, who stood up from their seats, wherever they may be watching this speech, and wiped the tears from their eyes before doing the same. The vast scream of the German people as they shouted back the battle-cry which had been used to win them so much in this world could practically be heard around the world.

"Hail Victory!"

With this, Berengar took a step back from the podium of the Reichstag and wore a bitter smile as he entered the hallways. While listening to his son's speech continue to inspire the German people to follow their new Kaiser. He had no regrets in life, but after spending his entire life in pursuit of power and authority, it was almost bewildering to suddenly become just another elderly citizen of the Empire.

At the very least, he now had more time to spend with his parents, who were quickly approaching the end of their lifespan, and his grandchildren who were truly the future of the German Reich. Thus, Berengar exited the Reichstag with a far more joyful smile, as he thought about the glorious future he had built for his people.

Once outside, he was greeted by ten out of eleven of his women, the only one not being present being Brynhildr, as they comforted their man, as he sought a new venture in life, and had thoroughly laid down his crown.

Linde, Adela, Honoria, Yasmin, Riyo, Henrietta, Priya, Tlexictli, Anggraini, Khorijin all gathered together and hugged Berengar as he looked back upon the Reichstag, and the civilization he had built nearly from scratch with a proud smile on his aging, but handsome face. He then embraced his ten women and stood together silently for some time before finally speaking the thoughts in his mind.

"Let's go home...."

There was nothing but agreement voiced by the man's ten lovers, as they nodded their heads and followed him into the armored limousine, which would transport them back to the palace. Where they all enjoyed a nice meal, a warm bath, and each other's company for the remainder of the evening.

But what were the consequences of Germany's Great Kaiser stepping down? What events would follow such a monumental event? Well, the story of Hans the black-hearted was about to begin, as the new Kaiser led the German war machine against the Slavic peoples in a brutal conquest whose sole purpose was the Germanization of their neighbors.

As promised, Germany would expand its land and resources, and in doing so defeat a potential enemy that would never achieve the greatness it had in Berengar's past life, because they themselves would become German.

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