Tyranny Of Steel

Chapter 1234 A Well Deserved Retirement

Berengar sat in the countryside of Austria, far away from the hustle and bustle of the metropolis which he created. Living in the village of Hallstatt was a unique kind of peace, one which he was happy to experience in his old age.

The small mountain village surrounded a beautiful crystal lake, one where Berengar would often sit at the beach with his wives, drink beer, and enjoy the outdoors. Something which he had not been able to properly do for years.

The stress of running the world's mightiest empire evaporated overnight, as Berengar retreated to the countryside with his wives and concubines. Every day was bliss. He ate the finest home cooked food; he made love to his many beautiful women, and on occasion, his children would visit with their own families, where he would play the part of a doting grandfather.

And despite all of this, his son and successor were currently preparing for the largest military operation which the Reich had engaged in for the last thirty years. But that was none of Berengar's concern. His son had not called asking for support, and since he had not done so, the retired Kaiser of the German Reich assumed that his son, Hans, had everything under control.

At the moment, Berengar was laying face down on a towel, while his wife Itami competed with his Khorijin and Anggraini, all which were giving their man a proper message. Years of stress had accumulated in Berengar's body, which had even managed to seep into his bones.

Because of this, his wives took turns each day, giving the man an oil message, which almost always ended up in an orgy. Though Berengar was already sixty years old, he did not appear that way. His body was in phenemonal shape, and his six-pack was well maintained.

The lines on his face were not as excessive as they would normally be, and his hair had only recently begun to grey, with many streaks of golden blonde throughout it. However, the moment he handed over the reins of the German government to his son, he had carved out his eye of Horus, and gave it to his son.

Though Hans had yet to perform the ceremony to enable himself with the powers of the ancient deity. Berengar was left with only one eye. Or so one might think, but to heal his wounds, he was once more given permission to dip in the mystical waters at the secluded Norse village within Iceland. Healing all the wounds and scars he had suffered over the year, and increasing his vitality.

That was partially why he appeared so much younger than a man his age should be. Of course, this only caused his women to become jealous, and thus, they too bathed in the mystical waters. Giving them the appearance of forty-year-olds, despite already being in their fifties and sixties.

So long as Berengar and his women took a trip to Iceland once a month, and bathed in these waters, they could forestall the aging process of their body, at least in terms of appearance.

The wear and tear on their bodies could never fully be replenish, at least not here in the mortal world.

Thus, even though Yasmin was nearly sixty-three years old, she appeared like a 40 years old mature beauty. This allowed Berengar to be sexually aroused by his women's appearance, even if they were getting up there in years.

While enjoying the message from his women, as he lied naked on the private section of beach that was afforded to his villa, Berengar gazed up at the bright blue sky, which was completely devoid of clouds, and could not help but think about his old job.

"Hmmmm... I wonder how close Zara is to reaching mars...."

Itami instantly leaned down and kissed Berengar on the lips. Which was her way of taking the man off of work, now that he was enjoying his life of retirement. This only caused Berengar to chuckle, as he grabbed hold of the mature albino beauty. Before rolling into the dirt with her.

The oil on his flesh naturally attracted the sand, which glued itself to his skin, as he kissed Itami with a fierce display of passion. The woman could not help but allow her husband to do as he pleased, much as she had always done ever since she first learned that he was the same man she had loved in her past life.

Berengar simply smiled, as he peeled the woman's bikini bottom aside, and thrust his length into her tight, moist cave. Despite giving him five children, Berengar did not ever seem to get sick of his wives and concubines. All of which he loved with a fierce degree of passion.

The moment Berengar began to pound Itami's snatch while on the beach, his other wives realized it was that time again, and began to strip out of their attire, before joining their husband and rival in the sand.

Their little orgy ended after two hours of nonstop sex, where they then retired to their villa's washroom for a second round. Once they were fully clean, and their lust had been exhausted, the ten women and their man sat down at the dining room table. As the three greatest cooks in the harem prepared a large and delicious meal for them all to eat.

Berengar sat with a liter of beer in hand as he gazed upon the many beautiful women he had collected over the years before making a toast. One which all the women were quick to agree to.

"To a well-deserved retirement!"

The women clanked their glasses together and drank whatever fluid they were feasting on for the night. Most of them drank alcohol like their husband, but as a devout Muslim, Yasmin had not done so. Instead, she drank grape juice to simulate the flavor of wine.

At the head of the table sat Berengar as he enjoyed his meal, while to his left was Itami, and to his right was Linde. The reasoning for this was clear to every woman in the dining hall.

They were Berengar's two favorite wives, and they had all become well accustomed to this rule.

As Berengar dined on the home cooking of his wives, he could not help but smile. He had never imagined what the retired life would be like, but thanks to the powers of the ancient gods of his ancestors, he was able to enjoy it in a way he had never thought was possible.

And although they were all retired now, many of the women could not help but think about their old jobs, just like Berengar. Henrietta was among them, as she voiced her concerns about the ongoing state of the economy.

"With the transfer of power between Berengar and Hans, I wonder how the stock market is looking right now. I haven't been on a computer for days. Big brother has kept me and Adela incredibly busy lately.... Do you think the people have faith in their new Kaiser? Or do you think that the markets took a hit, knowing that the man who had built this great nation has suddenly decided to step down?"

All the other women glared at Henrietta. They were all trying their damndest not to remind their husband that he was retired and had nothing meaningful left to do. That was why they all spent so much time making love to the man these past few days. It was their best way of keeping his mind off the past.

After all, Berengar had lived a lifetime of politics and war. To suddenly step aside, and devote his entire time to hedonistic pleasure, it was not an easy thing to do. And thus, Henrietta immediately realized her mistake, and blushed. But it was too late. Berengar's mind had shifted to matters of state, and he had already reassured the role of Kaiser as he spoke about his opinions on the matter.

"It took a slight hit, but Hans has showed that he is as capable as I was. In fact, he might be even more capable. I was never born for the role of a monarch, nor was I explicitly trained in government management. I made a lot of shit up on the path to victory, and luckily had many talented people to take care of matters that I did not understand.

Hans, like all of my sons, was born and raised to lead the German nation. Even my sons, who had no chance of claiming the throne for themselves, were all raised that way. And I suspect they will raise their sons that way as well. So, although his ascension to the throne is recent, and it will take some time for people to gain faith in his rule, I suspect that he will lead the Reich to a bright future."

Berengar then immediately returned to his schnitzel, much to the surprise of all of his wives and concubines. Normally when they got him started on the subject of politics or economics, he would go off on an hour long rant, as if he was reliving the days of his youth. But after nearly a year of this retired life, it was starting to seem like he had finally begun to accept it.

Thus, while Hans was busy preparing for a war with the Rus States, Berengar was enjoying a peaceful and hedonistic life at his lakeside villa.

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